def sendnotification(self, key): kc = keycheck() result = kc.checkKey(key) ltime ="%a, %b %H:%M") data = {'MSG': 'Unlocked-Phone','USER': result['name'], 'TIME': ltime} gcmhelp = gcmhelper() gcmhelp.sendgcmsg(data, -1)
def run(self): while(True): keyval = self.scankey()"Key entered "+keyval) #check for entered keyval in mysql kc = keycheck() result = kc.checkKey(keyval) self.timeupdatethread.displayFlag = 0 if result == None: self.lock.acquire() self.dis.setmessage(" INVALID KEY ") self.dis.setmessage2("PLEASE TRY AGAIN") self.dis.setline() self.lock.release() delay = 2 else: now = if result['valid_from'] < now and result['valid_to'] > now: self.dis.setmessage(" WELCOME ") self.dis.setmessage2(result['name'].upper()) self.lock.acquire() self.monitorthread.setactive(False) self.lock.release() self.consoledis.setsensormsg(" DOOR UNLOCKED ") self.iocb.unlock() #gcm message here ltime ="%a, %d %b %H:%M") data = {'MSG': 'Unlocked from keypad', 'USER': result['name'], 'TIME': ltime} gcmhelp = gcmhelper() gcmhelp.sendgcmsg(data, keyval) delay = 0 else: self.lock.acquire() self.dis.setmessage("**KEY EXPIRED**") delay = 2 self.dis.setmessage2(result['name'].upper()) self.lock.release() time.sleep(delay) self.timeupdatethread.displayFlag = 1 self.monitorthread.setactive(True) self.lock.acquire() self.dis.clear() self.dis.setdefault() self.lock.release()
def checkstate(self): #state self.flag = True # used to update if needed oldval = 99999 # init ptime = 0 # init pressedtime=0 exitpflag = 0 #ini while (True): #self.dis.setsensormsg("CHECKING SENSORS") portval = self.bus.read_byte_data(address, port) & 0xf0 # read only 4-7 # time.sleep(2) # flag = True # used to update if needed #logging.debug('Portval ' + str(portval))'looping') # print flag, self.activeflag if portval != oldval: # if there is a change enter the code oldval = portval #sensor = int(math.log(portval,2))+1 # this is crude for now Cannot handle mutiple sensors. # get sensors # first check for bit 5 # mesg = 'SENSORS: ' + str(sensor) #print sensor #check if exit switch is pressed # Normal - 96 Exit Pressed 112 # Open - 0 Exit Pressed 16 # Top Disengaged - 64 Exit Pressed 80 # Bottom Disengaged - 32 Exit Pressed 48 # TODO # we are only checking 3 bits where as 4 are being read. The fourth bit is unpredictable and can cause issues. # however we are setting the pullup on so should be ok. Better is to rewrite the code to take care of the 4th bit. if portval == 16 or portval == 112 or portval == 48 or portval == 80: mesg = 'EXIT SWITCH' self.state = mesg self.lock.acquire() self.dis.initialize()# reinit just in case self.dis.setsensormsg(mesg) self.lock.release() # this is where we need to start a counter for long press. # right now it unlocks on press # need to change this to un # Need to introduce another variable - timepressed and have an if then switch to handle time ranges # so need to # ptime = # unlock the door first #self.ioc.unlock() #record the time # if portval is 112, do not close self.ioc.unlock() # pressedtime = #send notification here ltime ="%a, %b %H:%M") data = {'MSG': 'Unlocked - Exit Switch','USER':'', 'TIME': ltime} gcmhelp = gcmhelper() gcmhelp.sendgcmsg(data,'-1')# -1 so that its sent to all self.flag = True #if portval == 112: # the exit switch is pressed # do not re-engage the lock # elif portval == 0: mesg = 'ALL DISENGAGED' self.state = 'DOOR UNLOCKED' # send notification self.lock.acquire() self.dis.initialize() self.dis.setsensormsg(mesg) self.lock.release() self.flag = True elif portval == 64: mesg = 'TOP DISENGAGED' self.state = mesg self.lock.acquire() self.dis.initialize() self.dis.setsensormsg(mesg) self.lock.release() self.flag = True elif portval == 32: mesg = 'BOT DISENGAGED' self.state = 'BOTTOM DISENGAGED' self.lock.acquire() self.dis.initialize() self.dis.setsensormsg(mesg) self.lock.release() self.flag = True elif portval == 96: # dont keep updating display for the heck of it. mesg = 'LOCKS ENGAGED:OK' self.state = mesg if self.flag: self.lock.acquire() self.dis.initialize() self.dis.setsensormsg(mesg) self.lock.release() self.flag = False else: mesg = 'SYSTEM ERROR:'+ porttval self.state = mesg self.lock.acquire() self.dis.setsensormsg(mesg) self.lock.release() self.flag = False # # this is where we need to find when the switch is released #releasetime = #difftime = releasetime - pressedtime #if difftime > 5 and difftime < 10: #'REBOOT SYSTEM') #elif difftime > 10: #'HALT SYSTEM') time.sleep(.01)