def bill_id_in_bills_table(bill): bill_id = None count_command_string = f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Bills WHERE titleStripped = '{bill.title_stripped}';" count_from_interaction = count = count_from_interaction[0][0] print(f"type count: {type(count)}") print(f"count: {count}") if count != 0: if count > 1: raise Exception("billID must be unique, duplicates found") select_bill_id_string = f"SELECT billID FROM Bills WHERE titleStripped = '{bill.title_stripped}';" bill_id_from_interaction = print(f"type bill id interaction: {type(bill_id_from_interaction)}") print(f"bill id interaction: {bill_id_from_interaction}") bill_id = int(bill_id_from_interaction[0][0]) print(f"bill_id: {bill_id}") print(f"bill_id type: {type(bill_id)}") else: return None return bill_id
def put_bill_and_division_data_in_db(bills_overview): for bill in bdi.get_bill_details(bills_overview): # get the billID from DB bill_id = bill_id_in_bills_table(bill) print("bill ID") print(bill_id) # if there is no billID, then the bill is not in the table, hence we need to insert the bill if bill_id is None: print(f"bill {bill.title_stripped} not yet in Bills table") execute_insert_new_bill_into_bills_table(bill) bill_id = bill_id_in_bills_table(bill) else: print(f"bill {bill.title_stripped} already in Bills table") row_before_op = f"SELECT * FROM Bills WHERE titleStripped = '{bill.title_stripped}';" ) print(f"row before: {row_before_op}") execute_update_bill(bill) row_after_op = f"SELECT * FROM Bills WHERE titleStripped = '{bill.title_stripped}';" ) print(f"row after: {row_after_op}") for division in bill.divisions_list: division_title = division.division_name division_stage = division.division_stage # only insert if we haven't already inserted the results if not division_in_mpvotes_table(division.division_name): print(f"division {division_title} not yet in MPVotes table") for no in division.noes: execute_insert_new_vote_into_mpvotes_table(division_title, division_stage, bill_id, no, aye=False) for aye in division.ayes: execute_insert_new_vote_into_mpvotes_table(division_title, division_stage, bill_id, aye, aye=True) else: print(f"division {division_title} already in MPVotes table")
def execute_update_bill(bill): sessions_string = get_sessions_string(bill.sessions) datetime_iso_string = bill.last_updated.isoformat() print(f"datetime iso: {datetime_iso_string}") print("row matching") print( f"SELECT * FROM Bills WHERE titleStripped = '{bill.title_stripped}';" )) update_command_string = f"UPDATE Bills SET billOrAct='{bill.title_postfix}', dateAdded='{datetime_iso_string}', shortDesc='{bill.summary}', sessions='{sessions_string}', link='{bill.url}' WHERE titleStripped='{bill.title_stripped}';"
def is_in_field(table, field, val, type): if type == "string": count_from_interaction = f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {table} WHERE {field} = '{val}';") elif type == "int": count_from_interaction = f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {table} WHERE {field} = {val};") else: raise ValueError("unrecog type") print("in is_in_field") print(count_from_interaction) print(type(count_from_interaction)) print(count_from_interaction[0]) print(type(count_from_interaction[0])) print(count_from_interaction[0][0]) print(type(count_from_interaction[0][0])) count = count_from_interaction[0][0] if count > 0: return True else: return False
def execute_insert_mp_data_in_db(first_name, second_name, email, constituency, member_id, party_id, active): if active == True: current = 1 else: current = 0 print("current state of MP") select_string = f"SELECT * FROM MP;" rows = print(rows) insert_command_string = f"INSERT INTO MP (mpID, firstName, lastName, email, partyID, area, current) VALUES ('{member_id}','{first_name}','{second_name}','{email}',{party_id},'{constituency}','{current}');" print(f"mp insert command string") print(insert_command_string) db_agent.interact(insert_command_string)
def division_in_mpvotes_table(division_name): count_command_string = f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MPVotes WHERE title = '{division_name}';" count_from_interaction = #print("in division_in_mpvotes_table") #count = count_from_interaction[0] #print(f"count after index: {count}") #count = count[0] #print(f"count after second index: {count}") #print(f"count type after second index: {type(count)}") #count = extract_first_string_from_db_interaction(count_from_interaction) #count = int(count) count = count_from_interaction[0][0] if count > 0: return True else: return False
def print_all_rows_of_table(table_name): rows ="SELECT * FROM {table_name};") print(f"all items in table {table_name}:") print(rows)
def db_describe_table(table_name): description ="DESCRIBE {table_name};") print(f"{table_name} table structure") print(description)