def aa_ab_in_order_of_size23():
    q = cf.Question(cf.currentFuncName())
    num1, num2, stringSeed = randint(1,4), randint(5,9), "0."
    numbers = [str(num1), str(num2), "0"]
    numberList = ['0.']
    for i in range(4):
        finalNumber = '0.'
        while finalNumber in numberList:
            digits = randint(0,1)
            for d in range(digits+1):
                selection = randint(0,2)
                finalNumber += numbers[selection] 
            for p in range(len(numberList)):
                if float(numberList[p]) == float(finalNumber):
                    finalNumber = "0."                  
    finalList = numberList[1:]
    selection, choice = randint(0,1), ["smallest", "largest"]
    if choice[selection] == "smallest": sortedFinalList = sorted(finalList)
    else: sortedFinalList =  sorted(finalList, reverse=True)
    finalListString = ''
    for n in finalList: finalListString += f"{n}, "
    finalListString = finalListString[:-2]
    sortedFinalListString = ''
    for ns in sortedFinalList: sortedFinalListString += f"{ns}, "
    sortedFinalListString = sortedFinalListString[:-2]
    q.questionBase = [
        f"Write the numbers above in order, starting with the {choice[selection]}:",
    q.answerBase = sortedFinalListString
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_callable_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(), cf.currentFuncName()[0:2], 0, 2)
    return q.returnAll()
def p1f_18n_10_four_possible_values2_():
    while True:
            num = randint(2, 9) * randint(2, 8)
            correct = [i for i in range(1, num + 1) if num % i == 0]

            def addStuff(correct, num):
                incorrect = correct.copy()
                del incorrect[randint(0, len(correct) - 1)]
                num = randint(1, num - 1)
                while num in incorrect:
                    num = randint(1, num - 1)
                return sorted(incorrect)

            incorrect = [
                addStuff(correct, num),
                addStuff(correct, num),
                addStuff(correct, num)

    q = cf.Question(cf.currentFuncName(), correct, incorrect)
    q.questionBase = [
        f"x is a positive integer.", f"{num} \u00f7 x is a positive integer.",
        f"Work out the {len(correct)} possible values of x."
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(
        list_callable_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),
        cf.currentFuncName()[0:2], 0, 2)
    return q.returnAll()
def aa_aa_ordering_numbers11():
    q = cf.Question(cf.currentFuncName())
    num1, num2, greaterSmaller = orderingSetup()
    q.questionBase = [f"Which number is {greaterSmaller}:",f"{num1} or {num2}?"]
    if greaterSmaller == "greater":
        q.answerBase = num1 if num1>num2 else num2
        q.answerBase = num1 if num1<num2 else num2
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_callable_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(), cf.currentFuncName()[0:2], 0, 2)
    return q.returnAll()
def aa_cc_xth_prime_number13():
    primeNumbers = [1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,51,53]
    xth = randint(1, len(primeNumbers))
    suffixList = ["st", "nd", "rd"]
    suffix = "th" if xth > 3 else suffixList[xth-1]
    q = cf.Question(cf.currentFuncName())
    q.questionBase = f"Counting up from 1, what is the {xth}{suffix} prime number?"
    q.answerBase = f"{primeNumbers[xth-1]}"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_callable_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(), cf.currentFuncName()[0:2], 0, 2)
    return q.returnAll()
def aa_cb_xth_even_number13():
    evenNumbers = [i for i in range(2,20,2)]
    xth = randint(1, len(evenNumbers))
    suffixList = ["st", "nd", "rd"]
    suffix = "th" if xth > 3 else suffixList[xth-1]
    q = cf.Question(cf.currentFuncName())
    q.questionBase = f"Counting up from two, what is the {xth}{suffix} even number?"
    q.answerBase = f"{evenNumbers[xth-1]}"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_callable_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(), cf.currentFuncName()[0:2], 0, 2)
    return q.returnAll()
def aa_bc_comparative_operators_with_fractions_and_decimals13():
    num1,num2 = fractionSetup(), decimalSetup()
    op = ['<', '<=', '>', '>=']
    operator = op[randint(0,len(op)-1)]
    statement = f"{num1}{operator}{num2}"
    q = cf.Question(cf.currentFuncName())
    q.answerBase = eval(statement)
    q.questionBase = ["Is the following statement true or false:",f"{statement}"]
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_callable_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(), cf.currentFuncName()[0:2], 0, 2)
    return q.returnAll()
def aa_ba_comparative_operators_with_integers13():
    op = ['<', '<=', '>', '>=']
    operator = op[randint(0,len(op)-1)]
    statement = f"{randint(1,20)}{operator}{randint(1,20)}"
    q = cf.Question(cf.currentFuncName())
    q.answerBase = eval(statement)
    q.questionBase = [
        f"Is the following statement true or false:",f"{statement}"]
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_callable_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(), cf.currentFuncName()[0:2], 0, 2)
    return q.returnAll()
def ab_ee_decimal_as_fraction24():
    q = cf.Question(cf.currentFuncName())
    denOptions = [2,4,5,6,8,10,12,15,20]
    den = denOptions[randint(0,len(denOptions)-1)]
    num = randint(1,den-1)
    decimal = round(num/den, 5)
    q.questionBase = (f"Write {decimal} as a fraction")
    q.answerBase = (Fraction(f"{num}/{den}"))
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_callable_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(), cf.currentFuncName()[0:2], 0, 2)
    return q.returnAll()
def aa_cd_all_factors_of_x24():
    number = randint(1,100)
    factorList = ''
    for i in range(number):
        if number % (i+1) == 0: factorList += f"{str(i+1)},"
    factorList = factorList[:-1]
    q = cf.Question(cf.currentFuncName())
    q.questionBase = f"Write down all the factors of {number}"
    q.answerBase = f"{factorList}"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_callable_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(), cf.currentFuncName()[0:2], 0, 2)
    return q.returnAll()
def aa_ad_ordering_fractions12():
    greaterSmaller = "greater" if randint(0,1) == 1 else "smaller"
    num1,num2 = fractionSetup(), fractionSetup()
    q = cf.Question(cf.currentFuncName())
    q.questionBase = [f"Which is {greaterSmaller}:",f"{num1} or {num2}?"]
    if greaterSmaller == "greater":
        q.answerBase = num1 if num1>num2 else num2
    elif greaterSmaller == "smaller":
        q.answerBase = num1 if num1<num2 else num2
        q.answerBase = "Acutally, they're the same!"
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(list_callable_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(), cf.currentFuncName()[0:2], 0, 2)
    return q.returnAll()
def p1f_18n_11b_probability_dice2_():
    sides = randrange(4, 12, 2)
    num = randint(1, sides)
    all_sides = [i for i in range(1, sides + 1)]
    total = sum(all_sides)
    correct = total - num
    incorrect = [total, total - randint(1, sides) + 1, sides - num + 1]

    q = cf.Question(cf.currentFuncName(), correct, incorrect)
    q.questionBase = [
        f"A fair dice has {sides} sides, numbered 1 to {sides}.",
        f"After it is rolled, {sides - 1} of the numbers can be seen.",
        f"If the number {num} can't be seen, what is the greatest possible sum of the sides which can be seen?"
    q.webLink = ''
    q.workOn = 'Knowledge of dice. Kidding. Probability'
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(
        list_callable_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),
        cf.currentFuncName()[0:2], 0, 2)
    return q.returnAll()
def p1f_18n_9_fraction_half_way3_():
    number1, number2 = randint(1, 15) / 8, randint(
        1, 15
    ) / 8  #create two decimal numbers which can easily be converted to fractions
    while number1 == number2:
        number2 = randint(
            1, 16) / 8  #make sure second decimal number is different to firs

    printed1 = f"1 {fractions.Fraction(number1-1).numerator}\u2044{fractions.Fraction(number1-1).denominator}" if number1 > 1 else f"{fractions.Fraction(number1).numerator}\u2044{fractions.Fraction(number1).denominator}"
    printed2 = f"1 {fractions.Fraction(number2-1).numerator}\u2044{fractions.Fraction(number2-1).denominator}" if number2 > 1 else f"{fractions.Fraction(number2).numerator}\u2044{fractions.Fraction(number2).denominator}"

    top, bottom = sorted([number1, number2],
                         reverse=True)[0], sorted([number1, number2],
    difference = top - bottom
    mid_point = difference / 2
    answer = bottom + mid_point

    correct = f"1 {fractions.Fraction(answer-1).numerator}\u2044{fractions.Fraction(answer-1).denominator}" if answer > 1 else f"{fractions.Fraction(answer).numerator}\u2044{fractions.Fraction(answer).denominator}"  #creates mixed fraction if answer greater than one
    if answer == 1: correct = '1'

    incorrect = [
        if answer > 1 else
        f"1 {fractions.Fraction(answer).numerator}\u2044{fractions.Fraction(answer).denominator}",
        f"1 {fractions.Fraction(difference*2-1).numerator}\u2044{fractions.Fraction(difference*2-1).denominator}"
        if difference * 2 > 1 else
        f"{fractions.Fraction(bottom + difference+ mid_point).numerator}\u2044{fractions.Fraction(bottom + difference + mid_point).denominator}"
    q = cf.Question(cf.currentFuncName(), correct, incorrect)
    q.questionBase = [
        f"Work out the fraction that is halfway between {printed1} and {printed2}.",
        "Give your answer as a mixed fraction if appropriate."
    q.webLink = ''
    q.workOn = 'Subtracting fractions'
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(
        list_callable_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),
        cf.currentFuncName()[0:2], 0, 2)
    return q.returnAll()
def p1f_18n_21_number_cards3_():
    cards = list(set([randint(9, 25) for i in range(randint(4, 6))]))
    combos = [
        c for i in range(len(cards) + 1)
        for c in itertools.combinations(cards, i)
    pairs = [i for i in combos if len(i) == 2]
    totals = [i[0] + i[1] for i in pairs]
    target = randint(28, 41)
    greater = randint(0, 1)
    valid_totals = [i for i in totals if i > target
                    ] if greater == 1 else [i for i in totals if i < target]
    greater_less = 'more' if greater == 1 else 'less'
    correct = f"{fractions.Fraction(len(valid_totals),len(totals)).numerator}\u2044{fractions.Fraction(len(valid_totals),len(totals)).denominator}"
    if valid_totals == totals:
        correct = '1'
        incorrect_option = '0'
    elif valid_totals == 0:
        correct = '0'
        incorrect_option = '1'
        incorrect_option = str(randint(0, 1))

    incorrect = [
        f"{fractions.Fraction(len(valid_totals) + 1,len(totals)).numerator}\u2044{fractions.Fraction(len(valid_totals) + 1,len(totals)).denominator}",
        f"{fractions.Fraction(len(valid_totals) -1 ,len(totals)).numerator}\u2044{fractions.Fraction(len(valid_totals) - 1,len(totals)).denominator}",
    q = cf.Question(cf.currentFuncName(), correct, incorrect)
    q.questionBase = [
        f"Here are {len(cards)} number cards:", f"{cards}",
        f"Two of the {len(cards)} cards are picked at random.",
        f"Work out the probability that the total of the two numbers is {greater_less} than {target}"
    q.webLink = ''
    q.workOn = 'Probability'
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(
        list_callable_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),
        cf.currentFuncName()[0:2], 0, 2)
    return q.returnAll()
def p1f_18n_11a_probability_dice1_():
    sides, one_of_the_sides = randrange(4, 12, 2), randint(1, 3)
    numbers = []
    for i in range(1, one_of_the_sides + 1):
        poss = randint(1, sides)
        while poss in numbers:
            poss = randint(1, sides)

    if len(numbers) == 1:
        nums = f'is {numbers[0]}'
    elif len(numbers) == 2:
        nums = f'are {numbers[0]} or {numbers[1]}.'
        nums = f'are {numbers[0]}, {numbers[1]} or {numbers[2]}.'

    def all_options(one_of_the_sides, sides):
        correct = one_of_the_sides / sides
        return f"{fractions.Fraction(one_of_the_sides, sides).numerator}\u2044{fractions.Fraction(one_of_the_sides, sides).denominator} (fraction), {round(correct,3)} (decimal), or {round(correct*100,3)}% (percentage)"

    correct = all_options(one_of_the_sides, sides)
    incorrect = [
        all_options(one_of_the_sides, sides - 1),
        all_options(one_of_the_sides, sides + 1),
        all_options(one_of_the_sides - randrange(-1, 1, 2), sides)

    q = cf.Question(cf.currentFuncName(), correct, incorrect)
    q.questionBase = [
        f"A fair dice has {sides} sides, numbered 1 to {sides}.",
        f"After it is rolled, {sides - 1} of the numbers can be seen.",
        f"What is the probability that one of these {sides - 1} numbers {nums}"
    q.webLink = ''
    q.workOn = 'Probability'
    q.previousQ, q.nextQ, q.currentQname, q.nextQname, q.previousQname = cf.previousNext(
        list_callable_functions(), cf.currentFuncName(), module_path(),
        cf.currentFuncName()[0:2], 0, 2)
    return q.returnAll()