def landsat7_destripe(src, outname=None): ''' performs a on src file ''' if outname is not None: copyfile(src, outname) to_destripe = outname else: to_destripe = src bandcount = gdal.Open(to_destripe).RasterCount bands = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9] mask = ~np.isnan(gdal.Open(to_destripe).ReadAsArray()) maskfile = './data/ex/tempmask.tif' for i in range(1, bandcount): export_tif(mask[i-1], gdal.Open(to_destripe), outname=maskfile,\ bands=1, dtype=gdal.GDT_Byte) #make a copy of the file that will be destriped src_ds = gdal.Open(to_destripe, gdalconst.GA_Update) srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(i) mask_ds = gdal.Open(maskfile) maskband = mask_ds.GetRasterBand(1) gdal.FillNodata(srcband, maskband, maxSearchDist=5, smoothingIterations=0) srcband = None maskband = None del src_ds del mask_ds return (print('%s made!' % outname))
def fill_nodata(inRas, maxSearchDist=5, smoothingIterations=1, bands=[1]): """ fill no data using gdal Parameters ---------- inRas: string the input image maxSearchDist: int the input polygon file path smoothingIterations: int (optional) the clipped raster maskBand: bool (optional) the mask band for where to fill """ rds = gdal.Open(inRas, gdal.GA_Update) # The nump and gdal dtype (ints) # {"uint8": 1,"int8": 1,"uint16": 2,"int16": 3,"uint32": 4,"int32": 5, # "float32": 6, "float64": 7, "complex64": 10, "complex128": 11} # a numpy gdal conversion dict - this seems a bit long-winded # dtypes = {"1": np.uint8, "2": np.uint16, # "3": np.int16, "4": np.uint32,"5": np.int32, # "6": np.float32,"7": np.float64,"10": np.complex64, # "11": np.complex128} # if outRas != None: # bd = bnd = rds.GetRasterBand(bands[0]) # _copy_dataset_config(rds, FMT = 'Gtiff', outMap=outRas, # dtype = bd.DataType, bands=rds.RasterCount) for band in tqdm(bands): bnd = rds.GetRasterBand(band) # # clumsy change this # if outRas !=None: gdal.FillNodata(targetBand=bnd, maskBand=None, maxSearchDist=maxSearchDist, smoothingIterations=smoothingIterations) rds.FlushCache() rds=None
def gdalfill_b(b, edgemask=True, prog_func=None): # Create mask of exterior nodata bma = iolib.b_getma(b) # Check to make sure there are actually holes # if bma.count_masked() > 0: if np.any(bma.mask): # Create 8-bit mask_ds, and add edgemask mask_ds = memdrv.Create('', b.XSize, b.YSize, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) maskband = mask_ds.GetRasterBand(1) # The - here inverts the mask so that holes are set to 0 (invalid) and # filled by gdalFillNodata maskband.WriteArray((-bma.mask).astype(int)) # Now fill holes in the output print("Filling holes") max_distance = 40 smoothing_iterations = 0 fill_opt = [] gdal.FillNodata(b, maskband, max_distance, smoothing_iterations, fill_opt, callback=prog_func) # Apply the original edgemask # Note: need to implement convexhull option like geolib.get_outline if edgemask: print("Generating outer edgemask") edgemask = malib.get_edgemask(bma) out_ma =, mask=edgemask) else: out_ma = # Set ndv to input ndv out_ma.set_fill_value(bma.fill_value) # Write the filled, masked array to our tmp dataset b.WriteArray(out_ma.filled()) # Free mask_ds mask_ds = None else: print("No holes found in input band") return b
def fill_gaps(raster_dir, output_dir, in_file, out_file, window): print('Filling gaps...') # fill gaps in dtm: in_file = raster_dir.format(in_file) out_file = output_dir.format(out_file) copy_orig_ras = shutil.copy(in_file, out_file) temp_file = gdal.Open(copy_orig_ras, GA_Update) #read input file temp_band = temp_file.GetRasterBand(1) # get band 1 temp_filled = gdal.FillNodata(targetBand=temp_band, maskBand=None, maxSearchDist=int(window), smoothingIterations=0) original_ras = gdal.Open(in_file, GA_ReadOnly) temp_filled = np.where(original_ras == -9999.0, temp_filled, original_ras) temp_filled = None print('...gaps filled!')
def run(self): try: QgsMessageLog.logMessage( 'Started task "{}"'.format(self.description()), Lumberjack.MESSAGE_CATEGORY, Qgis.Info) self.start_time_str = str( print("=" * 30 + self.start_time_str + "=" * 30) self.start_time = time.time() print("DEM: ", self.dem) print("Tree Mask: ", self.tree_mask) # Open DEM dataset_dem = gdal.Open(self.dem, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) dem_raster_band = dataset_dem.GetRasterBand(1) # Create a copy of the DEM memory_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') output_dataset = memory_driver.Create(self.output_file, dataset_dem.RasterXSize, dataset_dem.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GDT_Int16) output_dataset.SetProjection(dataset_dem.GetProjectionRef()) output_dataset.SetGeoTransform(dataset_dem.GetGeoTransform()) outband = output_dataset.GetRasterBand(1) outband.WriteArray(dem_raster_band.ReadAsArray()) outband.FlushCache() dataset_dem = None dem_raster_band = None output_dataset = None # Open mask dataset_mask = gdal.Open(self.tree_mask, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) mask_raster_band = dataset_mask.GetRasterBand(1) array_mask = np.array(dataset_mask.ReadAsArray()) array_mask = np.array(array_mask - 1, dtype=bool) if self.dilate_amount != 0: array_mask = np.invert(array_mask) array_mask = ndimage.binary_dilation( array_mask, iterations=self.dilate_amount) array_mask = np.invert(array_mask) # Create mask File memory_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') output_dataset = memory_driver.Create( self.tree_mask[:-4] + "_no_data.tif", dataset_mask.RasterXSize, dataset_mask.RasterYSize, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) output_dataset.SetProjection(dataset_mask.GetProjectionRef()) output_dataset.SetGeoTransform(dataset_mask.GetGeoTransform()) outband = output_dataset.GetRasterBand(1) outband.WriteArray(array_mask) outband.FlushCache() output_dataset = None # Open copy file and mask dataset_dem = gdal.Open(self.output_file, gdal.GA_Update) dem_raster_band = dataset_dem.GetRasterBand(1) dataset_mask = gdal.Open(self.tree_mask[:-4] + "_no_data.tif", gdal.GA_ReadOnly) mask_raster_band = dataset_mask.GetRasterBand(1) result = gdal.FillNodata(targetBand=dem_raster_band, maskBand=mask_raster_band, maxSearchDist=10, smoothingIterations=self.smooth_it) dataset_dem = None dataset_mask = None self.elapsed_time = time.time() - self.start_time print("Finished in {} seconds".format(str(self.elapsed_time))) if self.isCanceled(): return False return True except Exception as e: self.exception = e return False
def __generate_reconstructions(self, fname): """ Computes wavelet decompositions and reconstructions. :param fname: file name """ # need all data at once src_ds = gdal.Open(fname, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) od = None if (src_ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMaskBand() != None): driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') mem_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') scratch = mem_driver.CreateCopy('', src_ds, strict=0) sb = scratch.GetRasterBand(1) nodataval = sb.GetNoDataValue() if (nodataval is not None and self._extrapolate == False): log.warning(' NO_DATA_VALUES found in raster %s, but not extrapolating values. This may'%(fname)+\ ' cause \'ringing\' artefacts at the edges') elif (nodataval is not None and self._extrapolate):' Extrapolating raster %s by %d pixels' % (fname, self._max_search_dist)) result = gdal.FillNodata( targetBand=sb, maskBand=None, maxSearchDist=self._max_search_dist, smoothingIterations=self._smoothing_iterations, options=['TEMP_FILE_DRIVER=MEM']) od = sb.ReadAsArray() # GetNoDataValue() returns a double, which can be problematic when comparing against # pixel values which may be stored as floating point values of lower precision, e.g. # float32, float16, etc. We need to cast the 'nodatavalue' to the same format as the # pixel values. nodataval = getattr(np, str(od.dtype))( sb.GetNoDataValue()) if nodataval is not None else None # set NO_DATA_VALUE pixels to the global mean. Note that pywavelets cannot handle # masked values od[od == nodataval] = np.mean(od[od != nodataval]) # clean up scratch = None else: od = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() # Compute maximum level computable for raster size w = pywt.Wavelet(self._mother_wavelet_name) ml = int( np.min( np.array([ pywt.dwt_max_level(od.shape[0], w.dec_len), pywt.dwt_max_level(od.shape[1], w.dec_len) ]))) # generate wavelet decompositions up to required level assert (od.ndim == 2) #print('orig shape:', od.shape) # reconstruct each level, starting from the highest for l in np.arange(1, self._level + 1)[::-1]: # Culling reconstructed levels based on highest level computable for raster size if (l > ml): log.warning('Maximum level computable for raster %s is %d; ' 'skipping level %d' % (os.path.basename(fname), ml, l)) continue # Culling reconstructed levels based on user-selection if (len(self._keep_level)): if (l not in self._keep_level): continue log.debug('\tReconstructing level: %d' % (l)) coeffs = pywt.wavedec2(od, self._mother_wavelet_name, mode=self._extension_mode, level=l) for i in range(1, len(coeffs)): coeffs[i] = tuple([np.zeros_like(c) for c in coeffs[i]]) r = pywt.waverec2(coeffs, self._mother_wavelet_name, mode=self._extension_mode) p = np.array(r.shape) - np.array(od.shape) #print(p, d.shape, od.shape) psx = pex = psy = pey = None if (p[0] % 2): psx = np.floor(p[0] / 2.) pex = np.ceil(p[0] / 2.) else: psx = np.floor(p[0] / 2.) pex = np.floor(p[0] / 2.) if (p[1] % 2): psy = np.floor(p[1] / 2.) pey = np.ceil(p[1] / 2.) else: psy = np.floor(p[1] / 2.) pey = np.floor(p[1] / 2.) psx, pex, psy, pey = np.int_([psx, pex, psy, pey]) #print psx,pex,psy,pey if (psx != 0 or pex != 0): r = r[psx:-pex, :] if (psy != 0 or pey != 0): r = r[:, psy:-pey] if (r.shape != od.shape): print([r.shape, od.shape]) raise RuntimeError( 'Error encountered in wavelet reconstruction.') fn, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname)) ofn = os.path.join(self._output_folder, '%s.level_%03d%s' % (fn, l, ext)) of = driver.CreateCopy(ofn, src_ds, strict=0) rb = of.GetRasterBand(1) rb.WriteArray(r) rb.ComputeStatistics(0) of = None # end for src_ds = None
def main(inpix, outshape): ## inraster = "/Carnegie/DGE/caodata/Scratch/dknapp/Fish/coral_keahou_mosaic_v1k_dep_masked" ## outshape = "/Carnegie/DGE/caodata/Scratch/dknapp/Fish/coral_keahou_mosaic_v1k_dep_masked.shp" inDS = gdal.Open(inpix, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) mapstuff = dk.read_envi_hdr(inpix + '.hdr') gt = (mapstuff[0], mapstuff[2], 0, mapstuff[1], 0, mapstuff[3]) ## gt = inDS.GetGeoTransform() insrs = osr.SpatialReference() if (mapstuff[4] > 0): insrs.ImportFromEPSG(32600 + mapstuff[4]) else: insrs.ImportFromEPSG(32700 + abs(mapstuff[4])) ## inproj = inDS.GetProjection() nodataval = inDS.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() indata = inDS.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() if (nodataval is None): numzero = np.equal(indata, 0.0) if (np.sum(numzero) == 0): # missing data value must be -9999 nodataval = -9999.0 else: nodataval = 0.0 good = np.not_equal(indata, nodataval) mask = np.zeros_like(indata, dtype=np.dtype('B')) mask2 = np.zeros_like(indata, dtype=np.dtype('B')) mask[good] = 255 mask2[good] = 1 memdrv = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') tempDS = memdrv.Create('', mask.shape[1], mask.shape[0], 2, eType=gdal.GDT_Byte) tempDS.SetGeoTransform(gt) tempDS.SetProjection(insrs.ExportToWkt()) tempDS.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(mask) tempDS.GetRasterBand(2).WriteArray(mask2) tempDS.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(0) tempDS.GetRasterBand(2).SetNoDataValue(0) tempDS.FlushCache() myBand = tempDS.GetRasterBand(1) gdal.FillNodata(targetBand=myBand, maskBand=None, maxSearchDist=5, smoothingIterations=0) myMask = tempDS.GetRasterBand(2) gdal.FillNodata(targetBand=myMask, maskBand=None, maxSearchDist=5, smoothingIterations=0) drv = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") dstDS = drv.CreateDataSource(outshape) ## mysrs = osr.SpatialReference() ## mysrs.ImportFromWkt(inproj) dst_layer = dstDS.CreateLayer("outline", srs=insrs) newField = ogr.FieldDefn('MYFIELD', ogr.OFTInteger) newField2 = ogr.FieldDefn('FLIGHT', ogr.OFTString) newField2.SetWidth(80) dst_layer.CreateField(newField) dst_layer.CreateField(newField2) gdal.Polygonize(myBand, myMask, dst_layer, 0, [], callback=None) ## dst_layer.FlushCache() dst_layer.ResetReading() print(inpix, dst_layer.GetFeatureCount()) for i in range(0, dst_layer.GetFeatureCount()): feat = dst_layer.GetNextFeature() dst_layer.SetFeature(feat) feat.SetField(newField2.GetNameRef(), inpix) dst_layer.SetFeature(feat) dstDS.Destroy() tempDS = None inDS = None
import gdal from gdalconst import * mnt_file= r'D:\IVBR\DEM_filled.tif' search_dist = 1000 n_iteration = 0 mnt = gdal.Open(mnt_file, GA_Update) mnt_band = mnt.GetRasterBand(1) gdal.FillNodata(targetBand = mnt_band, maskBand=None, maxSearchDist = search_dist, smoothingIterations = n_iteration) mnt = None