Example #1
    def CreatePost(self, title, content, author_name, is_draft):
        """This method creates a new post on a blog.  The new post can be stored as
    a draft or published based on the value of the is_draft parameter.  The
    method creates an GDataEntry for the new post using the title, content,
    author_name and is_draft parameters.  With is_draft, True saves the post as
    a draft, while False publishes the post.  Then it uses the given
    GDataService to insert the new post.  If the insertion is successful, the
    added post (GDataEntry) will be returned.

        # Create the entry to insert.
        entry = gdata.GDataEntry()
        entry.title = atom.Title(title_type='xhtml', text=title)
        entry.content = atom.Content(content_type='html', text=content)
        if is_draft:
            control = atom.Control()
            control.draft = atom.Draft(text='yes')
            entry.control = control

        # Ask the service to insert the new entry.
        return self.service.Post(entry,
                                 '/feeds/' + self.blog_id + '/posts/default')
Example #2
 def setUp(self):
   self.gd_client = gdata.service.GDataService()
   self.gd_client.email = username
   self.gd_client.password = password
   self.gd_client.service = 'lh2'
   self.gd_client.source = 'GDataService Media "Unit" Tests'
   except gdata.service.CaptchaRequired:
     self.fail('Required Captcha')
   except gdata.service.BadAuthentication:
     self.fail('Bad Authentication')
   except gdata.service.Error:
     self.fail('Login Error')
   # create a test album
   gd_entry = gdata.GDataEntry()
   gd_entry.title = atom.Title(text='GData Test Album')
   self.album_entry = self.gd_client.Post(gd_entry, 
       'http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/' + username)
Example #3
    def createPost(self, title, content, author_name, is_draft):
        """This method creates a new post on a blog.  The new post can be stored as
        a draft or published based on the value of the is_draft parameter.  The
        method creates an GDataEntry for the new post using the title, content,
        author_name and is_draft parameters.  With is_draft, True saves the post as
        a draft, while False publishes the post.  Then it uses the given
        GDataService to insert the new post.  If the insertion is successful, the
        added post (GDataEntry) will be returned.

        # Authenticate using ClientLogin.
        self.service = service.GDataService('user', 'password')
        self.service.source = 'Blogger_Python_Sample-1.0'
        self.service.service = 'blogger'
        self.service.server = 'www.blogger.com'

        # Get the blog ID for the first blog.
        feed = self.service.Get('/feeds/default/blogs')
        self_link = feed.entry[0].GetSelfLink()
        if self_link:
            self.blog_id = self_link.href.split('/')[-1]

        # Create the entry to insert.
        entry = gdata.GDataEntry()
        entry.title = atom.Title(title_type='xhtml', text=title)
        entry.content = atom.Content(content_type='html', text=content)
        if is_draft:
            control = atom.Control()
            control.draft = atom.Draft(text='yes')
            entry.control = control

        # Ask the service to insert the new entry.
        return self.service.Post(entry,
                                 '/feeds/' + self.blog_id + '/posts/default')
Example #4
def CreatePublicPost(blogger_service, blog_id, title, content):
    entry = gdata.GDataEntry()
    entry.title = atom.Title('xhtml', title)
    entry.content = atom.Content(content_type='text/html', text=content)
    return blogger_service.Post(entry, '/feeds/%s/posts/default' % blog_id)
Example #5
File: bg.py Project: wimac/home
  #sample.CreatePost (fileHandle.readline() ,fileHandle.read() , "bloger", False)
  servic = service.GDataService(user, password)
  servic.source = 'Blogger_Python_Sample-1.0'
  servic.service = 'blogger'
  servic.server = 'www.blogger.com'

  feed = servic.Get('/feeds/default/blogs')
  self_link = feed.entry[0].GetSelfLink()
  if self_link:
	blog_id = self_link.href.split('/')[-1]

  entry = gdata.GDataEntry()
  entry.title = atom.Title(title_type='xhtml', text=fileHandle.readline() )
  entry.content = atom.Content(content_type='html', text=fileHandle.read())
  AtomCategory category = new AtomCategory();
  category.Term = "labelToDisplay";
  category.Scheme = "http://www.blogger.com/atom/ns#";

#if is_draft:
#  control = atom.Control()
#  control.draft = atom.Draft(text='yes')
#  entry.control = control
Example #6
  def Translate(self, infile, outfile):
    """Performs the actual translation to a Blogger export format.

      infile: The input MovableType export file
      outfile: The output file that should receive the translated document
    # Create the top-level feed object
    feed = BloggerGDataFeed()

    # Fill in the feed object with the boilerplate metadata
    feed.generator = atom.Generator(text='Blogger')
    feed.title = atom.Title(text='MovableType blog')
        atom.Link(href=DUMMY_URI, rel='self', link_type=ATOM_TYPE))
        atom.Link(href=DUMMY_URI, rel='alternate', link_type=HTML_TYPE))

    # Calculate the last updated time by inspecting all of the posts
    last_updated = 0

    # These three variables keep the state as we parse the file
    post_entry = None    # The current post atom.Entry to populate
    comment_entry = None # The current comment atom.Entry to populate
    last_entry = None    # The previous post atom.Entry if exists
    tag_name = None      # The current name of multi-line values
    tag_contents = ''    # The contents of multi-line values

    # Loop through the text lines looking for key/value pairs
    for line in infile:

      # Remove whitespace
      line = line.strip().lstrip(codecs.BOM_UTF8)

      # Check for the post ending token
      if line == '-' * 8:
        if post_entry:
          # If the body tag is still being read, add what has been read.
          if tag_name == 'BODY':
            post_entry.content = atom.Content(
                content_type='html', text=self._TranslateContents(tag_contents))

          # Add the post to our feed
          feed.entry.insert(0, post_entry)
          last_entry = post_entry

        # Reset the state variables
        post_entry = None
        comment_entry = None
        tag_name = None
        tag_contents = ''

      # Check for the tag ending separator
      elif line == '-' * 5:
        # Get the contents of the body and set the entry contents
        if tag_name == 'BODY':
          post_entry.content = atom.Content(
              content_type='html', text=self._TranslateContents(tag_contents))

        # This is the start of the COMMENT section.  Create a new entry for
        # the comment and add a link to the original post.
        elif tag_name == 'COMMENT':
          comment_entry.content = atom.Content(
              content_type='html', text=self._TranslateContents(tag_contents))
          comment_entry.title = atom.Title(
          comment_entry = None

        # Get the contents of the extended body and append it to the
        # entry contents
        elif tag_name == 'EXTENDED BODY':
          if post_entry:
            post_entry.content.text += '<br/>' + self._TranslateContents(tag_contents)
          elif last_entry and last_entry.content:
            last_entry.content.text += '<br/>' + self._TranslateContents(tag_contents)

        # Convert any keywords (comma separated values) into Blogger labels
        elif tag_name == 'KEYWORDS':
          for keyword in tag_contents.split(','):
            keyword = keyword.strip()
            if keyword != '' and len(post_entry.category) < 20:
                  atom.Category(scheme=CATEGORY_NS, term=keyword))

        # Reset the current tag and its contents
        tag_name = None
        tag_contents = ''

      # Split the line into key/value pairs
      elems = line.split(':')
      key = elems[0]
      value = ''
      if len(elems) > 1:
        value = ':'.join(elems[1:]).strip()

      # The author key indicates the start of a post as well as the author of
      # the post entry or comment
      if key == 'AUTHOR':
        # Create a new entry
        entry = gdata.GDataEntry()
            atom.Link(href=DUMMY_URI, rel='self', link_type=ATOM_TYPE))
            atom.Link(href=DUMMY_URI, rel='alternate', link_type=HTML_TYPE))
        entry.id = atom.Id('post-' + self._GetNextId())
        # Add the author's name
        author_name = self._Encode(value)
        if not author_name:
          author_name = 'Anonymous'
        entry.author = atom.Author(atom.Name(text=author_name))

        # Add the appropriate kind, either a post or a comment
        if tag_name == 'COMMENT':
              atom.Category(scheme=CATEGORY_KIND, term=COMMENT_KIND))
          comment_entry = entry
              atom.Category(scheme=CATEGORY_KIND, term=POST_KIND))
          post_entry = entry

      # The title only applies to new posts
      elif key == 'TITLE' and tag_name != 'PING':
        post_entry.title = atom.Title(text=self._Encode(value))

      # If the status is a draft, mark it as so in the entry.  If the status
      # is 'Published' there's nothing to do here
      elif key == 'STATUS':
        if value == 'Draft':
          post_entry.control = atom.Control(atom.Draft('yes'))

      # Turn categories into labels
      elif key == 'CATEGORY':
        if value != '' and len(post_entry.category) < 20:
              atom.Category(scheme=CATEGORY_NS, term=value))

      # Convert the date and specify it as the published/updated time
      elif key == 'DATE' and tag_name != 'PING':
        time_val = self._FromMtTime(value)
        entry = post_entry
        if tag_name == 'COMMENT':
          entry = comment_entry
        entry.published = atom.Published(self._ToBlogTime(time_val))
        entry.updated = atom.Updated(self._ToBlogTime(time_val))

        # Check to see if this was the last post published (so far)
        seconds = time.mktime(time_val)
        last_updated = max(seconds, last_updated)

      # Convert all tags into Blogger labels
      elif key == 'TAGS':
        for keyword in value.split(','):
          keyword = keyword.strip()
          if keyword != '' and len(post_entry.category) < 20:
                atom.Category(scheme=CATEGORY_NS, term=keyword))

      # Update the author's email if it is present and not empty
      elif tag_name == 'COMMENT' and key == 'EMAIL' and len(value) > 0:
        comment_entry.author.email = atom.Email(text=value)

      # Update the author's URI if it is present and not empty
      elif tag_name == 'COMMENT' and key == 'URL' and len(value) > 0:
        comment_entry.author.uri = atom.Uri(text=value)

      # If any of these keys are used, they contain information beyond this key
      # on following lines
      elif key in ('COMMENT', 'BODY', 'EXTENDED BODY', 'EXCERPT', 'KEYWORDS', 'PING'):
        tag_name = key

      # These lines can be safely ignored
                   'ALLOW PINGS', 'PRIMARY CATEGORY', 'IP', 'URL', 'EMAIL'):

      # If the line is empty and we're processing the body, add an HTML line
      # break
      elif tag_name == 'BODY' and len(line) == 0:
        tag_contents += '<br/>'

      # This would be a line of content beyond a key/value pair
      elif len(key) != 0:
        tag_contents += line + '\n'

    # Update the feed with the last updated time
    feed.updated = atom.Updated(self._ToBlogTime(time.gmtime(last_updated)))

    # Serialize the feed object
Example #7
 def startItem(self):
     self.current_post = gdata.GDataEntry()
Example #8
 def testAllowsEmptyId(self):
     entry = gdata.GDataEntry()
         entry.id = atom.Id()
     except AttributeError:
         self.fail('Empty id should not raise an attribute error.')
Example #9
 def AddRecommendationComment(self, entry, comment):
     uri = entry.id.text + '/comments'
     entry = gdata.GDataEntry()
     entry.content = atom.Content(text=comment)
     return self.Post(entry, uri)
Example #10
 def DeleteEvent(self, entry, reason):
     uri = entry.GetSelfLink().href + '/delete'
     entry = gdata.GDataEntry()
     entry.content = atom.Content(text=reason)
     return self.Post(entry, uri)