Example #1
    def _paypal_form_get_invalid_parameters(self, data):
        invalid_parameters = []
        _logger.info('Received a notification from Paypal with IPN version %s',
        if data.get('test_ipn'):
                'Received a notification from Paypal using sandbox'),

        # TODO: txn_id: shoudl be false at draft, set afterwards, and verified with txn details
        if self.acquirer_reference and data.get(
                'txn_id') != self.acquirer_reference:
                ('txn_id', data.get('txn_id'), self.acquirer_reference))
        # check what is buyed
        if float_compare(float(data.get('mc_gross', '0.0')),
                         (self.amount + self.fees), 2) != 0:
                ('mc_gross', data.get('mc_gross'),
                 '%.2f' % self.amount))  # mc_gross is amount + fees
        if data.get('mc_currency') != self.currency_id.name:
            invalid_parameters.append(('mc_currency', data.get('mc_currency'),
        if 'handling_amount' in data and float_compare(
                float(data.get('handling_amount')), self.fees, 2) != 0:
                ('handling_amount', data.get('handling_amount'), self.fees))
        # check buyer
        if self.payment_token_id and data.get(
                'payer_id') != self.payment_token_id.acquirer_ref:
            invalid_parameters.append(('payer_id', data.get('payer_id'),
        # check seller
        if data.get(
        ) and self.acquirer_id.paypal_seller_account and data[
                'receiver_id'] != self.acquirer_id.paypal_seller_account:
            invalid_parameters.append(('receiver_id', data.get('receiver_id'),
        if not data.get(
                'receiver_id') or not self.acquirer_id.paypal_seller_account:
            # Check receiver_email only if receiver_id was not checked.
            # In Paypal, this is possible to configure as receiver_email a different email than the business email (the login email)
            # In GECOERP, there is only one field for the Paypal email: the business email. This isn't possible to set a receiver_email
            # different than the business email. Therefore, if you want such a configuration in your Paypal, you are then obliged to fill
            # the Merchant ID in the Paypal payment acquirer in GECOERP, so the check is performed on this variable instead of the receiver_email.
            # At least one of the two checks must be done, to avoid fraudsters.
            if data.get(
                    'receiver_email') != self.acquirer_id.paypal_email_account:
                    ('receiver_email', data.get('receiver_email'),

        return invalid_parameters
Example #2
    def _put_in_pack(self):
        package = False
        for pick in self.filtered(lambda p: p.state not in ('done', 'cancel')):
            operations = pick.move_line_ids.filtered(lambda o: o.qty_done > 0 and not o.result_package_id)
            operation_ids = self.env['stock.move.line']
            if operations:
                package = self.env['stock.quant.package'].create({})
                for operation in operations:
                    if float_compare(operation.qty_done, operation.product_uom_qty, precision_rounding=operation.product_uom_id.rounding) >= 0:
                        operation_ids |= operation
                        quantity_left_todo = float_round(
                            operation.product_uom_qty - operation.qty_done,
                        done_to_keep = operation.qty_done
                        new_operation = operation.copy(
                            default={'product_uom_qty': 0, 'qty_done': operation.qty_done})
                        operation.write({'product_uom_qty': quantity_left_todo, 'qty_done': 0.0})
                        new_operation.write({'product_uom_qty': done_to_keep})
                        operation_ids |= new_operation

                operation_ids.write({'result_package_id': package.id})
                raise UserError(_('Please process some quantities to put in the pack first!'))
        return package
Example #3
    def add_payment(self, data):
        statement_id = super(PosOrder, self).add_payment(data)
        statement_lines = self.env['account.bank.statement.line'].search([
            ('statement_id', '=', statement_id),
            ('pos_statement_id', '=', self.id),
            ('journal_id', '=', data['journal'])
        statement_lines = statement_lines.filtered(lambda line: float_compare(
            precision_rounding=line.journal_currency_id.rounding) == 0)

        # we can get multiple statement_lines when there are >1 credit
        # card payments with the same amount. In that case it doesn't
        # matter which statement line we pick, just pick one that
        # isn't already used.
        for line in statement_lines:
            if not line.mercury_card_brand:
                line.mercury_card_brand = data.get('card_brand')
                line.mercury_card_number = data.get('card_number')
                line.mercury_card_owner_name = data.get('card_owner_name')

                line.mercury_ref_no = data.get('ref_no')
                line.mercury_record_no = data.get('record_no')
                line.mercury_invoice_no = data.get('invoice_no')


        return statement_id
Example #4
 def _compute_show_check_availability(self):
     for picking in self:
         has_moves_to_reserve = any(
             move.state in ('waiting', 'confirmed', 'partially_available') and
             float_compare(move.product_uom_qty, 0, precision_rounding=move.product_uom.rounding)
             for move in picking.move_lines
         picking.show_check_availability = picking.is_locked and picking.state in ('confirmed', 'waiting', 'assigned') and has_moves_to_reserve
Example #5
    def _free_reservation(self, product_id, location_id, quantity, lot_id=None, package_id=None, owner_id=None, ml_to_ignore=None):
        """ When editing a done move line or validating one with some forced quantities, it is
        possible to impact quants that were not reserved. It is therefore necessary to edit or
        unlink the move lines that reserved a quantity now unavailable.

        :param ml_to_ignore: recordset of `stock.move.line` that should NOT be unreserved

        if ml_to_ignore is None:
            ml_to_ignore = self.env['stock.move.line']
        ml_to_ignore |= self

        # Check the available quantity, with the `strict` kw set to `True`. If the available
        # quantity is greather than the quantity now unavailable, there is nothing to do.
        available_quantity = self.env['stock.quant']._get_available_quantity(
            product_id, location_id, lot_id=lot_id, package_id=package_id, owner_id=owner_id, strict=True
        if quantity > available_quantity:
            # We now have to find the move lines that reserved our now unavailable quantity. We
            # take care to exclude ourselves and the move lines were work had already been done.
            oudated_move_lines_domain = [
                ('move_id.state', 'not in', ['done', 'cancel']),
                ('product_id', '=', product_id.id),
                ('lot_id', '=', lot_id.id if lot_id else False),
                ('location_id', '=', location_id.id),
                ('owner_id', '=', owner_id.id if owner_id else False),
                ('package_id', '=', package_id.id if package_id else False),
                ('product_qty', '>', 0.0),
                ('id', 'not in', ml_to_ignore.ids),
            oudated_candidates = self.env['stock.move.line'].search(oudated_move_lines_domain)

            # As the move's state is not computed over the move lines, we'll have to manually
            # recompute the moves which we adapted their lines.
            move_to_recompute_state = self.env['stock.move']

            rounding = self.product_uom_id.rounding
            for candidate in oudated_candidates:
                if float_compare(candidate.product_qty, quantity, precision_rounding=rounding) <= 0:
                    quantity -= candidate.product_qty
                    move_to_recompute_state |= candidate.move_id
                    if candidate.qty_done:
                        candidate.product_uom_qty = 0.0
                    if float_is_zero(quantity, precision_rounding=rounding):
                    # split this move line and assign the new part to our extra move
                    quantity_split = float_round(
                        candidate.product_qty - quantity,
                    candidate.product_uom_qty = self.product_id.uom_id._compute_quantity(quantity_split, candidate.product_uom_id, rounding_method='HALF-UP')
                    move_to_recompute_state |= candidate.move_id
Example #6
    def _authorize_form_get_invalid_parameters(self, data):
        invalid_parameters = []

        if self.acquirer_reference and data.get('x_trans_id') != self.acquirer_reference:
            invalid_parameters.append(('Transaction Id', data.get('x_trans_id'), self.acquirer_reference))
        # check what is buyed
        if float_compare(float(data.get('x_amount', '0.0')), self.amount, 2) != 0:
            invalid_parameters.append(('Amount', data.get('x_amount'), '%.2f' % self.amount))
        return invalid_parameters
Example #7
    def _transfer_form_get_invalid_parameters(self, data):
        invalid_parameters = []

        if float_compare(float(data.get('amount', '0.0')), self.amount, 2) != 0:
            invalid_parameters.append(('amount', data.get('amount'), '%.2f' % self.amount))
        if data.get('currency') != self.currency_id.name:
            invalid_parameters.append(('currency', data.get('currency'), self.currency_id.name))

        return invalid_parameters
Example #8
 def _onchange_qty_done(self):
     """ When the user is encoding a move line for a tracked product, we apply some logic to
     help him. This onchange will warn him if he set `qty_done` to a non-supported value.
     res = {}
     if self.qty_done and self.product_id.tracking == 'serial':
         if float_compare(self.qty_done, 1.0, precision_rounding=self.move_id.product_id.uom_id.rounding) != 0:
             message = _('You can only process 1.0 %s for products with unique serial number.') % self.product_id.uom_id.name
             res['warning'] = {'title': _('Warning'), 'message': message}
     return res
Example #9
 def _generate_moves(self):
     moves = self.env['stock.move']
     for line in self:
         if float_utils.float_compare(line.theoretical_qty, line.product_qty, precision_rounding=line.product_id.uom_id.rounding) == 0:
         diff = line.theoretical_qty - line.product_qty
         if diff < 0:  # found more than expected
             vals = line._get_move_values(abs(diff), line.product_id.property_stock_inventory.id, line.location_id.id, False)
             vals = line._get_move_values(abs(diff), line.location_id.id, line.product_id.property_stock_inventory.id, True)
         moves |= self.env['stock.move'].create(vals)
     return moves
Example #10
    def _schedule_hours(self, hours, day_dt, compute_leaves=False, resource_id=None):
        """ Schedule hours of work, using a calendar and an optional resource to
        compute working and leave days. This method can be used backwards, i.e.
        scheduling days before a deadline. For compute_leaves, resource_id:
        see _get_day_work_intervals. This method does not use rrule because
        rrule does not allow backwards computation.

        :param int hours: number of hours to schedule. Use a negative number to
                          compute a backwards scheduling.
        :param datetime day_dt: reference date to compute working days. If days is
                                > 0 date is the starting date. If days is < 0
                                date is the ending date.

        :return list intervals: list of time intervals in naive UTC """
        backwards = (hours < 0)
        intervals = []
        remaining_hours, iterations = abs(hours * 1.0), 0

        day_dt_tz = to_naive_user_tz(day_dt, self.env.user)
        current_datetime = day_dt_tz

        call_args = dict(compute_leaves=compute_leaves, resource_id=resource_id)

        while float_compare(remaining_hours, 0.0, precision_digits=2) in (1, 0) and iterations < 1000:
            if backwards:
                call_args['end_time'] = current_datetime.time()
                call_args['start_time'] = current_datetime.time()

            working_intervals = self._get_day_work_intervals(current_datetime.date(), **call_args)

            if working_intervals:
                new_working_intervals = self._interval_schedule_hours(working_intervals, remaining_hours, backwards=backwards)

                res = timedelta()
                for interval in working_intervals:
                    res += interval[1] - interval[0]
                remaining_hours -= res.total_seconds() / 3600.0

                intervals = intervals + new_working_intervals if not backwards else new_working_intervals + intervals
            # get next day
            if backwards:
                current_datetime = datetime.datetime.combine(self._get_previous_work_day(current_datetime), datetime.time(23, 59, 59))
                current_datetime = datetime.datetime.combine(self._get_next_work_day(current_datetime), datetime.time())
            # avoid infinite loops
            iterations += 1

        return intervals
Example #11
 def _prepare_invoice_line_from_po_line(self, line):
     if line.product_id.purchase_method == 'purchase':
         qty = line.product_qty - line.qty_invoiced
         qty = line.qty_received - line.qty_invoiced
     if float_compare(
             qty, 0.0, precision_rounding=line.product_uom.rounding) <= 0:
         qty = 0.0
     taxes = line.taxes_id
     invoice_line_tax_ids = line.order_id.fiscal_position_id.map_tax(taxes)
     invoice_line = self.env['account.invoice.line']
     data = {
         line.order_id.name + ': ' + line.name,
             'journal_id': self.journal_id.id,
             'type': 'in_invoice'
     account = invoice_line.get_invoice_line_account(
         'in_invoice', line.product_id, line.order_id.fiscal_position_id,
     if account:
         data['account_id'] = account.id
     return data
Example #12
    def _ogone_form_get_invalid_parameters(self, data):
        invalid_parameters = []

        # TODO: txn_id: should be false at draft, set afterwards, and verified with txn details
        if self.acquirer_reference and data.get(
                'PAYID') != self.acquirer_reference:
                ('PAYID', data.get('PAYID'), self.acquirer_reference))
        # check what is bought
        if float_compare(float(data.get('amount', '0.0')), self.amount,
                         2) != 0:
                ('amount', data.get('amount'), '%.2f' % self.amount))
        if data.get('currency') != self.currency_id.name:
                ('currency', data.get('currency'), self.currency_id.name))

        return invalid_parameters
Example #13
    def _buckaroo_form_get_invalid_parameters(self, data):
        invalid_parameters = []
        data = normalize_keys_upper(data)
        if self.acquirer_reference and data.get(
                'BRQ_TRANSACTIONS') != self.acquirer_reference:
                ('Transaction Id', data.get('BRQ_TRANSACTIONS'),
        # check what is buyed
        if float_compare(float(data.get('BRQ_AMOUNT', '0.0')), self.amount,
                         2) != 0:
                ('Amount', data.get('BRQ_AMOUNT'), '%.2f' % self.amount))
        if data.get('BRQ_CURRENCY') != self.currency_id.name:
                ('Currency', data.get('BRQ_CURRENCY'), self.currency_id.name))

        return invalid_parameters
Example #14
    def _sips_form_get_invalid_parameters(self, data):
        invalid_parameters = []

        data = self._sips_data_to_object(data.get('Data'))

        # TODO: txn_id: should be false at draft, set afterwards, and verified with txn details
        if self.acquirer_reference and data.get(
                'transactionReference') != self.acquirer_reference:
                ('transactionReference', data.get('transactionReference'),
        # check what is bought
        if float_compare(
                float(data.get('amount', '0.0')) / 100, self.amount, 2) != 0:
                ('amount', data.get('amount'), '%.2f' % self.amount))

        return invalid_parameters
Example #15
    def _update_reserved_quantity(self, product_id, location_id, quantity, lot_id=None, package_id=None, owner_id=None, strict=False):
        """ Increase the reserved quantity, i.e. increase `reserved_quantity` for the set of quants
        sharing the combination of `product_id, location_id` if `strict` is set to False or sharing
        the *exact same characteristics* otherwise. Typically, this method is called when reserving
        a move or updating a reserved move line. When reserving a chained move, the strict flag
        should be enabled (to reserve exactly what was brought). When the move is MTS,it could take
        anything from the stock, so we disable the flag. When editing a move line, we naturally
        enable the flag, to reflect the reservation according to the edition.

        :return: a list of tuples (quant, quantity_reserved) showing on which quant the reservation
            was done and how much the system was able to reserve on it
        self = self.sudo()
        rounding = product_id.uom_id.rounding
        quants = self._gather(product_id, location_id, lot_id=lot_id, package_id=package_id, owner_id=owner_id, strict=strict)
        reserved_quants = []

        if float_compare(quantity, 0, precision_rounding=rounding) > 0:
            # if we want to reserve
            available_quantity = self._get_available_quantity(product_id, location_id, lot_id=lot_id, package_id=package_id, owner_id=owner_id, strict=strict)
            if float_compare(quantity, available_quantity, precision_rounding=rounding) > 0:
                raise UserError(_('It is not possible to reserve more products of %s than you have in stock.') % product_id.display_name)
        elif float_compare(quantity, 0, precision_rounding=rounding) < 0:
            # if we want to unreserve
            available_quantity = sum(quants.mapped('reserved_quantity'))
            if float_compare(abs(quantity), available_quantity, precision_rounding=rounding) > 0:
                raise UserError(_('It is not possible to unreserve more products of %s than you have in stock.') % product_id.display_name)
            return reserved_quants

        for quant in quants:
            if float_compare(quantity, 0, precision_rounding=rounding) > 0:
                max_quantity_on_quant = quant.quantity - quant.reserved_quantity
                if float_compare(max_quantity_on_quant, 0, precision_rounding=rounding) <= 0:
                max_quantity_on_quant = min(max_quantity_on_quant, quantity)
                quant.reserved_quantity += max_quantity_on_quant
                reserved_quants.append((quant, max_quantity_on_quant))
                quantity -= max_quantity_on_quant
                available_quantity -= max_quantity_on_quant
                max_quantity_on_quant = min(quant.reserved_quantity, abs(quantity))
                quant.reserved_quantity -= max_quantity_on_quant
                reserved_quants.append((quant, -max_quantity_on_quant))
                quantity += max_quantity_on_quant
                available_quantity += max_quantity_on_quant

            if float_is_zero(quantity, precision_rounding=rounding) or float_is_zero(available_quantity, precision_rounding=rounding):
        return reserved_quants
Example #16
    def _get_available_quantity(self, product_id, location_id, lot_id=None, package_id=None, owner_id=None, strict=False, allow_negative=False):
        """ Return the available quantity, i.e. the sum of `quantity` minus the sum of
        `reserved_quantity`, for the set of quants sharing the combination of `product_id,
        location_id` if `strict` is set to False or sharing the *exact same characteristics*
        This method is called in the following usecases:
            - when a stock move checks its availability
            - when a stock move actually assign
            - when editing a move line, to check if the new value is forced or not
            - when validating a move line with some forced values and have to potentially unlink an
              equivalent move line in another picking
        In the two first usecases, `strict` should be set to `False`, as we don't know what exact
        quants we'll reserve, and the characteristics are meaningless in this context.
        In the last ones, `strict` should be set to `True`, as we work on a specific set of

        :return: available quantity as a float
        self = self.sudo()
        quants = self._gather(product_id, location_id, lot_id=lot_id, package_id=package_id, owner_id=owner_id, strict=strict)
        rounding = product_id.uom_id.rounding
        if product_id.tracking == 'none':
            available_quantity = sum(quants.mapped('quantity')) - sum(quants.mapped('reserved_quantity'))
            if allow_negative:
                return available_quantity
                return available_quantity if float_compare(available_quantity, 0.0, precision_rounding=rounding) >= 0.0 else 0.0
            availaible_quantities = {lot_id: 0.0 for lot_id in list(set(quants.mapped('lot_id'))) + ['untracked']}
            for quant in quants:
                if not quant.lot_id:
                    availaible_quantities['untracked'] += quant.quantity - quant.reserved_quantity
                    availaible_quantities[quant.lot_id] += quant.quantity - quant.reserved_quantity
            if allow_negative:
                return sum(availaible_quantities.values())
                return sum([available_quantity for available_quantity in availaible_quantities.values() if float_compare(available_quantity, 0, precision_rounding=rounding) > 0])
Example #17
 def _get_overprocessed_stock_moves(self):
     return self.move_lines.filtered(
         lambda move: move.product_uom_qty != 0 and float_compare(move.quantity_done, move.product_uom_qty,
                                                                  precision_rounding=move.product_uom.rounding) == 1
Example #18
    def button_validate(self):
        if not self.move_lines and not self.move_line_ids:
            raise UserError(_('Please add some lines to move'))

        # If no lots when needed, raise error
        picking_type = self.picking_type_id
        precision_digits = self.env['decimal.precision'].precision_get('Product Unit of Measure')
        no_quantities_done = all(float_is_zero(move_line.qty_done, precision_digits=precision_digits) for move_line in self.move_line_ids)
        no_reserved_quantities = all(float_is_zero(move_line.product_qty, precision_rounding=move_line.product_uom_id.rounding) for move_line in self.move_line_ids)
        if no_reserved_quantities and no_quantities_done:
            raise UserError(_('You cannot validate a transfer if you have not processed any quantity. You should rather cancel the transfer.'))

        if picking_type.use_create_lots or picking_type.use_existing_lots:
            lines_to_check = self.move_line_ids
            if not no_quantities_done:
                lines_to_check = lines_to_check.filtered(
                    lambda line: float_compare(line.qty_done, 0,

            for line in lines_to_check:
                product = line.product_id
                if product and product.tracking != 'none':
                    if not line.lot_name and not line.lot_id:
                        raise UserError(_('You need to supply a lot/serial number for %s.') % product.display_name)

        if no_quantities_done:
            view = self.env.ref('stock.view_immediate_transfer')
            wiz = self.env['stock.immediate.transfer'].create({'pick_ids': [(4, self.id)]})
            return {
                'name': _('Immediate Transfer?'),
                'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
                'view_type': 'form',
                'view_mode': 'form',
                'res_model': 'stock.immediate.transfer',
                'views': [(view.id, 'form')],
                'view_id': view.id,
                'target': 'new',
                'res_id': wiz.id,
                'context': self.env.context,

        if self._get_overprocessed_stock_moves() and not self._context.get('skip_overprocessed_check'):
            view = self.env.ref('stock.view_overprocessed_transfer')
            wiz = self.env['stock.overprocessed.transfer'].create({'picking_id': self.id})
            return {
                'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
                'view_type': 'form',
                'view_mode': 'form',
                'res_model': 'stock.overprocessed.transfer',
                'views': [(view.id, 'form')],
                'view_id': view.id,
                'target': 'new',
                'res_id': wiz.id,
                'context': self.env.context,

        # Check backorder should check for other barcodes
        if self._check_backorder():
            return self.action_generate_backorder_wizard()
Example #19
    def _action_done(self):
        """ This method is called during a move's `action_done`. It'll actually move a quant from
        the source location to the destination location, and unreserve if needed in the source

        This method is intended to be called on all the move lines of a move. This method is not
        intended to be called when editing a `done` move (that's what the override of `write` here
        is done.

        # First, we loop over all the move lines to do a preliminary check: `qty_done` should not
        # be negative and, according to the presence of a picking type or a linked inventory
        # adjustment, enforce some rules on the `lot_id` field. If `qty_done` is null, we unlink
        # the line. It is mandatory in order to free the reservation and correctly apply
        # `action_done` on the next move lines.
        ml_to_delete = self.env['stock.move.line']
        for ml in self:
            # Check here if `ml.qty_done` respects the rounding of `ml.product_uom_id`.
            uom_qty = float_round(ml.qty_done, precision_rounding=ml.product_uom_id.rounding, rounding_method='HALF-UP')
            precision_digits = self.env['decimal.precision'].precision_get('Product Unit of Measure')
            qty_done = float_round(ml.qty_done, precision_digits=precision_digits, rounding_method='HALF-UP')
            if float_compare(uom_qty, qty_done, precision_digits=precision_digits) != 0:
                raise UserError(_('The quantity done for the product "%s" doesn\'t respect the rounding precision \
                                  defined on the unit of measure "%s". Please change the quantity done or the \
                                  rounding precision of your unit of measure.') % (ml.product_id.display_name, ml.product_uom_id.name))

            qty_done_float_compared = float_compare(ml.qty_done, 0, precision_rounding=ml.product_uom_id.rounding)
            if qty_done_float_compared > 0:
                if ml.product_id.tracking != 'none':
                    picking_type_id = ml.move_id.picking_type_id
                    if picking_type_id:
                        if picking_type_id.use_create_lots:
                            # If a picking type is linked, we may have to create a production lot on
                            # the fly before assigning it to the move line if the user checked both
                            # `use_create_lots` and `use_existing_lots`.
                            if ml.lot_name and not ml.lot_id:
                                lot = self.env['stock.production.lot'].create(
                                    {'name': ml.lot_name, 'product_id': ml.product_id.id}
                                ml.write({'lot_id': lot.id})
                        elif not picking_type_id.use_create_lots and not picking_type_id.use_existing_lots:
                            # If the user disabled both `use_create_lots` and `use_existing_lots`
                            # checkboxes on the picking type, he's allowed to enter tracked
                            # products without a `lot_id`.
                    elif ml.move_id.inventory_id:
                        # If an inventory adjustment is linked, the user is allowed to enter
                        # tracked products without a `lot_id`.

                    if not ml.lot_id:
                        raise UserError(_('You need to supply a lot/serial number for %s.') % ml.product_id.name)
            elif qty_done_float_compared < 0:
                raise UserError(_('No negative quantities allowed'))
                ml_to_delete |= ml

        # Now, we can actually move the quant.
        done_ml = self.env['stock.move.line']
        for ml in self - ml_to_delete:
            if ml.product_id.type == 'product':
                Quant = self.env['stock.quant']
                rounding = ml.product_uom_id.rounding

                # if this move line is force assigned, unreserve elsewhere if needed
                if not ml.location_id.should_bypass_reservation() and float_compare(ml.qty_done, ml.product_qty, precision_rounding=rounding) > 0:
                    extra_qty = ml.qty_done - ml.product_qty
                    ml._free_reservation(ml.product_id, ml.location_id, extra_qty, lot_id=ml.lot_id, package_id=ml.package_id, owner_id=ml.owner_id, ml_to_ignore=done_ml)
                # unreserve what's been reserved
                if not ml.location_id.should_bypass_reservation() and ml.product_id.type == 'product' and ml.product_qty:
                        Quant._update_reserved_quantity(ml.product_id, ml.location_id, -ml.product_qty, lot_id=ml.lot_id, package_id=ml.package_id, owner_id=ml.owner_id, strict=True)
                    except UserError:
                        Quant._update_reserved_quantity(ml.product_id, ml.location_id, -ml.product_qty, lot_id=False, package_id=ml.package_id, owner_id=ml.owner_id, strict=True)

                # move what's been actually done
                quantity = ml.product_uom_id._compute_quantity(ml.qty_done, ml.move_id.product_id.uom_id, rounding_method='HALF-UP')
                available_qty, in_date = Quant._update_available_quantity(ml.product_id, ml.location_id, -quantity, lot_id=ml.lot_id, package_id=ml.package_id, owner_id=ml.owner_id)
                if available_qty < 0 and ml.lot_id:
                    # see if we can compensate the negative quants with some untracked quants
                    untracked_qty = Quant._get_available_quantity(ml.product_id, ml.location_id, lot_id=False, package_id=ml.package_id, owner_id=ml.owner_id, strict=True)
                    if untracked_qty:
                        taken_from_untracked_qty = min(untracked_qty, abs(quantity))
                        Quant._update_available_quantity(ml.product_id, ml.location_id, -taken_from_untracked_qty, lot_id=False, package_id=ml.package_id, owner_id=ml.owner_id)
                        Quant._update_available_quantity(ml.product_id, ml.location_id, taken_from_untracked_qty, lot_id=ml.lot_id, package_id=ml.package_id, owner_id=ml.owner_id)
                Quant._update_available_quantity(ml.product_id, ml.location_dest_id, quantity, lot_id=ml.lot_id, package_id=ml.result_package_id, owner_id=ml.owner_id, in_date=in_date)
            done_ml |= ml
        # Reset the reserved quantity as we just moved it to the destination location.
        (self - ml_to_delete).with_context(bypass_reservation_update=True).write({
            'product_uom_qty': 0.00,
            'date': fields.Datetime.now(),
Example #20
 def check_quantity(self):
     for quant in self:
         if float_compare(quant.quantity, 1, precision_rounding=quant.product_uom_id.rounding) > 0 and quant.lot_id and quant.product_id.tracking == 'serial':
             raise ValidationError(_('A serial number should only be linked to a single product.'))