Example #1
def target_from_templates(template_dict):
    # NOTE: the individual yaml template targets are merged into one target
    # since we never want to target just one template at a time for now (they
    # all merge into one config package).
    target = gen.internals.Target()
    templates = load_templates(template_dict)
    for template_list in templates.values():
        for template in template_list:
            target += template.target_from_ast()

    return [target]
Example #2
def target_from_templates(template_dict):
    # NOTE: the individual yaml template targets are merged into one target
    # since we never want to target just one template at a time for now (they
    # all merge into one config package).
    target = gen.internals.Target()
    templates = load_templates(template_dict)
    for template_list in templates.values():
        for template in template_list:
            target += template.target_from_ast()

    return [target]
Example #3
def generate(
    # To maintain the old API where we passed arguments rather than the new name.
    user_arguments = arguments
    arguments = None

    sources, targets, templates = get_dcosconfig_source_target_and_templates(
        user_arguments, extra_templates, extra_sources)

    if user_arguments.get("enable_windows_agents") == 'true':
        # Parse the dcos-config-windows.yaml file to check that contained
        # variables are set.  Do not add template for evaluation, as that
        # gets done on the agent node.
        template = gen.template.parse_resources('dcos-config-windows.yaml')
        target = template.target_from_ast()

    resolver = validate_and_raise(sources, targets + extra_targets)
    argument_dict = get_final_arguments(resolver)
    late_variables = get_late_variables(resolver, sources)
    secret_builtins = ['expanded_config_full', 'user_arguments_full', 'config_yaml_full']
    secret_variables = set(get_secret_variables(sources) + secret_builtins)
    masked_value = '**HIDDEN**'

    # Calculate config ID after all variables are resolved, to make sure any change in config yields a new config ID.
    config_id = get_config_id(argument_dict)

    # Calculate values that depend on the config ID.
    config_package_names = json.loads(argument_dict['config_package_names'])
    package_ids = json.loads(argument_dict['package_ids'])
    config_package_ids = ['{}--setup_{}'.format(name, config_id) for name in config_package_names]
    cluster_packages = sorted(config_package_ids + package_ids)
    cluster_package_list_id = hash_checkout(cluster_packages)

    # Calculate values for builtin variables.
    argument_dict['cluster_packages'] = json.dumps(cluster_packages)
    argument_dict['cluster_package_list_id'] = cluster_package_list_id
    user_arguments_masked = {k: (masked_value if k in secret_variables else v) for k, v in user_arguments.items()}
    argument_dict['user_arguments_full'] = json_prettyprint(user_arguments)
    argument_dict['user_arguments'] = json_prettyprint(user_arguments_masked)
    argument_dict['config_yaml_full'] = user_arguments_to_yaml(user_arguments)
    argument_dict['config_yaml'] = user_arguments_to_yaml(user_arguments_masked)

    # The expanded_config and expanded_config_full variables contain all other variables and their values.
    # expanded_config is a copy of expanded_config_full with secret values removed. Calculating these variables' values
    # must come after the calculation of all other variables to prevent infinite recursion.
    # TODO(cmaloney): Make this late-bound by gen.internals
    expanded_config_full = {
        k: v for k, v in argument_dict.items()
        # Omit late-bound variables whose values have not yet been calculated.
        if not v.startswith(gen.internals.LATE_BIND_PLACEHOLDER_START)
    expanded_config_scrubbed = {k: v for k, v in expanded_config_full.items() if k not in secret_variables}
    argument_dict['expanded_config_full'] = format_expanded_config(expanded_config_full)
    argument_dict['expanded_config'] = format_expanded_config(expanded_config_scrubbed)

    # Initialize CA and add arguments (exhibitor_ca_certificate and exhibitor_ca_certificate_path)

        "Final arguments:" + json_prettyprint({
            # Mask secret config values.
            k: (masked_value if k in secret_variables else v) for k, v in argument_dict.items()

    # Fill in the template parameters
    # TODO(cmaloney): render_templates should ideally take the template targets.
    rendered_templates = render_templates(templates, argument_dict)

    # Validate there aren't any unexpected top level directives in any of the files
    # (likely indicates a misspelling)
    for name, template in rendered_templates.items():
        if name == dcos_services_yaml:  # yaml list of the service files
            assert isinstance(template, list)
        elif name == cloud_config_yaml:
            assert template.keys() <= CLOUDCONFIG_KEYS, template.keys()
        elif isinstance(template, str):  # Not a yaml template
        else:  # yaml template file
            log.debug("validating template file %s", name)
            assert template.keys() <= PACKAGE_KEYS, template.keys()

    stable_artifacts = []
    channel_artifacts = []

    # Find all files which contain late bind variables and turn them into a "late bind package"
    # TODO(cmaloney): check there are no late bound variables in cloud-config.yaml
    late_files, regular_files = extract_files_containing_late_variables(
    # put the regular files right back
    rendered_templates[dcos_config_yaml] = {'package': regular_files}

    # Render cluster package list artifact.
    cluster_package_list_filename = 'package_lists/{}.package_list.json'.format(cluster_package_list_id)
    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(cluster_package_list_filename), mode=0o755, exist_ok=True)
    write_string(cluster_package_list_filename, argument_dict['cluster_packages'])
    log.info('Cluster package list: {}'.format(cluster_package_list_filename))

    def make_package_filename(package_id, extension):
        return 'packages/{0}/{1}{2}'.format(

    # Render all the cluster packages
    cluster_package_info = {}

    # Prepare late binding config, if any.
    late_package = build_late_package(late_files, config_id, argument_dict['provider'])
    if late_variables and late_package:
        # Render the late binding package. This package will be downloaded onto
        # each cluster node during bootstrap and rendered into the final config
        # using the values from the late config file.
        late_package_id = PackageId(late_package['name'])
        late_package_filename = make_package_filename(late_package_id, '.dcos_config')
        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(late_package_filename), mode=0o755, exist_ok=True)
        write_yaml(late_package_filename, {'package': late_package['package']}, default_flow_style=False)
        log.info('Package filename: {}'.format(late_package_filename))

        # Add the late config file to cloud config. The expressions in
        # late_variables will be resolved by the service handling the cloud
        # config (e.g. Amazon CloudFormation). The rendered late config file
        # on a cluster node's filesystem will contain the final values.
            'path': config_dir + '/setup-flags/late-config.yaml',
            'permissions': '0644',
            'owner': 'root',
            # TODO(cmaloney): don't prettyprint to save bytes.
            # NOTE: Use yaml here simply to make avoiding painful escaping and
            # unescaping easier.
            'content': render_yaml({
                'late_bound_package_id': late_package['name'],
                'bound_values': late_variables

    # Collect metadata for cluster packages.
    for package_id_str in cluster_packages:
        package_id = PackageId(package_id_str)
        package_filename = make_package_filename(package_id, '.tar.xz')

        cluster_package_info[package_id.name] = {
            'id': package_id_str,
            'filename': package_filename

    # Render config packages.
    for package_id_str in config_package_ids:
        package_id = PackageId(package_id_str)
        package_filename = cluster_package_info[package_id.name]['filename']
        do_gen_package(rendered_templates[package_id.name + '.yaml'], cluster_package_info[package_id.name]['filename'])

    # Convert cloud-config to just contain write_files rather than root
    cc = rendered_templates[cloud_config_yaml]

    # Shouldn't contain any packages. Providers should pull what they need to
    # late bind out of other packages via cc_package_file.
    assert 'package' not in cc
    cc_root = cc.pop('root', [])
    # Make sure write_files exists.
    assert 'write_files' not in cc
    cc['write_files'] = []
    # Do the transform
    for item in cc_root:
        assert is_absolute_path(item['path'])
    rendered_templates[cloud_config_yaml] = cc

    # Add utils that need to be defined here so they can be bound to locals.
    def add_services(cloudconfig, cloud_init_implementation):
        return add_units(cloudconfig, rendered_templates[dcos_services_yaml], cloud_init_implementation)

    utils.add_services = add_services

    def add_stable_artifact(filename):
        assert filename not in stable_artifacts + channel_artifacts

    utils.add_stable_artifact = add_stable_artifact

    def add_channel_artifact(filename):
        assert filename not in stable_artifacts + channel_artifacts

    utils.add_channel_artifact = add_channel_artifact

    return Bunch({
        'arguments': argument_dict,
        'cluster_packages': cluster_package_info,
        'stable_artifacts': stable_artifacts,
        'channel_artifacts': channel_artifacts,
        'templates': rendered_templates,
        'utils': utils