Example #1
def calcPoints(team, event):
    draftPoints = 0
    rankPoints = 0
    elimPoints = 0

    eM = gen.readEventCsv(
        names=['key', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3', 'b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'rScore', 'bScore'])
    teamMatches = eM[(eM.r1 == team) | (eM.r2 == team) | (eM.r3 == team) |
                     (eM.b1 == team) | (eM.b2 == team) | (eM.b3 == team)]

    rK = gen.readEventCsv(event, 'rankings')
    tmpRk = rK[rK.Team == team]

    if len(tmpRk) > 0:
        teamRank = rK[rK.Team == team]['Rank'].iloc[0]
        teamCount = len(rK)

        alpha = 1.07
        rankPoints = math.ceil(
                erfinv((teamCount - 2 * teamRank + 2) /
                       (alpha * teamCount)) * 10 / erfinv(1 / alpha) + 12))

    aL = gen.readEventCsv(event,
                          names=['captain', 'firstPick', 'secondPick'])
    aLL = aL[(aL.captain == team) | (aL.firstPick == team) |
             (aL.secondPick == team)]

    if len(aLL) > 0:
        alliance = {'pick': 9, 'number': 9}
        alliance['number'] = aLL.index.values[0]

        if aLL['captain'].values[0] == team:
            alliance['pick'] = 0
        elif aLL['firstPick'].values[0] == team:
            alliance['pick'] = 1
        elif aLL['secondPick'].values[0] == team:
            alliance['pick'] = 2

        if alliance['pick'] < 2:
            draftPoints = 17 - alliance['number']
        elif alliance['pick'] == 2:
            draftPoints = alliance['number']

    #Find points for playing in elims
    for idx, match in teamMatches.iterrows():
        if match['key'].split('_')[1][:2] != 'qm':
            onRed = (match['r1'] == team) or (match['r2']
                                              == team) or (match['r3'] == team)
            onBlue = not onRed
            redWins = match['rScore'] > match['bScore']
            blueWins = match['bScore'] > match['rScore']

            if (onRed and redWins) or (onBlue and blueWins):
                elimPoints += 5

    return draftPoints + rankPoints + elimPoints
Example #2
def getPlayPoints(team, event):
    draftPoints = 0
    rankPoints = 0
    elimPoints = 0
    teamRank = 0

    teamMatches = gen.teamEventMatches(team, event)
    tmpRk = []

        rK = gen.readEventCsv(event, 'rankings')

        if str(rK['Team'][0]).isnumeric():
            rK['Team'] = 'frc' + rK['Team'].astype(str)
        tmpRk = rK[rK.Team == team]

        if len(tmpRk) > 0:
            teamRank = rK[rK.Team == team]['Rank'].iloc[0]
            teamCount = len(rK)

            alpha = 1.07
            rankPoints = math.ceil(
                    erfinv((teamCount - 2 * teamRank + 2) /
                           (alpha * teamCount)) * 10 / erfinv(1 / alpha) + 12))

            names = ['captain', 'firstPick', 'secondPick']

            aL = gen.readEventCsv(event, 'alliances', names)
            aLL = aL[(aL.captain == team) | (aL.firstPick == team) |
                     (aL.secondPick == team)]
            if len(aLL) > 0:
                alliance = {'pick': 9, 'number': 9}
                alliance['number'] = aLL.index.values[0]

                if aLL['captain'].values[0] == team:
                    alliance['pick'] = 0
                elif aLL['firstPick'].values[0] == team:
                    alliance['pick'] = 1
                elif aLL['secondPick'].values[0] == team:
                    alliance['pick'] = 2

                if alliance['pick'] < 2:
                    draftPoints = 17 - int(alliance['number'])
                elif alliance['pick'] == 2:
                    draftPoints = int(alliance['number'])

            if teamMatches is not None:
                for idx, match in teamMatches.iterrows():
                    if match['key'].split('_')[1][:2] != 'qm':
                        if gen.matchResult(team, match, False) == 'WIN':
                            elimPoints += 5
    return [draftPoints, rankPoints, elimPoints, teamRank]
Example #3
def getPerformanceData(team, year):
    team = gen.teamString(team)
    oprs = []
    wins = 0
    losses = 0
    ties = 0

        matches = gen.readTeamCsv(team, 'matches', year)
        if len(matches) > 0:
            for idx, match in matches.iterrows():
                result = gen.matchResult(team, match)
                wins += 'WIN' == result
                losses += 'LOSS' == result
                ties += 'TIE' == result
        print("Could not retrieve matches for", team)

        events = gen.readTeamCsv(team, 'events', year)
        if len(events) > 0:
            for idx, e in events.iterrows():
                    eOprs = gen.readEventCsv(e['Event'], 'opr')
                    teamOPR = eOprs[eOprs.Team == team]['OPR'].values[0]
                except Exception as e:
        print("Could not retrieve events for", team)

    if len(oprs) is 0:
        maxOPR = 0
        avgOPR = 0
        maxOPR = max(oprs)
        avgOPR = stat.mean(oprs)

    played = wins + losses + ties
    winPercent = 0

    if played > 0:
        winPercent = wins / played

    teamKey = gen.teamNumber(team)

    return {
        'Team': teamKey,
        'Max OPR': maxOPR,
        'Avg OPR': avgOPR,
        'Wins': wins,
        'Losses': losses,
        'Ties': ties,
        'Win %': winPercent
Example #4
def teamListHelper(event):
    teams = gen.readEventCsv(event, 'teams')

    if teams is None:
        matches = tba.event_matches(event)
        for match in matches:
            for team in match['alliances']['red']['team_keys']:
                if team not in teams:
            for team in match['alliances']['blue']['team_keys']:
                if team not in teams:
    return teams
Example #5
def getTeamEventPoints(team, event, useTba=False, eventSize=None):
    awardPoints = 0
    playPoints = 0

    team = gen.teamString(team)

    if useTba == True:
        eventInfo = tba.event(event)
        isChamps = eventInfo['event_type'] in range(3, 5)
        eventInfo = gen.readEventCsv(event, 'info')
        isChamps = eventInfo['Type'][0] in range(3, 5)
    eventType = 'CMP' if isChamps else 'REG'

    if eventInfo is not None:
        playPoints = getPlayPoints(team, event, eventType, useTba, False,
        awardPoints = getAwardPoints(team, event, eventType, useTba)
    return [playPoints, awardPoints]
Example #6
def calcEventMCA(team, event):
    eventMCA = 0
    teamAwards = gen.readTeamCsv('frc' + str(team), 'awards', int(event[:4]))

    #Don't bother doing calc if the team didn't win awards that year
    #This check is duplicated in calcYearMCA, but included here as well in case
    #function is run independently.
    if teamAwards is not None:
        eventFilter = teamAwards['Event'] == event
        currentAwards = teamAwards[eventFilter]

        #If the team didn't win any awards at this event don't calc.
        if not currentAwards.empty:
            eventValuation = len(gen.readEventCsv(event,
                                                  'teams')) / baseTeamCount

            for idx, award in currentAwards.iterrows():
                if award['Type'] in awardValues:
                    #For CA Finalist or Honorable Mention treat it as 100 team event
                    if award['Type'] == awardTypes.CHAIRMANS_FINALIST or award[
                            'Type'] == awardTypes.CHAIRMANS_HONORABLE_MENTION:
                        eventValuation = 2
                    eventMCA += eventValuation * awardValues[award['Type']]
    return eventMCA
Example #7
currentTeams = tba.district_teams(str(currentYear) + district, False, True)

teamData = []
for team in currentTeams:
    events = gen.readTeamCsv(team, 'events', currentYear - 1)
    tm = tba.team(team)

    maxOPR = 0
    totalOPR = 0
    avgOPR = 0
    eventAdjust = 0

    if events is not None:
        seasonEvents = events[events.Type < 4]['Event']
        for event in seasonEvents:
            eventData = gen.readEventCsv(event, 'opr')

            teamRow = eventData[eventData['Team'] == team]
            if teamRow.empty:
                eventAdjust += 1
                newOPR = 0
                newOPR = teamRow['OPR'].values[0]

            totalOPR += newOPR

            if maxOPR < newOPR:
                maxOPR = newOPR

        if len(events) != 0:
            avgOPR = totalOPR / (len(events) - eventAdjust)
Example #8
def getPlayPoints(team,
    draftPoints = 0
    rankPoints = 0
    elimPoints = 0

    if useTba == True:
            teamMatches = tba.team_matches(team, event, None, True)
            teamStats = tba.team_status(team, event)

            alliance = teamStats['alliance']
            if alliance is not None:
                if alliance['pick'] < 2:
                    draftPoints = 17 - alliance['number']
                elif alliance['pick'] == 2:
                    draftPoints = alliance['number']
            if eventSize is not None:
                teamCount = eventSize
                teamCount = teamStats['qual']['num_teams']

            teamRank = teamStats['qual']['ranking']['rank']
            alpha = 1.07
            rankPoints = math.ceil(
                    erfinv((teamCount - 2 * teamRank + 2) /
                           (alpha * teamCount)) * 10 / erfinv(1 / alpha) + 12))

            for match in teamMatches:
                if match['comp_level'] != "qm":
                    if gen.matchResult(team, match, useTba) == 'WIN':
                        elimPoints += 5
        teamMatches = gen.teamEventMatches(team, event)

        tmpRk = []
            rK = gen.readEventCsv(event, 'rankings')
            tmpRk = rK[rK.Team == team]
        if len(tmpRk) > 0:
            teamRank = rK[rK.Team == team]['Rank'].iloc[0]
            teamCount = len(rK)

            alpha = 1.07
            rankPoints = math.ceil(
                    erfinv((teamCount - 2 * teamRank + 2) /
                           (alpha * teamCount)) * 10 / erfinv(1 / alpha) + 12))

        names = ['captain', 'firstPick', 'secondPick']
        if eventType == 'CMP':
            names = ['captain', 'firstPick', 'secondPick', 'thirdPick']
        aL = gen.readEventCsv(event, 'alliances', names)
        if aL is not None:
            aLL = aL[(aL.captain == team) | (aL.firstPick == team) |
                     (aL.secondPick == team)]
            if len(aLL) > 0:
                alliance = {'pick': 9, 'number': 9}
                alliance['number'] = aLL.index.values[0]

                if aLL['captain'].values[0] == team:
                    alliance['pick'] = 0
                elif aLL['firstPick'].values[0] == team:
                    alliance['pick'] = 1
                elif aLL['secondPick'].values[0] == team:
                    alliance['pick'] = 2

                if alliance['pick'] < 2:
                    draftPoints = 17 - int(alliance['number'])
                elif alliance['pick'] == 2:
                    draftPoints = int(alliance['number'])

        #Find points for playing in elims
        if teamMatches is not None:
            for idx, match in teamMatches.iterrows():
                if match['key'].split('_')[1][:2] != 'qm':
                    result = gen.matchResult(team, match, useTba)

                    if result == 'WIN':
                        elimPoints += 5

    res = draftPoints + rankPoints + elimPoints
    if breakDown:
        res = [draftPoints, rankPoints, elimPoints]
    return res
Example #9
rookies = []
for team in currTeams:
    prevYears = slff.getTeamYears(team, rookieYear - 1)
    if len(prevYears) == 0:

        #Event data (ranks, opr)
        events = gen.readTeamCsv(team, 'events', currentYear)
        ranks = []
        oprs = []
        avgOpr = 0
        avgRank = 99
        if events is not None:
            for event in events['Event']:
                rank = gen.readEventCsv(event, 'rankings')
                opr = gen.readEventCsv(event, 'opr')

                if opr is not None:
                    oprs.append(opr[opr.Team == team]['OPR'].values[0])
                    print("Couldn't get OPR data for", event)
                if rank is not None:
                    if len(rank.columns) > 2:
                        rank = rank[['Rank', 'Team']]
                        if str(rank['Team'][0])[:3] != 'frc':
                            rank['Team'] = 'frc' + rank['Team'].astype(str)
                    rnk = rank[rank.Team == team]['Rank']
                    if len(rnk) > 0:
            if len(oprs) > 0:
Example #10
def teamAtEvent(team, event):
    ROBOT_AWARDS = [16, 17, 20, 21, 29, 71]
    OTHER_AWARDS = [5, 11, 13, 14, 18, 22, 27, 30]
    NO_POINTS = [1, 2]
    CA = 0
    EI = 9
    WF = 3
    DEANS = 4
    RAS = 10
    RI = 15
    CAF = 69
    WILDCARD = 68

    awardData = {
        'REG': {
            CA: 25,
            EI: 15,
            RAS: 5,
            RI: 5,
            WF: 5,
            DEANS: 5,
            WILDCARD: 0,
            'ROBOT': 10,
            'OTHER': 5,
            'NONE': 0
        'CMP': {
            CA: 110,
            EI: 60,
            RAS: 35,
            RI: 20,
            WF: 30,
            DEANS: 15,
            CAF: 90,
            'ROBOT': 30,
            'OTHER': 10,
            'NONE': 0

    awardPoints = 0
    playPoints = 0
    #Fetch event info, do this first since we only want to really process official events.
    eventInfo = gen.readEventCsv(event, 'info')

    if eventInfo is not None:
        isOfficial = eventInfo['Type'][0] in range(0, 7)
        isChamps = eventInfo['Type'][0] in range(3, 5)
        eventType = 'CMP' if isChamps else 'REG'

        if isOfficial:
            playPoints = calcPoints(team, event)

            tya = gen.readTeamCsv(team, 'awards', event[:4])

            if tya is not None:
                teamEventAwards = tya[tya.Event == event]

                for idx, row in teamEventAwards.iterrows():
                    awardType = row['Type']

                    if awardType in ROBOT_AWARDS:
                        awardType = 'ROBOT'
                    if awardType in OTHER_AWARDS:
                        awardType = 'OTHER'
                    if awardType in NO_POINTS:
                        awardType = 'NONE'
                    awardPoints += awardData[eventType][awardType]

    return [playPoints, awardPoints]