Example #1
def write_python_module_toc(module_name, all_files, sphinx_directory,
                            swig_working_dir, component_name):
    """Write main autodoc file for current module

    Some kind of table of contents from files listed in all_files.
    all_index_filename = Path(swig_working_dir,
                              component_name + '_index.pickle')
    msg = f'Unable to find {all_index_filename}.'
    assert all_index_filename.resolve().exists(), msg
    with open(all_index_filename, 'rb') as f:
        all_index = pickle.load(f)
    outputname = Path(sphinx_directory, 'autodoc_all.rst')
    title = module_name + '\n'
    title += len(title) * '=' + '\n\n'
    basename = '/reference/python/' + module_name.replace(r'.', '_')
    # A few lines to illustrate module usage
    header = '**Usage example** :\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n'
    importname = 's' + module_name.split('.')[-1][0]
    code = 'import ' + module_name + ' as ' + importname
    code += '\n \nhelp(' + importname + '.SomeClass)\n\n'
    header += textwrap.indent(code, '    ')
    header += '**Classes and functions**\n\n'
    with open(outputname, 'wt') as out:
        buff = Path(basename, 'autodoc_pydata').as_posix()
        gen = '* :doc:`Enums and constants <' + buff + '>`\n'
        for f in all_files:
            name = f.stem
            text = ''
            if '_pyclass' in name:
                realname = name.split('_pyclass')[0]
                shorttitle = realname + ' (class) '
                text = '* :py:class:`' + module_name + '.' + realname + '` : '
                    text += all_index[realname] + '\n'
                    text += ' \n'
            elif '_pyfile' in name:
                realname = name.split('_pyfile')[0]
                shorttitle = realname + ' (functions) '
                text = '* :doc:`' + shorttitle + '<'
                text += Path(basename, name).as_posix() + '>` : '
                if realname + '.h' in all_index:
                    text += all_index[realname + '.h'] + ' \n'
                elif realname + '.hpp' in all_index:
                    text += all_index[realname + '.hpp'] + ' \n'
                    text += ' \n'
                shorttitle = ''

            gen += text
        out.write(gen + '\n')

    # It might be necessary to parse some latex from doxygen
    # and convert it to sphinx ...
    latex_dir = Path(swig_working_dir, 'tmp_' + component_name)
    common.replace_latex(outputname, latex_dir)
Example #2
def process_enums(module, module_name, features, sphinx_directory,
                  swig_working_dir, component_name):
    """Parse features to find enums and populate
    a rst with the proper autodoc directives.
    # Get saved enums for the current module
    outputname = Path(sphinx_directory, 'autodoc_pydata.rst')
    title = module_name + ' constants (Python API)\n'
    title += len(title) * '-' + '\n\n'
    title += 'All the predefined global constants in ' + module_name
    title += '(generated from C++ enum, global variables, ...) \n\n'
    enumskeys = [k for k in features if k.find('pydata') > -1]
    header = '**Usage** :\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n'
    importname = 's' + module_name.split('.')[-1][0]
    code = 'import ' + module_name + ' as ' + importname
    code += '\n \nprint(' + importname + '.CONSTNAME)\n\n'
    header += textwrap.indent(code, '    ')
    title += header
    title += '\n-----\n\n**List and descriptions of constants** :\n\n'

    with open(outputname, 'wt') as out:
        for key in enumskeys:
            enums = features[key]
            for ename in enums:
                # Document only data available in python API
                if hasattr(module, ename):
                    # and only data with a description
                    if enums[ename][1].strip():
                        gen = ''
                        gen += '.. _pydata_' + ename + ':\n\n'
                        gen += '.. py:data:: ' + ename + '\n\n'
                        if enums[ename][0]:
                            # Add initializer value if set
                            gen += '    {0} ({1})\n\n'.format(
                                enums[ename][1].strip(), enums[ename][0])
                            gen += '    {0} \n\n'.format(
    # It might be necessary to parse some
    # latex from doxygen and convert it to sphinx ...
    latex_dir = Path(swig_working_dir, 'tmp_' + component_name)
    common.replace_latex(outputname, latex_dir)