Example #1
    def __init__(self, coordinates, triangles,
        Build Mesh

            Input x,y coordinates (sequence of 2-tuples or Mx2 numeric array of floats)
            triangles (sequence of 3-tuples or Nx3 numeric array of non-negative integers).

        General_mesh.__init__(self, coordinates, triangles,

        if verbose: log.critical('Mesh: Initialising')

        N = len(self) #Number_of_triangles

        # Allocate arrays for neighbour data

        self.neighbours = -1*num.ones((N, 3), num.int)
        self.neighbour_edges = -1*num.ones((N, 3), num.int)
        self.number_of_boundaries = num.zeros(N, num.int)
        self.surrogate_neighbours = num.zeros((N, 3), num.int)

        #Get x,y coordinates for all triangles and store
        V = self.vertex_coordinates # Relative coordinates

#        #Initialise each triangle
#        if verbose: log.critical('Mesh: Computing centroids and radii')
#        for i in range(N):
#            if verbose and i % ((N+10)/10) == 0: log.critical('(%d/%d)' % (i, N))
#            x0, y0 = V[3*i, :]
#            x1, y1 = V[3*i+1, :]
#            x2, y2 = V[3*i+2, :]
#            #x0 = V[i, 0]; y0 = V[i, 1]
#            #x1 = V[i, 2]; y1 = V[i, 3]
#            #x2 = V[i, 4]; y2 = V[i, 5]
#            #Compute centroid
#            centroid = num.array([(x0 + x1 + x2)/3, (y0 + y1 + y2)/3], num.float)
#            self.centroid_coordinates[i] = centroid
#            if self.use_inscribed_circle == False:
#                #OLD code. Computed radii may exceed that of an
#                #inscribed circle
#                #Midpoints
#                m0 = num.array([(x1 + x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2], num.float)
#                m1 = num.array([(x0 + x2)/2, (y0 + y2)/2], num.float)
#                m2 = num.array([(x1 + x0)/2, (y1 + y0)/2], num.float)
#                #The radius is the distance from the centroid of
#                #a triangle to the midpoint of the side of the triangle
#                #closest to the centroid
#                d0 = num.sqrt(num.sum( (centroid-m0)**2 ))
#                d1 = num.sqrt(num.sum( (centroid-m1)**2 ))
#                d2 = num.sqrt(num.sum( (centroid-m2)**2 ))
#                self.radii[i] = min(d0, d1, d2)
#            else:
#                #NEW code added by Peter Row. True radius
#                #of inscribed circle is computed
#                a = num.sqrt((x0-x1)**2+(y0-y1)**2)
#                b = num.sqrt((x1-x2)**2+(y1-y2)**2)
#                c = num.sqrt((x2-x0)**2+(y2-y0)**2)
#                self.radii[i]=2.0*self.areas[i]/(a+b+c)
#            #Initialise Neighbours (-1 means that it is a boundary neighbour)
#            self.neighbours[i, :] = [-1, -1, -1]
#            #Initialise edge ids of neighbours
#            #In case of boundaries this slot is not used
#            self.neighbour_edges[i, :] = [-1, -1, -1]

        #Build neighbour structure
        if verbose: log.critical('Mesh: Building neigbour structure')

        #Build surrogate neighbour structure
        if verbose: log.critical('Mesh: Building surrogate neigbour structure')

        #Build boundary dictionary mapping (id, edge) to symbolic tags
        if verbose: log.critical('Mesh: Building boundary dictionary')

        #Update boundary_enumeration

        #Build tagged element  dictionary mapping (tag) to array of elements
        if verbose: log.critical('Mesh: Building tagged elements dictionary')

        # Build a list of vertices that are not connected to any triangles
        self.lone_vertices = []
        #Check that all vertices have been registered
        for node, count in enumerate(self.number_of_triangles_per_node):
            #msg = 'Node %d does not belong to an element.' %node
            #assert count > 0, msg
            if count == 0:

        #Update boundary indices FIXME: OBSOLETE

        #FIXME check integrity?
        if verbose: log.critical('Mesh: Done')
        if verbose: log.timingInfo("finishMesh, '%s'" % log.CurrentDateTime())
        if verbose: log.resource_usage_timing(log.logging.INFO, "finishMesh_")
Example #2
 def __repr__(self):
     return General_mesh.__repr__(self) + ', %d boundary segments'\