Example #1
    def runTest(self):
        x = [1, 0, 0]
        y = [0, 1, 0]
        z = [0, 0, 1]

        assert (rox.subproblem0(x, y, z) == np.pi / 2)

        k1 = (np.add(x, z)) / np.linalg.norm(np.add(x, z))
        k2 = (np.add(y, z)) / np.linalg.norm(np.add(y, z))

        assert (rox.subproblem1(k1, k2, z) == np.pi / 2)

        p2 = x
        q2 = np.add(x, np.add(y, z))
        q2 = q2 / np.linalg.norm(q2)

        a2 = rox.subproblem2(p2, q2, z, y)
        assert len(a2) == 2

        r1 = rox.rot(z, a2[0][0]).dot(rox.rot(y, a2[0][1]))[:, 0]
        r2 = rox.rot(z, a2[1][0]).dot(rox.rot(y, a2[1][1]))[:, 0]

        np.testing.assert_allclose(r1, q2, atol=1e-4)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(r2, q2, atol=1e-4)

        a3 = rox.subproblem2(x, z, z, y)
        assert len(a3) == 1

        r3 = rox.rot(z, a3[0][0]).dot(rox.rot(y, a3[0][1]))[:, 0]
        np.testing.assert_allclose(r3, z, atol=1e-4)

        p4 = [.5, 0, 0]
        q4 = [0, .75, 0]

        a4 = rox.subproblem3(p4, q4, z, .5)
        a5 = rox.subproblem3(p4, q4, z, 1.25)

        assert len(a4) == 2
                                  rox.rot(z, a4[0]).dot(p4))), 0.5)
                                  rox.rot(z, a4[1]).dot(p4))), 0.5)

        assert len(a5) == 1
                                  rox.rot(z, a5[0]).dot(p4))), 1.25)


        p6 = y
        q6 = [.8, .2, .5]
        d6 = .3

        a6 = rox.subproblem4(p6, q6, z, d6)

                                          rox.rot(z, a6[0]).dot(q6)),
                                          rox.rot(z, a6[1]).dot(q6)),
    def _compute_joint_command(self, controller_state=None):
        if controller_state is None:
            controller_state = self._state

        controller_state.controller_time = self._clock.now
        step_ts = controller_state.ts * controller_state.speed_scalar

        if controller_state.mode.value < 0:
            if controller_state.mode == ControllerMode.ROBOT_INVALID_STATE \
                or controller_state.mode == ControllerMode.ROBOT_COMMUNICATION_ERROR \
                or controller_state.mode == ControllerMode.ROBOT_FAULT:

                controller_state.joint_setpoint = None
                controller_state.joint_command = None

            controller_state.ft_wrench = None
            while True:
                if controller_state.active_trajectory is not None:
                    controller_state.active_trajectory = None

            return controller_state.mode


        if controller_state.joint_setpoint is None:
            controller_state.joint_setpoint = controller_state.joint_position

        if controller_state.ft_wrench_threshold is not None \
          and np.shape(controller_state.ft_wrench_threshold) == (6,) \
          and controller_state.ft_wrench is None:
            controller_state.mode = ControllerMode.SENSOR_FAULT
            return ControllerMode.SENSOR_FAULT

        if controller_state.joystick_command is not None \
          and controller_state.joystick_command.halt_command:
            controller_state.mode = ControllerMode.HALT

        if controller_state.mode.value > 0 and not self._check_ft_threshold(
                controller_state.ft_wrench, controller_state.ft_wrench_bias):
            if controller_state.active_trajectory is not None:
                controller_state.active_trajectory.abort(ControllerMode.FT_THRESHOLD_VIOLATION, \
                                                         "Force/Torque Threshold Violated")
                controller_state.active_trajectory = None
            controller_state.mode = ControllerMode.FT_THRESHOLD_VIOLATION
            return ControllerMode.FT_THRESHOLD_VIOLATION
            if controller_state.mode == ControllerMode.HALT:
            elif controller_state.mode.value < ControllerMode.HALT.value:
                if controller_state.active_trajectory is not None:
                    controller_state.active_trajectory = None
            elif controller_state.mode == ControllerMode.JOINT_TELEOP:
                if controller_state.joystick_command is not None \
                  and controller_state.joystick_command.joint_velocity_command is not None:
                    #controller_state.joint_setpoint += \
                    J = rox.robotjacobian(self._robot,
                    cmd_vel = np.dot(
                        J, controller_state.joystick_command.
                    controller_state.joint_setpoint += self._quadprog.compute_quadprog(
                        controller_state.joint_position).dot(step_ts * 5)
            elif controller_state.mode == ControllerMode.CARTESIAN_TELEOP:
                if controller_state.joystick_command is not None \
                  and controller_state.joystick_command.spatial_velocity_command is not None:
                    #self._compute_joint_vel_from_spatial_vel(controller_state, step_ts, controller_state.joystick_command.spatial_velocity_command)
                    ########## change step_ts*5 #################
                    controller_state.joint_setpoint += self._quadprog.compute_quadprog(
                        controller_state.joint_position).dot(step_ts * 2)
            elif controller_state.mode == ControllerMode.CYLINDRICAL_TELEOP:
                if controller_state.joystick_command is not None \
                  and controller_state.joystick_command.spatial_velocity_command is not None:
                    if (not all(self._robot.H[:, 0] == (0, 0, 1))
                            or self._robot.joint_type[0] != 0):
                        controller_state.mode = ControllerMode.INVALID_OPERATION
                        cmd_vel = controller_state.joystick_command.spatial_velocity_command
                        transform_0T = rox.fwdkin(
                            self._robot, controller_state.joint_position)
                        d = np.linalg.norm(
                            (transform_0T.p[0], transform_0T.p[1]))
                        d = np.max((d, 0.05))
                        theta = np.arctan2(transform_0T.p[1],
                        s_0 = transform_0T.p[1] / d
                        c_0 = transform_0T.p[0] / d
                        v_x = -d * s_0 * cmd_vel[3] + c_0 * cmd_vel[4]
                        v_y = d * c_0 * cmd_vel[3] + s_0 * cmd_vel[4]
                        v_z = cmd_vel[5]
                        w_x = cmd_vel[0]
                        w_y = cmd_vel[1]
                        w_z = cmd_vel[2] + cmd_vel[3]
                        cmd_vel2 = np.array([w_x, w_y, w_z, v_x, v_y, v_z])
                        #self._compute_joint_vel_from_spatial_vel(controller_state, step_ts, cmd_vel2)
                        ########## change step_ts*5 #################
                        controller_state.joint_setpoint += self._quadprog.compute_quadprog(
                            controller_state.joint_position).dot(step_ts * 5)

            elif controller_state.mode == ControllerMode.SPHERICAL_TELEOP:
                if controller_state.joystick_command is not None \
                  and controller_state.joystick_command.spatial_velocity_command is not None:
                    if (not all(self._robot.H[:, 0] == (0, 0, 1))
                            or self._robot.joint_type[0] != 0):
                        controller_state.mode = ControllerMode.INVALID_OPERATION
                        #TODO: more clever solution that doesn't require trigonometry?
                        cmd_vel = controller_state.joystick_command.spatial_velocity_command
                        transform_0T = rox.fwdkin(
                            self._robot, controller_state.joint_position)
                        d = np.linalg.norm(transform_0T.p)
                        d = np.max((d, 0.05))
                        theta_phi_res = rox.subproblem2(
                            np.dot([1, 0, 0], d), transform_0T.p, [0, 0, 1],
                            [0, 1, 0])
                        if (len(theta_phi_res) == 0):
                            controller_state.mode = ControllerMode.ROBOT_SINGULARITY
                            theta_dot = cmd_vel[3]
                            phi_dot = cmd_vel[4]
                            d_dot = cmd_vel[5]
                            if (len(theta_phi_res) == 1):
                                theta, phi = theta_phi_res[0]
                            elif (np.abs(theta_phi_res[0][1]) <
                                theta, phi = theta_phi_res[0]
                                theta, phi = theta_phi_res[1]

                            s_theta = np.sin(theta)
                            c_theta = np.cos(theta)
                            s_phi = np.sin(phi)
                            c_phi = np.cos(phi)
                            v_x = -d * s_phi * c_theta * phi_dot - d * s_theta * c_theta * theta_dot + c_phi * c_theta * d_dot
                            v_y = -d * s_phi * s_theta * phi_dot + d * c_phi * c_theta * theta_dot + s_theta * c_phi * d_dot
                            v_z = -d * c_phi * phi_dot - s_phi * d_dot
                            w_x = cmd_vel[0] - phi_dot * s_theta
                            w_y = cmd_vel[1] + phi_dot * c_theta
                            w_z = cmd_vel[2] + theta_dot
                            cmd_vel2 = np.array([w_x, w_y, w_z, v_x, v_y, v_z])
                            #self._compute_joint_vel_from_spatial_vel(controller_state, step_ts, cmd_vel2)
                            ########## change step_ts*5 ###################
                            controller_state.joint_setpoint += self._quadprog.compute_quadprog(
                                controller_state.joint_position).dot(step_ts *
            elif controller_state.mode == ControllerMode.SHARED_TRAJECTORY:
                if controller_state.joystick_command is not None \
                  and controller_state.joystick_command.trajectory_velocity_command is not None:
                    active_trajectory = controller_state.active_trajectory
                    if active_trajectory is not None and active_trajectory.trajectory_valid:
                        res, setpoint = active_trajectory.increment_trajectory_time(
                            step_ts * controller_state.joystick_command.
                            trajectory_velocity_command, controller_state)
                        if res == ControllerMode.SUCCESS:
                            controller_state.joint_setpoint = setpoint
            elif controller_state.mode == ControllerMode.AUTO_TRAJECTORY:
                active_trajectory = controller_state.active_trajectory
                if active_trajectory is not None and active_trajectory.trajectory_valid:
                    res, setpoint = active_trajectory.increment_trajectory_time(
                        step_ts, controller_state)
                    if res == ControllerMode.SUCCESS:
                        controller_state.joint_setpoint = setpoint
            elif controller_state.mode.value >= ControllerMode.EXTERNAL_SETPOINT_0.value \
                and controller_state.mode.value <= ControllerMode.EXTERNAL_SETPOINT_7.value:
                i = controller_state.mode.value - ControllerMode.EXTERNAL_SETPOINT_0.value
                setpoint = controller_state.external_joint_setpoints[i]
                if setpoint is not None:
                    controller_state.joint_setpoint = np.copy(setpoint)
            controller_state.mode = ControllerMode.INTERNAL_ERROR
            controller_state.joint_command = controller_state.joint_position

        #TODO: add in joint command filter
        controller_state.joint_command = controller_state.joint_setpoint

        return controller_state.mode
def robot6_sphericalwrist_invkin(robot, desired_pose, last_joints=None):
    Inverse kinematics for six axis articulated industrial robots
    with sherical wrists. Examples include Puma 260, ABB IRB6640, 
    Staubli TX40, etc. Note that this is not for Universal Robot 
    wrist configurations.
    :type    robot: general_robotics_toolbox.Robot
    :param   robot: The robot object representing the geometry of the robot
    :type    desired_pose: general_robotics_toolbox.Transform
    :param   desired_pose: The desired pose of the robot
    :type    last_joints: list, tuple, or numpy.array
    :param   last_joints: The joints of the robot at the last timestep. The returned 
             first returned joint configuration will be the closests to last_joints. Optional
    :rtype:  list of numpy.array
    :return: A list of zero or more joint angles that match the desired pose. An
             empty list means that the desired pose cannot be reached. If last_joints
             is specified, the first entry is the closest configuration to last_joints.    

    R06 = desired_pose.R
    p0T = desired_pose.p

    if robot.R_tool is not None and robot.p_tool is not None:
        R06 = R06.dot(np.transpose(robot.R_tool))
        p0T = p0T - R06.dot(robot.p_tool)

    H = robot.H
    P = robot.P

    theta_v = []

    #Correct for spherical joint position vectors
    if not np.all(P[:, 4] == 0):
        P4_d = P[:, 4].dot(H[:, 3])
        assert np.all(P[:, 4] - P4_d * H[:, 3] == 0)
        P[:, 3] += P[:, 4]
        P[:, 4] = np.zeros(3)

    if not np.all(P[:, 5] == 0):
        P5_d = P[:, 5].dot(H[:, 5])
        # assert np.all(P[:,5] - P5_d*H[:,5] == 0)
        P[:, 6] += P[:, 5]
        P[:, 5] = np.zeros(3)

    d1 = np.dot(ey, P[:, 1] + P[:, 2] + P[:, 3])
    v1 = p0T - R06.dot(P[:, 6])
    p1 = ey

    Q1 = rox.subproblem4(p1, v1, -H[:, 0], d1)

    normalize = normalize_joints(robot, last_joints)

    for q1 in normalize(0, Q1):

        R01 = rox.rot(H[:, 0], q1)

        p26_q1 = R01.T.dot(p0T - R06.dot(P[:, 6])) - (P[:, 0] + P[:, 1])

        d3 = np.linalg.norm(p26_q1)
        v3 = P[:, 2]
        p3 = P[:, 3]
        Q3 = rox.subproblem3(p3, v3, H[:, 2], d3)

        for q3 in normalize(2, Q3):

            R23 = rox.rot(H[:, 2], q3)

            v2 = p26_q1
            p2 = P[:, 2] + R23.dot(P[:, 3])
            q2 = rox.subproblem1(p2, v2, H[:, 1])

            q2 = normalize(1, [q2])
            if len(q2) == 0:
            q2 = q2[0]

            R12 = rox.rot(H[:, 1], q2)

            R03 = R01.dot(R12).dot(R23)

            R36 = R03.T.dot(R06)

            v4 = R36.dot(H[:, 5])
            p4 = H[:, 5]

            Q4_Q5 = rox.subproblem2(p4, v4, H[:, 3], H[:, 4])

            for q4, q5 in normalize((3, 4), Q4_Q5):

                R35 = rox.rot(H[:, 3], q4).dot(rox.rot(H[:, 4], q5))
                R05 = R03.dot(R35)
                R56 = R05.T.dot(R06)

                p6 = H[:, 4]
                v6 = R56.dot(H[:, 4])

                q6 = rox.subproblem1(p6, v6, H[:, 5])

                q6 = normalize(5, [q6])
                if len(q6) == 0:
                q6 = q6[0]

                theta_v.append(np.array([q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6]))
    if last_joints is not None:
        theta_dist = np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(theta_v, last_joints), axis=1)
        return [theta_v[i] for i in list(np.argsort(theta_dist))]
        return theta_v