Example #1
    def findLibResources(self, lib, filter=None):

        def getCache(lib):
            cacheId = "resinlib-%s" % lib._path
            liblist = self._genobj._cache.read(cacheId, dependsOn=None, memory=True)
            return liblist, cacheId

        def isSkipFile(f):
            if [x for x in map(lambda x: re.search(x, f), ignoredFiles) if x!=None]:
                return True
                return False

        # - Main --------------------------------------------------------------
        cacheList    = []  # to poss. populate cache
        cacheId      = ""  # will be filled in getCache()
        ignoredFiles = [r'\.meta$',]  # files not considered as resources

        # create wrapper object
        libObj = LibraryPath(lib, self._genobj._console)
        # retrieve list of library resources
        libList, cacheId = getCache(libObj)
        if libList:
            inCache = True
            libList = libObj.scanResourcePath()
            inCache = False

        # go through list of library resources and add suitable
        for resource in libList:
            # scanResourcePath() yields absolute paths to a resource, but
            # we only want to match against the 'resource' part of it
            resourcePart = Path.getCommonPrefix(libObj._resourcePath, resource)[2]
            if not inCache:
            if isSkipFile(resource):
            elif (filter and not filter(resourcePart)):
                yield resource

        if not inCache:
            # cache write
            self._genobj._cache.write(cacheId, cacheList, memory=True, writeToFile=False)

    def findAllResources(self, libraries, filter=None):
        """Find relevant resources/assets, implementing shaddowing of resources.
           Returns a list of resources, each a pair of [file_path, uri]"""

        # - Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------

        def getCache(lib):
            cacheId = "resinlib-%s" % lib._path
            liblist = self._genobj._cache.read(cacheId, dependsOn=None, memory=True)
            return liblist, cacheId

        def isSkipFile(f):
            if [x for x in map(lambda x: re.search(x, f), ignoredFiles) if x!=None]:
                return True
                return False

        def resourceValue(r):
            # create a pair res = [path, uri] for this resource...
            rsource = os.path.normpath(r)  # normalize "./..."
            relpath = (Path.getCommonPrefix(libObj._resourcePath, rsource))[2]
            if relpath[0] == os.sep:  # normalize "/..."
                relpath = relpath[1:]
            ruri = (self._genobj._computeResourceUri(lib, relpath, rType='resource', 

            return (rsource, ruri)

        # - Main --------------------------------------------------------------

        result       = []
        cacheList    = []  # to poss. populate cache
        cacheId      = ""  # will be filled in getCache()
        ignoredFiles = [r'\.meta$',]  # files not considered as resources
        libs         = libraries[:]
        #libs.reverse()     # this is to search the 'important' libs first

        # go through all libs (weighted) and collect necessary resources
        for lib in libs:
            # create wrapper object
            libObj = LibraryPath(lib, self._genobj._console)
            # retrieve list of library resources
            libList, cacheId = getCache(libObj)
            if libList:
                inCache = True
                libList = libObj.scanResourcePath()
                inCache = False

            # go through list of library resources and add suitable
            for resource in libList:
                # scanResourcePath() yields absolute paths to a resource, but
                # we only want to match against the 'resource' part of it
                resourcePart = Path.getCommonPrefix(libObj._resourcePath, resource)[2]
                if not inCache:
                if isSkipFile(resource):
                elif (filter and not filter(resourcePart)):

            if not inCache:
                # cache write
                self._genobj._cache.write(cacheId, cacheList, memory=True, writeToFile=False)

        return result