def testStructSerialize(self):
     """Test generation of serialization code for typedefs."""
     serialized_types = set(['int', 'FOO', 'BAR', 'TPMI_ALG_SYM_OBJECT'])
     struct = generator.Structure('TEST_STRUCT', False)
     struct.fields = [('TPMI_ALG_SYM_OBJECT', 'selector'),
                      ('TPMU_SYM_MODE', 'mode'), ('int', 'sizeOfFoo'),
                      ('int', 'foo[FOO_MAX]')]
     # Choose TPMU_SYM_MODE because it exists in the selectors definition and it
     # has few fields.
     union = generator.Structure('TPMU_SYM_MODE', True)
     union.fields = [('FOO', 'aes'), ('BAR', 'sm4')]
     typemap = {'TPMU_SYM_MODE': union}
     out_file = io.StringIO()
     struct.OutputSerialize(out_file, serialized_types, typemap)
     self.assertIn('TPMU_SYM_MODE', serialized_types)
     self.assertIn('TEST_STRUCT', serialized_types)
Example #2
 def testConstant(self):
   """Test generation of constant definitions and type dependencies."""
   constant = generator.Constant('INT', 'test', '1')
   typemap = {'INT': generator.Structure('INT', False)}
   defined_types = set([])
   out_file = StringIO.StringIO()
   constant.Output(out_file, defined_types, typemap)
   output_re = r'struct INT;\s+const INT test = 1;\s+'
   self.assertRegexpMatches(out_file.getvalue(), output_re)
Example #3
 def testStructure(self):
   """Test generation of structure declarations and field dependencies."""
   struct = generator.Structure('STRUCT', False)
   struct.AddField('int', 'i')
   union = generator.Structure('UNION', True)
   union.AddField('STRUCT', 'inner')
   depend = generator.Structure('DEPEND', False)
   defined_types = set(['int'])
   out_file = StringIO.StringIO()
   typemap = {'STRUCT': struct, 'DEPEND': depend}
   # Only output |union|, this will test the dependency logic.
   union.OutputForward(out_file, defined_types, typemap)
   union.OutputForward(out_file, defined_types, typemap)
   union.Output(out_file, defined_types, typemap)
   output_re = r'union UNION;\s+struct DEPEND {\s+};\s+'
   output_re += r'struct STRUCT {\s+int i;\s+};\s+'
   output_re += r'union UNION {\s+STRUCT inner;\s+};\s+'
   self.assertRegexpMatches(out_file.getvalue(), output_re)
   for t in ('STRUCT', 'DEPEND', 'UNION'):
     self.assertIn(t, defined_types)
   # Test serialize / parse code generation.
Example #4
 def testTypedef(self):
   """Test generation of typedefs and dependencies."""
   typedef = generator.Typedef('int', 'INT')
   defined_types = set(['int'])
   typemap = {}
   out_file = StringIO.StringIO()
   # Expect this to just write the typedef.
   typedef.OutputForward(out_file, defined_types, typemap)
   # Expect this to know it has already been written.
   typedef.Output(out_file, defined_types, typemap)
   self.assertEqual(out_file.getvalue(), 'typedef int INT;\n')
   self.assertIn('INT', defined_types)
   typedef2 = generator.Typedef('TYPE1', 'TYPE2')
   typemap = {'TYPE1': generator.Structure('TYPE1', False)}
   defined_types = set([])
   out_file2 = StringIO.StringIO()
   # Expect this to write first TYPE1 forward then TYPE2 typedef.
   typedef2.Output(out_file2, defined_types, typemap)
   output_re = r'struct TYPE1;\s+typedef TYPE1 TYPE2;\s+'
   self.assertRegexpMatches(out_file2.getvalue(), output_re)
   self.assertIn('TYPE2', defined_types)