Example #1
def main():
    imsize = cfg.TREE.BASE_SIZE * (2**(cfg.TREE.BRANCH_NUM - 1))  #64, 3
    image_transform = transforms.Compose([
        transforms.Resize(int(imsize * 76 / 64)),
    #cfg.DATA_DIR = "data/birds"
    dataset = TextDataset(cfg.DATA_DIR,
    assert dataset

    traingenerator = DataGenerator(dataset, batchsize=cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE)

    ##Create model
    G_model, D_model, GRD_model, CR_model, RNN_model = model_create(dataset)

    #Preparation for learning
    total_epoch = cfg.TRAIN.MAX_EPOCH
    batch_size = traingenerator.batchsize
    step_epoch = int(len(dataset) / batch_size)
    wrong_step = 3
    wrong_step_epoch = int(step_epoch / wrong_step)

    image_list, captions_ar, captions_ar_prezeropad, \
        z_code, eps_code, mask, keys_list, captions_label, \
            real_label, fake_label = next(traingenerator)
    traingenerator.count = 0
    #for image plot
    test_noise = deepcopy(z_code[:20])
    test_eps = deepcopy(eps_code[:20])
    test_cap_pd = deepcopy(captions_ar_prezeropad[:20])
    test_cap = deepcopy(captions_ar[:20])
    test_mask = deepcopy(mask[:20])
    test_mask = np.where(test_mask == 1, -float("inf"), 0)

    #Start learning
    print("batch_size: {}  step_epoch : {} srong_step_epoch {}".format(
        batch_size, step_epoch, wrong_step_epoch))

    for epoch in range(total_epoch):
        total_D_loss = 0
        total_D_acc = 0
        total_D_wrong_loss = 0
        total_D_wrong_acc = 0
        total_G_loss = 0
        total_G_des_loss = 0
        total_G_enc_loss = 0

        print("----------------EPOCH: {} START----------------".format(epoch))

        for batch in tqdm(range(step_epoch)):

            image_list, captions_ar, captions_ar_prezeropad, \
                z_code, eps_code, mask, keys_list, captions_label, \
                    real_label, fake_label = next(traingenerator)

            mask = np.where(mask == 1, -float("inf"), 0)

            if cfg.TREE.BRANCH_NUM == 1:
                real_image = image_list[0]
            if cfg.TREE.BRANCH_NUM == 2:
                real_image = image_list[1]
            if cfg.TREE.BRANCH_NUM == 3:
                real_image = image_list[2]
            #D learning
            if cfg.TREE.BRANCH_NUM == 1:
                fake_image = G_model.predict(
                    [captions_ar_prezeropad, eps_code, z_code])
            else:  # 2 or 3
                fake_image = G_model.predict(
                    [captions_ar_prezeropad, eps_code, z_code, mask])

            if batch % 1 == 0:
                histDr = D_model.train_on_batch(
                    [real_image, captions_ar_prezeropad],
                    [real_label, real_label],
                total_D_loss += histDr[0]
                total_D_acc += (histDr[3] + histDr[4]) / 2

                histDf = D_model.train_on_batch(
                    [fake_image, captions_ar_prezeropad],
                    [fake_label, fake_label],
                total_D_loss += histDf[0]
                total_D_acc += (histDf[3] + histDf[4]) / 2

            if batch % wrong_step == 0:
                histDw = D_model.train_on_batch(
                    [real_image[:-1], captions_ar_prezeropad[1:]],
                    [fake_label[:-1], fake_label[:-1]],
                total_D_wrong_loss += histDw[0]
                total_D_wrong_acc += (histDw[3] + histDw[4]) / 2

            #G learning
            if cfg.TREE.BRANCH_NUM == 1:
                histGRD = GRD_model.train_on_batch(
                    [captions_ar_prezeropad, eps_code, z_code, captions_ar],
                    [real_label, real_label, captions_label],
            else:  # 2 or 3
                histGRD = GRD_model.train_on_batch(
                        captions_ar_prezeropad, eps_code, z_code, mask,
                    [real_label, real_label, captions_label],
            total_G_loss += histGRD[0]
            total_G_des_loss += (histGRD[1] + histGRD[2]) / 2
            total_G_enc_loss += histGRD[3]

        #Calculation of loss
        D_loss = total_D_loss / step_epoch / 2
        D_acc = total_D_acc / step_epoch / 2
        D_wrong_loss = total_D_wrong_loss / wrong_step_epoch
        D_wrong_acc = total_D_wrong_acc / wrong_step_epoch
        G_loss = total_G_loss / step_epoch
        G_des_loss = total_G_des_loss / step_epoch
        G_enc_loss = total_G_enc_loss / step_epoch

            "D_loss: {:.5f} D_wrong_loss: {:.5f} D_acc:  {:.5f} D_wrong_acc:  {:.5f}"
            .format(D_loss, D_wrong_loss, D_acc, D_wrong_acc))
            "G_loss:  {:.5f} G_discriminator_loss:  {:.5f} G_encoder_loss:  {:.5f}"
            .format(G_loss, G_des_loss, G_enc_loss))

        if epoch % 4 == 0:
            G_save_path = "model/G_epoch{}.h5".format(epoch)
            D_save_path = "model/D_epoch{}.h5".format(epoch)

        #Save image
        if epoch % 1 == 0:
            sample_images(epoch, test_noise, test_eps, test_cap_pd, test_mask,
Example #2
def main():
    trainable = cfg.Train
    imsize = cfg.TREE.BASE_SIZE * (2**(cfg.TREE.BRANCH_NUM - 1))  #64, 3
    image_transform = transforms.Compose([
        transforms.Resize(int(imsize * 76 / 64)),
    cfg.DATA_DIR = "data/pascal"

    dataset_train = TextDataset_Pascal(
    assert dataset_train

    dataset_test = TextDataset_Pascal(
    assert dataset_test

    traingenerator = DataGenerator(dataset_train, batchsize=cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE)

    ##Create model
    G_model, D_model, GRD_model, CR_model, RNN_model, SIM_model = model_create_new(dataset_train)

    if trainable:
        # Record Tensorboard Log
        sess = tf.Session()
        logdir = "tensorboard/" + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + "/"
        writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logdir, sess.graph)
        D_LOSS = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])
        D_LOSS_wrong = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])
        D_ACC_realism = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])
        D_ACC_consistency = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])
        D_ACC_wong_consistency = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])
        D_ACC_wong_realism = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])

        G_LOSS = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])
        G_LOSS_enc = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])

        tf.summary.scalar("D_LOSS", D_LOSS)
        tf.summary.scalar("D_LOSS_wrong", D_LOSS_wrong)
        tf.summary.scalar("D_ACC_realism", D_ACC_realism)
        tf.summary.scalar("D_ACC_consitency", D_ACC_consistency)
        tf.summary.scalar("D_ACC_wong_consistency", D_ACC_wong_consistency)
        tf.summary.scalar("D_ACC_wong_realism", D_ACC_wong_realism)
        tf.summary.scalar("G_LOSS", G_LOSS)
        tf.summary.scalar("G_LOSS_enc", G_LOSS_enc)
        merged = tf.summary.merge_all()
        # Preparation for learning
        total_epoch = cfg.TRAIN.MAX_EPOCH
        batch_size = traingenerator.batchsize
        step_epoch = int(len(dataset_train) / batch_size)
        wrong_step = 1
        wrong_step_epoch = int(step_epoch / wrong_step)
        eval_step = 20

        image_list, captions_ar, captions_ar_prezeropad, \
        z_code, eps_code, mask, keys_list, captions_label, \
        real_label, fake_label = next(traingenerator)
        traingenerator.count = 0
        # for image plot
        test_noise = deepcopy(z_code[:20])
        test_eps = deepcopy(eps_code[:20])
        test_cap_pd = deepcopy(captions_ar_prezeropad[:20])
        test_cap = deepcopy(captions_ar[:20])
        test_mask = deepcopy(mask[:20])
        test_mask = np.where(test_mask == 1, -float("inf"), 0)
        test_real_image = deepcopy(image_list[0][:20])

        # Start learning
        print("batch_size: {}  step_epoch : {} wrong_step_epoch {}".format(
            batch_size, step_epoch, wrong_step_epoch))

        for epoch in range(total_epoch):
            total_D_loss = 0
            total_D_acc = 0
            total_D_acc_realism = 0
            total_D_acc_consitency = 0
            total_D_wrong_loss = 0
            total_D_wrong_acc = 0
            total_D_wrong_acc_realism = 0
            total_D_wrong_acc_consitency = 0
            total_G_loss = 0
            total_G_des_loss = 0
            total_G_enc_loss = 0

            print("----------------EPOCH: {} START----------------".format(epoch))

            for batch in tqdm(range(step_epoch)):
                image_list, captions_ar, captions_ar_prezeropad, \
                    z_code, eps_code, mask, keys_list, captions_label, \
                        real_label, fake_label = next(traingenerator)

                mask = np.where(mask == 1, -float("inf"), 0)

                if cfg.TREE.BRANCH_NUM == 1:
                    real_image = image_list[0]
                if cfg.TREE.BRANCH_NUM == 2:
                    real_image = image_list[1]
                if cfg.TREE.BRANCH_NUM == 3:
                    real_image = image_list[2]
                num_image = len(real_image)
                #D learning

                if cfg.TREE.BRANCH_NUM == 1:
                    fake_image = G_model.predict(
                        [captions_ar_prezeropad, eps_code, z_code])
                else:  # 2 or 3
                    fake_image = G_model.predict(
                        [captions_ar_prezeropad, eps_code, z_code, mask])

                if batch % 1 == 0:
                    histDr = D_model.train_on_batch(
                        [real_image, captions_ar_prezeropad],
                        [real_label, real_label],
                    # histDr = D_model.test_on_batch(
                    #     [real_image, captions_ar_prezeropad],
                    #     [real_label, real_label],
                    # )

                    total_D_loss += histDr[0]
                    total_D_acc_realism += histDr[3]
                    total_D_acc_consitency += histDr[4]

                    total_D_acc += (histDr[3] + histDr[4]) / 2

                    histDf = D_model.train_on_batch(
                        [fake_image, captions_ar_prezeropad],
                        [fake_label, fake_label],
                    # histDf = D_model.test_on_batch(
                    #     [fake_image, captions_ar_prezeropad],
                    #     [fake_label, fake_label],
                    # )
                    total_D_loss += histDf[0]
                    total_D_acc += (histDf[3] + histDf[4]) / 2

                if batch % wrong_step == 0:
                    histDw = D_model.train_on_batch(
                        [real_image[:-1], captions_ar_prezeropad[1:]],
                        [real_label[:-1], fake_label[:-1]],
                    temp2 = D_model.predict([real_image[:-1], captions_ar_prezeropad[1:]])
                    # histDw = D_model.test_on_batch(
                    #     [real_image[:-1], captions_ar_prezeropad[1:]],
                    #     [real_label[:-1], fake_label[:-1]],
                    # )

                    total_D_wrong_loss += histDw[0]
                    total_D_wrong_acc_realism += histDw[3]
                    total_D_wrong_acc_consitency += (histDw[4])

                #G learning

                if cfg.TREE.BRANCH_NUM == 1:
                    histGRD = GRD_model.train_on_batch(
                        [captions_ar_prezeropad, eps_code, z_code, captions_ar],
                        [real_label, real_label, captions_label],
                    # histGRD = GRD_model.test_on_batch(
                    #     [captions_ar_prezeropad, eps_code, z_code, captions_ar],
                    #     [real_label, real_label, captions_label],
                    # )
                else:  # 2 or 3
                    histGRD = GRD_model.train_on_batch(
                        [captions_ar_prezeropad, eps_code, z_code, mask, captions_ar],
                        [real_label, real_label, captions_label],g))
                    # histGRD = GRD_model.test_on_batch(
                    #     [captions_ar_prezeropad, eps_code, z_code, mask, captions_ar],
                    #     [real_label, real_label, captions_label],
                    # )
                total_G_loss += histGRD[0]
                total_G_des_loss += (histGRD[1] + histGRD[2]) / 2
                total_G_enc_loss += histGRD[3]
            #Calculation of loss
            D_loss = total_D_loss / step_epoch / 2
            D_acc = total_D_acc / step_epoch / 2
            D_wrong_loss = total_D_wrong_loss / wrong_step_epoch
            D_wrong_acc = total_D_wrong_acc / wrong_step_epoch
            G_loss = total_G_loss / step_epoch/ (cfg.TRAIN.RNN_DEC_LOSS_W + 1)
            G_des_loss = total_G_des_loss / step_epoch
            G_enc_loss = total_G_enc_loss / step_epoch / cfg.TRAIN.RNN_DEC_LOSS_W

            D_wrong_acc_realism = total_D_wrong_acc_realism / step_epoch
            D_wrong_acc_consistency = total_D_wrong_acc_consitency / wrong_step_epoch
            D_acc_realism = total_D_acc_realism / step_epoch
            D_acc_consistency = total_D_acc_consitency / step_epoch

            if epoch % 1 == 0:
                summary = sess.run(merged, feed_dict={D_LOSS: D_loss,
                                                      D_LOSS_wrong: D_wrong_loss,
                                                      D_ACC_realism: D_acc_realism,
                                                      D_ACC_consistency: D_acc_consistency,
                                                      D_ACC_wong_consistency: D_wrong_acc_realism,
                                                      D_ACC_wong_realism: D_wrong_acc_consistency,
                                                      G_LOSS: G_loss,
                                                      G_LOSS_enc: G_enc_loss
                writer.add_summary(summary, epoch)

                "\nD_loss: {:.5f} D_wrong_loss: {:.5f} D_wrong_acc_realism:  {:.5f} D_wrong_acc_consistency:  {:.5f} D_acc_realism:  {:.5f} D_acc_consistency:  {:.5f} "
                .format(D_loss, D_wrong_loss, D_wrong_acc_realism, D_wrong_acc_consistency, D_acc_realism, D_acc_consistency))
                "G_loss:  {:.5f} G_discriminator_loss:  {:.5f} G_encoder_loss:  {:.5f}"
                .format(G_loss, G_des_loss, G_enc_loss))