def grow_room(self, room, growing, max_size, pad_v=0, pad_h=0, space=None): """Tries to grow a room in the specified direction Returns whether the growth succeeded""" space = space if space is not None else self.interior_space for d, grow in enumerate(growing): if not grow: continue if (((d == LEFT or d == RIGHT) and room.w > max_size) or ((d == UP or d == DOWN) and room.h > max_size)): growing[d] = False continue left, top, width, height = room.x, room.y, room.w, room.h if d == LEFT: left -= 1 width += 1 if room.w <= 1: collision = None else: collision = Rect(room.x - pad_h, room.y + 1 - pad_v, 1 + pad_h, max(1, room.h + 2 * pad_v - 2)) elif d == RIGHT: width += 1 if room.w <= 1: collision = None else: collision = Rect(room.right - 1 - pad_h, room.y + 1, 1 + pad_h, max(1, room.h + 2 * pad_v - 2)) elif d == DOWN: height += 1 if room.h <= 1: collision = None else: collision = Rect(room.x + 1 - pad_h, room.bottom - 1, max(1, room.w - 2 + 2 * pad_h), 1 + pad_v) elif d == UP: top -= 1 height += 1 if room.h <= 1: collision = None else: collision = Rect(room.x + 1 - pad_h, room.y - pad_v, max(1, room.w - 2 + 2 * pad_h), 1 + pad_v) if collision is not None: building_collisions = collision.collidelistall([r.rect for r in self.shapes if isinstance(r, Room)]) else: building_collisions = [] if not (set(Generator.get_rect(collision)) - space) and len(building_collisions) == 0: room.left = left room.width = width = top room.height = height else: print room.rect, collision, d, building_collisions, (set(Generator.get_rect(collision)) - space) growing[d] = False
def grow_rect(self, i, rect, growth, adjacency, rects, direction): """Tries to grow a rectangle in the specified direction Returns whether the growth succeeded""" if rect.w > 100 or rect.h > 100: growth[direction] = False return False if growth[direction]: left, top, width, height = rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h if direction == LEFT: left -= 1 width += 1 if height > 1: collision = Rect(rect.x, rect.y+1, 1, rect.h-2) else: collision = Rect(rect.x, rect.y, 1, 1) elif direction == RIGHT: width += 1 if height > 1: collision = Rect(rect.right-1, rect.y+1, 1, rect.h-2) else: collision = Rect(rect.right-1, rect.y, 1, 1) elif direction == DOWN: height += 1 if width > 1: collision = Rect(rect.x+1, rect.bottom-1, rect.w-2, 1) else: collision = Rect(rect.x, rect.bottom-1, 1, 1) elif direction == UP: top -= 1 height += 1 if width > 1: collision = Rect(rect.x+1, rect.y, rect.w-2, 1) else: collision = Rect(rect.x, rect.y, 1, 1) building_collisions = collision.collidelistall(rects) try: building_collisions.remove(i) except ValueError: pass if not (set(Generator.get_rect(collision)) - and len(building_collisions) == 0: rect.left = left rect.width = width = top rect.height = height #if rect.width >= 8 and rect.height >= 8 and random.randrange(5) == 0: # growth[direction] = False return True else: growth[direction] = False if building_collisions: care_about = [j for j in building_collisions if j < len(self.points)] # If we collided with a building, make a note. adjacency[i] += care_about for j in care_about: adjacency[j].append(i) return False
def points(self): return set(Generator.get_rect(self.rect))