Example #1

    filename = sys.argv[1]
    basename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
    extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]

    In  = filename
    fn  = basename+'_dsm.tif'
    # read point cloud
    x,y,z,c = getpoints(In)
    # intiate grid system (coordinates of center point grid cells)
    res = 1
    xi, yi = np.arange(x.min(), x.max()+res/2, res), np.arange(y.min(), y.max()+res/2, res)
    extent = [xi.min(), xi.max(), yi.min(), yi.max()] # only used to set extent to plots
    grid = np.zeros((len(yi),len(xi)))*np.NaN  

    # retreive gridcell border coordinates
    bx, by = gridcellborders(xi,yi,res)    
    # georeferencing info
    geotransform = (x.min(), res, 0, y.max(), 0, -res)  # used for georeference metadata in geotiff
    proj = '' # mandatory setting used to store projection information in metadata geotiff (not assigned as metadata is not stored in lidar txt)
    # create DSM
    dsm = createDSM(x,y,z,xi,yi,bx,by,res,geotransform, proj)

    # write tiff
    saveimg(np.flipud(dsm), fn, len(xi), len(yi), geotransform, proj)
Example #2
    # georeferencing info
    geotransform = (x.min(), res, 0, y.max(), 0, -res)  # used for georeference metadata in geotiff
    proj = '' # mandatory setting used to store projection information in metadata geotiff (not assigned as metadata is not stored in lidar txt)
    # dtm
    if os.path.isfile(fn_dtm) == True:
        # load dtm
        from generic_tools import openimg
        dtm, _,_,_,_,_ = openimg(fn_dtm)
        dtm = np.flipud(dtm)
    else: # create dtm
        from dtm import createDTM  
        g = c == 2
        dtm = createDTM(x[g],y[g],z[g],xi,yi,res,geotransform, proj, method='idw')    
        saveimg(np.flipud(dtm), fn_dtm , len(xi), len(yi), geotransform, proj)

    # dsm
    if os.path.isfile(fn_dsm) == True:
        # load dsm
        from generic_tools import openimg
        dsm, _,_,_,_,_ = openimg(fn_dsm)
        dsm = np.flipud(dsm)
        # create dsm
        from dsm import createDSM
        dsm = createDSM(x,y,z,xi,yi,bx,by,res,geotransform, proj)
        saveimg(np.flipud(dsm), fn_dsm, len(xi), len(yi), geotransform, proj)
    # create chm
    chm = createCHM(dtm,dsm)
    res = 1
    xi, yi = np.arange(x.min(), x.max()+res/2, res), np.arange(y.min(), y.max()+res/2, res)
    extent = [xi.min(), xi.max(), yi.min(), yi.max()] # only used to set extent to plots
    grid = np.zeros((len(yi),len(xi)))*np.NaN  

    # retreive gridcell border coordinates
    bx, by = gridcellborders(xi,yi,res)    
    # georeferencing info
    geotransform = (x.min(), res, 0, y.max(), 0, -res)  # used for georeference metadata in geotiff
    proj = '' # mandatory setting used to store projection information in metadata geotiff (not assigned as metadata is not stored in lidar txt)
    # create dsm
    from dsm import createDSM
    dsm = createDSM(x,y,z,xi,yi,bx,by,res,geotransform, proj)
    saveimg(np.flipud(dsm), basename+"_dsm.tif", len(xi), len(yi), geotransform, proj)
    # calculate slope and aspect in radians
    slope_rad = np.core.umath.deg2rad(calcSlope(dsm))
    asp_rad = np.core.umath.deg2rad(calcAspect(dsm))
    slope_rad = np.flipud(slope_rad)    
    asp_rad = np.flipud(asp_rad)
    # calculate solar radiation
    SR = calcSR(dsm, slope_rad, asp_rad, xi, yi, 0.2)
    # write tiff
    saveimg(SR, fn, len(xi), len(yi), geotransform, proj)

Example #4
    # georeferencing info
    geotransform = (x.min(), res, 0, y.max(), 0, -res)  # used for georeference metadata in geotiff
    proj = '+proj=utm +zone=21 +south +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs ' # mandatory setting used to store projection information in metadata geotiff (not assigned as metadata is not stored in lidar txt)
    # create dtm
    from dtm import createDTM  
    g = c == 2
    dtm = createDTM(x[g],y[g],z[g],xi,yi,res,geotransform, proj, method='idw')    
    # Calculate cover
    #from cover import Cover
    #cover = Cover(x,y,c,grid,bx,by)
    # Calculate RH50
    from relativeheight import createRH
    rh50 = createRH(x,y,z,grid,dtm,bx,by,50)
    # Calculate biomass
    #agb = calcAGB(cover,rh50)
    agb = calcAGB(rh50)

    # write tiff
    saveimg(np.flipud(agb), fn, len(xi), len(yi), geotransform, proj)
    # write intermediate results
    fn  = basename+'_dtm.tif'
    saveimg(np.flipud(dtm), fn, len(xi), len(yi), geotransform, proj)
    fn  = basename+'_rh50.tif'    
    saveimg(np.flipud(rh50), fn, len(xi), len(yi), geotransform, proj)    

Example #5
    In  = filename
    fn  = basename+'_aspect.tif'
    # read point cloud
    x,y,z,c = getpoints(In)
    g = c==2    # ground points
    # intiate grid system (coordinates of center point grid cells)
    res = 1
    xi, yi = np.arange(x.min(), x.max()+res/2, res), np.arange(y.min(), y.max()+res/2, res)
    extent = [xi.min(), xi.max(), yi.min(), yi.max()] # only used to set extent to plots
    grid = np.zeros((len(yi),len(xi)))*np.NaN  

    # retreive gridcell border coordinates
    bx, by = gridcellborders(xi,yi,res)    
    # georeferencing info
    geotransform = (x.min(), res, 0, y.max(), 0, -res)  # used for georeference metadata in geotiff
    proj = '' # mandatory setting used to store projection information in metadata geotiff (not assigned as metadata is not stored in lidar txt)
    # create DTM
    from dtm import createDTM
    dtm = createDTM(x[g],y[g],z[g],xi,yi,res,geotransform, proj, method='idw')

    # calculate slope angle
    aspect = calcAspect(dtm) 

    # write tiff
    saveimg(np.flipud(aspect), fn, len(xi), len(yi), geotransform, proj)
                tree_x = Xi[coo[0], coo[1]]
                tree_y = Yi[coo[0], coo[1]]
                tree_z = chm[coo[0], coo[1]]
            else:  # more peaks in one crown, determine highest peak=tree top
                tree_z = chm[coo[:, 0], coo[:, 1]]
                highest_peak = np.argwhere(tree_z == tree_z.max())
                tree_x = Xi[coo[highest_peak, 0], coo[highest_peak, 1]]
                tree_y = Yi[coo[highest_peak, 0], coo[highest_peak, 1]]
                tree_z = chm[coo[highest_peak, 0], coo[highest_peak, 1]]
            tree_record = "%.2f, %.2f, %.2f\n" % (tree_x, tree_y, tree_z)
    print "Tree coordinates and heights stored in", fn_heights

    # write tiff
    saveimg(np.flipud(crowns), fn_tree, len(xi), len(yi), geotransform, proj)
    saveimg(np.flipud(crowns == -999), fn_gaps, len(xi), len(yi), geotransform, proj)
    # polygonize tree crowns
    polygonize(fn_tree, fn_shape)

    # plot
    import pylab as plt

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(131)
    plt.imshow(chm, extent=[Xi.min(), Xi.max(), Yi.min(), Yi.max()])
    plt.scatter(peak_x, peak_y, c="k", marker="+", s=100)
    plt.xlim([Xi.min(), Xi.max()])
    plt.ylim([Yi.min(), Yi.max()])
    title = "local peaks (n=%d)" % (peak)