Example #1
def mutLS4(individual, problem, num_ls, gen):
    if not individual.fitness.valid:
        computeFitness(problem, individual)
    num_ls[gen][0] += 1
    improvement, new_ind = move10(problem, individual)
    if improvement:
        num_ls[gen][1] += 1
        return new_ind,
    return individual,
Example #2
def mutLS(individual, problem, gen):
    Local Search
    :param individual: Individual to be mutated.
    :param indpb: Independent probability for each attribute to be exchanged to
                  another position.
    :returns: A tuple of one individual.
    This function uses the :func:`~random.random` and :func:`~random.randint`
    functions from the python base :mod:`random` module.
    if not individual.fitness.valid:
        computeFitness(problem, individual)
    individual = ls_prins(problem, individual, gen,)
#     individual = ls_move14(problem, individual, num_ls, gen)
    return individual,