def create_next_generation(self): parameters_list = [ game.snake.brain.parameters for game in self.current_generation ] mating_pool = [ ga.tournament_selection(parameters_list, self.fitness_list) for _ in range(len(parameters_list)) ] nn_architecture = self.current_generation[0].snake.brain.architecture parent_chromosomes = [ ga.flatten_parameters(brain, nn_architecture) for brain in mating_pool ] crossed_chromosomes = [] for pair in range(0, len(parent_chromosomes), 2): for child in ga.crossover(parent_chromosomes[pair], parent_chromosomes[pair + 1], child = ga.mutation(child, crossed_chromosomes.append(child) # reshape parameters in the neural network architecture new_parameters = [] for chromosome in crossed_chromosomes: new_parameters.append( ga.reshape_parameters(chromosome, nn_architecture)) self.generation_number += 1 self.current_generation = [ Game(, parameters=parameters) for parameters in new_parameters ]
def generations( population, pop_size, fitness_func, prob_cross, prob_muta, select_parents, muta_method, cross_method, select_survivors, max_gener, sizes, max_size, bests_matrix, averages_matrix, current_generation, current_run): for gener in range(max_gener): mates = select_parents(population, pop_size, 3) offspring = crossover(mates, prob_cross, cross_method) offspring = mutation(offspring, prob_muta, muta_method) offspring = eval_pop(offspring, fitness_func, sizes, max_size) population = select_survivors(population, offspring) evaluate_generation( population, bests_matrix, averages_matrix, current_generation +gener , current_run) return population
def generations(population, pop_size, fitness_func, prob_cross, prob_muta, select_parents, muta_method, cross_method, select_survivors, max_gener, sizes, max_size, bests_matrix, averages_matrix, current_generation, current_run): for gener in range(max_gener): mates = select_parents(population, pop_size, 3) offspring = crossover(mates, prob_cross, cross_method) offspring = mutation(offspring, prob_muta, muta_method) offspring = eval_pop(offspring, fitness_func, sizes, max_size) population = select_survivors(population, offspring) evaluate_generation(population, bests_matrix, averages_matrix, current_generation + gener, current_run) return population
input('\n----- press ENTER to start ----- ') population = GA.population(places, population_size, verbose) for i in range(number_of_rouds): population = GA.selection_and_crossover( population, number_of_parents, lambda x: GA.hs_fitness(x, origin), verbose ) population = GA.mutation( population, number_of_parents, probability_of_mutation, verbose ) route = GA.best_chromossome( population, lambda x: GA.hs_fitness(x, origin), verbose ) GA.print_route(route, origin) while len(route) > 1: total_remaining_distance = GA.hs_fitness(route, origin) recommendation = FUZZY.simulate(fuel_level, total_remaining_distance) fuel_level -= 10 print('\nROUTE CALCULATED RISK:', recommendation)
import genetic_algorithm image_name = 'C:\\Users\\Dell\\Desktop\\My disk\\Sketches\\init7.jpg' final_name = 'C:\\Users\\Dell\\Desktop\\My disk\\Sketches\\final7.jpg' iterations_num = 30 genetic_algorithm.generate_init_pop(image_name) print('End of initial population\'s generation') for i in range(1, iterations_num + 1): genetic_algorithm.fitness_function() genetic_algorithm.selection_function() genetic_algorithm.crossover() genetic_algorithm.mutation() print('End of ' + str(i) + ' iteration') result = genetic_algorithm.termination() print('End of termination') result.save_image(final_name) = pacman.evasion # 적합도는 유령 회피 성공 수 wr.writerow([n_gen, i, pacman.evasion, EndT, score]) # csv 파일에 게임 결과 기록 if pgf.keyPressed('esc'): n_gen = 0 break if pgf.keyPressed('esc'): break # 유전 알고리즘을 이용한 진화 시작 if best_chromosomes is not None: # 퇴화 방지를 위해 이전 세대 상위 chromosome 까지 포함 chromosomes.extend(best_chromosomes) chromosomes.sort(key=lambda x:, reverse=True) # 적합도를 기준으로 내림차순 정렬 print('===== Generaton #%s\tBest Fitness %s =====' % (n_gen, chromosomes[0].fitness)) # 세대 끝, 최고 적합도 출력 best_chromosomes = deepcopy( chromosomes[:N_BEST]) # 상위 chromosome 4개 따로 저장 ga.crossover(N_CHILDREN, best_chromosomes) # crossover ga.mutation(N_POPULATION, N_BEST, N_CHILDREN, best_chromosomes, PROB_MUTATION, chromosomes) #mutation if pgf.keyPressed('esc'): break
num_generations = 15 for generation in range(num_generations): print("Generation : ", generation) # Measing the fitness of each chromosome in the population. fitness = GA.cal_pop_fitness(equation_inputs, new_population) # Selecting the best parents in the population for mating. parents = GA.select_mating_pool(new_population, fitness, num_parents_mating) # Generating next generation using crossover. offspring_crossover = GA.crossover( parents, offspring_size=(pop_size[0] - parents.shape[0], num_weights)) # Adding some variations to the offsrping using mutation. offspring_mutation = GA.mutation(offspring_crossover) # Creating the new population based on the parents and offspring. new_population[0:parents.shape[0], :] = parents new_population[parents.shape[0]:, :] = offspring_mutation # The best result in the current iteration. print("Best result : ", numpy.max(numpy.sum(new_population * equation_inputs, axis=1))) # Getting the best solution after iterating finishing all generations. #At first, the fitness is calculated for each solution in the final generation. fitness = GA.cal_pop_fitness(equation_inputs, new_population) # Then return the index of that solution corresponding to the best fitness. best_match_idx = numpy.where(fitness == numpy.max(fitness))
import variables from genetic_algorithm import (crossover, fitness, get_initial_generation, get_next_generation, get_total_distance, mutation) from utils import get_named_route, reached_stability from variables import GENERATION_MAX generation = get_initial_generation() print('#gen\tmin\tavg') for cnt in range(GENERATION_MAX): generation = fitness(generation) print( f'{cnt}\t{get_total_distance(generation[0])}\t{variables.avg_distance}' ) if reached_stability(generation): break new_individuals = crossover(generation) new_individuals.extend(mutation(generation)) if cnt != GENERATION_MAX - 1: generation = get_next_generation(generation, new_individuals) print('best route:') print(get_named_route(generation[0])) print('with total distance:', get_total_distance(generation[0]))
def run(self): # przypisanie do tablicy gorup_of_melody wszystkich wygenerowanych linii melodyczbych for child in range(self.population): self.generation.append(Child(self.tacts_number, self.scale)) for child in self.generation: self.group_of_melody.append(child.melody) self.plot_y_max = [] self.plot_y_mean = [] for iteration in range(self.iterations): self.next_generation = [] self.valuation_probability = [] # ocena wszystkich linii melodycznych self.valuation, self.valuation_probability, self.max_rate, self.medium_rate, self.final_music_argument, \ self.final_music_value = rating_music(self.group_of_melody.copy(), self.final_music_argument, self.final_music_value) self.plot_y_max.append(self.max_rate) self.plot_y_mean.append(self.medium_rate) for sub_iteration in range(self.population): self.melody = [] # wybranie dwóch najlepiej przystosowanych osobników z zadanym prawdopodobieństwem self.cross_two_line_arg = [] self.cross_two_line_arg = chosen_two( self.valuation_probability.copy()) # krzyżowanie flag = np.random.choice([0, 1], p=[(1 - self.crossing_probability), self.crossing_probability]) if flag: self.melody = crossing( self.group_of_melody[ self.cross_two_line_arg[0]].copy(), self.group_of_melody[ self.cross_two_line_arg[1]].copy(), self.crossing_type) else: x = np.random.choice(len(self.group_of_melody)) self.melody = self.group_of_melody[x].copy() # mutacja flag = np.random.choice([0, 1], p=[(1 - self.mutation_probability), self.mutation_probability]) if flag: self.melody = mutation(self.melody.copy(), self.scale, self.tacts_number).copy() # przypisanie do następnej generacji przetworzonej melodii self.next_generation.append(self.melody.copy()) # zastąpienie starej generacji nową self.group_of_melody = self.next_generation.copy() # dodanie podkłądu do stworzonej linii back = [] chord_progression = [self.tonika, self.subdominata, self.dominata] for chord in range(self.tacts_number): if chord % 2 == 0: back.append(chord_progression[int(chord / 2) % 3]) back.append(self.tonika) # zapisanie wytworzonej muzyki = SaveMIDI(self.tempo, self.instrument, self.background, self.file_path) # zapisywanie tabulatury for tact in self.final_music_argument: for note in tact: self.melody_to_tab.append(note) save_tab(self.melody_to_tab, self.file_path) # czyszczenie tablic self.scale = [] self.generation = [] self.next_generation = [] self.melody = [] self.group_of_melody = [] self.valuation = [] self.valuation_probability = [] self.melody_to_tab = [] self.victory_melody = [] self.final_music_value = 0 self.final_music_argument = [] # wyświetlenie danych statystycznych if self.checkbox: plt.figure(1) plt.plot([x for x in range(self.iterations)], self.plot_y_max, 'r', [x for x in range(self.iterations)], self.plot_y_mean, 'b') plt.title('Oceny utworów z funkcji przystosowania') plt.xlabel('Generacja') plt.ylabel('Ocena') red_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='red', label='Maksimum') blue_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='blue', label='Średnia') plt.legend(handles=[red_patch, blue_patch]) print("Done")
# Selecting the best parents in the population for mating. parents1 = genetic_algorithm.select_mating_pool( stock_values, fit_population, index, num_parents_mating, T, lamda, alpha, epsilon, delta, gamma) parents2 = genetic_algorithm.select_mating_pool_unfit( stock_values, unfit_population, num_parents_mating, T, current_portofolio, starting_time, epsilon, delta, gamma) # Generating next generation using crossover. offspring_crossover_fit, offspring_crossover_unfit = genetic_algorithm.crossover( parents1, parents2, index, stock_values, T, lamda, alpha, epsilon, delta, gamma, current_portofolio, starting_time, Kappa) # Adding some variations to the offspring using mutation. offspring_mutation_fit = genetic_algorithm.mutation( offspring_crossover_fit, sigma, mutation_chance, Kappa) offspring_mutation_unfit = genetic_algorithm.reverse_mutation( offspring_crossover_unfit, sigma, mutation_chance) if generation % 5 == 0 and generation > 0: sigma = max( 0, sigma * float((numpy.exp( genetic_algorithm.gaussian_mutation(0, 1))))) # Creating the new population based on the parents and offspring. fit_population = genetic_algorithm.new_populations_fit( fit_population, offspring_mutation_fit, stock_values, index, T, current_portofolio, starting_time, lamda, alpha, epsilon, delta, gamma)