Example #1
def dataview_multiplot(index, params, debug=False):
    "Generates a  dataview based on data id"

    # will keep track of performance
    timer = util.Timer()
    # create the track definition
    text = browserutils.default_tracks(params)
    text = text % params

    # parse the track definition into a json
    json = parsing.parse(text)
    # populates the json datafields with actual data
    json = browserutils.index_populate(json=json, index=index, params=params)

    # timing the query lenght
    query_elapsed = timer.stop()
    # build the actual multiplot
    multi = builder.get_multiplot(json, debug=debug, w=params.image_width)

    # timing the query lenght
    draw_elapsed = timer.stop()
    return multi