Example #1
 def test_simple_fuzzy_search_regex(self):
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command('sh r ipv4 abc', 
         True)], ['show route ipv4 {protocol}', 'show route ipv4 {route}'])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command('sh run x .*', 
                         True)], ["show running-config {pim} | sec '^i'"])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command(
         'sh .* inst w ser c .* m', True)], 
         ["show lisp all instance-id {instance_id} service" + 
          " {service} rloc members"])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command('sh run int x', 
                     True)], ['show running-config interface {interface}'])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command(
         's b i w x y a sum', True)], [
             'show bgp instance {instance}' +
             ' {vrf_type} {vrf} {address_family} summary'])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command(
         'sh l2v for bridge-domain r mac loc x', True)], 
         ['show l2vpn forwarding bridge-domain ' + 
          '{bridge_domain} mac-address location {location}'])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command('s bundle',
                                                  True)], ['show bundle'])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command(
         'sh e int det loc x', True)], 
         ['show evpn internal-label detail location {location}'])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command(
         'sh l2 mac-learning type al loc wee', True)], 
         ['show l2vpn mac-learning {mac_type} all location {location}'])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command('\/dna', True)],
Example #2
    def test_escaped_characters(self):
        result = _fuzzy_search_command(r'sh ll en \*', True)
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
        self.assertEqual(result[0][0], 'show lldp entry *')

        result = _fuzzy_search_command('p \\-ef', True)
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
        self.assertEqual(result[0][0], 'ps -ef')

        result = _fuzzy_search_command(re.escape('/dna'), True)
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
        self.assertEqual(result[0][0], '/dna/intent/api/v1/interface')

        result = _fuzzy_search_command(r'sh plat s proc slot switch act R' +
                                        ' monitor \| inc Mem :\|Swap:', True)
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
        self.assertEqual(result[0][0], 'show platform software process slot ' +
                                'switch active R0 monitor | inc Mem :|Swap:')
        result = _fuzzy_search_command(re.escape('vs -c "show plat internal' + 
                    ' hal policy red group_id id id src_ip dst_ip ' + 
                    'dst protocol prt"'), True)
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
        self.assertEqual(result[0][0], 'vsh_lc -c "show platform internal hal' +
                    ' policy redirdst group_id {group_id} {address_family}' +
                    ' src_ip {src_ip} dst_ip {dst_ip} protocol {protocol}"')
        self.assertEqual(result[0][2], {'group_id': 'id', 'address_family': 
                'id', 'src_ip': '', 'dst_ip': 'dst', 'protocol': 'prt'})
Example #3
 def test_prefix_single_character_search(self):
         _fuzzy_search_command('s e ipv6 n d', False)[0][0],
         'show eigrp ipv6 neighbors detail')
         _fuzzy_search_command('s e e p', False)[0][0],
         'show evpn ethernet-segment private')
Example #4
 def test_resolve_argument(self):
     result = _fuzzy_search_command('show ip prefix-list detail', False)
     self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
     self.assertEqual(result[0][0], 'show {af} prefix-list detail')
     result = _fuzzy_search_command('show ipv6 prefix-list detail', True)
     self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
     self.assertEqual(result[0][0], 'show ipv6 prefix-list detail')
Example #5
 def test_prefix_single_character_search_regex(self):
     self.assertEqual(_fuzzy_search_command('s e ipv6 n d', True)[0][0], 
                                         'show eigrp ipv6 neighbors detail')
     self.assertEqual(_fuzzy_search_command('s e e p', True)[0][0], 
                                     'show evpn ethernet-segment private')
     self.assertEqual(len(_fuzzy_search_command('s e (ipv4|ipv6) n d',
                                                                 True)), 2)
     self.assertEqual(len(_fuzzy_search_command('s e \| .* p', True)), 1)
Example #6
    def test_regex_escaped_arguments(self):
        result = _fuzzy_search_command('sh bridge-domain', False)
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
        self.assertEqual(result[0][0], 'show bridge-domain {bd_id}')
        self.assertEqual(result[0][2], {'bd_id': ''})

        result = _fuzzy_search_command(r'sh bridge\-domain 1\.1\.1\.1\.1', True)
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
        self.assertEqual(result[0][0], 'show bridge-domain {bd_id}')
        self.assertEqual(result[0][2], {'bd_id': ''})

        result = _fuzzy_search_command(r'sh b.*-.*n 1\.1\.1\.1\.1', True)
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
        self.assertEqual(result[0][0], 'show bridge-domain {bd_id}')
        self.assertEqual(result[0][2], {'bd_id': ''})
Example #7
 def test_extra_spaces(self):
     self.assertIsNotNone(_matches_fuzzy(0, 0, 
         '   show    show  show     '.split(), 'show show show', {}, False))
     self.assertIsNotNone(_matches_fuzzy(0, 0, 
             '   show    .*  show     '.split(), 'show a show', {}, True))
                                         ' s  e ipv6   n  d', False)[0][0], 
                                         'show eigrp ipv6 neighbors detail')
Example #8
 def test_search_normal_arguments(self):
     for command in parser_data.keys():
         wildcard = re.sub('{.*?}', '---', command)
         search = re.sub('{.*?}', 'argument', command)
         results = _fuzzy_search_command(search, False)
         self.assertEqual(len(results), 1)
         found_command, _, _ = results[0]
         self.assertEqual(re.sub('{.*?}', '---', found_command), wildcard)
Example #9
 def test_negative_prefix_search(self):
     self.assertEqual(_fuzzy_search_command('s e e x w p', True), [])
     self.assertEqual(_fuzzy_search_command('s e e x w p .*', True), [])
     self.assertEqual(_fuzzy_search_command('swp .* wx ww abc adc b', True), 
     self.assertEqual(_fuzzy_search_command('s e e x w p', False), [])
     self.assertEqual(_fuzzy_search_command('s e e x w p .*', False), [])
     self.assertEqual(_fuzzy_search_command('swp .* wx', False), [])
Example #10
    def test_special_command(self):
        results = _fuzzy_search_command('/dna/intent/api/v1/interface', False)
        self.assertTrue(len(results), 1)
        self.assertEqual(results[0][0], '/dna/intent/api/v1/interface')

        results = _fuzzy_search_command('/dna/intent/api/v1/interface/argument',
        self.assertTrue(len(results), 1)
        self.assertEqual(results[0][2], {'interface': 'argument'})

        results = _fuzzy_search_command(
                        r'\/dna\/intent\/api\/v1\/interface\/argument', True)
        self.assertTrue(len(results), 1)
        self.assertEqual(results[0][2], {'interface': 'argument'})

        results = _fuzzy_search_command(
                                    r'\/dna\/intent\/api\/v1\/interface', True)
        self.assertTrue(len(results), 1)
        self.assertEqual(results[0][0], '/dna/intent/api/v1/interface')
Example #11
 def test_search_normal_arguments_with_regex(self):
     for command, expected_source in parser_data.items(): 
         arguments = re.findall('{(.*?)}', command)
         search = re.escape(re.sub('{.*?}', 'argument', command))
         expected_kwargs = {argument:'argument' for argument in arguments}
         results = _fuzzy_search_command(search, True)
         is_found = False
         for result in results:
             found_command, source, kwargs = result
             if source == expected_source and command == found_command:
                 is_found = True
                 self.assertDictEqual(kwargs, expected_kwargs, search)
         self.assertTrue(is_found, search)
Example #12
    def test_ambiguous_search(self):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            _fuzzy_search_command('s p', False)

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            _fuzzy_search_command('sh c', False)

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            _fuzzy_search_command('s i r', False)
Example #13
    def test_search_normal_arguments(self):

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            getattr(common, "parser_data")

        getattr(common, "parser_data")

        for command in common.parser_data.keys():
            wildcard = re.sub('{.*?}', '---', command)
            search = re.sub('{.*?}', 'argument', command)
            results = common._fuzzy_search_command(search, False)
            self.assertEqual(len(results), 1)
            found_command, _, _ = results[0]
            self.assertEqual(re.sub('{.*?}', '---', found_command), wildcard)
Example #14
    def test_search_normal_arguments_with_regex(self):

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            getattr(common, "parser_data")

        getattr(common, "parser_data")

        for command, expected_source in common.parser_data.items():
            arguments = re.findall('{(.*?)}', command)
            search = re.escape(re.sub('{.*?}', 'argument', command))
            expected_kwargs = {argument: 'argument' for argument in arguments}
            results = common._fuzzy_search_command(search, True)
            is_found = False

            for result in results:
                found_command, source, kwargs = result
                if source == expected_source and command == found_command:
                    is_found = True
                    self.assertDictEqual(kwargs, expected_kwargs, search)

            self.assertTrue(is_found, search)
Example #15
 def test_simple_fuzzy_search(self):
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in 
                 _fuzzy_search_command('sh ver', False)], ['show version'])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in 
                         _fuzzy_search_command('p -ef', False)], ['ps -ef'])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in 
                     _fuzzy_search_command('sh mp int', False)], 
                                                 ['show mpls interfaces'])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command(
                                                     'sh run int x', False)], 
                             ['show running-config interface {interface}'])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command(
         's b i w x y a sum', False)], 
         ['show bgp instance {instance} {vrf_type} {vrf} {address_family}' +
                                                                 ' summary'])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command(
         'sh l2v for bridge-domain r mac loc x', False)], 
         ['show l2vpn forwarding bridge-domain {bridge_domain} mac-address' +
                                                     ' location {location}'])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command(
                                     's bundle', False)], ['show bundle'])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command(
                                             'sh e int det loc x', False)], 
                     ['show evpn internal-label detail location {location}'])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command(
                             'sh l2 mac-learning type al loc wee', False)], 
             ['show l2vpn mac-learning {mac_type} all location {location}'])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command(
                         '/dna', False)], ['/dna/intent/api/v1/interface'])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command(
                             'sh l ent *', False)], ['show lldp entry *'])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command(
         'sh run f | i af-group', False)], ['show run formal | i af-group'])
     self.assertEqual([i[0] for i in _fuzzy_search_command(
                 'sh r ipv4 abc', False)], ['show route ipv4 {protocol}'])