Example #1
def get_genotypes(variant, individuals):
    """Create genotype objects
        Create Genotype objects for all individuals and return them in a 
            variant (dict): A variant dict
            individuals (list): A list with strings that are individual id:s
            genotype_dict (dict): A dictionary with individual id:s as strings
            and Genptype objects as keys
    gt_format = variant.get('FORMAT', '').split(':')

    genotype_dict = {}

    for individual in individuals:
        gt_info = variant[individual].split(':')
        gt_call = dict(zip(gt_format, gt_info))

        #Create a genotype object for this individual
        genotype_dict[individual] = Genotype(**gt_call)

    return genotype_dict
Example #2
def test_family_one_affected():
    """Test healthy parents and an affected proband
    # family = get_family(family_file=FAMILY_FILE)
    family_lines = [
        "1\tproband\tfather\tmother\t1\t2\n", "1\tmother\t0\t0\t2\t1\n",
    family = get_family(family_lines=family_lines)

    recessive_variant = {'genotypes': {}}
    recessive_variant['genotypes']['proband'] = Genotype(**{'GT': '1/1'})
    recessive_variant['genotypes']['father'] = Genotype(**{'GT': '0/1'})
    recessive_variant['genotypes']['mother'] = Genotype(**{'GT': '0/0'})

    assert check_recessive(variant=recessive_variant,
                           strict=False) == True
Example #3
def test_x_affected_homozygote_female():
    """Test an affected homozygote male"""

    family_lines = [

    family = get_family(family_lines=family_lines)

    homozygote_variant = {'genotypes': {}}
    homozygote_variant['genotypes']['proband'] = Genotype(**{'GT': '1/1'})

    assert check_X_recessive(variant=homozygote_variant, family=family) == True
Example #4
def test_x_healthy_recessive_male():
    """Test a healthy recessive male
    family_lines = [

    family = get_family(family_lines=family_lines)

    recessive_variant = {'genotypes': {}}
    recessive_variant['genotypes']['proband'] = Genotype(**{'GT': '0/1'})

    assert check_X_recessive(variant=recessive_variant, family=family) == False
def test_dominant_affected_male_ref_call():
    """Test an affected ref call male"""

    family_lines = [

    family = get_family(family_lines=family_lines)

    homozygote_variant = {'genotypes': {}}
    homozygote_variant['genotypes']['proband'] = Genotype(**{'GT': '0/0'})

    assert check_dominant(variant=homozygote_variant, family=family) == False
def test_dominant_affected_recessive_male():
    """Test a sick male
    family_lines = [

    family = get_family(family_lines=family_lines)

    recessive_variant = {'genotypes': {}}
    recessive_variant['genotypes']['proband'] = Genotype(**{'GT': '0/1'})

    assert check_dominant(variant=recessive_variant, family=family) == True
Example #7
def test_x_healthy_female_ref_call():
    """Test an healthy female ref call"""

    family_lines = [

    family = get_family(family_lines=family_lines)

    homozygote_variant = {'genotypes': {}}
    homozygote_variant['genotypes']['proband'] = Genotype(**{'GT': '0/0'})

    assert check_X_dominant(variant=homozygote_variant, family=family) == True
Example #8
def test_x_healthy_homozygote_male():
    """Test an healthy homozygote male"""

    family_lines = [

    family = get_family(family_lines=family_lines)

    homozygote_variant = {'genotypes': {}}
    homozygote_variant['genotypes']['proband'] = Genotype(**{'GT': '1/1'})

    assert check_X_dominant(variant=homozygote_variant, family=family) == False
Example #9
def test_x_affected_recessive_female():
    """Test a sick heterozygote female
    Females needs to bo hom alt to follow pattern
    family_lines = [

    family = get_family(family_lines=family_lines)

    recessive_variant = {'genotypes': {}}
    recessive_variant['genotypes']['proband'] = Genotype(**{'GT': '0/1'})

    assert check_X_recessive(variant=recessive_variant, family=family) == False
Example #10
def test_x_affected_no_call_male():
    """Test a sick male with no gt call
    This should be true since there is no information that contradicts the model
    family_lines = [

    family = get_family(family_lines=family_lines)

    no_call_variant = {'genotypes': {}}
    no_call_variant['genotypes']['proband'] = Genotype(**{'GT': './.'})

    assert check_X_recessive(variant=no_call_variant, family=family) == True
Example #11
def test_dominant_healthy_recessive_male_reduced_penetrance():
    """Test a healthy heterozygote female
    Females needs to bo hom alt to follow pattern
    family_lines = [

    family = get_family(family_lines=family_lines)

    recessive_variant = {'genotypes': {}}
    recessive_variant['genotypes']['proband'] = Genotype(**{'GT': '0/1'})
    recessive_variant['reduced_penetrance'] = True

    assert check_dominant(variant=recessive_variant, family=family) == True
Example #12
def test_dominant_affected_no_call_male_strict():
    """Test a sick male with no gt call
    This should not be true since we allways need 'proof'
    for an inheritance pattern if strict mode.
    family_lines = [

    family = get_family(family_lines=family_lines)

    no_call_variant = {'genotypes': {}}
    no_call_variant['genotypes']['proband'] = Genotype(**{'GT': './.'})

    assert check_dominant(variant=no_call_variant, family=family,
                          strict=True) == False