Example #1
 def filter_stream(self, req, method, filename, stream, data):
     if req.path_info == '/timeline':
         insert = builder(Markup('<br />'), tag_("matching tags "),
                          builder.input(type='text', name=self.key,
         xpath = '//form[@id="prefs"]/div[1]'
         stream = stream | Transformer(xpath).append(insert)
     return stream
Example #2
 def filter_stream(self, req, method, filename, stream, data):
     if req.path_info == '/timeline':
         insert = builder(
             Markup('<br />'), tag_("matching tags "),
         xpath = '//form[@id="prefs"]/div[1]'
         stream = stream | Transformer(xpath).append(insert)
     return stream
Example #3
def render_tag_changes(old_tags, new_tags):
    old_tags = split_into_tags(old_tags or '')
    new_tags = split_into_tags(new_tags or '')
    added = sorted(new_tags - old_tags)
    added = added and \
            tagn_("%(tags)s added", "%(tags)s added",
                  len(added), tags=builder.em(', '.join(added)))
    removed = sorted(old_tags - new_tags)
    removed = removed and \
              tagn_("%(tags)s removed", "%(tags)s removed",
                    len(removed), tags=builder.em(', '.join(removed)))
    # TRANSLATOR: How to delimit added and removed tags.
    delim = added and removed and _("; ")
    return builder(builder.strong(_("Tags")), ' ', added, delim, removed)
Example #4
def render_tag_changes(old_tags, new_tags):
        old_tags = split_into_tags(old_tags or '')
        new_tags = split_into_tags(new_tags or '')
        added = sorted(new_tags - old_tags)
        added = added and \
                tagn_("%(tags)s added", "%(tags)s added",
                      len(added), tags=builder.em(', '.join(added)))
        removed = sorted(old_tags - new_tags)
        removed = removed and \
                  tagn_("%(tags)s removed", "%(tags)s removed",
                        len(removed), tags=builder.em(', '.join(removed)))
        # TRANSLATOR: How to delimit added and removed tags.
        delim = added and removed and _("; ")
        return builder(builder.strong(_("Tags")), ' ', added,
                       delim, removed)
Example #5
    def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content):
        env = self.env
        req = formatter.req
        args, kw = parse_args(content)

        # Use macro arguments (most likely wiki macro calls).
        realms = 'realm' in kw and kw['realm'].split('|') or []
        tag_system = TagSystem(env)
        all_realms = [p.get_taggable_realm() for p in tag_system.tag_providers]
        self.all_realms = all_realms
        self.realms = realms

        if name == 'TagCloud':
            args.append(' or '.join(['realm:%s' % r for r in realms]))
            all_tags = tag_system.get_all_tags(req, ' '.join(args))
            mincount = 'mincount' in kw and kw['mincount'] or None
            return self.render_cloud(req,
        elif name == 'ListTagged':
            if _OBSOLETE_ARGS_RE.search(content):
                data = {'warning': 'obsolete_args'}
                data = {'warning': None}
            context = formatter.context
            # Use TagsQuery arguments (most likely wiki macro calls).
            cols = 'cols' in kw and kw['cols'] or self.default_cols
            format = 'format' in kw and kw['format'] or self.default_format
            query = args and args[0].strip() or None
            if query and not realms:
                # First read query arguments (most likely a web-UI call).
                for realm in all_realms:
                    if re.search('(^|\W)realm:%s(\W|$)' % (realm), query):
                        realms = realms and realms.append(realm) or [realm]
            if not realms:
                # Apply ListTagged defaults to macro call w/o realm.
                realms = list(set(all_realms) - set(self.exclude_realms))
            if not realms:
                return ''
                self.query = query
                self.realms = realms
            query = '(%s) (%s)' % (query or '', ' or '.join(
                ['realm:%s' % (r) for r in realms]))
            env.log.debug('LISTTAGGED_QUERY: ' + query)
            query_result = tag_system.query(req, query)
            if not query_result:
                return ''

            def _link(resource):
                if resource.realm == 'tag':
                    # Keep realm selection in tag links.
                    return builder.a(resource.id,
                                     href=self.get_href(req, tag=resource))
                elif resource.realm == 'ticket':
                    # Return resource link including ticket status dependend
                    #   class to allow for common Trac ticket link style.
                    ticket = Ticket(env, resource.id)
                    return builder.a('#%s' % ticket.id,
                return render_resource_link(env, context, resource, 'compact')

            if format == 'table':
                cols = [
                    col for col in cols.split('|')
                    if col in self.supported_cols
                # Use available translations from Trac core.
                    labels = TicketSystem(env).get_ticket_field_labels()
                    labels['id'] = _('Id')
                except AttributeError:
                    # Trac 0.11 neither has the attribute nor uses i18n.
                    labels = {'id': 'Id', 'description': 'Description'}
                labels['realm'] = _('Realm')
                labels['tags'] = _('Tags')
                headers = [{'label': labels.get(col)} for col in cols]
                data.update({'cols': cols, 'headers': headers})

            results = sorted(query_result, key=lambda r: \
            results = self._paginate(req, results)
            rows = []
            for resource, tags in results:
                desc = tag_system.describe_tagged_resource(req, resource)
                tags = sorted(tags)
                if tags:
                    rendered_tags = [
                        _link(Resource('tag', tag)) for tag in tags
                    if 'oldlist' == format:
                        resource_link = _link(resource)
                        desc = desc or \
                               get_resource_description(env, resource,
                        resource_link = builder.a(desc,
                                                      env, resource,
                        if 'table' == format:
                            cells = []
                            for col in cols:
                                if col == 'id':
                                # Don't duplicate links to resource in both.
                                elif col == 'description' and 'id' in cols:
                                elif col == 'description':
                                elif col == 'realm':
                                elif col == 'tags':
                                        builder([(tag, ' ')
                                                 for tag in rendered_tags]))
                            rows.append({'cells': cells})
                    'desc': desc,
                    'rendered_tags': None,
                    'resource_link': _link(resource)
                'format': format,
                'paginator': results,
                'results': rows,
                'tags_url': req.href('tags')

            # Work around a bug in trac/templates/layout.html, that causes a
            # TypeError for the wiki macro call, if we use add_link() alone.
            add_stylesheet(req, 'common/css/search.css')

            return Chrome(env).render_template(req, 'listtagged_results.html',
                                               data, 'text/html', True)
Example #6
    def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content, realms=[]):
        """Evaluate macro call and render results.

        Calls from web-UI come with pre-processed realm selection.
        env = self.env
        req = formatter.req
        tag_system = TagSystem(env)

        all_realms = tag_system.get_taggable_realms()
        if not all_realms:
            # Tag providers are required, no result without at least one.
            return ''
        args, kw = parse_args(content)

        query = args and args[0].strip() or None
        if not realms:
            # Check macro arguments for realms (typical wiki macro call).
            realms = 'realm' in kw and kw['realm'].split('|') or []
        if query:
            # Add realms from query expression.
            realms.extend(query_realms(query, all_realms))
            # Remove redundant realm selection for performance.
            if set(realms) == all_realms:
                query = re.sub('(^|\W)realm:\S+(\W|$)', ' ', query).strip()
        if name == 'TagCloud':
            # Set implicit 'all tagged realms' as default.
            if not realms:
                realms = all_realms
            if query:
                all_tags = Counter()
                # Require per resource query including view permission checks.
                for resource, tags in tag_system.query(req, query):
                # Allow faster per tag query, side steps permission checks.
                all_tags = tag_system.get_all_tags(req, realms=realms)
            mincount = 'mincount' in kw and kw['mincount'] or None
            return self.render_cloud(req, all_tags,
                                     mincount=mincount, realms=realms)
        elif name == 'ListTagged':
            if content and _OBSOLETE_ARGS_RE.search(content):
                data = {'warning': 'obsolete_args'}
                data = {'warning': None}
            context = formatter.context
            # Use TagsQuery arguments (most likely wiki macro calls).
            cols = 'cols' in kw and kw['cols'] or self.default_cols
            format = 'format' in kw and kw['format'] or self.default_format
            if not realms:
                # Apply ListTagged defaults to macro call w/o realm.
                realms = list(set(all_realms)-set(self.exclude_realms))
                if not realms:
                    return ''
            query = '(%s) (%s)' % (query or '', ' or '.join(['realm:%s' % (r)
                                                             for r in realms]))
            query_result = tag_system.query(req, query)
            excludes = [exc.strip()
                        for exc in kw.get('exclude', '' ).split(':')
                        if exc.strip()]
            if excludes and query_result:
                filtered_result = [(resource, tags)
                                   for resource, tags in query_result
                                   if not any(fnmatchcase(resource.id, exc)
                                              for exc in excludes)]
                query_result = filtered_result
            if not query_result:
                return ''

            def _link(resource):
                if resource.realm == 'tag':
                    # Keep realm selection in tag links.
                    return builder.a(resource.id,
                                     href=self.get_href(req, realms,
                elif resource.realm == 'ticket':
                    # Return resource link including ticket status dependend
                    #   class to allow for common Trac ticket link style.
                    ticket = Ticket(env, resource.id)
                    return builder.a('#%s' % ticket.id,
                return render_resource_link(env, context, resource, 'compact')

            if format == 'table':
                cols = [col for col in cols.split('|')
                        if col in self.supported_cols]
                # Use available translations from Trac core.
                    labels = TicketSystem(env).get_ticket_field_labels()
                    labels['id'] = _('Id')
                except AttributeError:
                    # Trac 0.11 neither has the attribute nor uses i18n.
                    labels = {'id': 'Id', 'description': 'Description'}
                labels['realm'] = _('Realm')
                labels['tags'] = _('Tags')
                headers = [{'label': labels.get(col)}
                           for col in cols]
                data.update({'cols': cols,
                             'headers': headers})

            results = sorted(query_result, key=lambda r: \
            results = self._paginate(req, results, realms)
            rows = []
            for resource, tags in results:
                desc = tag_system.describe_tagged_resource(req, resource)
                tags = sorted(tags)
                wiki_desc = format_to_oneliner(env, context, desc)
                if tags:
                    rendered_tags = [_link(Resource('tag', tag))
                                     for tag in tags]
                    if 'oldlist' == format:
                        resource_link = _link(resource)
                        resource_link = builder.a(wiki_desc,
                                                  env, resource, context.href))
                        if 'table' == format:
                            cells = []
                            for col in cols:
                                if col == 'id':
                                # Don't duplicate links to resource in both.
                                elif col == 'description' and 'id' in cols:
                                elif col == 'description':
                                elif col == 'realm':
                                elif col == 'tags':
                                        builder([(tag, ' ')
                                                 for tag in rendered_tags]))
                            rows.append({'cells': cells})
                rows.append({'desc': wiki_desc,
                             'rendered_tags': None,
                             'resource_link': _link(resource)})
            data.update({'format': format,
                         'paginator': results,
                         'results': rows,
                         'tags_url': req.href('tags')})

            # Work around a bug in trac/templates/layout.html, that causes a
            # TypeError for the wiki macro call, if we use add_link() alone.
            add_stylesheet(req, 'common/css/search.css')

            return Chrome(env).render_template(
                req, 'listtagged_results.html', data, 'text/html', True)
Example #7
    def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content):
        env = self.env
        req = formatter.req
        args, kw = parse_args(content)

        # Use macro arguments (most likely wiki macro calls).
        realms = 'realm' in kw and kw['realm'].split('|') or []
        tag_system = TagSystem(env)
        all_realms = [p.get_taggable_realm()
                      for p in tag_system.tag_providers]
        self.all_realms = all_realms
        self.realms = realms

        if name == 'TagCloud':
            args.append(' or '.join(['realm:%s' % r for r in realms]))
            all_tags = tag_system.get_all_tags(req, ' '.join(args))
            mincount = 'mincount' in kw and kw['mincount'] or None
            return self.render_cloud(req, all_tags,
        elif name == 'ListTagged':
            if _OBSOLETE_ARGS_RE.search(content):
                data = {'warning': 'obsolete_args'}
                data = {'warning': None}
            # Use TagsQuery arguments (most likely wiki macro calls).
            cols = 'cols' in kw and kw['cols'] or self.default_cols
            format = 'format' in kw and kw['format'] or self.default_format
            query = args and args[0].strip() or None
            if query and not realms:
                # First read query arguments (most likely a web-UI call).
                for realm in all_realms:
                    if re.search('(^|\W)realm:%s(\W|$)' % (realm), query):
                        realms = realms and realms.append(realm) or [realm]
            if not realms:
                # Apply ListTagged defaults to macro call w/o realm.
                realms = list(set(all_realms)-set(self.exclude_realms))
            if not realms:
                return ''
                self.query = query
                self.realms = realms
            query = '(%s) (%s)' % (query or '', ' or '.join(['realm:%s' % (r)
                                                             for r in realms]))
            env.log.debug('LISTTAGGED_QUERY: ' + query)
            query_result = tag_system.query(req, query)
            if not query_result:
                return ''

            def _link(resource):
                if resource.realm == 'tag':
                    # Keep realm selection in tag links.
                    return builder.a(resource.id,
                                     href=self.get_href(req, tag=resource))
                elif resource.realm == 'ticket':
                    # Return resource link including ticket status dependend
                    #   class to allow for common Trac ticket link style.
                    ticket = Ticket(env, resource.id)
                    return builder.a('#%s' % ticket.id,
                return render_resource_link(env, context, resource, 'compact')

            if format == 'table':
                cols = [col for col in cols.split('|')
                        if col in self.supported_cols]
                # Use available translations from Trac core.
                    labels = TicketSystem(env).get_ticket_field_labels()
                    labels['id'] = _('Id')
                except AttributeError:
                    # Trac 0.11 neither has the attribute nor uses i18n.
                    labels = {'id': 'Id', 'description': 'Description'}
                labels['realm'] = _('Realm')
                labels['tags'] = _('Tags')
                headers = [{'label': labels.get(col)}
                           for col in cols]
                data.update({'cols': cols,
                             'headers': headers})

            results = sorted(query_result, key=lambda r: \
            results = self._paginate(req, results)
            rows = []
            for resource, tags in results:
                desc = tag_system.describe_tagged_resource(req, resource)
                tags = sorted(tags)
                if tags:
                    rendered_tags = [_link(Resource('tag', tag))
                                     for tag in tags]
                    if 'oldlist' == format:
                        resource_link = _link(resource)
                        desc = desc or \
                               get_resource_description(env, resource,
                        resource_link = builder.a(desc, href=get_resource_url(
                                                  env, resource, context.href))
                        if 'table' == format:
                            cells = []
                            for col in cols:
                                if col == 'id':
                                # Don't duplicate links to resource in both.
                                elif col == 'description' and 'id' in cols:
                                elif col == 'description':
                                elif col == 'realm':
                                elif col == 'tags':
                                        builder([(tag, ' ')
                                                 for tag in rendered_tags]))
                            rows.append({'cells': cells})
                rows.append({'desc': desc,
                             'rendered_tags': None,
                             'resource_link': _link(resource)})
            data.update({'format': format,
                         'paginator': results,
                         'results': rows,
                         'tags_url': req.href('tags')})

            # Work around a bug in trac/templates/layout.html, that causes a
            # TypeError for the wiki macro call, if we use add_link() alone.
            add_stylesheet(req, 'common/css/search.css')

            return Chrome(env).render_template(
                req, 'listtagged_results.html', data, 'text/html', True)
Example #8
    def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content, realms=[]):
        """Evaluate macro call and render results.

        Calls from web-UI come with pre-processed realm selection.
        env = self.env
        req = formatter.req
        tag_system = TagSystem(env)

        all_realms = tag_system.get_taggable_realms()
        if not all_realms:
            # Tag providers are required, no result without at least one.
            return ''
        args, kw = parse_args(content)

        query = args and args[0].strip() or None
        if not realms:
            # Check macro arguments for realms (typical wiki macro call).
            realms = 'realm' in kw and kw['realm'].split('|') or []
        if query:
            # Add realms from query expression.
            realms.extend(query_realms(query, all_realms))
            # Remove redundant realm selection for performance.
            if set(realms) == all_realms:
                query = re.sub('(^|\W)realm:\S+(\W|$)', ' ', query).strip()
        if name == 'TagCloud':
            # Set implicit 'all tagged realms' as default.
            if not realms:
                realms = all_realms
            if query:
                all_tags = Counter()
                # Require per resource query including view permission checks.
                for resource, tags in tag_system.query(req, query):
                # Allow faster per tag query, side steps permission checks.
                all_tags = tag_system.get_all_tags(req, realms=realms)
            mincount = 'mincount' in kw and kw['mincount'] or None
            return self.render_cloud(req, all_tags,
                                     mincount=mincount, realms=realms)
        elif name == 'ListTagged':
            if content and _OBSOLETE_ARGS_RE.search(content):
                data = {'warning': 'obsolete_args'}
                data = {'warning': None}
            context = formatter.context
            # Use TagsQuery arguments (most likely wiki macro calls).
            cols = 'cols' in kw and kw['cols'] or self.default_cols
            format = 'format' in kw and kw['format'] or self.default_format
            if not realms:
                # Apply ListTagged defaults to macro call w/o realm.
                realms = list(set(all_realms)-set(self.exclude_realms))
                if not realms:
                    return ''
            query = '(%s) (%s)' % (query or '', ' or '.join(['realm:%s' % (r)
                                                             for r in realms]))
            query_result = tag_system.query(req, query)
            excludes = [exc.strip()
                        for exc in kw.get('exclude', '' ).split(':')
                        if exc.strip()]
            if excludes and query_result:
                filtered_result = [(resource, tags)
                                   for resource, tags in query_result
                                   if not any(fnmatchcase(resource.id, exc)
                                              for exc in excludes)]
                query_result = filtered_result
            if not query_result:
                return ''

            def _link(resource):
                if resource.realm == 'tag':
                    # Keep realm selection in tag links.
                    return builder.a(resource.id,
                                     href=self.get_href(req, realms,
                elif resource.realm == 'ticket':
                    # Return resource link including ticket status dependend
                    #   class to allow for common Trac ticket link style.
                    ticket = Ticket(env, resource.id)
                    return builder.a('#%s' % ticket.id,
                return render_resource_link(env, context, resource, 'compact')

            if format == 'table':
                cols = [col for col in cols.split('|')
                        if col in self.supported_cols]
                # Use available translations from Trac core.
                    labels = TicketSystem(env).get_ticket_field_labels()
                    labels['id'] = _('Id')
                except AttributeError:
                    # Trac 0.11 neither has the attribute nor uses i18n.
                    labels = {'id': 'Id', 'description': 'Description'}
                labels['realm'] = _('Realm')
                labels['tags'] = _('Tags')
                headers = [{'label': labels.get(col)}
                           for col in cols]
                data.update({'cols': cols,
                             'headers': headers})

            results = sorted(query_result, key=lambda r: \
            results = self._paginate(req, results, realms)
            rows = []
            for resource, tags in results:
                desc = tag_system.describe_tagged_resource(req, resource)
                tags = sorted(tags)
                wiki_desc = format_to_oneliner(env, context, desc)
                if tags:
                    rendered_tags = [_link(Resource('tag', tag))
                                     for tag in tags]
                    if 'oldlist' == format:
                        resource_link = _link(resource)
                        resource_link = builder.a(wiki_desc,
                                                  env, resource, context.href))
                        if 'table' == format:
                            cells = []
                            for col in cols:
                                if col == 'id':
                                # Don't duplicate links to resource in both.
                                elif col == 'description' and 'id' in cols:
                                elif col == 'description':
                                elif col == 'realm':
                                elif col == 'tags':
                                        builder([(tag, ' ')
                                                 for tag in rendered_tags]))
                            rows.append({'cells': cells})
                rows.append({'desc': wiki_desc,
                             'rendered_tags': None,
                             'resource_link': _link(resource)})
            data.update({'format': format,
                         'paginator': results,
                         'results': rows,
                         'tags_url': req.href('tags')})

            # Work around a bug in trac/templates/layout.html, that causes a
            # TypeError for the wiki macro call, if we use add_link() alone.
            add_stylesheet(req, 'common/css/search.css')

            return Chrome(env).render_template(
                req, 'listtagged_results.html', data, 'text/html', True)