Example #1
 def init_dictionary(self, save=True):
     import gzip
     from collections import Counter
     corpus_file = self.params.get(
         'dictionary__corpus_file') or self.params.get(
             'corpus_file') or 'sentences.txt.gz'
     doc_id = 0
     num_pos = 0
     num_nnz = 0
     cfs = Counter()
     dfs = Counter()
     f = gzip.open(self.path + corpus_file, 'rt', encoding='utf8')
     f = tqdm(f, 'dictionary', self.sentences_cnt)
     unique = set()
     for line in f:
         line = line.strip()
         if not line:  # end of document
             num_nnz += len(unique)
             doc_id += 1
             unique = set()
         tokens = line.split(' ')
         num_pos += len(tokens)
     token2id = {t: i for i, (t, cnt) in enumerate(cfs.most_common())}
     dictionary = GensimDictionary()
     dictionary.num_pos = num_pos
     dictionary.num_nnz = num_nnz
     dictionary.num_docs = doc_id
     dictionary.token2id = token2id
     #dictionary.cfs = {i:cfs[t] for t,i in token2id.items()}
     #dictionary.dfs = {i:dfs[t] for t,i in token2id.items()}
     for t, i in token2id.items():
         dictionary.cfs[i] = cfs[t]
         dictionary.dfs[i] = dfs[t]
     if save:
         dictionary.save(self.path + 'dictionary.pkl')
     self.dictionary = dictionary
def pytopia2gensimDict(dict_):
    Creates gensim dictionary from a pytopia dictionary.
    This is necessary since building of gensim models requires gensim dictionary
     but pytopia model builders must be able to receive generic pytopia Dictionary as parameter.
    # sort dictionary tokens by index
    dict_ = resolve(dict_)
    toki = [(tok, dict_[tok]) for tok in dict_]
    toki.sort(key=lambda ti: ti[1])
    # directly set gensim dict data structures,
    # this works for gensim 0.12.4
    gdict = GensimDict()
    gdict.token2id = {tok: i for tok, i in toki}
    gdict.id2token = {i: tok for tok, i in toki}
    gdict.dfs = {tok: 1 for tok, _ in toki}
    gdict.num_docs = 1  # number of documents processed
    gdict.num_pos = len(toki)  # total number of corpus positions
    gdict.num_nnz = len(toki)  # total number of non-zeroes in the BOW matrix
    return gdict