Example #1
    def __getitem__(self, query):
        """Get similarities of the given document or corpus against this index.

        Uses :meth:`~gensim.interfaces.SimilarityABC.get_similarities` internally.

        Passing an entire corpus as `query` can be more efficient than passing its documents one after another,
        because it will issue queries in batches internally.

        query : {list of (int, number), iterable of list of (int, number)}
            Document in the sparse Gensim bag-of-words format, or a streamed corpus of such documents.

        {`scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix`, list of (int, float)}
            Similarities given document or corpus and objects corpus, depends on `query`.

        is_corpus, query = utils.is_corpus(query)
        if self.normalize:
            # self.normalize only works if the input is a plain gensim vector/corpus (as
            # advertised in the doc). in fact, input can be a numpy or scipy.sparse matrix
            # as well, but in that case assume tricks are happening and don't normalize
            # anything (self.normalize has no effect).
            if not matutils.ismatrix(query):
                if is_corpus:
                    query = [matutils.unitvec(v) for v in query]
                    query = matutils.unitvec(query)
        result = self.get_similarities(query)

        if self.num_best is None:
            return result

        # if maintain_sparsity is True, result is scipy sparse. Sort, clip the
        # topn and return as a scipy sparse matrix.
        if getattr(self, 'maintain_sparsity', False):
            return matutils.scipy2scipy_clipped(result, self.num_best)

        # if the input query was a corpus (=more documents), compute the top-n
        # most similar for each document in turn
        if matutils.ismatrix(result):
            return [
                matutils.full2sparse_clipped(v, self.num_best) for v in result
            # otherwise, return top-n of the single input document
            return matutils.full2sparse_clipped(result, self.num_best)
Example #2
    def __getitem__(self, query):
        """Get access to similarities of document/corpus `query` to all documents in the corpus.

        Using :meth:`~gensim.interfaces.SimilarityABC.get_similarities`

        Passing corpus to `query` (instead of document) can be more efficient, because will processed in batching-way.

        query : {list of (int, int), iterable of list of (int, int)}
            Document or corpus in BoW format.

        {`scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix`, list of (int, float)}
            Similarities given document or corpus and objects corpus, depends on `query`.

        is_corpus, query = utils.is_corpus(query)
        if self.normalize:
            # self.normalize only works if the input is a plain gensim vector/corpus (as
            # advertised in the doc). in fact, input can be a numpy or scipy.sparse matrix
            # as well, but in that case assume tricks are happening and don't normalize
            # anything (self.normalize has no effect).
            if not matutils.ismatrix(query):
                if is_corpus:
                    query = [matutils.unitvec(v) for v in query]
                    query = matutils.unitvec(query)
        result = self.get_similarities(query)

        if self.num_best is None:
            return result

        # if maintain_sparsity is True, result is scipy sparse. Sort, clip the
        # topn and return as a scipy sparse matrix.
        if getattr(self, 'maintain_sparsity', False):
            return matutils.scipy2scipy_clipped(result, self.num_best)

        # if the input query was a corpus (=more documents), compute the top-n
        # most similar for each document in turn
        if matutils.ismatrix(result):
            return [
                matutils.full2sparse_clipped(v, self.num_best) for v in result
            # otherwise, return top-n of the single input document
            return matutils.full2sparse_clipped(result, self.num_best)
Example #3
    def __getitem__(self, query):
        """Get similarities of the given document or corpus against this index.

        Uses :meth:`~gensim.interfaces.SimilarityABC.get_similarities` internally.

        Passing an entire corpus as `query` can be more efficient than passing its documents one after another,
        because it will issue queries in batches internally.

        query : {list of (int, number), iterable of list of (int, number)}
            Document in the sparse Gensim bag-of-words format, or a streamed corpus of such documents.

        {`scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix`, list of (int, float)}
            Similarities given document or corpus and objects corpus, depends on `query`.

        is_corpus, query = utils.is_corpus(query)
        if self.normalize:
            # self.normalize only works if the input is a plain gensim vector/corpus (as
            # advertised in the doc). in fact, input can be a numpy or scipy.sparse matrix
            # as well, but in that case assume tricks are happening and don't normalize
            # anything (self.normalize has no effect).
            if not matutils.ismatrix(query):
                if is_corpus:
                    query = [matutils.unitvec(v) for v in query]
                    query = matutils.unitvec(query)
        result = self.get_similarities(query)

        if self.num_best is None:
            return result

        # if maintain_sparsity is True, result is scipy sparse. Sort, clip the
        # topn and return as a scipy sparse matrix.
        if getattr(self, 'maintain_sparsity', False):
            return matutils.scipy2scipy_clipped(result, self.num_best)

        # if the input query was a corpus (=more documents), compute the top-n
        # most similar for each document in turn
        if matutils.ismatrix(result):
            return [matutils.full2sparse_clipped(v, self.num_best) for v in result]
            # otherwise, return top-n of the single input document
            return matutils.full2sparse_clipped(result, self.num_best)
Example #4
    def __getitem__(self, query):
        """Get access to similarities of document/corpus `query` to all documents in the corpus.

        Using :meth:`~gensim.interfaces.SimilarityABC.get_similarities`

        Passing corpus to `query` (instead of document) can be more efficient, because will processed in batching-way.

        query : {list of (int, int), iterable of list of (int, int)}
            Document or corpus in BoW format.

        {`scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix`, list of (int, float)}
            Similarities given document or corpus and objects corpus, depends on `query`.

        is_corpus, query = utils.is_corpus(query)
        if self.normalize:
            # self.normalize only works if the input is a plain gensim vector/corpus (as
            # advertised in the doc). in fact, input can be a numpy or scipy.sparse matrix
            # as well, but in that case assume tricks are happening and don't normalize
            # anything (self.normalize has no effect).
            if not matutils.ismatrix(query):
                if is_corpus:
                    query = [matutils.unitvec(v) for v in query]
                    query = matutils.unitvec(query)
        result = self.get_similarities(query)

        if self.num_best is None:
            return result

        # if maintain_sparsity is True, result is scipy sparse. Sort, clip the
        # topn and return as a scipy sparse matrix.
        if getattr(self, 'maintain_sparsity', False):
            return matutils.scipy2scipy_clipped(result, self.num_best)

        # if the input query was a corpus (=more documents), compute the top-n
        # most similar for each document in turn
        if matutils.ismatrix(result):
            return [matutils.full2sparse_clipped(v, self.num_best) for v in result]
            # otherwise, return top-n of the single input document
            return matutils.full2sparse_clipped(result, self.num_best)
Example #5
    def __getitem__(self, query):
        """Get similarities of document `query` to all documents in the corpus.


        If `query` is a corpus (iterable of documents), return a matrix of similarities
        of all query documents vs. all corpus document. Using this type of batch
        query is more efficient than computing the similarities one document after
        is_corpus, query = utils.is_corpus(query)
        if self.normalize:
            # self.normalize only works if the input is a plain gensim vector/corpus (as
            # advertised in the doc). in fact, input can be a numpy or scipy.sparse matrix
            # as well, but in that case assume tricks are happening and don't normalize
            # anything (self.normalize has no effect).
            if matutils.ismatrix(query):
                import warnings
                # warnings.warn("non-gensim input must already come normalized")
                if is_corpus:
                    query = [matutils.unitvec(v) for v in query]
                    query = matutils.unitvec(query)
        result = self.get_similarities(query)

        if self.num_best is None:
            return result

        # if maintain_sparity is True, result is scipy sparse. Sort, clip the
        # topn and return as a scipy sparse matrix.
        if getattr(self, 'maintain_sparsity', False):
            return matutils.scipy2scipy_clipped(result, self.num_best)

        # if the input query was a corpus (=more documents), compute the top-n
        # most similar for each document in turn
        if matutils.ismatrix(result):
            return [
                matutils.full2sparse_clipped(v, self.num_best) for v in result
            # otherwise, return top-n of the single input document
            return matutils.full2sparse_clipped(result, self.num_best)
Example #6
    def __getitem__(self, query):
        """Get similarities of document `query` to all documents in the corpus.


        If `query` is a corpus (iterable of documents), return a matrix of similarities
        of all query documents vs. all corpus document. Using this type of batch
        query is more efficient than computing the similarities one document after
        is_corpus, query = utils.is_corpus(query)
        if self.normalize:
            # self.normalize only works if the input is a plain gensim vector/corpus (as
            # advertised in the doc). in fact, input can be a numpy or scipy.sparse matrix
            # as well, but in that case assume tricks are happening and don't normalize
            # anything (self.normalize has no effect).
            if matutils.ismatrix(query):
                import warnings  # noqa:F401
                # warnings.warn("non-gensim input must already come normalized")
                if is_corpus:
                    query = [matutils.unitvec(v) for v in query]
                    query = matutils.unitvec(query)
        result = self.get_similarities(query)

        if self.num_best is None:
            return result

        # if maintain_sparity is True, result is scipy sparse. Sort, clip the
        # topn and return as a scipy sparse matrix.
        if getattr(self, 'maintain_sparsity', False):
            return matutils.scipy2scipy_clipped(result, self.num_best)

        # if the input query was a corpus (=more documents), compute the top-n
        # most similar for each document in turn
        if matutils.ismatrix(result):
            return [matutils.full2sparse_clipped(v, self.num_best) for v in result]
            # otherwise, return top-n of the single input document
            return matutils.full2sparse_clipped(result, self.num_best)
Example #7
def get_top_terms(vec, dict, n):
    Returns the top N elements of the greatest magnitude (abs) of
    a doc vector (in Gensim BoW or dense numpy array)
    if not (is_bow(vec)):
        top = matutils.full2sparse_clipped(vec, n)
        return list(map(lambda pair: ((dict[pair[0]], pair[0]), pair[1]), top))
        return list(
            map(lambda pair: ((dict[pair[0]], pair[0]), pair[1]),
                sorted(vec, key=lambda pair: pair[1], reverse=True)[:n]))
Example #8
    def test_full2sparse_clipped(self):

        vec = [0.8, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, -0.1, -0.15]
        expected = [(0, 0.80000000000000004), (1, 0.20000000000000001), (5, -0.14999999999999999)]
        self.assertTrue(matutils.full2sparse_clipped(vec, topn=3), expected)