Example #1
  def buildStackByGlueRule(self, supportLattice1, supportLattice2):
    Build a pseudo lattice stack by given two support latice items.

      "translation", [supportLattice1,supportLattice2],
      [COSTSUM - 10 * 6],
    # Check availibility of support lattice.
    if supportLattice1 not in self.mapLattice or supportLattice2 not in self.mapLattice:
      return None
    ntSpan = [supportLattice1, supportLattice2]
    translation = "[X0] [X1]"
    # Check if one of the two support lattice is original site.
    glueRule = (translation, ntSpan, GLUECOST)
    simplePruner = SimpleCubePruner(self.model, [glueRule], ntSpan, self.mapLattice)
    stack = simplePruner.prune()
    # Prune with beam size.
    stack = stack[:self.beamSize]
    return stack
Example #2
 def buildSCFGStack(self, begin, width):
   Build stack of non lexical lattice items.
   stack = []
   # Find all combinations of all support or inferred items.
   combs = self.findAllInferredCombinations(begin, width)
   for comb in combs:
     rulesFound, ntSpanList = self.fetchRulesForComb(comb)
     if not rulesFound:
     # Merge products.
     simplePruner = SimpleCubePruner(self.model, rulesFound, ntSpanList, self.mapLattice)
     hyps = simplePruner.prune()
     # Prune with beam size.
     hyps = hyps[:self.beamSize]
   # If not found, then return None
   if not stack:
     return None
   # Only leave highest score of same translation.
   mapTranslationBestScore = {}
   for hyp in stack:
     translation = hyp[0]
     score = hyp[-2]
     if (translation not in mapTranslationBestScore or
         score > mapTranslationBestScore[translation]):
       mapTranslationBestScore[translation] = score
   idx = 0
   while idx < len(stack):
     hyp = stack[idx]
     if hyp[-2] < mapTranslationBestScore[hyp[0]]:
       idx += 1
   # Sort and prune.
   return self.sortStack(stack)