Example #1
 def connect_by_address(self, poi_node, address, streets, projection_threshold, address_threshold):
     Tries to connect a selected point of interest to a street with a given name
     @type poi_node: L{geo.osm_import.Node}
     @param poi_node: the OSM Node object that shall be connected with the street network
     @param address: The street name
     @param streets: list of L{geo.osm_import.Way} objects that are streets
     @param projection_threshold: distance in meters that a connection to the next node may be longer than a direct connection by projection
     @param address_threshold: distance in meters that a connection to a street with a given name may be longer than a direct connection to the next street
     @returns: True if the connection was successful, False otherwise
     @rtype: C{bool}
     connected = False
     named_streets = self.get_street_by_name(address, streets)
     if named_streets:
         address_street, address_distance, address_mode = get_nearest_street(poi_node, named_streets)
         nearest_street, nearest_distance, nearest_mode = get_nearest_street(poi_node, streets)
         # decide based on the address_threshold whether the poi is connected to the named street or the next street
         if address_distance - nearest_distance < address_threshold:
             connected = self.connect_with_nearest_street(poi_node, named_streets, projection_threshold)
             connected = self.connect_with_nearest_street(poi_node, streets, projection_threshold)
     # if no street with the given address is found connect to the nearest street 
         connected = self.connect_with_nearest_street(poi_node, streets, projection_threshold)
     return connected
Example #2
 def connect_with_nearest_street(self, poi_node, streets, projection_threshold):
     """ Tries to connect a selected point of interest with the nearest streets
     The method looks in a list of streets for the neareast street and connects the poi and this street.
     @type poi_node: L{geo.osm_import.Node}
     @param poi_node: the OSM Node object that shall be connected with the street network
     @param streets: list of L{geo.osm_import.Way} objects that are streets
     @param projection_threshold: distance in meters that a connection to the next node may be longer than a direct connection by projection
     @returns: True if the connection was successful, False otherwise
     @rtype: C{bool}
     connected = False
     # connection fails if the street list is empty or None
     if not streets:
         return False
     nearest_street, street_distance, nearest_mode = get_nearest_street(poi_node, streets)
     # for explanation of the distance_mode see geo.geo_utils.__distance_point_to_line
     # connect to nearest node if no projection is possible
     if len(nearest_mode) == 1:
         connected = connect_by_node(self.__osm_object, poi_node, nearest_mode[0])
         nearest_node, node_distance = get_nearest_street_node(poi_node, [nearest_street])
         if node_distance - street_distance < projection_threshold:
             connected = connect_by_node(self.__osm_object, poi_node, nearest_node)
             connected = connect_by_projection(self.__osm_object, poi_node, nearest_street, nearest_mode)
     return connected        
Example #3
    def connect_partition(self, partition_id, thresholds):
        """ Initializes the connection of a single partition given by its partition id with the street network
        @type partition_id: C{int}
        @param partition_id: partition id
        @param thresholds: a dictionary containing search distance, projection threshold, size threshold, connection threshold and distance threshold { 'search':svalue, 'projection':pvalue, 'size':sivalue, 'connection':cvalue, 'distance':dvalue }
        @returns: True if the partition was successfully connected with the street network
        @rtype: C{bool}
        search_threshold = int(thresholds.get('search'))
        projection_threshold = int(thresholds.get('projection'))
        size_threshold = int(thresholds.get('size'))
        connection_threshold = int(thresholds.get('connection'))
        distance_threshold = int(thresholds.get('distance'))
        partition = self.__partitions.get(partition_id)
        if partition.partition_size_by_nodes() < size_threshold:
            return True
        #nearest_street = None
        min_distance = 1e400
        #min_mode = None
        nearest_part_node = None
        nodes_and_distances = []
        new_partition_id = 0

        # saves the nodes that have already been connected to another partition
        connected_nodes = []
        for node in partition.nodes:
            streets = self.__osm_object.get_adjacent_streets(node, search_threshold)
            streets = self.filter_streets_by_partition(streets, partition_id)
            # TODO: remove debug message
            #if DEBUG:
            #    print node, get_nearest_street(node, streets)
            street, distance, mode = get_nearest_street(node, streets)
            if street:
                nodes_and_distances.append((distance, node, street))
        sorted_nodes_by_distances = sorted(nodes_and_distances)

        partition_connected = False

        connection_count = 0
        index = 0
        while connection_count < connection_threshold:
            if index >= len(sorted_nodes_by_distances):
            connected = False
            min_distance, nearest_part_node, nearest_street = sorted_nodes_by_distances[index]
            index += 1
            ignore = False
            for connected_node in connected_nodes:
                az_f, az_b, distance = distance_points(nearest_part_node, connected_node)
                if distance < distance_threshold:
                    ignore = True
            if not ignore:
                nearest_street, dist, min_mode = get_nearest_street(nearest_part_node, [nearest_street])
                if len(min_mode) == 1:
                    connected = connect_by_node(self.__osm_object, nearest_part_node, min_mode[0])
                    if connected:
                        new_partition_id = min_mode[0].partition_id
                    nearest_street_node, node_distance = get_nearest_street_node(nearest_part_node, [nearest_street])
                    if node_distance - min_distance < projection_threshold:
                        connected = connect_by_node(self.__osm_object, nearest_part_node, nearest_street_node)
                        if connected:
                            new_partition_id = nearest_street_node.partition_id
                        connected = connect_by_projection(self.__osm_object, nearest_part_node, nearest_street, min_mode)
                        if connected:
                            new_partition_id = nearest_street.partition_id
                if connected:
                    connection_count += 1
                partition_connected = partition_connected or connected
        # merge the joined partitions to one partition
        if partition_connected:
            new_partition = self.__partitions.get(new_partition_id)
            # TODO: remove debug message
            if DEBUG:
                if new_partition == None:
                    print new_partition_id
                    print thresholds
            del self.__partitions[partition_id]
            del partition
        return partition_connected