def _capital_query(country, q): """ Generate answer to question concerning a country capital. """ # Get country code cc = isocode_for_country_name(country) if not cc: logging.warning("No CC for country {0}".format(country)) return False # Find capital city, given the country code capital = capital_for_cc(cc) if not capital: return False # Use the Icelandic name for the city ice_cname = icelandic_city_name(capital["name_ascii"]) # Look up genitive country name for voice description bres = BIN_Db().lookup_genitive(country, cat="no") country_gen = bres[0].ordmynd if bres else country answer = ice_cname response = dict(answer=answer) voice = "Höfuðborg {0} er {1}".format(country_gen, answer) q.set_answer(response, answer, voice) q.set_key("Höfuðborg {0}".format(country_gen)) q.set_context(dict(subject=ice_cname)) return True
def test_geo(): """ Test geography and location-related functions in """ from geo import ( icelandic_city_name, continent_for_country, coords_for_country, coords_for_street_name, country_name_for_isocode, isocode_for_country_name, icelandic_addr_info, lookup_city_info, parse_address_string, iceprep_for_street, iceprep_for_placename, iceprep_for_country, iceprep_for_cc, capitalize_placename, distance, in_iceland, code_for_us_state, coords_for_us_state_code, location_info, ) assert icelandic_city_name("London") == "Lundúnir" assert icelandic_city_name("Rome") == "Róm" assert continent_for_country("IS") == "EU" assert continent_for_country("no") == "EU" assert continent_for_country("MX") == "NA" assert coords_for_country("DE") is not None assert coords_for_country("it") is not None assert coords_for_street_name("Austurstræti") is not None assert coords_for_street_name("Háaleitisbraut") is not None assert country_name_for_isocode("DE", lang="is") == "Þýskaland" assert country_name_for_isocode("DE") == "Þýskaland" assert isocode_for_country_name("Danmörk", lang="is") == "DK" assert isocode_for_country_name("Danmörk", lang="IS") == "DK" assert isocode_for_country_name("Noregur") == "NO" addr_info = icelandic_addr_info("Fiskislóð 31") assert addr_info and addr_info["stadur_tgf"] == "Reykjavík" # Test city info lookup city_info = lookup_city_info("Kænugarður") assert city_info and len( city_info) == 1 and city_info[0]["country"] == "UA" city_info = lookup_city_info("Kaupmannahöfn") assert city_info and len( city_info) == 1 and city_info[0]["country"] == "DK" city_info = lookup_city_info("Pjongjang") assert city_info and len( city_info) == 1 and city_info[0]["country"] == "KP" city_info = lookup_city_info("Pyongyang") assert city_info and len( city_info) == 1 and city_info[0]["country"] == "KP" # Test address string parsing assert parse_address_string(" Fiskislóð 31") == { "street": "Fiskislóð", "number": 31, "letter": "", } assert parse_address_string("Öldugata 19c ") == { "street": "Öldugata", "number": 19, "letter": "c", } assert parse_address_string(" Dúfnahólar 10 ") == { "street": "Dúfnahólar", "number": 10, "letter": "", } # Test prepositions for street names assert iceprep_for_street("Öldugata") == "á" assert iceprep_for_street("Fiskislóð") == "á" assert iceprep_for_street("Austurstræti") == "í" assert iceprep_for_street("Hamrahlíð") == "í" # Test prepositions for placenames assert iceprep_for_placename("Dalvík") == "á" assert iceprep_for_placename("Akureyri") == "á" assert iceprep_for_placename("Ísafjörður") == "á" assert iceprep_for_placename("Reykjavík") == "í" assert iceprep_for_placename("Hafnarfjörður") == "í" assert iceprep_for_placename("London") == "í" assert iceprep_for_placename("Dyflinni") == "í" # Test prepositions for countries assert iceprep_for_country("Ítalía") == "á" assert iceprep_for_country("Ísland") == "á" assert iceprep_for_country("Þýskaland") == "í" assert iceprep_for_country("Japan") == "í" assert iceprep_for_country("spánn") == "á" # Test prepositions for countries, queried by CC assert iceprep_for_cc("IS") == "á" assert iceprep_for_cc("US") == "í" assert iceprep_for_cc("ES") == "á" assert iceprep_for_cc("es") == "á" # Test placename capitalization assert capitalize_placename("ríó de janeiro") == "Ríó de Janeiro" assert capitalize_placename("vík í mýrdal") == "Vík í Mýrdal" assert capitalize_placename("Vík í mýrdal") == "Vík í Mýrdal" assert capitalize_placename("frankfúrt am main") == "Frankfúrt am Main" assert capitalize_placename("mið-afríkulýðveldið") == "Mið-Afríkulýðveldið" assert capitalize_placename("Norður-kórea") == "Norður-Kórea" assert capitalize_placename("norður-Kórea") == "Norður-Kórea" assert capitalize_placename( "bosnía og hersegóvína") == "Bosnía og Hersegóvína" assert capitalize_placename("Norður-Makedónía") == "Norður-Makedónía" # Distance assert int(distance((64.141439, -21.943944), (65.688131, -18.102528))) == 249 assert in_iceland((66.462205, -15.968417)) assert not in_iceland((62.010846, -6.776709)) assert not in_iceland((62.031342, -18.539553)) # US States assert code_for_us_state("Flórída") == "FL" assert code_for_us_state("Norður-Karólína") == "NC" assert code_for_us_state("Kalifornía") == "CA" assert coords_for_us_state_code("CA") == [36.778261, -119.417932] # Generic location info lookup functions assert "country" in location_info("Reykjavík", "placename") assert "continent" in location_info("Minsk", "placename") assert location_info("Japan", "country")["continent"] == "AS" assert location_info("Danmörk", "country")["continent"] == "EU" assert location_info("Mexíkó", "country")["continent"] == "NA" assert location_info("ísafjörður", "placename")["continent"] == "EU" assert location_info("Meðalfellsvatn", "placename")["country"] == "IS" assert location_info("Georgía", "country")["country"] != "US" assert location_info("Virginía", "placename")["country"] == "US" assert location_info("Norður-Dakóta", "country")["country"] == "US" assert location_info("Kænugarður", "placename")["continent"] == "EU" assert location_info("Fiskislóð 31", "address")["country"] == "IS"
def _process_result(result: Result) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Return formatted description of arrival/departure time of flights to or from an Icelandic airport, based on info in result dict. """ airport: str # Icelandic or foreign airport/country api_airport: str # Always an Icelandic airport, as the ISAVIA API only covers them departing: bool = result["departure"] if departing: # Departures (from Keflavík by default) api_airport = result.get("from_loc", "keflavík").lower() # Wildcard matches any flight (if airport wasn't specified) airport = result.get("to_loc", "*").lower() else: # Arrivals (to Keflavík by default) api_airport = result.get("to_loc", "keflavík").lower() airport = result.get("from_loc", "*").lower() from_date: datetime to_date: datetime days: int = result.get("day_count", 5) # Check 5 days into future by default from_date = result.get("from_date", to_date = result.get("to_date", + timedelta(days=days)) # Normalize airport/city names airport = _LOCATION_ABBREV_MAP.get(airport, airport) airport = NounPhrase(airport).nominative or airport api_airport = _LOCATION_ABBREV_MAP.get(api_airport, api_airport) api_airport = NounPhrase(api_airport).nominative or api_airport # Translate Icelandic airport to its IATA code iata_code: str = _AIRPORT_TO_IATA_MAP.get(api_airport, api_airport) # TODO: Currently module only fetches one flight, # modifications to the grammar could allow fetching of more flights at once flight_count: int = result.get("flight_count", 1) flight_data: FlightList # Check first if function result in cache, else fetch data from API if departing in _FLIGHT_CACHE: flight_data = _FLIGHT_CACHE[departing] else: flight_data = _fetch_flight_data(from_date, to_date, iata_code, departing) flight_data = _filter_flight_data(flight_data, airport, api_airport, flight_count) answ: Dict[str, str] = dict() if len(flight_data) > 0: # (Format month names in Icelandic) with changedlocale(category="LC_TIME"): answ = _format_flight_answer(flight_data) else: to_airp: str from_airp: str if departing: to_airp, from_airp = airport, api_airport else: from_airp, to_airp = airport, api_airport to_airp = icelandic_city_name(capitalize_placename(to_airp)) from_airp = icelandic_city_name(capitalize_placename(from_airp)) from_airp = NounPhrase(from_airp).dative or from_airp to_airp = NounPhrase(to_airp).genitive or to_airp if from_airp == "*": answ["answer"] = f"Ekkert flug fannst til {to_airp} næstu {days} daga." elif to_airp == "*": answ["answer"] = f"Ekkert flug fannst frá {from_airp} næstu {days} daga." else: answ["answer"] = ( f"Ekkert flug fannst " f"frá {from_airp} " f"til {to_airp} " f"næstu {days} daga." ) answ["voice"] = answ["answer"] return answ
def _format_flight_answer(flights: FlightList) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Takes in a list of flights and returns a dict containing a formatted answer and text for a voice line. Each flight should contain the attributes: 'No': Flight number 'DisplayName': Name of airport/city 'api_airport': Name of Icelandic airport/city 'flight_time': Time of departure/arrival 'Departure': True if departing from api_airport, else False 'Status': Info on flight status (e.g. whether it's cancelled) """ airport: str api_airport: str flight_dt: Optional[datetime] answers: List[str] = [] voice_lines: List[str] = [] for flight in flights: airport = icelandic_city_name(capitalize_placename(flight.get("DisplayName", ""))) api_airport = icelandic_city_name(capitalize_placename(flight.get("api_airport", ""))) flight_dt = flight.get("flight_time") if flight_dt is None or airport == "" or api_airport == "": continue flight_date_str = flight_dt.strftime("%-d. %B") flight_time_str = flight_dt.strftime("%H:%M") if flight.get("Departure"): airport = NounPhrase(airport).genitive or airport api_airport = NounPhrase(api_airport).dative or api_airport # Catch cancelled flights if ( isinstance(flight.get("Status"), str) and "aflýst" in str(flight["Status"]).lower() ): line = f"Flugi {flight.get('No')} frá {api_airport} til {airport} er aflýst." else: line = ( f"Flug {flight.get('No')} til {airport} " f"flýgur frá {api_airport} {flight_date_str} " f"klukkan {flight_time_str} að staðartíma." ) else: airport = NounPhrase(airport).dative or airport prep = iceprep_for_placename(api_airport) api_airport = NounPhrase(api_airport).dative or api_airport if ( isinstance(flight.get("Status"), str) and "aflýst" in str(flight["Status"]).lower() ): line = f"Flugi {flight.get('No')} frá {airport} til {api_airport} er aflýst." else: line = ( f"Flug {flight.get('No')} frá {airport} " f"lendir {prep} {api_airport} {flight_date_str} " f"klukkan {flight_time_str} að staðartíma." ) voice_line = re.sub(r" \d+\. ", " " + _DAY_INDEX_ACC[] + " ", line) answers.append(line) voice_lines.append(voice_line) return { "answer": "<br/>".join(answers).strip(), "voice": _BREAK_SSML.join(voice_lines).strip(), }