Example #1
def cal_heatf():
    """calculate the heat of formation as following:
    \delta H_f = E_system + 4RT + POP + n_CI_C + n_HI_H
    POP: contribution of high energy conformations. (default -0.2 kcal/mol)
    I_C: heat increament for C (see STD)
    I_H: heat increament for H (see STD)
    @ref: reaxFF 2001
    # get E_system
    assert os.path.exists("fort.74")
    f =  open("fort.74", "r")
    ener = float(f.readline()[27:37])

    assert os.path.exists("geo")
    fname = "geo"
    a = Geo(fname)
    b = a.parser()
    # get atom map
    # get element type
    ht = {}

    for i in b.map:
        ht[i[1]] = 0

    for i in b.atoms:
        ener = ener + STD[i.element]

    ener = ener + 4*300*8.314/4184 + (-0.21)

    print b.name, ener
Example #2
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("fname", default="geo", nargs="?", help="geo file name")
    parser.add_argument("-c", action="store_true", help="convert the file to other formats (geo, xyz, gjf, lammps)")
    parser.add_argument("-pbc", action="store_true", help="using default pbc 5nm * 5nm * 5nm")
    parser.add_argument("-b", nargs=2, type=int, help="get the bond distance between a1, a2, a3")
    parser.add_argument("-a", nargs=3, type=int,help="get the angle of a1-a2-a3")
    parser.add_argument("-vol", action="store_true", help="get the volume of the simulation box")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    #print b.getBondDist(3,2)
    fname = args.fname

    assert os.path.exists(fname)
    a = Geo(fname)
    b = a.parser()

    if args.c:
        print "converting %s to geo, xyz, gjf and lammps..."%fname
        if args.pbc:
            b.pbc = [50, 50, 50, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0]

    if args.b:
        a1 = args.b[0] 
        a2 = args.b[1]
        val = b.getBondDist(a1, a2)
        print "Distance between %d and %d is %.3f."%(a1, a2, val)

    if args.a:
        a1 = args.a[0] 
        a2 = args.a[1]
        a3 = args.a[2]
        val = b.getAngle(a1, a2, a3)
        print "Angle of %d-%d-%d is %.3f."%(a1, a2, a3, val)

    if args.vol:
        vol = b.getVol()
        print "Volume is %.3f"%vol
Example #3
""" parse the geo file with multi configuration into
seperated files
import os
from utilities import parseBlock
from mytype import System, Molecule, Atom
from geo import Geo
from output_conf import toGeo
from output_conf import toXyz

parseBlock("geo", 1)
for i in range(204):
    fname = "out%03d" % i
    a = Geo(fname)
    b = a.parser()
    toGeo(b, b.name + '.geo')
    toXyz(b, b.name + '.xyz')
Example #4
""" parse the geo file with multi configuration into
seperated files
import os
from utilities import parseBlock
from mytype import System, Molecule, Atom
from geo import Geo
from output_conf import toGeo
from output_conf import toXyz

parseBlock("geo", 1)
for i in range(204):
    fname = "out%03d"%i 
    a = Geo(fname)
    b = a.parser()
    toGeo(b, b.name+'.geo')
    toXyz(b, b.name+'.xyz')