def __init__(self, source, target=None, varlist=None, ignorelist=None, tmp=True, feedback=True): ''' Initialize processor and pass input and output datasets. ''' # check varlist if varlist is None: varlist = source.variables.keys() # all source variables elif not isinstance(varlist,(list,tuple)): raise TypeError self.varlist = varlist # list of variable to be processed # ignore list (e.g. variables that will cause errors) if ignorelist is None: ignorelist = [] # an empty list elif not isinstance(ignorelist,(list,tuple)): raise TypeError self.ignorelist = ignorelist # list of variable *not* to be processed # check input if not isinstance(source,Dataset): raise TypeError if isinstance(source,DatasetNetCDF) and not 'r' in source.mode: raise PermissionError self.input = source self.source = source # check output if target is not None: if not isinstance(target,Dataset): raise TypeError if isinstance(target,DatasetNetCDF) and not 'w' in target.mode: raise PermissionError else: if not tmp: raise DatasetError, "Need target location, if temporary storage is disables (tmp=False)." self.output = target # temporary dataset self.tmp = tmp if tmp: self.tmpput = Dataset(name='tmp', title='Temporary Dataset', varlist=[], atts={}) else: self.tmpput = None # determine if temporary storage is used and assign target dataset if self.tmp: = self.tmpput else: = self.output # whether or not to print status output = feedback
def performExtraction(dataset, mode, stnfct, dataargs, loverwrite=False, varlist=None, lwrite=True, lreturn=False, ldebug=False, lparallel=False, pidstr='', logger=None): ''' worker function to extract point data from gridded dataset ''' # input checking if not isinstance(dataset, basestring): raise TypeError if not isinstance(dataargs, dict): raise TypeError # all dataset arguments are kwargs if not callable(stnfct): raise TypeError # function to load station dataset if lparallel: if not lwrite: raise IOError, 'In parallel mode we can only write to disk (i.e. lwrite = True).' if lreturn: raise IOError, 'Can not return datasets in parallel mode (i.e. lreturn = False).' # logging if logger is None: # make new logger logger = logging.getLogger() # new logger logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) else: if isinstance(logger, basestring): logger = logging.getLogger(name=logger) # connect to existing one elif not isinstance(logger, logging.Logger): raise TypeError, 'Expected logger ID/handle in logger KW; got {}'.format( str(logger)) lclim = False lts = False if mode == 'climatology': lclim = True elif mode == 'time-series': lts = True else: raise NotImplementedError, "Unrecognized Mode: '{:s}'".format(mode) ## extract meta data from arguments dataargs, loadfct, srcage, datamsgstr = getMetaData( dataset, mode, dataargs) dataset_name = dataargs.dataset_name periodstr = dataargs.periodstr avgfolder = dataargs.avgfolder # load template dataset stndata = stnfct() # load station dataset from function if not isinstance(stndata, Dataset): raise TypeError # N.B.: the loading function is necessary, because DataseNetCDF instances do not pickle well # get filename for target dataset and do some checks filename = getTargetFile(dataset=dataset, mode=mode, dataargs=dataargs, lwrite=lwrite, if ldebug: filename = 'test_' + filename if not os.path.exists(avgfolder): raise IOError, "Dataset folder '{:s}' does not exist!".format( avgfolder) lskip = False # else just go ahead if lwrite: if lreturn: tmpfilename = filename # no temporary file if dataset is passed on (can't rename the file while it is open!) else: if lparallel: tmppfx = 'tmp_exstns_{:s}_'.format(pidstr[1:-1]) else: tmppfx = 'tmp_exstns_'.format(pidstr[1:-1]) tmpfilename = tmppfx + filename filepath = avgfolder + filename tmpfilepath = avgfolder + tmpfilename if os.path.exists(filepath): if not loverwrite: age = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(filepath)) # if source file is newer than sink file or if sink file is a stub, recompute, otherwise skip if age > srcage and os.path.getsize(filepath) > 1e5: lskip = True # N.B.: NetCDF files smaller than 100kB are usually incomplete header fragments from a previous crashed # depending on last modification time of file or overwrite setting, start computation, or skip if lskip: # print message skipmsg = "\n{:s} >>> Skipping: file '{:s}' in dataset '{:s}' already exists and is newer than source file.".format( pidstr, filename, dataset_name) skipmsg += "\n{:s} >>> ('{:s}')\n".format(pidstr, filepath) else: ## actually load datasets source = loadfct() # load source # check period if 'period' in source.atts and dataargs.periodstr != source.atts.period: # a NetCDF attribute raise DateError, "Specifed period is inconsistent with netcdf records: '{:s}' != '{:s}'".format( periodstr, source.atts.period) # print message if lclim: opmsgstr = "Extracting '{:s}'-type Point Data from Climatology ({:s})".format(, periodstr) elif lts: opmsgstr = "Extracting '{:s}'-type Point Data from Time-series".format( else: raise NotImplementedError, "Unrecognized Mode: '{:s}'".format(mode) # print feedback to logger '\n{0:s} *** {1:^65s} *** \n{0:s} *** {2:^65s} *** \n' .format(pidstr, datamsgstr, opmsgstr)) if not lparallel and ldebug:'\n' + str(source) + '\n') ## create new sink/target file # set attributes atts = source.atts.copy() atts[ 'period'] = dataargs.periodstr if dataargs.periodstr else 'time-series' atts['name'] = dataset_name atts['station'] = atts['title'] = '{:s} (Stations) from {:s} {:s}'.format( stndata.title, dataset_name, mode.title()) # make new dataset if lwrite: # write to NetCDF file if os.path.exists(tmpfilepath): os.remove(tmpfilepath) # remove old temp files sink = DatasetNetCDF(folder=avgfolder, filelist=[tmpfilename], atts=atts, mode='w') else: sink = Dataset(atts=atts) # ony create dataset in memory # initialize processing CPU = CentralProcessingUnit(source, sink, varlist=varlist, tmp=False, feedback=ldebug) # extract data at station locations CPU.Extract(template=stndata, flush=True) # get results CPU.sync(flush=True) # print dataset if not lparallel and ldebug:'\n' + str(sink) + '\n') # write results to file if lwrite: sink.sync() writemsg = "\n{:s} >>> Writing to file '{:s}' in dataset {:s}".format( pidstr, filename, dataset_name) writemsg += "\n{:s} >>> ('{:s}')\n".format(pidstr, filepath) # rename file to proper name if not lreturn: sink.unload() sink.close() del sink # destroy all references if os.path.exists(filepath): os.remove(filepath) # remove old file os.rename(tmpfilepath, filepath) # N.B.: there is no temporary file if the dataset is returned, because an open file can't be renamed # clean up and return source.unload() del source #, CPU if lreturn: return sink # return dataset for further use (netcdf file still open!) else: return 0 # "exit code"
def loadKister_StnTS(station=None, well=None, folder=None, varlist='default', varatts=None, name='observations', title=None, basin=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, sampling=None, period=None, date_range=None, llastIncl=True, WSC_station=None, basin_list=None, filenames=None, time_axis='datetime', scalefactors=None, metadata=None, lkgs=False, ntime=None, **kwargs): ''' load EnKF ensemble data as formatted GeoPy Dataset ''' if folder and not os.path.exists(folder): raise IOError(folder) # default values if isinstance(varlist, str) and varlist == 'default': varlist = [] if station: varlist += ['discharge'] if well: varlist += ['head'] if varatts is None: varatts = variable_attributes.copy() # figure out time axis if date_range: start_date, end_date, sampling = date_range time = timeAxis(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, sampling=sampling, date_range=date_range, time_axis=time_axis, llastIncl=llastIncl, ntime=ntime, varatts=varatts) ntime = len(time) # load WSC station meta data pass # initialize Dataset dataset = Dataset(name=name, title=title if title else name.title(), atts=metadata) # load well data if 'head' in varlist: if not well: raise ArgumentError if folder: filepath = os.path.join(folder, well) # default output folder else: filepath = station data = readKister(filepath=filepath, period=(start_date, end_date), resample=sampling, lvalues=True) assert ntime == len(data), data.shape atts = varatts['head'] dataset += Variable(atts=atts, data=data, axes=(time, )) # load discharge/hydrograph data if 'discharge' in varlist: if not station: raise ArgumentError if folder: filepath = os.path.join(folder, station) # default output folder else: filepath = station data = readKister(filepath=filepath, period=(start_date, end_date), resample=sampling, lvalues=True) assert ntime == len(data), data.shape atts = varatts['discharge'] if lkgs: data *= 1000. if atts['units'] == 'm^3/s': atts['units'] = 'kg/s' dataset += Variable(atts=atts, data=data, axes=(time, )) # return formatted Dataset if scalefactors is not None and scalefactors != 1: raise NotImplementedError return dataset
def loadEnKF_StnTS(folder=None, varlist='all', varatts=None, name='enkf', title='EnKF', basin=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, sampling=None, period=None, date_range=None, llastIncl=True, WSC_station=None, basin_list=None, filenames=None, prefix=None, time_axis='datetime', scalefactors=None, metadata=None, lkgs=False, out_dir='out/', yaml_file='../input_data/obs_meta.yaml', lYAML=True, nreal=None, ntime=None, **kwargs): ''' load EnKF ensemble data as formatted GeoPy Dataset ''' out_folder = os.path.join(folder, 'out/') # default output folder if not os.path.exists(out_folder): raise IOError(out_folder) # default values if isinstance(varlist, str) and varlist == 'hydro': varlist = Hydro.varlist elif isinstance(varlist, str) and varlist == 'obs': varlist = Obs.varlist elif isinstance(varlist, str) and varlist == 'all': varlist = Hydro.varlist + Obs.varlist elif not isinstance(varlist, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError(varlist) if varatts is None: varatts = variable_attributes.copy() varmap = { varatt['name']: enkf_name for enkf_name, varatt in list(varatts.items()) } varlist = [varmap[var] for var in varlist] # load WSC station meta data pass # initialize Dataset dataset = Dataset(name=name, title=title if title else name.title(), atts=metadata) ensemble = None time = None observation = None # load observation/innovation data if any([var in Obs.atts for var in varlist]): # load data vardata = loadObs(varlist=[var for var in varlist if var in Obs.atts], folder=out_folder, lpandas=False) ntime, nobs, nreal = list(vardata.values())[0].shape # create Axes if time is None: # figure out time axis time = timeAxis(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, sampling=sampling, date_range=date_range, time_axis=time_axis, llastIncl=llastIncl, ntime=ntime, varatts=varatts) elif len(time) != ntime: raise AxisError(time) if ensemble is None: # construct ensemble axis ensemble = Axis(atts=varatts['ensemble'], coord=np.arange(1, nreal + 1)) elif len(ensemble) != nreal: raise AxisError(ensemble) if observation is None: # construct ensemble axis observation = Axis(atts=varatts['observation'], coord=np.arange(1, nobs + 1)) elif len(observation) != nobs: raise AxisError(observation) # create variables for varname, data in list(vardata.items()): dataset += Variable(atts=varatts[varname], data=data, axes=(time, observation, ensemble)) # load YAML data, if available if lYAML: # load YAML file yaml_path = os.path.join(out_folder, yaml_file) if not os.path.exists(yaml_path): raise IOError(yaml_path) with open(yaml_path, 'r') as yf: obs_meta = yaml.load(yf) if obs_meta is None: raise IOError(yaml_path) # not a YAML file? # constant create variables for cvar, cval in list(obs_meta[0].items()): if isinstance(cval, str): dtype, missing = np.string_, '' elif isinstance(cval, (np.integer, int)): dtype, missing = np.int_, 0 elif isinstance(cval, (np.inexact, float)): dtype, missing = np.float_, np.NaN else: dtype = None # skip if dtype: data = np.asarray([ missing if obs[cvar] is None else obs[cvar] for obs in obs_meta ], dtype=dtype) if cvar in varatts: atts = varatts[cvar] else: atts = dict(name=cvar, units='') dataset += Variable(atts=atts, data=data, axes=(observation, )) elif ntime is None: # try to infer time dimension from file backup_info = os.path.join(folder, '') if os.path.exists(backup_info): with open(backup_info, 'r') as bf: ntime = int(bf.readline()) # load discharge/hydrograph data if 'discharge' in varlist: data = loadHydro(folder=out_folder, nreal=nreal, ntime=ntime) ntime, nreal = data.shape if time is None: # figure out time axis time = timeAxis(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, sampling=sampling, date_range=date_range, time_axis=time_axis, llastIncl=llastIncl, ntime=ntime, varatts=varatts) elif len(time) != ntime: raise AxisError(time) if ensemble is None: # construct ensemble axis ensemble = Axis(atts=varatts['ensemble'], coord=np.arange(1, nreal + 1)) elif len(ensemble) != nreal: raise AxisError(ensemble) atts = varatts['discharge'] if lkgs: data *= 1000. if atts['units'] == 'm^3/s': atts['units'] = 'kg/s' dataset += Variable(atts=atts, data=data, axes=(time, ensemble)) # return formatted Dataset if scalefactors is not None and scalefactors != 1: raise NotImplementedError return dataset
def performExport(dataset, mode, dataargs, expargs, bcargs, loverwrite=False, ldebug=False, lparallel=False, pidstr='', logger=None): ''' worker function to export ASCII rasters for a given dataset ''' # input checking if not isinstance(dataset,basestring): raise TypeError if not isinstance(dataargs,dict): raise TypeError # all dataset arguments are kwargs # logging if logger is None: # make new logger logger = logging.getLogger() # new logger logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) else: if isinstance(logger,basestring): logger = logging.getLogger(name=logger) # connect to existing one elif not isinstance(logger,logging.Logger): raise TypeError, 'Expected logger ID/handle in logger KW; got {}'.format(str(logger)) ## extract meta data from arguments dataargs, loadfct, srcage, datamsgstr = getMetaData(dataset, mode, dataargs, lone=False) dataset_name = dataargs.dataset_name; periodstr = dataargs.periodstr; domain = dataargs.domain # figure out bias correction parameters if bcargs: bcargs = bcargs.copy() # first copy, then modify... bc_method = bcargs.pop('method',None) if bc_method is None: raise ArgumentError("Need to specify bias-correction method to use bias correction!") bc_obs = bcargs.pop('obs_dataset',None) if bc_obs is None: raise ArgumentError("Need to specify observational dataset to use bias correction!") bc_reference = bcargs.pop('reference',None) if bc_reference is None: # infer from experiment name if dataset_name[-5:] in ('-2050','-2100'): bc_reference = dataset_name[:-5] # cut of period indicator and hope for the best else: bc_reference = dataset_name bc_grid = bcargs.pop('grid',None) if bc_grid is None: bc_grid = dataargs.grid bc_domain = bcargs.pop('domain',None) if bc_domain is None: bc_domain = domain bc_varlist = bcargs.pop('varlist',None) bc_varmap = bcargs.pop('varmap',None) bc_tag = bcargs.pop('tag',None) # an optional name extension/tag bc_pattern = bcargs.pop('file_pattern',None) # usually default in getPickleFile lgzip = bcargs.pop('lgzip',None) # if pickle is gzipped (None: auto-detect based on file name extension) # get name of pickle file (and folder) picklefolder = dataargs.avgfolder.replace(dataset_name,bc_reference) picklefile = getPickleFileName(method=bc_method, obs_name=bc_obs, gridstr=bc_grid, domain=bc_domain, tag=bc_tag, pattern=bc_pattern) picklepath = '{:s}/{:s}'.format(picklefolder,picklefile) if lgzip: picklepath += '.gz' # add extension if not os.path.exists(picklepath): raise IOError(picklepath) elif lgzip is None: lgzip = False if not os.path.exists(picklepath): lgzip = True # assume gzipped file picklepath += '.gz' # try with extension... if not os.path.exists(picklepath): raise IOError(picklepath) elif not os.path.exists(picklepath): raise IOError(picklepath) pickleage = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(picklepath)) # determine age of pickle file and compare against source age else: bc_method = False pickleage = srcage # parse export options expargs = expargs.copy() # first copy, then modify... lm3 = expargs.pop('lm3') # convert kg/m^2/s to m^3/m^2/s (water flux) expformat = expargs.pop('format') # needed to get FileFormat object exp_list= expargs.pop('exp_list') # this handled outside of export compute_list = expargs.pop('compute_list', []) # variables to be (re-)computed - by default all # initialize FileFormat class instance fileFormat = getFileFormat(expformat, bc_method=bc_method, **expargs) # get folder for target dataset and do some checks expname = '{:s}_d{:02d}'.format(dataset_name,domain) if domain else dataset_name expfolder = fileFormat.defineDataset(dataset=dataset, mode=mode, dataargs=dataargs, lwrite=True, ldebug=ldebug) # prepare destination for new dataset lskip = fileFormat.prepareDestination(srcage=max(srcage,pickleage), loverwrite=loverwrite) # depending on last modification time of file or overwrite setting, start computation, or skip if lskip: # print message skipmsg = "\n{:s} >>> Skipping: Format '{:s} for dataset '{:s}' already exists and is newer than source file.".format(pidstr,expformat,dataset_name) skipmsg += "\n{:s} >>> ('{:s}')\n".format(pidstr,expfolder) else: ## actually load datasets source = loadfct() # load source data # check period if 'period' in source.atts and dataargs.periodstr != source.atts.period: # a NetCDF attribute raise DateError, "Specifed period is inconsistent with netcdf records: '{:s}' != '{:s}'".format(periodstr,source.atts.period) # load BiasCorrection object from pickle if bc_method: op = if lgzip else open with op(picklepath, 'r') as filehandle: BC = pickle.load(filehandle) # assemble logger entry bcmsgstr = "(performing bias-correction using {:s} from {:s} towards {:s})".format(BC.long_name,bc_reference,bc_obs) # print message if mode == 'climatology': opmsgstr = 'Exporting Climatology ({:s}) to {:s} Format'.format(periodstr, expformat) elif mode == 'time-series': opmsgstr = 'Exporting Time-series to {:s} Format'.format(expformat) elif mode[-5:] == '-mean': opmsgstr = 'Exporting {:s}-Mean ({:s}) to {:s} Format'.format(mode[:-5], periodstr, expformat) else: raise NotImplementedError, "Unrecognized Mode: '{:s}'".format(mode) # print feedback to logger logmsg = '\n{0:s} *** {1:^65s} *** \n{0:s} *** {2:^65s} *** \n'.format(pidstr,datamsgstr,opmsgstr) if bc_method: logmsg += "{0:s} *** {1:^65s} *** \n".format(pidstr,bcmsgstr) if not lparallel and ldebug:'\n'+str(source)+'\n') # create GDAL-enabled target dataset sink = Dataset(axes=(source.xlon,source.ylat), name=expname, title=source.title, atts=source.atts.copy()) addGDALtoDataset(dataset=sink, griddef=source.griddef) assert sink.gdal, sink # apply bias-correction if bc_method: source = BC.correct(source, asNC=False, varlist=bc_varlist, varmap=bc_varmap) # load bias-corrected variables into memory # N.B.: for variables that are not bias-corrected, data are not loaded immediately but on demand; this way # I/O and computing can be further disentangled and not all variables are always needed # compute intermediate variables, if necessary for varname in exp_list: variables = None # variable list var = None # (re-)compute variable, if desired... if varname in compute_list: if varname == 'precip': var = newvars.computeTotalPrecip(source) elif varname == 'waterflx': var = newvars.computeWaterFlux(source) elif varname == 'liqwatflx': var = newvars.computeLiquidWaterFlux(source) elif varname == 'netrad': var = newvars.computeNetRadiation(source, asVar=True) elif varname == 'netrad_bb': var = newvars.computeNetRadiation(source, asVar=True, lrad=False, name='netrad_bb') elif varname == 'netrad_bb0': var = newvars.computeNetRadiation(source, asVar=True, lrad=False, lA=False, name='netrad_bb0') elif varname == 'vapdef': var = newvars.computeVaporDeficit(source) elif varname in ('pet','pet_pm','petrad','petwnd') and 'pet' not in sink: if 'petrad' in exp_list or 'petwnd' in exp_list: variables = newvars.computePotEvapPM(source, lterms=True) # default; returns mutliple PET terms else: var = newvars.computePotEvapPM(source, lterms=False) # returns only PET elif varname == 'pet_th': var = None # skip for now #var = computePotEvapTh(source) # simplified formula (less prerequisites) # ... otherwise load from source file if var is None and variables is None and varname in source: var = source[varname].load() # load data (may not have to load all) #else: raise VariableError, "Unsupported Variable '{:s}'.".format(varname) # for now, skip variables that are None if var or variables: # handle lists as well if var and variables: raise VariableError, (var,variables) elif var: variables = (var,) for var in variables: addGDALtoVar(var=var, griddef=sink.griddef) if not var.gdal and isinstance(fileFormat,ASCII_raster): raise GDALError, "Exporting to ASCII_raster format requires GDAL-enabled variables." # add to new dataset sink += var # convert units if lm3: for var in sink: if var.units == 'kg/m^2/s': var /= 1000. # divide to get m^3/m^2/s var.units = 'm^3/m^2/s' # update units # compute seasonal mean if we are in mean-mode if mode[-5:] == '-mean': sink = sink.seasonalMean(season=mode[:-5], lclim=True) # N.B.: to remain consistent with other output modes, # we need to prevent renaming of the time axis sink = concatDatasets([sink,sink], axis='time', lensembleAxis=True) sink.squeeze() # we need the year-axis until now to distinguish constant fields; now remove # print dataset if not lparallel and ldebug:'\n'+str(sink)+'\n') # export new dataset to selected format fileFormat.exportDataset(sink) # write results to file writemsg = "\n{:s} >>> Export of Dataset '{:s}' to Format '{:s}' complete.".format(pidstr,expname, expformat) writemsg += "\n{:s} >>> ('{:s}')\n".format(pidstr,expfolder) # clean up and return source.unload(); #del source return 0 # "exit code"
# imports from glob import glob from geodata.base import Dataset, Axis, Variable from geodata.netcdf import writeNetCDF # load list if well files and generate list of wells well_files = glob(os.path.join(data_folder,'W*.xlsx')) well_files.sort() wells = [os.path.basename(name[:-5]) for name in well_files] print(wells) # dataset time_ax = Axis(coord=np.arange(12*(period[1]-period[0]))+252, **varatts['time']) # origin: 1979-01 well_ax = Axis(coord=np.arange(len(wells))+1, name='well', units='') dataset = Dataset(name=conservation_authority, title=conservation_authority+' Observation Wells') # add meta data meta_dicts = [loadMetadata(well, conservation_authority=conservation_authority) for well in wells] for key in meta_dicts[0].keys(): if key in varatts: atts = varatts[key] elif key.lower() in varatts: atts = varatts[key.lower()] else: atts = dict(name=key, units='') if atts['units']: data = np.asarray([wmd[key] for wmd in meta_dicts], dtype=np.float64) else: data = np.asarray([wmd[key] for wmd in meta_dicts]) try: dataset += Variable(data=data, axes=(well_ax,), **atts) except: pass # add names dataset += Variable(data=wells, axes=(well_ax,), name='well_name', units='', atts=dict(long_name='Short Well Name'))
def performExport(dataset, mode, dataargs, expargs, loverwrite=False, ldebug=False, lparallel=False, pidstr='', logger=None): ''' worker function to perform regridding for a given dataset and target grid ''' # input checking if not isinstance(dataset,basestring): raise TypeError if not isinstance(dataargs,dict): raise TypeError # all dataset arguments are kwargs # logging if logger is None: # make new logger logger = logging.getLogger() # new logger logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) else: if isinstance(logger,basestring): logger = logging.getLogger(name=logger) # connect to existing one elif not isinstance(logger,logging.Logger): raise TypeError, 'Expected logger ID/handle in logger KW; got {}'.format(str(logger)) ## extract meta data from arguments dataargs, loadfct, srcage, datamsgstr = getMetaData(dataset, mode, dataargs, lone=False) dataset_name = dataargs.dataset_name; periodstr = dataargs.periodstr; domain = dataargs.domain # parse export options expargs = expargs.copy() # first copy, then modify... lm3 = expargs.pop('lm3') # convert kg/m^2/s to m^3/m^2/s (water flux) expformat = expargs.pop('format') # needed to get FileFormat object varlist = expargs.pop('varlist') # this handled outside of export # initialize FileFormat class instance fileFormat = getFileFormat(expformat, **expargs) # get folder for target dataset and do some checks expname = '{:s}_d{:02d}'.format(dataset_name,domain) if domain else dataset_name expfolder = fileFormat.defineDataset(dataset=dataset, mode=mode, dataargs=dataargs, lwrite=True, ldebug=ldebug) # prepare destination for new dataset lskip = fileFormat.prepareDestination(srcage=srcage, loverwrite=loverwrite) # depending on last modification time of file or overwrite setting, start computation, or skip if lskip: # print message skipmsg = "\n{:s} >>> Skipping: Format '{:s} for dataset '{:s}' already exists and is newer than source file.".format(pidstr,expformat,dataset_name) skipmsg += "\n{:s} >>> ('{:s}')\n".format(pidstr,expfolder) else: ## actually load datasets source = loadfct() # load source data # check period if 'period' in source.atts and dataargs.periodstr != source.atts.period: # a NetCDF attribute raise DateError, "Specifed period is inconsistent with netcdf records: '{:s}' != '{:s}'".format(periodstr,source.atts.period) # print message if mode == 'climatology': opmsgstr = 'Exporting Climatology ({:s}) to {:s} Format'.format(periodstr, expformat) elif mode == 'time-series': opmsgstr = 'Exporting Time-series to {:s} Format'.format(expformat) elif mode[-5:] == '-mean': opmsgstr = 'Exporting {:s}-Mean ({:s}) to {:s} Format'.format(mode[:-5], periodstr, expformat) else: raise NotImplementedError, "Unrecognized Mode: '{:s}'".format(mode) # print feedback to logger'\n{0:s} *** {1:^65s} *** \n{0:s} *** {2:^65s} *** \n'.format(pidstr,datamsgstr,opmsgstr)) if not lparallel and ldebug:'\n'+str(source)+'\n') # create GDAL-enabled target dataset sink = Dataset(axes=(source.xlon,source.ylat), name=expname, title=source.title) addGDALtoDataset(dataset=sink, griddef=source.griddef) assert sink.gdal, sink # N.B.: data are not loaded immediately but on demand; this way I/O and computing are further # disentangled and not all variables are always needed # Compute intermediate variables, if necessary for varname in varlist: vars = None # variable list if varname in source: var = source[varname].load() # load data (may not have to load all) else: var = None if varname == 'waterflx': var = newvars.computeWaterFlux(source) elif varname == 'liqwatflx': var = newvars.computeLiquidWaterFlux(source) elif varname == 'netrad': var = newvars.computeNetRadiation(source, asVar=True) elif varname == 'netrad_0': var = newvars.computeNetRadiation(source, asVar=True, lA=False, name='netrad_0') elif varname == 'netrad_bb': var = newvars.computeNetRadiation(source, asVar=True, lrad=False, name='netrad_bb') elif varname == 'vapdef': var = newvars.computeVaporDeficit(source) elif varname == 'pet' or varname == 'pet_pm': if 'petrad' in varlist or 'petwnd' in varlist: vars = newvars.computePotEvapPM(source, lterms=True) # default; returns mutliple PET terms else: var = newvars.computePotEvapPM(source, lterms=False) # returns only PET elif varname == 'pet_th': var = None # skip for now #var = computePotEvapTh(source) # simplified formula (less prerequisites) else: raise VariableError, "Unsupported Variable '{:s}'.".format(varname) # for now, skip variables that are None if var or vars: # handle lists as well if var and vars: raise VariableError, (var,vars) elif var: vars = (var,) for var in vars: addGDALtoVar(var=var, griddef=sink.griddef) if not var.gdal and isinstance(fileFormat,ASCII_raster): raise GDALError, "Exporting to ASCII_raster format requires GDAL-enabled variables." # add to new dataset sink += var # convert units if lm3: for var in sink: if var.units == 'kg/m^2/s': var /= 1000. # divide to get m^3/m^2/s var.units = 'm^3/m^2/s' # update units # compute seasonal mean if we are in mean-mode if mode[-5:] == '-mean': sink = sink.seasonalMean(season=mode[:-5], taxatts=dict(name='time')) # N.B.: to remain consistent with other output modes, # we need to prevent renaming of the time axis # print dataset if not lparallel and ldebug:'\n'+str(sink)+'\n') # export new dataset to selected format fileFormat.exportDataset(sink) # write results to file writemsg = "\n{:s} >>> Export of Dataset '{:s}' to Format '{:s}' complete.".format(pidstr,expname, expformat) writemsg += "\n{:s} >>> ('{:s}')\n".format(pidstr,expfolder) # clean up and return source.unload(); #del source return 0 # "exit code"
def rasterDataset(name=None, title=None, vardefs=None, axdefs=None, atts=None, projection=None, griddef=None, lgzip=None, lgdal=True, lmask=True, fillValue=None, lskipMissing=True, lgeolocator=True, file_pattern=None, lfeedback=True, **kwargs): ''' function to load a set of variables that are stored in raster format in a systematic directory tree into a Dataset Variables and Axis are defined as follows: vardefs[varname] = dict(name=string, units=string, axes=tuple of strings, atts=dict, plot=dict, dtype=np.dtype, fillValue=value) axdefs[axname] = dict(name=string, units=string, atts=dict, coord=array or list) or None The path to raster files is constructed as variable_pattern+axes_pattern, where axes_pattern is defined through the axes, (as in rasterVarialbe) and variable_pattern takes the special keywords VAR, which is the variable key in vardefs. ''' ## prepare input data and axes if griddef: xlon, ylat = griddef.xlon, griddef.ylat if projection is None: projection = griddef.projection elif projection != griddef.projection: raise ArgumentError("Conflicting projection and GridDef!") geotransform = griddef.geotransform isProjected = griddef.isProjected else: xlon = ylat = geotransform = None isProjected = False if projection is None else True # construct axes dict axes = dict() for axname, axdef in axdefs.items(): assert 'coord' in axdef, axdef assert ('name' in axdef and 'units' in axdef) or 'atts' in axdef, axdef if axdef is None: axes[axname] = None else: ax = Axis(**axdef) axes[] = ax # check for map Axis if isProjected: if 'x' not in axes: axes['x'] = xlon if 'y' not in axes: axes['y'] = ylat else: if 'lon' not in axes: axes['lon'] = xlon if 'lat' not in axes: axes['lat'] = ylat ## load raster data into Variable objects varlist = [] for varname, vardef in vardefs.items(): # check definitions assert 'axes' in vardef and 'dtype' in vardef, vardef assert ('name' in vardef and 'units' in vardef) or 'atts' in vardef, vardef # determine relevant axes vardef = vardef.copy() axes_list = [ None if ax is None else axes[ax] for ax in vardef.pop('axes') ] # define path parameters (with varname) path_params = vardef.pop('path_params', None) path_params = dict() if path_params is None else path_params.copy() if 'VAR' not in path_params: path_params['VAR'] = varname # a special key # add kwargs and relevant axis indices relaxes = [ for ax in axes_list if ax is not None] # relevant axes for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key not in axes or key in relaxes: vardef[key] = value # create Variable object var = rasterVariable(projection=projection, griddef=griddef, file_pattern=file_pattern, lgzip=lgzip, lgdal=lgdal, lmask=lmask, lskipMissing=lskipMissing, axes=axes_list, path_params=path_params, lfeedback=lfeedback, **vardef) # vardef components: name, units, atts, plot, dtype, fillValue varlist.append(var) # check that map axes are correct for ax in var.xlon, var.ylat: if axes[] is None: axes[] = ax elif axes[] != ax: raise AxisError("{} axes are incompatible.".format( if griddef is None: griddef = var.griddef elif griddef != var.griddef: raise AxisError("GridDefs are inconsistent.") if geotransform is None: geotransform = var.geotransform elif geotransform != var.geotransform: raise AxisError( "Conflicting geotransform (from Variable) and GridDef!\n {} != {}" .format(var.geotransform, geotransform)) ## create Dataset # create dataset dataset = Dataset(name=name, title=title, varlist=varlist, axes=axes, atts=atts) # add GDAL functionality dataset = addGDALtoDataset(dataset, griddef=griddef, projection=projection, geotransform=geotransform, gridfolder=None, lwrap360=None, geolocator=lgeolocator, lforce=False) # N.B.: for some reason we also need to pass the geotransform, otherwise it is recomputed internally and some consistency # checks fail due to machine-precision differences # return GDAL-enabled Dataset return dataset
def Regrid(self, griddef=None, projection=None, geotransform=None, size=None, xlon=None, ylat=None, lmask=True, int_interp=None, float_interp=None, **kwargs): ''' Setup climatology and start computation; calls processClimatology. ''' # make temporary gdal dataset if self.source is if self.tmp: assert self.source == self.tmpput and == self.tmpput # the operation can not be performed "in-place"! = Dataset(name='tmptoo', title='Temporary target dataset for non-in-place operations', varlist=[], atts={}) ltmptoo = True else: ltmptoo = False # make sure the target dataset is a GDAL-enabled dataset if 'gdal' in # gdal info alread present if griddef is not None or projection is not None or geotransform is not None: raise AttributeError, "Target Dataset '%s' is already GDAL enabled - cannot overwrite settings!" if is None: raise GDALError, "Map axis 'xlon' not found!" if is None: raise GDALError, "Map axis 'ylat' not found!" xlon =; ylat = else: # need to set GDAL parameters if self.tmp and 'gdal' in self.output.__dict__: # transfer gdal settings from output to temporary dataset assert is not self.output projection = self.output.projection; geotransform = self.output.geotransform xlon = self.output.xlon; ylat = self.output.ylat else: # figure out grid definition from input if griddef is None: griddef = GridDefinition(projection=projection, geotransform=geotransform, size=size, xlon=xlon, ylat=ylat) # pass arguments through GridDefinition, if not provided projection=griddef.projection; geotransform=griddef.geotransform xlon=griddef.xlon; ylat=griddef.ylat # apply GDAL settings target dataset for ax in (xlon,ylat):, loverwrite=True) # i.e. replace if already present = addGDALtoDataset(, projection=projection, geotransform=geotransform) # use these map axes xlon =; ylat = assert isinstance(xlon,Axis) and isinstance(ylat,Axis) # determine source dataset grid definition if self.source.griddef is None: srcgrd = GridDefinition(projection=self.source.projection, geotransform=self.source.geotransform, size=self.source.mapSize, xlon=self.source.xlon, ylat=self.source.ylat) else: srcgrd = self.source.griddef srcres = srcgrd.scale; tgtres = griddef.scale # determine if shift is necessary to insure correct wrapping if not srcgrd.isProjected and not griddef.isProjected: lwrapSrc = srcgrd.wrap360 lwrapTgt = griddef.wrap360 # check grids for grd in (srcgrd,griddef): if grd.wrap360: assert grd.geotransform[0] + grd.geotransform[1]*(len(grd.xlon)-1) > 180 assert np.round(grd.geotransform[1]*len(grd.xlon), decimals=2) == 360 # require 360 deg. to some accuracy... assert any( grd.xlon.getArray() > 180 ) # need to wrap around assert all( grd.xlon.getArray() >= 0 ) assert all( grd.xlon.getArray() <= 360 ) else: assert grd.geotransform[0] + grd.geotransform[1]*(len(grd.xlon)-1) < 180 assert all( grd.xlon.getArray() >= -180 ) assert all( grd.xlon.getArray() <= 180 ) else: lwrapSrc = False # no need to shift, if a projected grid is involved! lwrapTgt = False # no need to shift, if a projected grid is involved! # determine GDAL interpolation if int_interp is None: int_interp = gdalInterp('nearest') else: int_interp = gdalInterp(int_interp) if float_interp is None: if srcres < tgtres: float_interp = gdalInterp('convolution') # down-sampling: 'convolution' else: float_interp = gdalInterp('cubicspline') # up-sampling else: float_interp = gdalInterp(float_interp) # prepare function call function = functools.partial(self.processRegrid, ylat=ylat, xlon=xlon, lwrapSrc=lwrapSrc, lwrapTgt=lwrapTgt, # already set parameters lmask=lmask, int_interp=int_interp, float_interp=float_interp) # start process if print('\n +++ processing regridding +++ ') self.process(function, **kwargs) # currently 'flush' is the only kwarg # now make sure we have a GDAL dataset! = addGDALtoDataset(, griddef=griddef) if print('\n') if self.tmp: self.tmpput = if ltmptoo: assert == 'tmptoo' # set above, when temp. dataset is created
def Extract(self, template=None, stnax=None, xlon=None, ylat=None, laltcorr=True, **kwargs): ''' Extract station data points from gridded datasets; calls processExtract. A station dataset can be passed as template (must have station coordinates. ''' if not self.source.gdal: raise DatasetError, "Source dataset must be GDAL enabled! {:s} is not.".format( if template is None: raise NotImplementedError elif isinstance(template, Dataset): if not template.hasAxis('station'): raise DatasetError, "Template station dataset needs to have a station axis." if not ( (template.hasVariable('lat') or template.hasVariable('stn_lat')) and (template.hasVariable('lon') or template.hasVariable('stn_lon')) ): raise DatasetError, "Template station dataset needs to have lat/lon arrays for the stations." else: raise TypeError # make temporary dataset if self.source is if self.tmp: assert self.source == self.tmpput and == self.tmpput # the operation can not be performed "in-place"! = Dataset(name='tmptoo', title='Temporary target dataset for non-in-place operations', varlist=[], atts={}) ltmptoo = True else: ltmptoo = False src = self.source; tgt = # short-cuts # determine source dataset grid definition if src.griddef is None: srcgrd = GridDefinition(projection=self.source.projection, geotransform=self.source.geotransform, size=self.source.mapSize, xlon=self.source.xlon, ylat=self.source.ylat) else: srcgrd = src.griddef # figure out horizontal axes (will be replaced with station axis) if isinstance(xlon,Axis): if not src.hasAxis(xlon, check=True): raise DatasetError elif isinstance(xlon,basestring): xlon = src.getAxis(xlon) else: xlon = src.x if srcgrd.isProjected else src.lon if isinstance(ylat,Axis): if not src.hasAxis(ylat, check=True): raise DatasetError elif isinstance(ylat,basestring): ylat = src.getAxis(ylat) else: ylat = src.y if srcgrd.isProjected else if stnax: # not in source dataset! if src.hasAxis(stnax, check=True): raise DatasetError, "Source dataset must not have a 'station' axis!" elif template: stnax = template.station # station axis else: raise ArgumentError, "A station axis needs to be supplied." assert isinstance(xlon,Axis) and isinstance(ylat,Axis) and isinstance(stnax,Axis) # transform to dataset-native coordinate system if template: if template.hasVariable('lat'): lats = else: lats = template.stn_lat.getArray() if template.hasVariable('lon'): lons = template.lon.getArray() else: lons = template.stn_lon.getArray() else: raise NotImplementedError, "Cannot extract station data without a station template Dataset" # adjust longitudes if srcgrd.isProjected: if lons.max() > 180.: lons = np.where(lons > 180., 360.-lons, lons) # reproject coordinate latlon = osr.SpatialReference() latlon.SetWellKnownGeogCS('WGS84') # a normal lat/lon coordinate system tx = osr.CoordinateTransformation(latlon,srcgrd.projection) xs = []; ys = [] for i in xrange(len(lons)): x,y,z = tx.TransformPoint(lons[i].astype(np.float64),lats[i].astype(np.float64)) xs.append(x); ys.append(y); del z lons = np.array(xs); lats = np.array(ys) #lons,lats = tx.TransformPoints(lons,lats) # doesn't seem to work... else: if lons.min() < 0. and xlon.coord.max() > 180.: lons = np.where(lons < 0., lons + 360., lons) elif lons.max() > 180. and xlon.coord.min() < 0.: lons = np.where(lons > 180., 360.-lons, lons) else: pass # source and template do not conflict # generate index list ixlon = []; iylat = []; istn = []; zs_err = [] # also record elevation error lzs = src.hasVariable('zs') lstnzs = template.hasVariable('zs') or template.hasVariable('stn_zs') if laltcorr and lzs and lstnzs: if src.zs.ndim > 2: src.zs = src.zs(time=0, lidx=True) # first time-slice (for CESM) if src.zs.ndim != 2 or not src.gdal or src.zs.units != 'm': raise VariableError # consider altidue of surrounding points as well zs = src.zs.getArray(unmask=True,fillValue=-300) if template.hasVariable('zs'): stn_zs = template.zs.getArray(unmask=True,fillValue=-300) else: stn_zs = template.stn_zs.getArray(unmask=True,fillValue=-300) if src.zs.axisIndex( == 0: zs.transpose() # assuming lat,lon or y,x order is more common ye,xe = zs.shape # assuming order lat,lon or y,x xe -= 1; ye -= 1 # last valid index, not length for n,lon,lat in zip(xrange(len(stnax)),lons,lats): ip = xlon.getIndex(lon, mode='left', outOfBounds=True) jp = ylat.getIndex(lat, mode='left', outOfBounds=True) if ip is not None and jp is not None: # find neighboring point with smallest altitude error # ip = im+1 if im < xe else im # jp = jm+1 if jm < ye else jm im = ip-1 if ip > 0 else ip jm = jp-1 if jp > 0 else jp zdiff = np.Infinity # initialize, so that it triggers at least once # check four closest grid points for i in im,ip: for j in jm,jp: ze = zs[j,i]-stn_zs[n] zd = np.abs(ze) # compute elevation error if zd < zdiff: ii,jj,zdiff,zerr = i,j,zd,ze # preliminary selection, triggers at least once ixlon.append(ii); iylat.append(jj); istn.append(n); zs_err.append(zerr) # final selection else: # just choose horizontally closest point for n,lon,lat in zip(xrange(len(stnax)),lons,lats): i = xlon.getIndex(lon, mode='closest', outOfBounds=True) j = ylat.getIndex(lat, mode='closest', outOfBounds=True) if i is not None and j is not None: if lzs: # compute elevation error zs_err.append(zs[j,i]-stn_zs[n]) ixlon.append(i); iylat.append(j); istn.append(n) # N.B.: it is necessary to append, because we don't know the number of valid points ixlon = np.array(ixlon); iylat = np.array(iylat); istn = np.array(istn); zs_err = np.array(zs_err) # prepare target dataset # N.B.: attributes should already be set in target dataset (by caller module) # we are also assuming the new dataset has no axes yet assert len(tgt.axes) == 0 # add axes from source data for axname,ax in src.axes.iteritems(): if axname not in (, tgt.addAxis(ax, asNC=True, copy=True) # add station axis (trim to valid coordinates) newstnax = stnax.copy(coord=stnax.coord[istn]) # same but with trimmed coordinate array tgt.addAxis(newstnax, asNC=True, copy=True) # already new copy # create variable for elevation error if lzs: assert len(zs_err) > 0 zs_err = Variable(name='zs_err', units='m', data=zs_err, axes=(newstnax,), atts=dict(long_name='Station Elevation Error')) tgt.addVariable(zs_err, asNC=True, copy=True); del zs_err # need to copy to make NC var # add a bunch of other variables with station meta data for var in template.variables.itervalues(): if var.ndim == 1 and var.hasAxis(stnax): # station attributes if[-4:] != '_len' or == 'stn_rec_len': # exclude certain attributes newvar = var.copy(data=var.getArray()[istn], axes=(newstnax,)) if[:4] != 'stn_' and[:8] != 'station_' and[:8] != 'cluster_': = 'stn_' # copy cluster_* as they are! # N.B.: we need to rename, or name collisions will happen! tgt.addVariable(newvar, asNC=True, copy=True); del newvar # need to copy to make NC var # save all the meta data tgt.sync() # prepare function call function = functools.partial(self.processExtract, ixlon=ixlon, iylat=iylat, ylat=ylat, xlon=xlon, stnax=stnax) # already set parameters # start process if print('\n +++ processing point-data extraction +++ ') self.process(function, **kwargs) # currently 'flush' is the only kwarg if print('\n') if self.tmp: self.tmpput = if ltmptoo: assert == 'tmptoo' # set above, when temp. dataset is created
class CentralProcessingUnit(object): def __init__(self, source, target=None, varlist=None, ignorelist=None, tmp=True, feedback=True): ''' Initialize processor and pass input and output datasets. ''' # check varlist if varlist is None: varlist = source.variables.keys() # all source variables elif not isinstance(varlist,(list,tuple)): raise TypeError self.varlist = varlist # list of variable to be processed # ignore list (e.g. variables that will cause errors) if ignorelist is None: ignorelist = [] # an empty list elif not isinstance(ignorelist,(list,tuple)): raise TypeError self.ignorelist = ignorelist # list of variable *not* to be processed # check input if not isinstance(source,Dataset): raise TypeError if isinstance(source,DatasetNetCDF) and not 'r' in source.mode: raise PermissionError self.input = source self.source = source # check output if target is not None: if not isinstance(target,Dataset): raise TypeError if isinstance(target,DatasetNetCDF) and not 'w' in target.mode: raise PermissionError else: if not tmp: raise DatasetError, "Need target location, if temporary storage is disables (tmp=False)." self.output = target # temporary dataset self.tmp = tmp if tmp: self.tmpput = Dataset(name='tmp', title='Temporary Dataset', varlist=[], atts={}) else: self.tmpput = None # determine if temporary storage is used and assign target dataset if self.tmp: = self.tmpput else: = self.output # whether or not to print status output = feedback def getTmp(self, asNC=False, filename=None, deepcopy=False, **kwargs): ''' Get a copy of the temporary data in dataset format. ''' if not self.tmp: raise DatasetError # make new dataset (name and title should transfer in atts dict) if asNC: if not isinstance(filename,basestring): raise TypeError writeData = kwargs.pop('writeData',False) ncformat = kwargs.pop('ncformat','NETCDF4') zlib = kwargs.pop('zlib',True) dataset = asDatasetNC(self.tmpput, ncfile=filename, mode='wr', deepcopy=deepcopy, writeData=writeData, ncformat=ncformat, zlib=zlib, **kwargs) else: dataset = self.tmpput.copy(varsdeep=deepcopy, atts=self.input.atts.copy(), **kwargs) # return dataset return dataset def sync(self, varlist=None, flush=False, gdal=True, copydata=True): ''' Transfer contents of temporary storage to output/target dataset. ''' if not isinstance(self.output,Dataset): raise DatasetError, "Cannot sync without target Dataset!" if self.tmp: if varlist is None: varlist = self.tmpput.variables.keys() for varname in varlist: if varname in self.tmpput.variables: var = self.tmpput.variables[varname] self.output.addVariable(var, loverwrite=True, deepcopy=copydata) # N.B.: without copydata/deepcopy, only the variable header is created but no data is written if flush: var.unload() # remove unnecessary references (unlink data) if gdal and 'gdal' in self.tmpput.__dict__: if self.tmpput.gdal: projection = self.tmpput.projection; geotransform = self.tmpput.geotransform #xlon = self.tmpput.xlon; ylat = self.tmpput.ylat else: projection=None; geotransform=None; #xlon = None; ylat = None self.output = addGDALtoDataset(self.output, projection=projection, geotransform=geotransform) # self.source = self.output # future operations will write to the output dataset directly # = self.output # future operations will write to the output dataset directly def writeNetCDF(self, filename=None, folder=None, ncformat='NETCDF4', zlib=True, writeData=True, close=False, flush=False): ''' Write current temporary storage to a NetCDF file. ''' if self.tmp: if not isinstance(filename,basestring): raise TypeError if folder is not None: filename = folder + filename output = writeNetCDF(self.tmpput, filename, ncformat=ncformat, zlib=zlib, writeData=writeData, close=False) if flush: self.tmpput.unload() if print('\nOutput written to {0:s}\n'.format(filename)) else: self.output.sync() output = self.output.dataset # get (primary) NetCDF file if print('\nSynchronized dataset {0:s} with temporary storage.\n'.format( # flush? if flush: self.output.unload() # close file or return file handle if close: output.close() else: return output def process(self, function, flush=False): ''' This method applies the desired operation/function to each variable in varlist. ''' if flush: # this function is to save RAM by flushing results to disk immediately if not isinstance(self.output,DatasetNetCDF): raise ProcessError, "Flush can only be used with NetCDF Datasets (and not with temporary storage)." if self.tmp: # flush requires output to be target if self.source.gdal and not self.tmpput.gdal: self.tmpput = addGDALtoDataset(self.tmpput, projection=self.source.projection, geotransform=self.source.geotransform) self.source = self.tmpput = self.output self.tmp = False # not using temporary storage anymore # loop over input variables for varname in self.varlist: # check agaisnt ignore list if varname not in self.ignorelist: # check if variable already exists if # "in-place" operations var =[varname] newvar = function(var) # perform actual processing if newvar.ndim != var.ndim or newvar.shape != var.shape: raise VariableError if newvar is not var:,newvar) elif self.source.hasVariable(varname): var = self.source.variables[varname] ldata = # whether data was pre-loaded # perform operation from source and copy results to target newvar = function(var) # perform actual processing if not ldata: var.unload() # if it was already loaded, don't unload, copy=True) # copy=True allows recasting as, e.g., a NC variable else: raise DatasetError, "Variable '%s' not found in input dataset."%varname assert varname == # flush data to disk immediately if flush: self.output.variables[varname].unload() # again, free memory newvar.unload(); del var, newvar # free space; already added to new dataset # after everything is said and done: self.source = # set target to source for next time ## functions (or function pairs, rather) that perform operations on the data # every function pair needs to have a setup function and a processing function # the former sets up the target dataset and the latter operates on the variables # function pair to average data over a given collection of shapes def ShapeAverage(self, shape_dict=None, shape_name=None, shpax=None, xlon=None, ylat=None, memory=500, **kwargs): ''' Average over a limited area of a gridded datasets; calls processAverageShape. A dictionary of NamedShape objects is expected to define the averaging areas. 'memory' controls the garbage collection interval and approximately corresponds to MB in temporary (it does not include loading the variable into RAM, though). ''' if not self.source.gdal: raise DatasetError, "Source dataset must be GDAL enabled! {:s} is not.".format( if not isinstance(shape_dict,OrderedDict): raise TypeError if not all(isinstance(shape,NamedShape) for shape in shape_dict.itervalues()): raise TypeError # make temporary dataset if self.source is if self.tmp: assert self.source == self.tmpput and == self.tmpput # the operation can not be performed "in-place"! = Dataset(name='tmptoo', title='Temporary target dataset for non-in-place operations', varlist=[], atts={}) ltmptoo = True else: ltmptoo = False src = self.source; tgt = # short-cuts # determine source dataset grid definition if src.griddef is None: srcgrd = GridDefinition(projection=self.source.projection, geotransform=self.source.geotransform, size=self.source.mapSize, xlon=self.source.xlon, ylat=self.source.ylat) else: srcgrd = src.griddef # figure out horizontal axes (will be replaced with station axis) if isinstance(xlon,Axis): if not src.hasAxis(xlon, check=True): raise DatasetError elif isinstance(xlon,basestring): xlon = src.getAxis(xlon) else: xlon = src.x if srcgrd.isProjected else src.lon if isinstance(ylat,Axis): if not src.hasAxis(ylat, check=True): raise DatasetError elif isinstance(ylat,basestring): ylat = src.getAxis(ylat) else: ylat = src.y if srcgrd.isProjected else # check/create shapes axis if shpax: # not in source dataset! # if shape axis supplied if src.hasAxis(shpax, check=True): raise DatasetError, "Source dataset must not have a 'shape' axis!" if len(shpax) != len(shape_dict): raise AxisError else: # creat shape axis, if not supplied shpatts = dict(name='shape', long_name='Ordinal Number of Shape', units='#') shpax = Axis(coord=np.arange(1,len(shape_dict)+1), atts=shpatts) # starting at 1 assert isinstance(xlon,Axis) and isinstance(ylat,Axis) and isinstance(shpax,Axis) # prepare target dataset # N.B.: attributes should already be set in target dataset (by caller module) # we are also assuming the new dataset has no axes yet assert len(tgt.axes) == 0 # add station axis (trim to valid coordinates) tgt.addAxis(shpax, asNC=True, copy=True) # already new copy # add axes from source data for axname,ax in src.axes.iteritems(): if axname not in (, tgt.addAxis(ax, asNC=True, copy=True) # add shape names shape_names = [ for shape in shape_dict.itervalues()] # can construct Variable from list! atts = dict(name='shape_name', long_name='Name of Shape', units='') tgt.addVariable(Variable(data=shape_names, axes=(shpax,), atts=atts), asNC=True, copy=True) # add proper names shape_long_names = [shape.long_name for shape in shape_dict.itervalues()] # can construct Variable from list! atts = dict(name='shp_long_name', long_name='Proper Name of Shape', units='') tgt.addVariable(Variable(data=shape_long_names, axes=(shpax,), atts=atts), asNC=True, copy=True) # add shape category shape_type = [shape.shapetype for shape in shape_dict.itervalues()] # can construct Variable from list! atts = dict(name='shp_type', long_name='Type of Shape', units='') tgt.addVariable(Variable(data=shape_type, axes=(shpax,), atts=atts), asNC=True, copy=True) # collect rasterized masks from shape files mask_array = np.zeros((len(shpax),)+srcgrd.size[::-1], dtype=np.bool) # N.B.: rasterize() returns mask in (y,x) shape, size is ordered as (x,y) shape_masks = []; shp_full = []; shp_empty = []; shp_encl = [] for i,shape in enumerate(shape_dict.itervalues()): mask = shape.rasterize(griddef=srcgrd, asVar=False) mask_array[i,:] = mask masksum = mask.sum() lfull = masksum == 0; shp_full.append( lfull ) lempty = masksum == mask.size; shp_empty.append( lempty ) shape_masks.append( mask if not lempty else None ) if lempty: shp_encl.append( False ) else: shp_encl.append( np.all( mask[[0,-1],:] == True ) and np.all( mask[:,[0,-1]] == True ) ) # i.e. if boundaries are masked # N.B.: shapes that have no overlap with grid will be skipped and filled with NaN # add rasterized masks to new dataset atts = dict(name='shp_mask', long_name='Rasterized Shape Mask', units='') tgt.addVariable(Variable(data=mask_array, atts=atts, axes=(shpax,srcgrd.ylat.copy(),srcgrd.xlon.copy())), asNC=True, copy=True) # add area enclosed by shape da = srcgrd.geotransform[1]*srcgrd.geotransform[5] mask_area = (1-mask_array).mean(axis=2).mean(axis=1)*da atts = dict(name='shp_area', long_name='Area Contained in the Shape', units= 'm^2' if srcgrd.isProjected else 'deg^2' ) tgt.addVariable(Variable(data=mask_area, axes=(shpax,), atts=atts), asNC=True, copy=True) # add flag to indicate if shape is fully enclosed by domain atts = dict(name='shp_encl', long_name='If Shape is fully included in Domain', units= '') tgt.addVariable(Variable(data=shp_encl, axes=(shpax,), atts=atts), asNC=True, copy=True) # add flag to indicate if shape fully covers domain atts = dict(name='shp_full', long_name='If Shape fully covers Domain', units= '') tgt.addVariable(Variable(data=shp_full, axes=(shpax,), atts=atts), asNC=True, copy=True) # add flag to indicate if shape and domain have no overlap atts = dict(name='shp_empty', long_name='If Shape and Domain have no Overlap', units= '') tgt.addVariable(Variable(data=shp_empty, axes=(shpax,), atts=atts), asNC=True, copy=True) # save all the meta data tgt.sync() # prepare function call function = functools.partial(self.processShapeAverage, masks=shape_masks, ylat=ylat, xlon=xlon, shpax=shpax, memory=memory) # already set parameters # start process if print('\n +++ processing shape/area averaging +++ ') self.process(function, **kwargs) # currently 'flush' is the only kwarg if print('\n') if self.tmp: self.tmpput = if ltmptoo: assert == 'tmptoo' # set above, when temp. dataset is created # the previous method sets up the process, the next method performs the computation def processShapeAverage(self, var, masks=None, ylat=None, xlon=None, shpax=None, memory=500): ''' Compute masked area averages from variable data. 'memory' controls the garbage collection interval approximately corresponds to MB in RAM.''' # process gdal variables (if a variable has a horiontal grid, it should be GDAL enabled) if var.gdal and ( np.issubdtype(var.dtype,np.integer) or np.issubdtype(var.dtype,np.inexact) ): if print('\n', assert var.hasAxis(xlon) and var.hasAxis(ylat) assert len(masks) == len(shpax) tgt = assert tgt.hasAxis(shpax, strict=False) and shpax not in var.axes # assemble new axes axes = [tgt.getAxis(] for ax in var.axes: if ax not in (xlon,ylat) and != # these axes are just transferred axes.append(tgt.getAxis( # N.B.: shape axis well be outer axis axes = tuple(axes) # pre-allocate shape = tuple(len(ax) for ax in axes) tgtdata = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32) # now we loop over all shapes/masks if varname = print '\n ... loading ',varname var.load() if varname = print '\n ... averaging ',varname ## compute shape averages for each time step # Basically, for each shape the entire array is masked, using the shape and the broadcasting # functionality for horizontal masks of the Variable class (which creates a lot of overhead); # then the masked average is taken and the process is repeated for the next shape/mask. # Using mapMean creates a lot of overhead and there are probably more efficient ways to do it. if var.ndim == 2: for i,mask in enumerate(masks): if mask is None: tgtdata[i] = np.NaN # NaN for missing values (i.e. no overlap) else: tgtdata[i] = var.mapMean(mask=mask, asVar=False, squeeze=True) # compute the averages if print varname, i # garbage collection is typically not necessary for 2D fields elif var.ndim > 2: cnt = float(0.); inc = float(var.data_array.nbytes) / (1024.*1024.) # counter/increment to estimate memory useage (in MB) for i,mask in enumerate(masks): if mask is None: tgtdata[i,:] = np.NaN # NaN for missing values (i.e. no overlap) else: tgtdata[i,:] = var.mapMean(mask=mask, asVar=False, squeeze=True).filled(np.NaN) # mapMean returns a masked array # N.B.: this is necessary, because sometimes shapes only contain invalid values cnt += inc # keep track of memory # N.B.: mapMean creates a lot of temporary arrays that don't get garbage-collected if print varname, i, cnt if cnt > memory: cnt = 0 # reset counter gc.collect() # collect garbage in certain itnervals if print 'garbage collected' else: raise AxisError # create new Variable assert shape == tgtdata.shape newvar = var.copy(axes=axes, data=tgtdata) # new axes and data del tgtdata, mask # clean up (just to make sure) gc.collect() # clean else: var.load() # need to load variables into memory to copy it (and we are not doing anything else...) newvar = var # just pass over the variable to the new dataset # return variable return newvar # function pair to extract station data from a time-series (or climatology) def Extract(self, template=None, stnax=None, xlon=None, ylat=None, laltcorr=True, **kwargs): ''' Extract station data points from gridded datasets; calls processExtract. A station dataset can be passed as template (must have station coordinates. ''' if not self.source.gdal: raise DatasetError, "Source dataset must be GDAL enabled! {:s} is not.".format( if template is None: raise NotImplementedError elif isinstance(template, Dataset): if not template.hasAxis('station'): raise DatasetError, "Template station dataset needs to have a station axis." if not ( (template.hasVariable('lat') or template.hasVariable('stn_lat')) and (template.hasVariable('lon') or template.hasVariable('stn_lon')) ): raise DatasetError, "Template station dataset needs to have lat/lon arrays for the stations." else: raise TypeError # make temporary dataset if self.source is if self.tmp: assert self.source == self.tmpput and == self.tmpput # the operation can not be performed "in-place"! = Dataset(name='tmptoo', title='Temporary target dataset for non-in-place operations', varlist=[], atts={}) ltmptoo = True else: ltmptoo = False src = self.source; tgt = # short-cuts # determine source dataset grid definition if src.griddef is None: srcgrd = GridDefinition(projection=self.source.projection, geotransform=self.source.geotransform, size=self.source.mapSize, xlon=self.source.xlon, ylat=self.source.ylat) else: srcgrd = src.griddef # figure out horizontal axes (will be replaced with station axis) if isinstance(xlon,Axis): if not src.hasAxis(xlon, check=True): raise DatasetError elif isinstance(xlon,basestring): xlon = src.getAxis(xlon) else: xlon = src.x if srcgrd.isProjected else src.lon if isinstance(ylat,Axis): if not src.hasAxis(ylat, check=True): raise DatasetError elif isinstance(ylat,basestring): ylat = src.getAxis(ylat) else: ylat = src.y if srcgrd.isProjected else if stnax: # not in source dataset! if src.hasAxis(stnax, check=True): raise DatasetError, "Source dataset must not have a 'station' axis!" elif template: stnax = template.station # station axis else: raise ArgumentError, "A station axis needs to be supplied." assert isinstance(xlon,Axis) and isinstance(ylat,Axis) and isinstance(stnax,Axis) # transform to dataset-native coordinate system if template: if template.hasVariable('lat'): lats = else: lats = template.stn_lat.getArray() if template.hasVariable('lon'): lons = template.lon.getArray() else: lons = template.stn_lon.getArray() else: raise NotImplementedError, "Cannot extract station data without a station template Dataset" # adjust longitudes if srcgrd.isProjected: if lons.max() > 180.: lons = np.where(lons > 180., 360.-lons, lons) # reproject coordinate latlon = osr.SpatialReference() latlon.SetWellKnownGeogCS('WGS84') # a normal lat/lon coordinate system tx = osr.CoordinateTransformation(latlon,srcgrd.projection) xs = []; ys = [] for i in xrange(len(lons)): x,y,z = tx.TransformPoint(lons[i].astype(np.float64),lats[i].astype(np.float64)) xs.append(x); ys.append(y); del z lons = np.array(xs); lats = np.array(ys) #lons,lats = tx.TransformPoints(lons,lats) # doesn't seem to work... else: if lons.min() < 0. and xlon.coord.max() > 180.: lons = np.where(lons < 0., lons + 360., lons) elif lons.max() > 180. and xlon.coord.min() < 0.: lons = np.where(lons > 180., 360.-lons, lons) else: pass # source and template do not conflict # generate index list ixlon = []; iylat = []; istn = []; zs_err = [] # also record elevation error lzs = src.hasVariable('zs') lstnzs = template.hasVariable('zs') or template.hasVariable('stn_zs') if laltcorr and lzs and lstnzs: if src.zs.ndim > 2: src.zs = src.zs(time=0, lidx=True) # first time-slice (for CESM) if src.zs.ndim != 2 or not src.gdal or src.zs.units != 'm': raise VariableError # consider altidue of surrounding points as well zs = src.zs.getArray(unmask=True,fillValue=-300) if template.hasVariable('zs'): stn_zs = template.zs.getArray(unmask=True,fillValue=-300) else: stn_zs = template.stn_zs.getArray(unmask=True,fillValue=-300) if src.zs.axisIndex( == 0: zs.transpose() # assuming lat,lon or y,x order is more common ye,xe = zs.shape # assuming order lat,lon or y,x xe -= 1; ye -= 1 # last valid index, not length for n,lon,lat in zip(xrange(len(stnax)),lons,lats): ip = xlon.getIndex(lon, mode='left', outOfBounds=True) jp = ylat.getIndex(lat, mode='left', outOfBounds=True) if ip is not None and jp is not None: # find neighboring point with smallest altitude error # ip = im+1 if im < xe else im # jp = jm+1 if jm < ye else jm im = ip-1 if ip > 0 else ip jm = jp-1 if jp > 0 else jp zdiff = np.Infinity # initialize, so that it triggers at least once # check four closest grid points for i in im,ip: for j in jm,jp: ze = zs[j,i]-stn_zs[n] zd = np.abs(ze) # compute elevation error if zd < zdiff: ii,jj,zdiff,zerr = i,j,zd,ze # preliminary selection, triggers at least once ixlon.append(ii); iylat.append(jj); istn.append(n); zs_err.append(zerr) # final selection else: # just choose horizontally closest point for n,lon,lat in zip(xrange(len(stnax)),lons,lats): i = xlon.getIndex(lon, mode='closest', outOfBounds=True) j = ylat.getIndex(lat, mode='closest', outOfBounds=True) if i is not None and j is not None: if lzs: # compute elevation error zs_err.append(zs[j,i]-stn_zs[n]) ixlon.append(i); iylat.append(j); istn.append(n) # N.B.: it is necessary to append, because we don't know the number of valid points ixlon = np.array(ixlon); iylat = np.array(iylat); istn = np.array(istn); zs_err = np.array(zs_err) # prepare target dataset # N.B.: attributes should already be set in target dataset (by caller module) # we are also assuming the new dataset has no axes yet assert len(tgt.axes) == 0 # add axes from source data for axname,ax in src.axes.iteritems(): if axname not in (, tgt.addAxis(ax, asNC=True, copy=True) # add station axis (trim to valid coordinates) newstnax = stnax.copy(coord=stnax.coord[istn]) # same but with trimmed coordinate array tgt.addAxis(newstnax, asNC=True, copy=True) # already new copy # create variable for elevation error if lzs: assert len(zs_err) > 0 zs_err = Variable(name='zs_err', units='m', data=zs_err, axes=(newstnax,), atts=dict(long_name='Station Elevation Error')) tgt.addVariable(zs_err, asNC=True, copy=True); del zs_err # need to copy to make NC var # add a bunch of other variables with station meta data for var in template.variables.itervalues(): if var.ndim == 1 and var.hasAxis(stnax): # station attributes if[-4:] != '_len' or == 'stn_rec_len': # exclude certain attributes newvar = var.copy(data=var.getArray()[istn], axes=(newstnax,)) if[:4] != 'stn_' and[:8] != 'station_' and[:8] != 'cluster_': = 'stn_' # copy cluster_* as they are! # N.B.: we need to rename, or name collisions will happen! tgt.addVariable(newvar, asNC=True, copy=True); del newvar # need to copy to make NC var # save all the meta data tgt.sync() # prepare function call function = functools.partial(self.processExtract, ixlon=ixlon, iylat=iylat, ylat=ylat, xlon=xlon, stnax=stnax) # already set parameters # start process if print('\n +++ processing point-data extraction +++ ') self.process(function, **kwargs) # currently 'flush' is the only kwarg if print('\n') if self.tmp: self.tmpput = if ltmptoo: assert == 'tmptoo' # set above, when temp. dataset is created # the previous method sets up the process, the next method performs the computation def processExtract(self, var, ixlon=None, iylat=None, ylat=None, xlon=None, stnax=None): ''' Extract grid poitns corresponding to stations. ''' # process gdal variables (if a variable has a horiontal grid, it should be GDAL enabled) if var.gdal: if print('\n', tgt = assert xlon in var.axes and ylat in var.axes assert tgt.hasAxis(stnax, strict=False) and stnax not in var.axes # assemble new axes axes = [tgt.getAxis(] for ax in var.axes: if not in (, and != # these axes are just transferred axes.append(tgt.getAxis( axes = tuple(axes) shape = tuple(len(ax) for ax in axes) srcdata = var.getArray(copy=False) # don't make extra copy # roll x & y axes to the front (xlon first, then ylat, then the rest) srcdata = np.rollaxis(srcdata, axis=var.axisIndex(, start=0) srcdata = np.rollaxis(srcdata, axis=var.axisIndex(, start=0) assert srcdata.shape == (len(xlon),len(ylat))+shape[1:] # here we extract the data points if srcdata.ndim == 2: tgtdata = srcdata[ixlon,iylat] # constructed above elif srcdata.ndim > 2: tgtdata = srcdata[ixlon,iylat,:] # constructed above else: raise AxisError #try: except: print srcdata.shape, [slc.max() for slc in slices] # create new Variable assert shape == tgtdata.shape newvar = var.copy(axes=axes, data=tgtdata) # new axes and data del srcdata, tgtdata # clean up (just to make sure) else: var.load() # need to load variables into memory, because we are not doing anything else... newvar = var # just pass over the variable to the new dataset # return variable return newvar # function pair to compute a climatology from a time-series def Regrid(self, griddef=None, projection=None, geotransform=None, size=None, xlon=None, ylat=None, lmask=True, int_interp=None, float_interp=None, **kwargs): ''' Setup climatology and start computation; calls processClimatology. ''' # make temporary gdal dataset if self.source is if self.tmp: assert self.source == self.tmpput and == self.tmpput # the operation can not be performed "in-place"! = Dataset(name='tmptoo', title='Temporary target dataset for non-in-place operations', varlist=[], atts={}) ltmptoo = True else: ltmptoo = False # make sure the target dataset is a GDAL-enabled dataset if 'gdal' in # gdal info alread present if griddef is not None or projection is not None or geotransform is not None: raise AttributeError, "Target Dataset '%s' is already GDAL enabled - cannot overwrite settings!" if is None: raise GDALError, "Map axis 'xlon' not found!" if is None: raise GDALError, "Map axis 'ylat' not found!" xlon =; ylat = else: # need to set GDAL parameters if self.tmp and 'gdal' in self.output.__dict__: # transfer gdal settings from output to temporary dataset assert is not self.output projection = self.output.projection; geotransform = self.output.geotransform xlon = self.output.xlon; ylat = self.output.ylat else: # figure out grid definition from input if griddef is None: griddef = GridDefinition(projection=projection, geotransform=geotransform, size=size, xlon=xlon, ylat=ylat) # pass arguments through GridDefinition, if not provided projection=griddef.projection; geotransform=griddef.geotransform xlon=griddef.xlon; ylat=griddef.ylat # apply GDAL settings target dataset for ax in (xlon,ylat):, loverwrite=True) # i.e. replace if already present = addGDALtoDataset(, projection=projection, geotransform=geotransform) # use these map axes xlon =; ylat = assert isinstance(xlon,Axis) and isinstance(ylat,Axis) # determine source dataset grid definition if self.source.griddef is None: srcgrd = GridDefinition(projection=self.source.projection, geotransform=self.source.geotransform, size=self.source.mapSize, xlon=self.source.xlon, ylat=self.source.ylat) else: srcgrd = self.source.griddef srcres = srcgrd.scale; tgtres = griddef.scale # determine if shift is necessary to insure correct wrapping if not srcgrd.isProjected and not griddef.isProjected: lwrapSrc = srcgrd.wrap360 lwrapTgt = griddef.wrap360 # check grids for grd in (srcgrd,griddef): if grd.wrap360: assert grd.geotransform[0] + grd.geotransform[1]*(len(grd.xlon)-1) > 180 assert np.round(grd.geotransform[1]*len(grd.xlon), decimals=2) == 360 # require 360 deg. to some accuracy... assert any( grd.xlon.getArray() > 180 ) # need to wrap around assert all( grd.xlon.getArray() >= 0 ) assert all( grd.xlon.getArray() <= 360 ) else: assert grd.geotransform[0] + grd.geotransform[1]*(len(grd.xlon)-1) < 180 assert all( grd.xlon.getArray() >= -180 ) assert all( grd.xlon.getArray() <= 180 ) else: lwrapSrc = False # no need to shift, if a projected grid is involved! lwrapTgt = False # no need to shift, if a projected grid is involved! # determine GDAL interpolation if int_interp is None: int_interp = gdalInterp('nearest') else: int_interp = gdalInterp(int_interp) if float_interp is None: if srcres < tgtres: float_interp = gdalInterp('convolution') # down-sampling: 'convolution' else: float_interp = gdalInterp('cubicspline') # up-sampling else: float_interp = gdalInterp(float_interp) # prepare function call function = functools.partial(self.processRegrid, ylat=ylat, xlon=xlon, lwrapSrc=lwrapSrc, lwrapTgt=lwrapTgt, # already set parameters lmask=lmask, int_interp=int_interp, float_interp=float_interp) # start process if print('\n +++ processing regridding +++ ') self.process(function, **kwargs) # currently 'flush' is the only kwarg # now make sure we have a GDAL dataset! = addGDALtoDataset(, griddef=griddef) if print('\n') if self.tmp: self.tmpput = if ltmptoo: assert == 'tmptoo' # set above, when temp. dataset is created # the previous method sets up the process, the next method performs the computation def processRegrid(self, var, ylat=None, xlon=None, lwrapSrc=False, lwrapTgt=False, lmask=True, int_interp=None, float_interp=None): ''' Compute a climatology from a variable time-series. ''' # process gdal variables if var.gdal: if print('\n', # replace axes axes = list(var.axes) axes[var.axisIndex(var.ylat)] = ylat axes[var.axisIndex(var.xlon)] = xlon # create new Variable var.load() # most rebust way to determine the dtype! and we need it later anyway newvar = var.copy(axes=axes, data=None, # and, of course, load new data # if necessary, shift array back, to ensure proper wrapping of coordinates # prepare regridding # get GDAL dataset instances srcdata = var.getGDAL(load=True, wrap360=lwrapSrc) tgtdata = newvar.getGDAL(load=False, wrap360=lwrapTgt, allocate=True, fillValue=var.fillValue) # determine GDAL interpolation if 'gdal_interp' in var.__dict__: gdal_interp = var.gdal_interp elif 'gdal_interp' in var.atts: gdal_interp = var.atts['gdal_interp'] else: # use default based on variable type if np.issubdtype(var.dtype, np.integer): gdal_interp = int_interp # can't process logicals anyway... else: gdal_interp = float_interp # perform regridding err = gdal.ReprojectImage(srcdata, tgtdata, var.projection.ExportToWkt(), newvar.projection.ExportToWkt(), gdal_interp) #print srcdata.ReadAsArray().std(), tgtdata.ReadAsArray().std() #print var.projection.ExportToWkt() #print newvar.projection.ExportToWkt() del srcdata # clean up (just to make sure) # N.B.: the target array should be allocated and prefilled with missing values, otherwise ReprojectImage # will just fill missing values with zeros! if err != 0: raise GDALError, 'ERROR CODE %i'%err #tgtdata.FlushCash() # load data into new variable newvar.loadGDAL(tgtdata, mask=lmask, wrap360=lwrapTgt, fillValue=var.fillValue) del tgtdata # clean up (just to make sure) else: var.load() # need to load variables into memory, because we are not doing anything else... newvar = var # just pass over the variable to the new dataset # return variable return newvar # function pair to compute a climatology from a time-series def Climatology(self, timeAxis='time', climAxis=None, period=None, offset=0, shift=0, timeSlice=None, **kwargs): ''' Setup climatology and start computation; calls processClimatology. ''' if period is not None and not isinstance(period,(np.integer,int)): raise TypeError # period in years if not isinstance(offset,(np.integer,int)): raise TypeError # offset in years (from start of record) if not isinstance(shift,(np.integer,int)): raise TypeError # shift in month (if first month is not January) # construct new time axis for climatology if climAxis is None: climAxis = Axis(name=timeAxis, units='month', length=12, coord=np.arange(1,13,1), dtype=dtype_int) # monthly climatology else: if not isinstance(climAxis,Axis): raise TypeError # add axis to output dataset if, check=False) # will have different shape else:, copy=True) # copy=True allows recasting as, e.g., a NC variable climAxis =[timeAxis] # make sure we have exactly that instance # figure out time slice if period is not None: start = offset * len(climAxis); end = start + period * len(climAxis) timeSlice = slice(start,end,None) else: if not isinstance(timeSlice,slice): raise TypeError, timeSlice # add variables that will cause errors to ignorelist (e.g. strings) for varname,var in self.source.variables.iteritems(): if var.hasAxis(timeAxis) and var.dtype.kind == 'S': self.ignorelist.append(varname) # prepare function call function = functools.partial(self.processClimatology, # already set parameters timeAxis=timeAxis, climAxis=climAxis, timeSlice=timeSlice, shift=shift) # start process if print('\n +++ processing climatology +++ ') if self.source.gdal: griddef = self.source.griddef else: griddef = None self.process(function, **kwargs) # currently 'flush' is the only kwarg # add GDAL to target if griddef is not None: = addGDALtoDataset(, griddef=griddef) # N.B.: if the dataset is empty, it wont do anything, hence we do it now if print('\n') # the previous method sets up the process, the next method performs the computation def processClimatology(self, var, timeAxis='time', climAxis=None, timeSlice=None, shift=0): ''' Compute a climatology from a variable time-series. ''' # process variable that have a time axis if var.hasAxis(timeAxis): if print('\n', # prepare averaging tidx = var.axisIndex(timeAxis) interval = len(climAxis) newshape = list(var.shape) newshape[tidx] = interval # shape of the climatology field if not (interval == 12): raise NotImplementedError # load data if timeSlice is not None: idx = tuple([timeSlice if == timeAxis else slice(None) for ax in var.axes]) else: idx = None dataarray = var.getArray(idx=idx, unmask=False, copy=False) if var.masked: avgdata = ma.zeros(newshape, dtype=var.dtype) # allocate array else: avgdata = np.zeros(newshape, dtype=var.dtype) # allocate array # average data timelength = dataarray.shape[tidx] if timelength % interval == 0: # use array indexing climelts = np.arange(interval, dtype=dtype_int) for t in xrange(0,timelength,interval): if print('.'), # t/interval+1 avgdata += dataarray.take(t+climelts, axis=tidx) del dataarray # clean up # normalize avgdata /= (timelength/interval) else: # simple indexing climcnt = np.zeros(interval, dtype=dtype_int) for t in xrange(timelength): if and t%interval == 0: print('.'), # t/interval+1 idx = int(t%interval) climcnt[idx] += 1 if dataarray.ndim == 1: avgdata[idx] = avgdata[idx] + dataarray[t] else: avgdata[idx,:] = avgdata[idx,:] + dataarray[t,:] del dataarray # clean up # normalize for i in xrange(interval): if avgdata.ndim == 1: if climcnt[i] > 0: avgdata[i] /= climcnt[i] else: avgdata[i] = 0 if np.issubdtype(var.dtype, np.integer) else np.NaN else: if climcnt[i] > 0: avgdata[i,:] /= climcnt[i] else: avgdata[i,:] = 0 if np.issubdtype(var.dtype, np.integer) else np.NaN # shift data (if first month was not January) if shift != 0: avgdata = np.roll(avgdata, shift, axis=tidx) # create new Variable axes = tuple([climAxis if == timeAxis else ax for ax in var.axes]) # exchange time axis newvar = var.copy(axes=axes, data=avgdata, dtype=var.dtype) # and, of course, load new data del avgdata # clean up - just to make sure # print, newvar.masked # print newvar.fillValue # print newvar.data_array.__class__ else: var.load() # need to load variables into memory, because we are not doing anything else... newvar = var.copy() # return variable return newvar def Shift(self, shift=0, axis=None, byteShift=False, **kwargs): ''' Method to initialize shift along a coordinate axis. ''' # kwarg input if shift == 0 and axis == None: for key,value in kwargs.iteritems(): if or self.input.hasAxis(key): if axis is None: axis = key; shift = value else: raise ProcessError, "Can only process one coordinate shift at a time." del kwargs[axis] # remove entry # check input if isinstance(axis,basestring): if axis =[axis] elif self.input.hasAxis(axis): axis = self.input.axes[axis].copy() else: raise AxisError, "Axis '%s' not found in Dataset."%axis else: if not isinstance(axis,Axis): raise TypeError # apply shift to new axis if byteShift: # shift coordinate vector like data coord = np.roll(axis.getArray(unmask=False), shift) # 1-D else: coord = axis.getArray(unmask=False) + shift # shift coordinates # transform coordinate shifts into index shifts (linear scaling) shift = int( shift / (axis[1] - axis[0]) ) axis.coord = coord # add axis to output dataset if, strict=True): pass elif else:, copy=True) # copy=True allows recasting as, e.g., a NC variable axis =[] # make sure we have the right version! # prepare function call function = functools.partial(self.processShift, # already set parameters shift=shift, axis=axis) # start process if print('\n +++ processing shift/roll +++ ') self.process(function, **kwargs) # currently 'flush' is the only kwarg if print('\n') # the previous method sets up the process, the next method performs the computation def processShift(self, var, shift=None, axis=None): ''' Method that shifts a data array along a given axis. ''' # only process variables that have the specified axis if var.hasAxis( if print('\n', # put line break before test, instead of after # shift data array newdata = np.roll(var.getArray(unmask=False), shift, axis=var.axisIndex(axis)) # create new Variable axes = tuple([axis if == else ax for ax in var.axes]) # replace axis with shifted version newvar = var.copy(axes=axes, data=newdata) # and, of course, load new data var.unload(); del var, newdata else: var.load() # need to load variables into memory, because we are not doing anything else... newvar = var var.unload(); del var # return variable return newvar
def ShapeAverage(self, shape_dict=None, shape_name=None, shpax=None, xlon=None, ylat=None, memory=500, **kwargs): ''' Average over a limited area of a gridded datasets; calls processAverageShape. A dictionary of NamedShape objects is expected to define the averaging areas. 'memory' controls the garbage collection interval and approximately corresponds to MB in temporary (it does not include loading the variable into RAM, though). ''' if not self.source.gdal: raise DatasetError, "Source dataset must be GDAL enabled! {:s} is not.".format( if not isinstance(shape_dict,OrderedDict): raise TypeError if not all(isinstance(shape,NamedShape) for shape in shape_dict.itervalues()): raise TypeError # make temporary dataset if self.source is if self.tmp: assert self.source == self.tmpput and == self.tmpput # the operation can not be performed "in-place"! = Dataset(name='tmptoo', title='Temporary target dataset for non-in-place operations', varlist=[], atts={}) ltmptoo = True else: ltmptoo = False src = self.source; tgt = # short-cuts # determine source dataset grid definition if src.griddef is None: srcgrd = GridDefinition(projection=self.source.projection, geotransform=self.source.geotransform, size=self.source.mapSize, xlon=self.source.xlon, ylat=self.source.ylat) else: srcgrd = src.griddef # figure out horizontal axes (will be replaced with station axis) if isinstance(xlon,Axis): if not src.hasAxis(xlon, check=True): raise DatasetError elif isinstance(xlon,basestring): xlon = src.getAxis(xlon) else: xlon = src.x if srcgrd.isProjected else src.lon if isinstance(ylat,Axis): if not src.hasAxis(ylat, check=True): raise DatasetError elif isinstance(ylat,basestring): ylat = src.getAxis(ylat) else: ylat = src.y if srcgrd.isProjected else # check/create shapes axis if shpax: # not in source dataset! # if shape axis supplied if src.hasAxis(shpax, check=True): raise DatasetError, "Source dataset must not have a 'shape' axis!" if len(shpax) != len(shape_dict): raise AxisError else: # creat shape axis, if not supplied shpatts = dict(name='shape', long_name='Ordinal Number of Shape', units='#') shpax = Axis(coord=np.arange(1,len(shape_dict)+1), atts=shpatts) # starting at 1 assert isinstance(xlon,Axis) and isinstance(ylat,Axis) and isinstance(shpax,Axis) # prepare target dataset # N.B.: attributes should already be set in target dataset (by caller module) # we are also assuming the new dataset has no axes yet assert len(tgt.axes) == 0 # add station axis (trim to valid coordinates) tgt.addAxis(shpax, asNC=True, copy=True) # already new copy # add axes from source data for axname,ax in src.axes.iteritems(): if axname not in (, tgt.addAxis(ax, asNC=True, copy=True) # add shape names shape_names = [ for shape in shape_dict.itervalues()] # can construct Variable from list! atts = dict(name='shape_name', long_name='Name of Shape', units='') tgt.addVariable(Variable(data=shape_names, axes=(shpax,), atts=atts), asNC=True, copy=True) # add proper names shape_long_names = [shape.long_name for shape in shape_dict.itervalues()] # can construct Variable from list! atts = dict(name='shp_long_name', long_name='Proper Name of Shape', units='') tgt.addVariable(Variable(data=shape_long_names, axes=(shpax,), atts=atts), asNC=True, copy=True) # add shape category shape_type = [shape.shapetype for shape in shape_dict.itervalues()] # can construct Variable from list! atts = dict(name='shp_type', long_name='Type of Shape', units='') tgt.addVariable(Variable(data=shape_type, axes=(shpax,), atts=atts), asNC=True, copy=True) # collect rasterized masks from shape files mask_array = np.zeros((len(shpax),)+srcgrd.size[::-1], dtype=np.bool) # N.B.: rasterize() returns mask in (y,x) shape, size is ordered as (x,y) shape_masks = []; shp_full = []; shp_empty = []; shp_encl = [] for i,shape in enumerate(shape_dict.itervalues()): mask = shape.rasterize(griddef=srcgrd, asVar=False) mask_array[i,:] = mask masksum = mask.sum() lfull = masksum == 0; shp_full.append( lfull ) lempty = masksum == mask.size; shp_empty.append( lempty ) shape_masks.append( mask if not lempty else None ) if lempty: shp_encl.append( False ) else: shp_encl.append( np.all( mask[[0,-1],:] == True ) and np.all( mask[:,[0,-1]] == True ) ) # i.e. if boundaries are masked # N.B.: shapes that have no overlap with grid will be skipped and filled with NaN # add rasterized masks to new dataset atts = dict(name='shp_mask', long_name='Rasterized Shape Mask', units='') tgt.addVariable(Variable(data=mask_array, atts=atts, axes=(shpax,srcgrd.ylat.copy(),srcgrd.xlon.copy())), asNC=True, copy=True) # add area enclosed by shape da = srcgrd.geotransform[1]*srcgrd.geotransform[5] mask_area = (1-mask_array).mean(axis=2).mean(axis=1)*da atts = dict(name='shp_area', long_name='Area Contained in the Shape', units= 'm^2' if srcgrd.isProjected else 'deg^2' ) tgt.addVariable(Variable(data=mask_area, axes=(shpax,), atts=atts), asNC=True, copy=True) # add flag to indicate if shape is fully enclosed by domain atts = dict(name='shp_encl', long_name='If Shape is fully included in Domain', units= '') tgt.addVariable(Variable(data=shp_encl, axes=(shpax,), atts=atts), asNC=True, copy=True) # add flag to indicate if shape fully covers domain atts = dict(name='shp_full', long_name='If Shape fully covers Domain', units= '') tgt.addVariable(Variable(data=shp_full, axes=(shpax,), atts=atts), asNC=True, copy=True) # add flag to indicate if shape and domain have no overlap atts = dict(name='shp_empty', long_name='If Shape and Domain have no Overlap', units= '') tgt.addVariable(Variable(data=shp_empty, axes=(shpax,), atts=atts), asNC=True, copy=True) # save all the meta data tgt.sync() # prepare function call function = functools.partial(self.processShapeAverage, masks=shape_masks, ylat=ylat, xlon=xlon, shpax=shpax, memory=memory) # already set parameters # start process if print('\n +++ processing shape/area averaging +++ ') self.process(function, **kwargs) # currently 'flush' is the only kwarg if print('\n') if self.tmp: self.tmpput = if ltmptoo: assert == 'tmptoo' # set above, when temp. dataset is created
# imports from glob import glob from geodata.base import Dataset, Axis, Variable from geodata.netcdf import writeNetCDF # load list if well files and generate list of wells well_files = glob(os.path.join(data_folder, 'W*.xlsx')) well_files.sort() wells = [os.path.basename(name[:-5]) for name in well_files] print(wells) # dataset time_ax = Axis(coord=np.arange(12 * (period[1] - period[0])) + 252, **varatts['time']) # origin: 1979-01 well_ax = Axis(coord=np.arange(len(wells)) + 1, name='well', units='') dataset = Dataset(name=conservation_authority, title=conservation_authority + ' Observation Wells') # add meta data meta_dicts = [ loadMetadata(well, conservation_authority=conservation_authority) for well in wells ] for key in meta_dicts[0].keys(): if key in varatts: atts = varatts[key] elif key.lower() in varatts: atts = varatts[key.lower()] else: atts = dict(name=key, units='') if atts['units']: data = np.asarray([wmd[key] for wmd in meta_dicts], dtype=np.float64) else: data = np.asarray([wmd[key] for wmd in meta_dicts]) try:
def performRegridding(dataset, mode, griddef, dataargs, loverwrite=False, varlist=None, lwrite=True, lreturn=False, ldebug=False, lparallel=False, pidstr='', logger=None): ''' worker function to perform regridding for a given dataset and target grid ''' # input checking if not isinstance(dataset, basestring): raise TypeError if not isinstance(dataargs, dict): raise TypeError # all dataset arguments are kwargs if not isinstance(griddef, GridDefinition): raise TypeError if lparallel: if not lwrite: raise IOError, 'Can only write to disk in parallel mode (i.e. lwrite = True).' if lreturn: raise IOError, 'Can not return datasets in parallel mode (i.e. lreturn = False).' # logging if logger is None: # make new logger logger = logging.getLogger() # new logger logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) else: if isinstance(logger, basestring): logger = logging.getLogger(name=logger) # connect to existing one elif not isinstance(logger, logging.Logger): raise TypeError, 'Expected logger ID/handle in logger KW; got {}'.format( str(logger)) ## extract meta data from arguments dataargs, loadfct, srcage, datamsgstr = getMetaData( dataset, mode, dataargs) dataset_name = dataargs.dataset_name periodstr = dataargs.periodstr avgfolder = dataargs.avgfolder # get filename for target dataset and do some checks filename = getTargetFile( dataset=dataset, mode=mode, dataargs=dataargs, lwrite=lwrite,, ) # prepare target dataset if ldebug: filename = 'test_' + filename if not os.path.exists(avgfolder): raise IOError, "Dataset folder '{:s}' does not exist!".format( avgfolder) lskip = False # else just go ahead if lwrite: if lreturn: tmpfilename = filename # no temporary file if dataset is passed on (can't rename the file while it is open!) else: if lparallel: tmppfx = 'tmp_regrid_{:s}_'.format(pidstr[1:-1]) else: tmppfx = 'tmp_regrid_'.format(pidstr[1:-1]) tmpfilename = tmppfx + filename filepath = avgfolder + filename tmpfilepath = avgfolder + tmpfilename if os.path.exists(filepath): if not loverwrite: age = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(filepath)) # if source file is newer than sink file or if sink file is a stub, recompute, otherwise skip if age > srcage and os.path.getsize(filepath) > 1e6: lskip = True if hasattr(griddef, 'filepath') and griddef.filepath is not None: gridage = datetime.fromtimestamp( os.path.getmtime(griddef.filepath)) if age < gridage: lskip = False # N.B.: NetCDF files smaller than 1MB are usually incomplete header fragments from a previous crashed # depending on last modification time of file or overwrite setting, start computation, or skip if lskip: # print message skipmsg = "\n{:s} >>> Skipping: file '{:s}' in dataset '{:s}' already exists and is newer than source file.".format( pidstr, filename, dataset_name) skipmsg += "\n{:s} >>> ('{:s}')\n".format(pidstr, filepath) else: ## actually load datasets source = loadfct() # load source # check period if 'period' in source.atts and dataargs.periodstr != source.atts.period: # a NetCDF attribute raise DateError, "Specifed period is inconsistent with netcdf records: '{:s}' != '{:s}'".format( periodstr, source.atts.period) # print message if mode == 'climatology': opmsgstr = 'Regridding Climatology ({:s}) to {:s} Grid'.format( periodstr, elif mode == 'time-series': opmsgstr = 'Regridding Time-series to {:s} Grid'.format( else: raise NotImplementedError, "Unrecognized Mode: '{:s}'".format(mode) # print feedback to logger '\n{0:s} *** {1:^65s} *** \n{0:s} *** {2:^65s} *** \n' .format(pidstr, datamsgstr, opmsgstr)) if not lparallel and ldebug:'\n' + str(source) + '\n') ## create new sink/target file # set attributes atts = source.atts.copy() atts['period'] = periodstr atts['name'] = dataset_name atts['grid'] = if mode == 'climatology': atts['title'] = '{:s} Climatology on {:s} Grid'.format( dataset_name, elif mode == 'time-series': atts['title'] = '{:s} Time-series on {:s} Grid'.format( dataset_name, # make new dataset if lwrite: # write to NetCDF file if os.path.exists(tmpfilepath): os.remove(tmpfilepath) # remove old temp files sink = DatasetNetCDF(folder=avgfolder, filelist=[tmpfilename], atts=atts, mode='w') else: sink = Dataset(atts=atts) # ony create dataset in memory # initialize processing CPU = CentralProcessingUnit(source, sink, varlist=varlist, tmp=False, feedback=ldebug) # perform regridding (if target grid is different from native grid!) if != dataset: # reproject and resample (regrid) dataset CPU.Regrid(griddef=griddef, flush=True) # get results CPU.sync(flush=True) # add geolocators sink = addGeoLocator(sink, griddef=griddef, lgdal=True, lreplace=True, lcheck=True) # N.B.: WRF datasets come with their own geolocator arrays - we need to replace those! # add length and names of month if mode == 'climatology' and not sink.hasVariable( 'length_of_month') and sink.hasVariable('time'): addLengthAndNamesOfMonth( sink, noleap=True if dataset.upper() in ('WRF', 'CESM') else False) # print dataset if not lparallel and ldebug:'\n' + str(sink) + '\n') # write results to file if lwrite: sink.sync() writemsg = "\n{:s} >>> Writing to file '{:s}' in dataset {:s}".format( pidstr, filename, dataset_name) writemsg += "\n{:s} >>> ('{:s}')\n".format(pidstr, filepath) # rename file to proper name if not lreturn: sink.unload() sink.close() del sink # destroy all references if os.path.exists(filepath): os.remove(filepath) # remove old file os.rename( tmpfilepath, filepath) # this would also overwrite the old file... # N.B.: there is no temporary file if the dataset is returned, because an open file can't be renamed # clean up and return source.unload() del source, CPU if lreturn: return sink # return dataset for further use (netcdf file still open!) else: return 0 # "exit code"
def loadHGS_StnTS(station=None, varlist=None, varatts=None, folder=None, name=None, title=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, run_period=15, period=None, lskipNaN=False, lcheckComplete=True, basin=None, WSC_station=None, basin_list=None, filename=None, prefix=None, scalefactors=None, **kwargs): ''' Get a properly formatted WRF dataset with monthly time-series at station locations; as in the hgsrun module, the capitalized kwargs can be used to construct folders and/or names ''' if folder is None or ( filename is None and station is None ): raise ArgumentError # try to find meta data for gage station from WSC HGS_station = station if basin is not None and basin_list is not None: station_name = station station = getGageStation(basin=basin, station=station if WSC_station is None else WSC_station, basin_list=basin_list) # only works with registered basins if station_name is None: station_name = # backup, in case we don't have a HGS station name metadata = station.getMetaData() # load station meta data if metadata is None: raise GageStationError(name) else: metadata = dict(); station = None; station_name = None # prepare name expansion arguments (all capitalized) expargs = dict(ROOT_FOLDER=root_folder, STATION=HGS_station, NAME=name, TITLE=title, PREFIX=prefix, BASIN=basin, WSC_STATION=WSC_station) for key,value in metadata.items(): if isinstance(value,basestring): expargs['WSC_'+key.upper()] = value # in particular, this includes WSC_ID if 'WSC_ID' in expargs: if expargs['WSC_ID'][0] == '0': expargs['WSC_ID0'] = expargs['WSC_ID'][1:] else: raise DatasetError('Expected leading zero in WSC station ID: {}'.format(expargs['WSC_ID'])) # exparg preset keys will get overwritten if capitalized versions are defined for key,value in kwargs.items(): KEY = key.upper() # we only use capitalized keywords, and non-capitalized keywords are only used/converted if KEY == key or KEY not in kwargs: expargs[KEY] = value # if no capitalized version is defined # read folder and infer prefix, if necessary folder = folder.format(**expargs) if not os.path.exists(folder): raise IOError(folder) if expargs['PREFIX'] is None: with open('{}/{}'.format(folder,prefix_file), 'r') as pfx: expargs['PREFIX'] = prefix = ''.join(pfx.readlines()).strip() # now assemble file name for station timeseries filename = filename.format(**expargs) filepath = '{}/{}'.format(folder,filename) if not os.path.exists(filepath): IOError(filepath) if station_name is None: station_name = filename[filename.index('hydrograph.')+1:-4] if station is None else station # set meta data (and allow keyword expansion of name and title) metadata['problem'] = prefix metadata['station_name'] = metadata.get('long_name', station_name) if name is not None: name = name.format(**expargs) # name expansion with capitalized keyword arguments else: name = 'HGS_{:s}'.format(station_name) metadata['name'] = name; expargs['Name'] = name.title() # name in title format if title is None: title = '{{Name:s}} (HGS, {problem:s})'.format(**metadata) title = title.format(**expargs) # name expansion with capitalized keyword arguments metadata['long_name'] = metadata['title'] = title # now determine start data for date_parser if end_date is None: if start_date and run_period: end_date = start_date + run_period elif period: end_date = period[1] else: raise ArgumentError("Need to specify either 'start_date' & 'run_period' or 'period' to infer 'end_date'.") end_year,end_month,end_day = convertDate(end_date) if start_date is None: if end_date and run_period: start_date = end_date - run_period elif period: start_date = period[0] else: raise ArgumentError("Need to specify either 'end_date' & 'run_period' or 'period' to infer 'start_date'.") start_year,start_month,start_day = convertDate(start_date) if start_day != 1 or end_day != 1: raise NotImplementedError('Currently only monthly data is supported.') # import functools # date_parser = functools.partial(date_parser, year=start_year, month=start_month, day=start_day) # # now load data using pandas ascii reader # data_frame = pd.read_table(filepath, sep='\s+', header=2, dtype=np.float64, index_col=['time'], # date_parser=date_parser, names=ascii_varlist) # # resample to monthly data # data_frame = data_frame.resample(resampling).agg(np.mean) # data = data_frame[flowvar].values # parse header if varlist is None: varlist = variable_list[:] # default list with open(filepath, 'r') as f: line = f.readline(); lline = line.lower() # 1st line if not "hydrograph" in lline: raise GageStationError(line,filepath) # parse variables and determine columns line = f.readline(); lline = line.lower() # 2nd line if not "variables" in lline: raise GageStationError(line) variable_order = [v.strip('"').lower() for v in line[line.find('"'):].strip().split(',')] # figure out varlist and data columns if variable_order[0] == 'time': del variable_order[0] # only keep variables else: raise GageStationError(variable_order) variable_order = [hgs_variables[v] for v in variable_order] # replace HGS names with GeoPy names vardict = {v:i+1 for i,v in enumerate(variable_order)} # column mapping; +1 because time was removed variable_order = [v for v in variable_order if v in varlist or flow_to_flux[v] in varlist] usecols = tuple(vardict[v] for v in variable_order) # variable columns that need to loaded (except time, which is col 0) assert 0 not in usecols, usecols # load data as tab separated values data = np.genfromtxt(filepath, dtype=np.float64, delimiter=None, skip_header=3, usecols = (0,)+usecols) assert data.shape[1] == len(usecols)+1, data.shape if lskipNaN: data = data[np.isnan(data).sum(axis=1)==0,:] elif np.any( np.isnan(data) ): raise DataError("Missing values (NaN) encountered in hydrograph file; use 'lskipNaN' to ignore.\n('{:s}')".format(filepath)) time_series = data[:,0]; flow_data = data[:,1:] assert flow_data.shape == (len(time_series),len(usecols)), flow_data.shape # original time deltas in seconds time_diff = time_series.copy(); time_diff[1:] = np.diff(time_series) # time period between time steps assert np.all( time_diff > 0 ), filepath time_diff = time_diff.reshape((len(time_diff),1)) # reshape to make sure broadcasting works # integrate flow over time steps before resampling flow_data[1:,:] -= np.diff(flow_data, axis=0)/2. # get average flow between time steps flow_data *= time_diff # integrate flow in time interval by multiplying average flow with time period flow_data = np.cumsum(flow_data, axis=0) # integrate by summing up total flow per time interval # generate regular monthly time steps start_datetime = np.datetime64(dt.datetime(year=start_year, month=start_month, day=start_day), 'M') end_datetime = np.datetime64(dt.datetime(year=end_year, month=end_month, day=end_day), 'M') time_monthly = np.arange(start_datetime, end_datetime+np.timedelta64(1, 'M'), dtype='datetime64[M]') assert time_monthly[0] == start_datetime, time_monthly[0] assert time_monthly[-1] == end_datetime, time_monthly[-1] # convert monthly time series to regular array of seconds since start date time_monthly = ( time_monthly.astype('datetime64[s]') - start_datetime.astype('datetime64[s]') ) / np.timedelta64(1,'s') assert time_monthly[0] == 0, time_monthly[0] # interpolate integrated flow to new time axis #flow_data = np.interp(time_monthly, xp=time_series[:,0], fp=flow_data[:,0],).reshape((len(time_monthly),1)) time_series = np.concatenate(([0],time_series), axis=0) # integrated flow at time zero must be zero... flow_data = np.concatenate(([[0,]*len(usecols)],flow_data), axis=0) # ... this is probably better than interpolation # N.B.: we are adding zeros here so we don't have to extrapolate to the left; on the right we just fill in NaN's if ( time_monthly[-1] - time_series[-1] ) > 3*86400. and lcheckComplete: warn("Data record ends more than 3 days befor end of period: {} days".format((time_monthly[-1]-time_series[-1])/86400.)) elif (time_monthly[-1]-time_series[-1]) > 5*86400.: if lcheckComplete: raise DataError("Data record ends more than 5 days befor end of period: {} days".format((time_monthly[-1]-time_series[-1])/86400.)) else: warn("Data record ends more than 5 days befor end of period: {} days".format((time_monthly[-1]-time_series[-1])/86400.)) flow_interp = si.interp1d(x=time_series, y=flow_data, kind='linear', axis=0, copy=False, bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.NaN, assume_sorted=True) flow_data = flow_interp(time_monthly) # evaluate with call # compute monthly flow rate from interpolated integrated flow flow_data = np.diff(flow_data, axis=0) / np.diff(time_monthly, axis=0).reshape((len(time_monthly)-1,1)) flow_data *= 1000 # convert from m^3/s to kg/s # construct time axis start_time = 12*(start_year - 1979) + start_month -1 end_time = 12*(end_year - 1979) + end_month -1 time = Axis(name='time', units='month', atts=dict(long_name='Month since 1979-01'), coord=np.arange(start_time, end_time)) # not including the last, e.g. 1979-01 to 1980-01 is 12 month assert len(time_monthly) == end_time-start_time+1 assert flow_data.shape == (len(time),len(variable_order)), (flow_data.shape,len(time),len(variable_order)) # construct dataset dataset = Dataset(atts=metadata) dataset.station = station # add gage station object, if available (else None) for i,flowvar in enumerate(variable_order): data = flow_data[:,i] fluxvar = flow_to_flux[flowvar] if flowvar in varlist: flowatts = variable_attributes[flowvar] # convert variables and put into dataset (monthly time series) if flowatts['units'] != 'kg/s': raise VariableError("Hydrograph data is read as kg/s; flow variable does not match.\n{}".format(flowatts)) dataset += Variable(data=data, axes=(time,), **flowatts) if fluxvar in varlist and 'shp_area' in metadata: # compute surface flux variable based on drainage area fluxatts = variable_attributes[fluxvar] if fluxatts['units'] == 'kg/s' and fluxatts['units'] != 'kg/m^2/s': raise VariableError(fluxatts) data = data / metadata['shp_area'] # need to make a copy dataset += Variable(data=data, axes=(time,), **fluxatts) # apply analysis period if period is not None: dataset = dataset(years=period) # adjust scalefactors, if necessary if scalefactors: if isinstance(scalefactors,dict): dataset = updateScalefactor(dataset, varlist=scalefactors, scalefactor=None) elif isNumber(scalefactors): scalelist = ('discharge','seepage','flow') dataset = updateScalefactor(dataset, varlist=scalelist, scalefactor=scalefactors) else: raise TypeError(scalefactors) # return completed dataset return dataset
def loadGageStation(basin=None, station=None, varlist=None, varatts=None, mode='climatology', aggregation=None, filetype='monthly', folder=None, name=None, period=None, basin_list=None, lcheck=True, lexpand=True, lfill=True, lflatten=True, lkgs=True, scalefactors=None, title=None): ''' function to load hydrograph climatologies and timeseries for a given basin ''' ## resolve input if mode == 'timeseries' and aggregation: raise ArgumentError('Timeseries does not support aggregation.') # get GageStation instance station = getGageStation(basin=basin, station=station, name=name, folder=folder, river=None, basin_list=basin_list, lcheck=True) # variable attributes if varlist is None: varlist = variable_list elif not isinstance(varlist,(list,tuple)): raise TypeError varlist = list(varlist) # make copy of varlist to avoid interference if varatts is None: if aggregation is None: varatts = variable_attributes_kgs if lkgs else variable_attributes_mms else: varatts = agg_varatts_kgs if lkgs else agg_varatts_mms elif not isinstance(varatts,dict): raise TypeError ## read csv data # time series data and time coordinates lexpand = True; lfill = True if mode == 'climatology': lexpand = False; lfill = False; lflatten = False data, time = station.getTimeseriesData(units='kg/s' if lkgs else 'm^3/s', lcheck=True, lexpand=lexpand, lfill=lfill, period=period, lflatten=lflatten) # station meta data metadata = station.getMetaData(lcheck=True) den = metadata['shp_area'] if lkgs else ( metadata['shp_area'] / 1000. ) ## create dataset for station dataset = Dataset(name='WSC', title=title or metadata['Station Name'], varlist=[], atts=metadata,) if mode.lower() in ('timeseries','time-series'): time = time.flatten(); data = data.flatten() # just to make sure... # make time axis based on time coordinate from csv file timeAxis = Axis(name='time', units='month', coord=time, # time series centered at 1979-01 atts=dict(long_name='Month since 1979-01')) dataset += timeAxis # load mean discharge dataset += Variable(axes=[timeAxis], data=data, atts=varatts['discharge']) # load mean runoff doa = data / den dataset += Variable(axes=[timeAxis], data=doa, atts=varatts['runoff']) elif mode == 'climatology': # N.B.: this is primarily for backwards compatibility; it should not be used anymore... # make common time axis for climatology te = 12 # length of time axis: 12 month climAxis = Axis(name='time', units='month', length=12, coord=np.arange(1,te+1,1)) # monthly climatology dataset.addAxis(climAxis, copy=False) # extract variables (min/max/mean are separate variables) # N.B.: this is mainly for backwards compatibility doa = data / den if aggregation is None or aggregation.lower() == 'mean': # load mean discharge tmpdata = nf.nanmean(data, axis=0) tmpvar = Variable(axes=[climAxis], data=tmpdata, atts=varatts['discharge']) dataset.addVariable(tmpvar, copy=False) # load mean runoff tmpdata = nf.nanmean(doa, axis=0) tmpvar = Variable(axes=[climAxis], data=tmpdata, atts=varatts['runoff']) dataset.addVariable(tmpvar, copy=False) if aggregation is None or aggregation.lower() == 'std': # load discharge standard deviation tmpdata = nf.nanstd(data, axis=0, ddof=1) # very few values means large uncertainty! tmpvar = Variable(axes=[climAxis], data=tmpdata, atts=varatts['discstd']) dataset.addVariable(tmpvar, copy=False) # load runoff standard deviation tmpdata = nf.nanstd(doa, axis=0, ddof=1) tmpvar = Variable(axes=[climAxis], data=tmpdata, atts=varatts['roff_std']) dataset.addVariable(tmpvar, copy=False) if aggregation is None or aggregation.lower() == 'sem': # load discharge standard deviation tmpdata = nf.nansem(data, axis=0, ddof=1) # very few values means large uncertainty! tmpvar = Variable(axes=[climAxis], data=tmpdata, atts=varatts['discsem']) dataset.addVariable(tmpvar, copy=False) # load runoff standard deviation tmpdata = nf.nansem(doa, axis=0, ddof=1) tmpvar = Variable(axes=[climAxis], data=tmpdata, atts=varatts['roff_sem']) dataset.addVariable(tmpvar, copy=False) if aggregation is None or aggregation.lower() == 'max': # load maximum discharge tmpdata = nf.nanmax(data, axis=0) tmpvar = Variable(axes=[climAxis], data=tmpdata, atts=varatts['discmax']) dataset.addVariable(tmpvar, copy=False) # load maximum runoff tmpdata = nf.nanmax(doa, axis=0) tmpvar = Variable(axes=[climAxis], data=tmpdata, atts=varatts['roff_max']) dataset.addVariable(tmpvar, copy=False) if aggregation is None or aggregation.lower() == 'min': # load minimum discharge tmpdata = nf.nanmin(data, axis=0) tmpvar = Variable(axes=[climAxis], data=tmpdata, atts=varatts['discmin']) dataset.addVariable(tmpvar, copy=False) # load minimum runoff tmpdata = nf.nanmin(doa, axis=0) tmpvar = Variable(axes=[climAxis], data=tmpdata, atts=varatts['roff_min']) dataset.addVariable(tmpvar, copy=False) else: raise NotImplementedError, "Time axis mode '{}' is not supported.".format(mode) # adjust scalefactors, if necessary if scalefactors: if isinstance(scalefactors,dict): dataset = updateScalefactor(dataset, varlist=scalefactors, scalefactor=None) elif isNumber(scalefactors): scalelist = ('discharge','StdDisc','SEMDisc','MaxDisc','MinDisc',) dataset = updateScalefactor(dataset, varlist=scalelist, scalefactor=scalefactors) else: raise TypeError(scalefactors) # return station dataset return dataset