def rastervals_in_unit(unit, lon_min, lat_min, cellsize, data, view='y-x+'):

    # For some reason it is MUCH faster to do it this way.
    if isinstance(unit, geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon):
        return np.hstack([rastervals_in_unit(g,lon_min,lat_min,cellsize,data,view) for g in unit.geoms])

    llc = unit.bounds[:2]
    urc = unit.bounds[2:]
    lon_min_in = int((llc[0]-lon_min)/cellsize)
    lon_max_in = int((urc[0]-lon_min)/cellsize)+1
    lat_min_in = int((llc[1]-lat_min)/cellsize)
    lat_max_in = int((urc[1]-lat_min)/cellsize)+1  
    data_boxed_ = grid_convert(data,view,'x+y+')[lon_min_in:lon_max_in+1,lat_min_in:lat_max_in+1]
    flat_shape = (-1,)+data_boxed_.shape[2:]
    data_boxed = data_boxed_.reshape(flat_shape)
    lon_boxed = np.arange(lon_min_in, lon_max_in+1)*cellsize + lon_min
    lat_boxed = np.arange(lat_min_in, lat_max_in+1)*cellsize + lat_min
    mlon_boxed, mlat_boxed = np.meshgrid(lon_boxed, lat_boxed)
    mlon_boxed = grid_convert(mlon_boxed,'y+x+','x+y+')
    mlat_boxed = grid_convert(mlat_boxed,'y+x+','x+y+')
    p=[geom.Point(*pair) for pair in zip(mlon_boxed.ravel(), mlat_boxed.ravel())]
    if isinstance(unit, geometry.polygon.Polygon):
        p_in = set(iterops.contains(geometry.polygon.Polygon(unit.exterior.coords), p, True))
        for hole in unit.interiors:
            p_in -= set(iterops.contains(geometry.polygon.Polygon(hole.coords), p, True))
        p_in = iterops.contains(unit, p, True)
    i_in = [p.index(p_in_) for p_in_ in p_in]
    out = data_boxed[i_in]    
    return out
Example #2
def exportAscii2(lon, lat, data, filename, view="y-x+"):
    "Exports longitude and latitude vectors and a data masked array to ascii."

    data = grid_convert(data, view, "y-x+")

    if data.shape != (len(lat), len(lon)):
        raise ValueError, "Data is wrong shape"

    data.fill_value = np.asscalar(np.array(-9999).astype(data.dtype))
    header = {
        "ncols": len(lon),
        "nrows": len(lat),
        "cellsize": lon[1] - lon[0],
        "xllcorner": lon.min(),
        "yllcorner": lat.min(),
        "NODATA_value": data.fill_value,
    exportAscii(data.filled(), filename, header, True - data.mask)
Example #3
def export_flt(lon, lat, data, filename, view="y-x+"):
    "filename should have no extension; the '.hdr' and '.flt' extensions will be added automatically."

    data = grid_convert(data, view, "y-x+")
    if data.shape != (len(lat), len(lon)):
        raise ValueError, "Data is wrong shape"
    data.fill_value = np.asscalar(np.array(-9999).astype(data.dtype))
    header = {
        "ncols": len(lon),
        "nrows": len(lat),
        "cellsize": lon[1] - lon[0],
        "xllcorner": lon.min(),
        "yllcorner": lat.min(),
        "NODATA_value": data.fill_value,
        "byteorder": "LSBFIRST",
    hfile = file(filename + ".hdr", "w")
    for k, v in header.iteritems():
        hfile.write("%s\t%s\r\n" % (k, v))
    dfile = npfile(filename + ".flt", order="C", endian="<", permission="w")