Example #1
    def __on_file_choose(self, *args):
        """ User choose a file with FileChooser

        status = False

        name = self.file_selector.get_filename()

        if name is not None and len(name.strip()) > 0:
            path = Path(name.strip()).expanduser()

                mimetype = magic_from_file(path, mime=True)

                # Check mimetype format
                if mimetype is not None and '/' in mimetype:
                    category, *filetype = mimetype.split('/')

                    # Only retrieve text files
                    if category == "text" and path.exists():
                        status = True

                    # Unselect this file cause is not a text one

            except Exception as error:

        self.set_response_sensitive(Gtk.ResponseType.APPLY, status)
Example #2
    def set_icon(self, widget, path, size=64):
        """ Set thumbnail icon from a specific path

        widget : Gtk.Widget
            Icon widget to update
        path : str
            Icon path
        size : int, optional
            Icon size in pixels (Default: 64)

        # Retrieve an empty icon
        icon = self.icons.blank(size)

        if path is not None:

            # Check icon from icons theme
            if not path.exists():

                # Retrieve icon from collection
                if self.icons.theme.has_icon(str(path)):
                    icon = self.icons.theme.load_icon(
                        str(path), size, Gtk.IconLookupFlags.FORCE_SIZE)

            # Retrieve icon from file
            elif path.is_file():

                # Check the file mime-type to avoid non-image file
                if magic_from_file(path, mime=True).startswith("image/"):
                    icon = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_scale(
                        str(path), size, size, True)

Example #3
    def set_icon(self, widget, path, size=64):
        """ Set thumbnail icon from a specific path

        widget : Gtk.Widget
            Icon widget to update
        path : pathlib.Path
            Icon path
        size : int, optional
            Icon size in pixels (Default: 64)

        # Retrieve an empty icon
        icon = self.icons.blank(size)

        if path is not None:

            # Check icon from icons theme
            if not path.exists():
                collection_path = self.api.get_local("icons", f"{path}.png")

                # Retrieve icon from collection
                if collection_path.exists() and collection_path.is_file():

                    # Check the file mime-type to avoid non-image file
                    if magic_from_file(collection_path,

                        icon = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_scale(
                            str(collection_path), size, size, True)

            # Retrieve icon from file
            elif path.is_file():

                # Check the file mime-type to avoid non-image file
                if magic_from_file(path, mime=True).startswith("image/"):
                    icon = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_scale(
                        str(path), size, size, True)

Example #4
    def __on_dnd_received_data(self, widget, context, x, y, data, info, time):
        """ Manage drag & drop acquisition

        widget : Gtk.Widget
            Object which receive signal
        context : Gdk.DragContext
            Drag context
        x : int
            X coordinate where the drop happened
        y : int
            Y coordinate where the drop happened
        data : Gtk.SelectionData
            Received data
        info : int
            Info that has been registered with the target in the Gtk.TargetList
        time : int
            Timestamp at which the data was received


        # Current acquisition not respect text/uri-list
        if not info == 1337:

        files = data.get_uris()

        if len(files) > 0:
            result = urlparse(files[0])

            if result.scheme == "file":
                path = Path(url2pathname(result.path)).expanduser()

                    mimetype = magic_from_file(path, mime=True)

                    # Check mimetype format
                    if mimetype is not None and '/' in mimetype:
                        category, *filetype = mimetype.split('/')

                        # Only retrieve text files
                        if category == "text" and path.exists():
                            self.__on_import_file(None, path)

                except Exception as error:

Example #5
    def append_icons(self, size):
        """ Append icons in icons view with a specific size

        size : int
            Specified icon size

        yield True

        # Retrieve files from icons collection
        collection_path = self.api.get_local("icons")

        for path in sorted(collection_path.glob("*.png")):

            # Retrieve an empty icon
            icon = self.icons.blank(size)

            # Generate an icon for found file
            if path.exists() and path.is_file():

                # Check the file mime-type to avoid non-image file
                if magic_from_file(path, mime=True).startswith("image/"):
                    icon = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_scale(
                        str(path), size, size, True)

            self.icons_data[path.stem] = \
                self.model_icons.append([icon, path.stem])

            # Current icon match the choosen one
            if str(self.path) == path.stem:

                # Only select current icon if no selection is available
                if len(self.view_icons.get_selected_items()) == 0:

            yield True

        # Remove thread id from memory
        self.thread = int()

        yield False
Example #6
def init_configuration(gem):
    """ Initialize user configuration

    gem : gem.engine.api.GEM
        GEM API instance

    move_collection = False

    # ----------------------------------------
    #   Configuration
    # ----------------------------------------

    for filename in ("gem.conf", "consoles.conf", "emulators.conf"):
        path = gem.get_config(filename)

        if not path.exists():
            gem.logger.debug(f"Copy default {path}")

            # Copy default configuration
            copy(get_data("data", "config", filename), path)

    # ----------------------------------------
    #   Local
    # ----------------------------------------

    for folder in ("logs", "notes"):
        path = gem.get_local(folder)

        if not path.exists():
            gem.logger.debug(f"Generate {path} folder")

                path.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True)

            except FileExistsError:
                gem.logger.error(f"Path {path} already exists")

    # ----------------------------------------
    #   Cache
    # ----------------------------------------

    for name in ("consoles", "emulators", "games"):
        sizes = getattr(Icons.Size, name.upper(), list())

        for size in sizes:
            path = Folders.CACHE.joinpath(name, f"{size}x{size}")

            if not path.exists():
                gem.logger.debug(f"Generate {path}")

                    path.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True)

                except FileExistsError:
                    gem.logger.error(f"Path {path} already exists")

    # ----------------------------------------
    #   Icons
    # ----------------------------------------

    icons_path = gem.get_local("icons")

    # Create icons storage folder
    if not icons_path.exists():
        gem.logger.debug(f"Generate {icons_path}")

            icons_path.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True)

        except FileExistsError:
            gem.logger.error(f"Path {icons_path} already exists")

            move_collection = True

    # Remove older icons collections folders (GEM < 1.0)

        for folder in ("consoles", "emulators"):
            path = icons_path.joinpath(folder)

            if path.exists():

                if path.is_dir():

                elif path.is_symlink():

                move_collection = True

    # Copy default icons
    if move_collection:
        gem.logger.debug("Generate consoles icons folder")

        for filename in get_data("data", "icons").glob("*.png"):

            if filename.is_file():

                # Check the file mime-type to avoid non-image file
                mime = magic_from_file(filename, mime=True)

                if mime.startswith("image/"):
                    new_path = icons_path.joinpath(filename.name)

                    if not new_path.exists():
                        gem.logger.debug(f"Copy {new_path}")

                        copy(filename, new_path)