Example #1
 def testIssue7(self):
     test https://github.com/somnathrakshit/geograpy3/issues/7
     disambiguating countries
     localities = [
         'Vienna, Illinois,',
         'Paris, Texas',
         'Zaragoza, Spain',
         'Vienna, Austria',
     expected = [
             'iso': 'US'
             'iso': 'US'
             'iso': 'ES'
             'iso': 'AT'
     for index, locality in enumerate(localities):
         city = geograpy.locateCity(locality, debug=False)
         if self.debug:
             print("  %s" % city)
         self.assertEqual(expected[index]['iso'], city.country.iso)
Example #2
 def testStackOverflow64418919(self):
     examples = ['Seattle']
     for example in examples:
         city = geograpy.locateCity(example, debug=False)
Example #3
    def testGeoTextAndGrapy(self):
        test the GeoText and geograpy3 library
        debug = True
        limit = 100
        sqlQuery = """select count(*) as count,
locality from Event_wikicfp
where locality is not null
group by locality
order by 1 desc
""" % limit
        dbFile = Lookup.getDBFile()
        if os.path.isfile(dbFile):
            sqlDB = SQLDB(dbFile)
            lookup = Lookup.ensureAllIsAvailable("testGeoText")
            sqlDB = lookup.getSQLDB()
        if sqlDB is not None:
            print("testGeoText from database %s " % sqlDB.dbname)
            totalResult = sqlDB.query("""select count(*) as count
  from event_wikicfp
  where locality is not null""")
            total = totalResult[0]['count']
            listOfDicts = sqlDB.query(sqlQuery)
            index = 0
            rsum = 0
            found = 0
            problems = []
            for record in listOfDicts:
                locality = record['locality']
                count = record['count']
                index += 1
                rsum += count
                print("%5d: %5d/%5d %5.1f%%=%s" %
                      (index, count, rsum, rsum / total * 100, locality))
                geo = GeoText(locality)
                if debug:
                    print("  %s" % geo.countries)
                    print("  %s" % geo.cities)
                city = geograpy.locateCity(locality)
                if city is not None:
                    found += 1
                if debug:
                    print("  %s%s" % (city, '✅' if city is not None else '❌'))
            if self.debug:
                print("found %d/%d = %5.1f%%" %
                      (found, limit, found / limit * 100))
                print("problems: %s" % problems)
            self.assertTrue(found / limit > 0.8)
Example #4
 def checkExamples(self, examples, countries):
     check that the given example give results in the given countries
         examples(list): a list of example location strings
         countries(list): a list of expected country iso codes
     for index, example in enumerate(examples):
         city = geograpy.locateCity(example, debug=False)
         if self.debug:
             print("%3d: %22s->%s" % (index, example, city))
         self.assertEqual(countries[index], city.country.iso)
Example #5
 def testStackOverflow64379688(self):
     compare old and new geograpy interface
     examples = [
         'John Doe 160 Huntington Terrace Newark, New York 07112 United States of America',
         'John Doe 30 Huntington Terrace Newark, New York 07112 USA',
         'John Doe 22 Huntington Terrace Newark, New York 07112 US',
         'Mario Bianchi, Via Nazionale 256, 00148 Roma (RM) Italia',
         'Mario Bianchi, Via Nazionale 256, 00148 Roma (RM) Italy',
         'Newark', 'Rome'
     for example in examples:
         city = geograpy.locateCity(example, debug=False)
Example #6
    def testProceedingsExample(self):
        test a proceedings title Example
        examples = [
            '''Proceedings of the 
IEEE 14th International Conference on 
Semantic Computing, ICSC 2020, 
San Diego, CA, USA, 
February 3-5, 2020'''
        for example in examples:
            places = geograpy.get_place_context(text=example)
            city = geograpy.locateCity(example, debug=False)
Example #7
 def testIssue10(self):
     test https://github.com/somnathrakshit/geograpy3/issues/10
     Add ISO country code
     localities = [
         'Singapore', 'Beijing, China', 'Paris, France', 'Barcelona, Spain',
         'Rome, Italy', 'San Francisco, US', 'Bangkok, Thailand',
         'Vienna, Austria', 'Athens, Greece', 'Shanghai, China'
     expectedCountry = [
         'SG', 'CN', 'FR', 'ES', 'IT', 'US', 'TH', 'AT', 'GR', 'CN'
     for index, locality in enumerate(localities):
         city = geograpy.locateCity(locality)
         if self.debug:
             print("  %s" % city)
         self.assertEqual(expectedCountry[index], city.country.iso)