def _split_locs(placements, groups):
    if groups == 1:
        yield placements
        locs = gk.LocationSet(placements.index)
        for loc_group in locs.splitKMeans(groups=groups):
            yield placements.loc[loc_group[:]]
Example #2
def location_to_tilt(locs, convention="Ryberg2020", **kwargs):
    def location_to_tilt(locs, convention="Ryberg2020", **kwargs)
    Simple system tilt estimator based off latitude and longitude coordinates

    locs : geokit.LocationSet or iterable of (lon,lat) pairs
           The locations at which to estimate system tilt angle

    convention : str, optional
                 The calculation method used to suggest system tilts
                 Options are:
                     * "Ryberg2020"
                     * A string consumable by 'eval'
                     - Can use the variable 'latitude'
                     - Ex. "latitude*0.76"
                     * A path to a raster file
    kwargs: Optional keyword arguments to use in geokit.raster.interpolateValues(...).
            Only applies when `convention` is a path to a raster file

        Suggested tilt angle at each of the provided `locs`.
        Has the same length as the number of `locs`.

        When `convention` equals "Ryberg2020", the following equation is followed:

        .. math:: 42.327719357601396 * arctan( 1.5 * abs(latitude) )

    .. [1] TODO: Cite future Ryberg2020 publication

    locs = gk.LocationSet(locs)

    if convention == 'Ryberg2020':
        tilt = 42.327719357601396 * np.arctan(1.5 * np.radians(np.abs(locs.lats)))

    elif isfile(convention):
        tilt = gk.raster.interpolateValues(convention, locs, **kwargs)

            tilt = eval(convention, {}, {"latitude": locs.lats})
            raise ResError("Failed to apply tilt convention")

    return tilt
Example #3
def test_SolarWorkflowManager_estimate_azimuth_from_latitude(
    man = pt_SolarWorkflowManager_initialized


    assert np.isclose(man.placements['azimuth'],
                      [180, 180, 180, 180, 180]).all()

    man.placements['lat'] *= -1
    man.locs = gk.LocationSet(man.placements[['lon', 'lat']].values)

    assert np.isclose(man.placements['azimuth'], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]).all()
    def __init__(self, placements: pd.DataFrame):
        # arrange placements, locs, and extent
        assert isinstance(placements, pd.DataFrame)
        self.placements = placements.copy()
        self.locs = None

        if 'geom' in placements.columns:
            self.locs = gk.LocationSet(placements.geom)
            self.placements['lon'] = self.locs.lons
            self.placements['lat'] = self.locs.lats
            del self.placements['geom']

        assert 'lon' in self.placements.columns
        assert 'lat' in self.placements.columns

        if self.locs is None:
            self.locs = gk.LocationSet(self.placements[['lon', 'lat']].values)

        self.ext = gk.Extent.fromLocationSet(self.locs)

        # Initialize simulation data
        self.sim_data = OrderedDict()
        self.time_index = None
        self.workflow_parameters = OrderedDict()
Example #5
def roughness_from_land_cover_source(source, loc, land_cover_type='clc'):
    Estimate roughness value from a given land cover raster source

    source : str
        The path to the Corine Land Cover raster file on the disk.

    loc : Anything acceptable to geokit.LocationSet
        Arguments accepted include: str, OGR point object (must have an SRS within the object, default = 4326 (for Europe)), lat and lon coordinates (tuple (lat,lon)).
        Refers to for more information.

    land_cover_type : str, optional
        Accepted arguments are 'clc', 'clc-code', 'globCover', 'modis', or 'cci', by default 'clc'
        'clc': Corine Land Cover (CLC) 
        'clc-code': Corine Land Cover (CLC) codes
        'globCover': Global Wind Atlas
        'modis': Modis number for "no data" points of Global Wind Atlas (mostly in areas North of 60°)
        'cci': Climate Change Initiative land cover classification

    int or numpy.ndarray
        Roughness lengths factors
        A single int is returned in the event that a single location is specified in `locations`.
        A one-dimensional Numpy array is returned in the event that multiple locations are specified in `locations`.

    See Also
        roughness_from_levels(low_wind_speed, low_height, high_wind_speed, high_height)
        roughness_from_clc(clc_path, loc, window_range)
        roughness_from_land_cover_classification(classification, land_cover_type)
    loc = gk.LocationSet(loc)
    classifications = gk.raster.interpolateValues(source, loc, noDataOkay=False)

    return roughness_from_land_cover_classification(classifications, land_cover_type=land_cover_type)
def distribute_workflow(workflow_function: FunctionType,
                        placements: pd.DataFrame,
                        jobs: int = 2,
                        max_batch_size: int = None,
                        intermediate_output_dir: str = None,
                        **kwargs) -> xarray.Dataset:
    """Distributes a RESKit simulation workflow across multiple CPUs

    Parallelism is achieved by breaking up the placements dataframe into placement groups via  
      KMeans grouping  

    workflow_function : FunctionType
        The workflow function to be parallelized
        - All RESKit workflow functions should be suitable here
        - If you want to make your own function, the only requirement is that its first argument
          should be a pandas DataFrame in the form of a placements table (i.e. has a 'lat' and 
          'lon' column) 
        - Don't forget that that all inputs required for the workflow function are still required,
          and are passed on as constants through any specified `kwargs`

    placements : pandas.DataFrame
        A DataFrame describing the placements to be simulated
        For example, if you are simulating wind turbines, the following columns are likely required:

    jobs : int, optional
        The number of parallel jobs 
        - By default 2

    max_batch_size : int, optional
        If given, limits the maximum number of total placements which are simulated in parallel
        - Use this to reduce the memory requirements of the simulations (in turn increasing 
          overall simulation time)  
        - By default None

    intermediate_output_dir : str, optional
        In case of very large outputs (which are too large to be joined into a singular XArray dataset), 
          use this to write the individual simulation results to the specified directory  
        - By default None

        All all key word arguments are passed on as constants to each simulation
        - Use these to set the required arguments for the given `workflow_function`

        An XArray Dataset which contains the combined results of the distributed simulations

    import xarray
    from multiprocessing import Pool

    assert isinstance(placements, pd.DataFrame)
    assert ("lon" in placements.columns
            and "lat" in placements.columns) or ("geom" in placements.columns)

    # Split placements into groups
    if "geom" in placements.columns:
        locs = gk.LocationSet(placements)
        locs = gk.LocationSet(

    placements.index = locs
    placements['location_id'] = np.arange(placements.shape[0])

    if max_batch_size is None:
        max_batch_size = int(np.ceil(placements.shape[0] / jobs))

    kmeans_groups = int(np.ceil(placements.shape[0] / max_batch_size))
    placement_groups = []
    for placement_group in _split_locs(placements, kmeans_groups):
        kmeans_groups_level2 = int(
            np.ceil(placement_group.shape[0] / max_batch_size))

        for placement_sub_group in _split_locs(placement_group,

    # Do simulations
    pool = Pool(jobs)

    results = []
    for gid, placement_group in enumerate(placement_groups):

        kwargs_ = kwargs.copy()
        if intermediate_output_dir is not None:
            kwargs_['output_netcdf_path'] = join(

                             args=(placement_group, ),

    xdss = []
    for result in results:


    if intermediate_output_dir is None:
        return xarray.concat(xdss, dim="location").sortby('location')
        return xdss
Example #7

gwaFile = "/data/s-ryberg/data/geography/global_wind_atlas/v3/gwa3_250_wind-speed_100m.tif"
placementFile = "output_data/placements.shp"
turbineDesign = windpower.TurbineLibrary.loc[PARAMS['turbineDesign']]

outputFile = "output_data/generation.csv"

# Get Placements
placements = gk.vector.extractFeatures(placementFile)

# Get mean windspeed for each placement
placements['ws100m'] = gk.raster.interpolateValues(gwaFile, placements.geom)

# Make synthetic wind speed data
locs = gk.LocationSet(placements.geom)
windspeedValues = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(placements['ws100m'],
                                                placements['ws100m'] / 4, (

# Wind turbine simulation
generation = windpower.simulateTurbine(windspeedValues,
Example #8
def roughness_from_clc(clc_path, loc, window_range=0):
    Estimates a roughness factor according to suggestions by Silva et al. [1] by the prominent land cover at given locations according to the Corine Land Cover dataset [2].

    clc_path : str
        The path to the Corine Land Cover (CLC) raster file on the disk.
        This function currently only works for CLC versions before 2018. 

    loc : Anything acceptable to geokit.LocationSet
        The locations for which roughness should be estimated.
        Arguments accepted include: str, OGR point object (must have an SRS within the object, default = 4326 (for Europe)), lat and lon coordinates tuple (lat,lon).
        Refers to for more information.

    window_range : int; optional
        An extra number of pixels to extract around the indicated locations, by default 0.
        A window_range = 0 means that only the CLC pixel value for each location is returned. A window_range of 1 means an extra pixel is extracted around each location in all directions. Leading to a 3x3 matrix of roughness values
        Use this if you need to do some operation on the roughnesses found around the indicated location

    float or numpy.ndarray
        Roughness lengths factors
        A single float is returned in the event that a single location is specified in `locations`.
        A one-dimensional Numpy array is returned in the event that multiple locations are specified in `locations`.

    See Also
        roughness_from_levels(low_wind_speed, low_height, high_wind_speed, high_height)
        roughness_from_land_cover_classification(classification, land_cover_type)
        roughness_from_land_cover_source(source, loc, land_cover_type)

        [1] Silva, J., Ribeiro, C., & Guedes, R. (2007). Roughness length classification of corine land cover classes. European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition 2007, EWEC 2007.
        [2] Copernicus (European Union’s Earth Observation Programme). (2018). Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2000, Version 2018. Copernicus.

    Roughness values [1]

        Continuous urban fabric : 1.2 
        Broad-leaved forest : 0.75 
        Coniferous-leaved forest : 0.75 
        Mixed-leaved forest : 0.75 
        Green urban areas : 0.6 
        Transitional woodland/shrub : 0.6 
        Burnt areas : 0.6 
        Discontinuous urban fabric : 0.5 
        Construction sites : 0.5 
        Industrial or commercial units : 0.5 
        Sport and leisure facilities : 0.5 
        Port areas : 0.5 
        Agro-forestry areas : 0.3 
        Complex cultivation patterns : 0.3 
        Land principally occupied by agriculture, with significant areas of natural vegetation : 0.3 
        Annual crops associated with permanent crops : 0.1 
        Fruit trees and berry plantations : 0.1 
        Vineyard : 0.1 
        Olive groves : 0.1 
        Road and rail networks and associated land : 0.075 
        Non-irrigated arable land : 0.05 
        Permanently irrigated land : 0.05 
        Rice fields : 0.05 
        Inland marshes : 0.05 
        Salt marshes : 0.05 
        Sclerophylous vegetation : 0.03 
        Moors and heathland : 0.03 
        Natural grassland : 0.03 
        Pastures : 0.03 
        Dump sites : 0.005 
        Mineral extraction sites : 0.005 
        Airports : 0.005 
        Bare rock : 0.005 
        Sparsely vegetated areas : 0.005 
        Glaciers and perpetual snow : 0.001 
        Peatbogs : 0.0005 
        Salines : 0.0005 
        Intertidal flats : 0.0005 
        Beaches, dunes, and sand plains : 0.0003 
        Water courses # SUSPICIOUS : 0.001 
        Water bodies # SUSPISCIOUS : 0.0005 
        Costal lagoons # SUSPISCIOUS : 0.0005 
        Estuaries # SUSPISCIOUS : 0.0008 
        Sea and ocean # SUSPISCIOUS : 0.0002 

    # Ensure location is okay
    loc = gk.LocationSet(loc)

    # Get pixels values from clc
    clcGridValues = gk.raster.interpolateValues(clc_path, loc, winRange=window_range, noDataOkay=True)

    # make output array
    if window_range > 0:
        outputs = []
        for v in clcGridValues:
            # Treat nodata as ocean
            v[np.isnan(v)] = 44
            v[v > 44] = 44
            v = v.astype(int)

            values, counts = np.unique(v, return_counts=True)

            total = 0
            for val, cnt in zip(values, counts):
                total += cnt * clcCodeToRoughess[clcGridToCode_v2006[val]]

            outputs.append(total / counts.sum())
        # Treat nodata as ocean
        clcGridValues[np.isnan(clcGridValues)] = 44
        clcGridValues[clcGridValues > 44] = 44
        clcGridValues = clcGridValues.astype(int)

        # Get the associated
        outputs = [clcCodeToRoughess[clcGridToCode_v2006[val]] for val in clcGridValues]

    # Done!
    if len(outputs) == 1:
        return outputs[0]
        return np.array(outputs)
Example #9
    def get(self,
        Retrieve a time series for a variable from the source's data library at the given location(s)

        Can also use various interpolation schemes (e.g. near, bilinear, or cubic)

            variable : str
                The variable within the data library to extract

            locations : Anything acceptable by geokit.LocationSet.load( )
                The location(s) to search for

                * geokit.Location, or geokit.LocationSet are best
                * A single tuple with (lon, lat) is acceptable, or a list of such tuples
                * A single point geometry (as long as it has an SRS), or a list of geometries

            interpolation : str, optional
                The interpolation method to use

                * 'near' => For each location, extract the time series from the source's 
                closest lat/lon index
                * 'bilinear' => For each location, use the time series of the source's
                surrounding +/- 1 index locations to create an estimated time 
                series at the given location using a biliear interpolation scheme
                * 'cubic' => For each location, use the time series of the source's
                surrounding +/- 2 index locations to create an estimated time 
                series at the given location using a cubic scheme

            force_as_data_frame : bool, optional
                If True, instructs the returned value to always take the form of a 
                Pandas DataFrame regardless of how many locations are specified

            outside_okay : bool, optional
                Determines if points which are outside the source's lat/lon grid
                are allowed
                * If True, points outside this space will return as None
                * If False, an error is raised 


        If a single location is given: pandas.Series
          * Indexes match to the source's time dimension

        If multiple locations are given (or if `force_as_data_frame` is True): pandas.DataFrame
          * Indexes match to the source's time dimension
          * Columns match to the given order of locations

        # Ensure loc is a list
        locations = gk.LocationSet(locations)

        # Get the indicies
        if _indicies is None:
            # compute the closest indices
            if not self.dependent_coordinates or interpolation == 'near':
                as_int = True
                as_int = False
            indicies = self.loc_to_index(locations,
            # Assume indicies match locations
            indicies = _indicies

        if isinstance(indicies, Index):
            indicies = [

        # Do interpolation
        if interpolation == 'near':
            # arrange the output data
            tmp = []
            for i in indicies:
                if not i is None:
                    tmp.append([variable][:, i.yi, i.xi])
                    ] * self.time_index.size))
            output = np.column_stack(tmp)

        elif interpolation == "cubic" or interpolation == "bilinear":
            # set some arguments for later use
            if interpolation == "cubic":
                win = 4
                rbsArgs = dict()
                win = 2
                rbsArgs = dict(kx=1, ky=1)

            # Set up interpolation arrays
            yiMin = np.round(min([i.yi for i in indicies]) - win).astype(int)
            yiMax = np.round(max([i.yi for i in indicies]) + win).astype(int)
            xiMin = np.round(min([i.xi for i in indicies]) - win).astype(int)
            xiMax = np.round(max([i.xi for i in indicies]) + win).astype(int)

            # ensure boundaries are okay
            if yiMin < 0 or xiMin < 0 or yiMax > self._latN or xiMax > self._lonN:
                raise ResError(
                    "Insufficient data. Try expanding the boundary of the extracted data"

            # TODO: Update interpolation schemes to handle out-of-bounds indices

            if self.dependent_coordinates:  # do interpolations in 'index space'
                if isinstance(indicies[0][0], int):
                    raise ResError(
                        "Index must be float type for interpolation")

                gridYVals = np.arange(yiMin, yiMax + 1)
                gridXVals = np.arange(xiMin, xiMax + 1)

                yInterp = [i.yi for i in indicies]
                xInterp = [i.xi for i in indicies]

            else:  # do interpolation in the expected 'coordinate space'
                gridYVals = self.lats[yiMin:yiMax + 1]
                gridXVals = self.lons[xiMin:xiMax + 1]

                yInterp = [ for loc in locations]
                xInterp = [loc.lon for loc in locations]

            # Do interpolation
            output = []
            for ts in range([variable].shape[0]):
                # set up interpolation
                rbs = RectBivariateSpline(
                    gridYVals, gridXVals,
          [variable][ts, yiMin:yiMax + 1,
                                        xiMin:xiMax + 1], **rbsArgs)

                # interpolate for each location
                # lat/lon order switched to match index order
                output.append(rbs(yInterp, xInterp, grid=False))

            output = np.stack(output)

            raise ResError(
                "Interpolation scheme not one of: 'near', 'cubic', or 'bilinear'"

        # Make output as Series objects
        if force_as_data_frame or (len(output.shape) > 1
                                   and output.shape[1] > 1):
            return pd.DataFrame(output,
                return pd.Series(output[:, 0],
                return pd.Series(output,
Example #10
    def loc_to_index(self, loc, outside_okay=False, as_int=True):
        """Returns the closest X and Y indexes corresponding to a given location 
        or set of locations

        loc : Anything acceptable by geokit.LocationSet
            The location(s) to search for
            * A single tuple with (lon, lat) is acceptable, or a list of such tuples
            * A single point geometry (as long as it has an SRS), or a list
              of geometries is okay
            * geokit,Location, or geokit.LocationSet are best!

        outside_okay : bool, optional
            Determines if points which are outside the source's lat/lon grid
            are allowed
            * If True, points outside this space will return as None
            * If False, an error is raised 

        If a single location is given: tuple 
            * Format: (yIndex, xIndex)
            * y index can be accessed with '.yi'
            * x index can be accessed with '.xi'

        If multiple locations are given: list
            * Format: [ (yIndex1, xIndex1), (yIndex2, xIndex2), ...]
            * Order matches the given order of locations

        The default form of this function (which is the one used here) is not very efficient, ultimately 
            leading to much longer look-up than they otherwise need to be. When the weather source has
            grid cells on a regular lat/lon grid then a more efficient form of this function can be 
            configured using the function generator "_loc_to_index_rect". In these instances, this is 
            the recommended function to use.

        For example, if the weather source uses a latitude spacing of 0.5, and a longitude spacing of 
            0.625, then the function generator can be used like:

            > source.loc_to_index = source._loc_to_index_rect(lat_step=0.5, lon_step=0.625)

        # Ensure loc is a list
        locations = gk.LocationSet(loc)

        # get closest indices
        idx = []
        for lat, lon in zip(locations.lats, locations.lons):
            # Check the distance
            latDist = lat - self.lats
            lonDist = lon - self.lons

            # Get the best indices
            if self.dependent_coordinates:
                dist = lonDist * lonDist + latDist * latDist
                latI, lonI = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(dist), dist.shape)

                latDists = []
                if latI < self._latN - 1:
                        (self.lats[latI + 1, lonI] - self.lats[latI, lonI]))
                if latI > 0:
                        (self.lats[latI, lonI] - self.lats[latI - 1, lonI]))
                latDistI = latDist[latI, lonI] / np.mean(latDists)

                lonDists = []
                if lonI < self._lonN - 1:
                        (self.lons[latI, lonI + 1] - self.lons[latI, lonI]))
                if lonI > 0:
                        (self.lons[latI, lonI] - self.lons[latI, lonI - 1]))
                lonDistI = lonDist[latI, lonI] / np.mean(lonDists)

                lonI = np.argmin(np.abs(lonDist))
                latI = np.argmin(np.abs(latDist))

                latDists = []
                if latI < self._latN - 1:
                    latDists.append((self.lats[latI + 1] - self.lats[latI]))
                if latI > 0:
                    latDists.append((self.lats[latI] - self.lats[latI - 1]))
                latDistI = latDist[latI] / np.mean(latDists)

                lonDists = []
                if lonI < self._latN - 1:
                    lonDists.append((self.lons[lonI + 1] - self.lons[lonI]))
                if lonI > 0:
                    lonDists.append((self.lons[lonI] - self.lons[lonI - 1]))
                lonDistI = lonDist[lonI] / np.mean(lonDists)

            # Check for out of bounds
            if np.abs(latDistI) > self._maximal_lat_difference or np.abs(
                    lonDistI) > self._maximal_lon_difference:
                if not outside_okay:
                    raise ResError("(%f,%f) are outside the boundaries" %
                                   (lat, lon))

            # As int?
            if not as_int:
                latI = latI + latDistI
                lonI = lonI + lonDistI

            # append
            idx.append(Index(yi=latI, xi=lonI))

        # Make output
        if locations.count == 1:
            return idx[0]
            return idx
Example #11
        def func(self, loc, outside_okay=False, as_int=True):
            """Returns the closest X and Y indexes corresponding to a given location 
            or set of locations

            loc : Anything acceptable by geokit.LocationSet
                The location(s) to search for
                * A single tuple with (lon, lat) is acceptable, or a list of such tuples
                * A single point geometry (as long as it has an SRS), or a list
                  of geometries is okay
                * geokit,Location, or geokit.LocationSet are best!

            outside_okay : bool, optional
                Determines if points which are outside the source's lat/lon grid
                are allowed
                * If True, points outside this space will return as None
                * If False, an error is raised 

            If a single location is given: tuple 
                * Format: (yIndex, xIndex)
                * y index can be accessed with '.yi'
                * x index can be accessed with '.xi'

            If multiple locations are given: list
                * Format: [ (yIndex1, xIndex1), (yIndex2, xIndex2), ...]
                * Order matches the given order of locations

            # Ensure loc is a list
            locations = gk.LocationSet(loc)

            # get closest indices
            latI = (locations.lats - self.lats[0]) / lat_step
            lonI = (locations.lons - self.lons[0]) / lon_step

            # Check for out of bounds
            oob = (latI < 0) | (latI >= self._latN) | (lonI < 0) | (lonI >=
            if oob.any():
                if not outside_okay:
                    print("The following locations are out of bounds")
                    raise ResError("Locations are outside the boundaries")

            # As int?
            if as_int:
                latI = np.round(latI).astype(int)
                lonI = np.round(lonI).astype(int)

            # Make output
            if locations.count == 1:
                if oob[0] is True:
                    return None
                    return Index(yi=latI[0], xi=lonI[0])
                return [
                    None if _oob else Index(yi=y, xi=x)
                    for _oob, y, x in zip(oob, latI, lonI)