Example #1
    def getTriangle_s(path):
        result = []

        file = open(path)
        lines = file.readlines()

        index = 0

        while index < len(lines):

            if str(lines[index]).startswith("3DFACE"):

                while str(lines[index]).startswith(" 10") is False:
                    index += 1
                x0 = float(lines[index + 1])
                while str(lines[index]).startswith(" 20") is False:
                    index += 1
                y0 = float(lines[index + 1])
                while str(lines[index]).startswith(" 30") is False:
                    index += 1
                z0 = float(lines[index + 1])
                while str(lines[index]).startswith(" 11") is False:
                    index += 1
                x1 = float(lines[index + 1])
                while str(lines[index]).startswith(" 21") is False:
                    index += 1
                y1 = float(lines[index + 1])
                while str(lines[index]).startswith(" 31") is False:
                    index += 1
                z1 = float(lines[index + 1])
                while str(lines[index]).startswith(" 12") is False:
                    index += 1
                x2 = float(lines[index + 1])
                while str(lines[index]).startswith(" 22") is False:
                    index += 1
                y2 = float(lines[index + 1])
                while str(lines[index]).startswith(" 32") is False:
                    index += 1
                z2 = float(lines[index + 1])

                p0 = Point3d(x0, y0, z0)
                p1 = Point3d(x1, y1, z1)
                p2 = Point3d(x2, y2, z2)

                result.append(Triangle3d(p0, p1, p2))

            index += 1

        return Solid3d(result)
Example #2
    def distanceToPlane(self,p0,p1):

        AB = [self.p1.x-self.p0.x,self.p1.y-self.p0.y,self.p1.z-self.p0.z]
        AC = [self.p2.x-self.p0.x,self.p2.y-self.p0.y,self.p2.z-self.p0.z]

        #print ('AB = ',AB,' AC = ',AC)

        a = AB[1]*AC[2]-AB[2]*AC[1]
        b = AB[0]*AC[2]-AB[2]*AC[0]
        c = AB[0]*AC[1]-AB[1]*AC[0]

        #d = -ax - by - cz
        d = -a*self.p2.x - b*self.p2.y - c*self.p2.z
        d1 = abs(a*p0.x+b*p0.y+c*p0.z+d)/math.sqrt(a**2+b**2+c**2)
        d2 = abs(a*p1.x+b*p1.y+c*p1.z+d)/math.sqrt(a**2+b**2+c**2)
        #print ('abcd = ',a,b,c,d,p0.z,p1.z,c*p0.z,c*p1.z)
        #print ('d1 = ',a*p0.x+b*p0.y+c*p0.z+d,abs(a*p0.x+b*p0.y+c*p0.z+d))
        #print ('d2 = ',abs(a*p1.x+b*p1.y+c*p1.z+d),a*p1.x+b*p1.y+c*p1.z+d)
        #print ('d1 = ',d1)
        #print ('d2 = ',d2)

        if (d1 != 0 and d2 != 0):
            d1_new = d1/(d1+d2); d2_new = d2/(d1+d2)
            return Point3d(p0.x + (p1.x-p0.x)*d1_new,p0.y + (p1.y-p0.y)*d1_new,p0.z + (p1.z-p0.z)*d1_new)
            return False
 def findByPolygon3dId(self, polygon3dId):
     columns = ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'NEXT']
     where = 'POLYGON_3D=%s' % polygon3dId
     points = self.findByColumnsWithRowid(columns, where)
     points = dict([(next, Point3d(x, y, z, rowid)) for x, y, z, next, rowid in points])
     next = -1
     result = []
     while next in points:
         point = points[next]
         next = point.rowid
     return result
Example #4
    def getTriangleIntersections(self,consts_curve1,reduced_coords,plane):
        Funcion que obtiene los puntos de interseccion de un triangulo con respecto a una recta, indicando plano de referencia.
        @param consts_curve1 : Lista de constantes de la recta con la cual intersecta el triangulo.
        @param reduced_coords: Abscisas y ordenadas reducidas para cada punto del triangulo.
        @param plane         : Indica el plano de referencia para realizar los calculos.
        from geometry.controller.geometry_3d.polygon_3d import Polygon3d
        intersect_points = []
        pts = [self.p0,self.p1,self.p2]

        Recorrer para cada punto del triangulo.
        for i in range(3):
            p1 = Point2D(reduced_coords[0][i-1], reduced_coords[1][i-1])
            p2 = Point2D(reduced_coords[0][i], reduced_coords[1][i])
            Generar un segmento del triangulo y verificar si existe interseccion con la curva.
            state,p_int = Segment2D(p1,p2).obtainIntersection(consts_curve1,self.p0,Point3d(10*self.p0.x,10*self.p0.y,10*self.p0.z))
            if (state != -1):
                if (plane == 'xy'):
                    consts_curve2 = Polygon3d([pts[i-1],pts[i]]).obtainConsts(3)
                    p_int = Point3d(p_int[0]*1000,p_int[1]*1000,p_int[2]*1000)
                if (plane == 'yz'):
                    consts_curve2 = Polygon3d([Point3d(pts[i-1].y,pts[i-1].z,pts[i-1].x), \
                    p_int = Point3d(p_int[2]*1000,p_int[0]*1000,p_int[1]*1000)
                if (plane == 'zx'):
                    consts_curve2 = Polygon3d([Point3d(pts[i-1].z,pts[i-1].x,pts[i-1].y), \
                    p_int = Point3d(p_int[1]*1000,p_int[2]*1000,p_int[0]*1000)

        return intersect_points
    def importFromCSV(self):
        coordx = None
        coordy = None
        coordz = None
        for i in range(self.tableWidget._headerWidget.columnCount()):
            background = self.tableWidget._headerWidget.item(0, i)._background
            if background == 'RED_500': coordx = i
            elif background == 'GREEN_500': coordy = i
            elif background == 'BLUE_500': coordz = i

        if coordx is not None and coordy is not None and coordz is not None:
            infile = open(self.path, 'r')
            values = [line.replace('\n', '').split(',') for line in infile]
            points = [
                Point3d(value[coordx], value[coordy], value[coordz])
                for value in values
            setOfPoint3d = SetOfPoint3d(points,
Example #6
    def CreateMesh2(self, solid, centroid_solid, cubes):
        Crear diccionario de puntos.
        points_mesh = {}
        cube_evaluating = []

        #Calcular centroide del solido.
        #centroid_solid = solid.getCentroid()
        Definir arreglo de indicadores. Para cada cubo se almacenara, para cada vertice, un indicador que sera de "1" si el punto se halla
        dentro del solido, y "0" si esta fuera.
        for index_cube in range(0, len(cubes)):
            Obtener el total de puntos del cubo.
            lpoints_for_cube = cubes[index_cube].getPointsCube()
            lpoints = cubes[index_cube].getPointsCube()
            cube_evaluating[index_cube].append([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
            cube_evaluating[index_cube].append([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
            Definir arreglo de opciones para los puntos del cubo en cuestion.
            options_cube = []

            for point in lpoints:
                pt = (round(point.x, 8), round(point.y, 8), round(point.z, 8))
                if pt in points_mesh:
                    points_mesh[pt] = [0, index_cube]

        points_mesh_evaluated = {}

        for triangle in solid.triangles:

            tetrahedron = Tetrahedron3d(triangle.p0, triangle.p1, triangle.p2)
            points_delete = []

            for point in points_mesh:
                state = tetrahedron.isPointInTetrahedron(
                    centroid_solid, Point3d(point[0], point[1], point[2]))
                if (state is True):
                    points_mesh_evaluated[point] = points_mesh[point]
                    points_mesh_evaluated[point][0] = triangle

            for point in points_delete:
                del points_mesh[point]

        #for p in points_mesh_evaluated:
        #    print ('point_mesh_evaluated = ',points_mesh_evaluated[p])
        for cube in cube_evaluating:
            for point in range(0, 8):
                pt = (round(cube[point].x,
                            8), round(cube[point].y,
                                      8), round(cube[point].z, 8))
                if pt in points_mesh_evaluated:
                    cube[8][point] = 1
                    cube[9][point] = points_mesh_evaluated[pt][0]

        return cube_evaluating
Example #7
    def CreateMesh4(self, solid, centroid_solid, cubes):
        Crear diccionario de puntos.
        points_mesh = {}
        cube_evaluating = []

        points = cubes[1].getPointsCube()
        #seg = Segment3d(points[0],points[1])
        #seg = Segment3d(points[1],points[2])
        #seg = Segment3d(points[2],points[3])
        #seg = Segment3d(points[3],points[0])
        #seg = Segment3d(points[4],points[5])
        #seg = Segment3d(points[5],points[6])
        #seg = Segment3d(points[6],points[7])
        seg = Segment3d(points[7], points[4])

        print('segment_p0.x', seg.p0.x)
        print('segment_p0.y', seg.p0.y)
        print('segment_p0.z', seg.p0.z)
        print('segment_p1.x', seg.p1.x)
        print('segment_p1.y', seg.p1.y)
        print('segment_p1.z', seg.p1.z)

        tE = 0
        tL = 1

        triangle_obtained = []
        print('solid.triangles = ', solid.triangles[0])
        print('triangle = ', solid.triangles[0].p0.x)
        print('triangle = ', solid.triangles[0].p0.y)
        print('triangle = ', solid.triangles[0].p0.z)
        print('triangle = ', solid.triangles[0].p1.x)
        print('triangle = ', solid.triangles[0].p1.y)
        print('triangle = ', solid.triangles[0].p1.z)
        print('triangle = ', solid.triangles[0].p2.x)
        print('triangle = ', solid.triangles[0].p2.y)
        print('triangle = ', solid.triangles[0].p2.z)

        for t in solid.triangles:
            #U = p1-p0
            #V = p2-p0

            #Nx = UyVz - UzVy
            #Ny = UzVx - UxVz
            #Nz = UxVy - UyVx

            U = [t.p1.x - t.p0.x, t.p1.y - t.p0.y, t.p1.z - t.p0.z]
            V = [t.p2.x - t.p0.x, t.p2.y - t.p0.y, t.p2.z - t.p0.z]

            n_i = [
                U[1] * V[2] - U[2] * V[1], U[2] * V[0] - U[0] * V[2],
                U[0] * V[1] - U[1] * V[0]
            N = -((seg.p0.x - t.p0.x) * n_i[0] + (seg.p0.y - t.p0.y) * n_i[1] +
                  (seg.p0.z - t.p0.z) * n_i[2])
            D = (seg.p1.x - seg.p0.x) * n_i[0] + (
                seg.p1.y - seg.p0.y) * n_i[1] + (seg.p1.z - seg.p0.z) * n_i[2]
            #t_i_n = (t.p0.x-seg.p0.x)*n_i[0] + (t.p0.y-seg.p0.y)*n_i[1] + (t.p0.z-seg.p0.z)*n_i[2]
            #t_i_d = (seg.p1.x-seg.p0.x)*n_i[0] + (seg.p1.y-seg.p0.y)*n_i[1] + (seg.p1.z-seg.p0.z)*n_i[2]
            #t_i = t_i_n/t_i_d

            if (D == 0):
                if (N < 0):
                    print('segment out of solid')
                    print('continue evaluating solid')

                t_i = N / D
                if (D < 0):
                    #print ('S is entering OMEGA')
                    tE = max(tE, t_i)
                    if (tE > tL):
                        print('S is not entering OMEGA')
                        print('S is entering OMEGA')
                        intersection_point = Point3d(
                            seg.p0.x + tE * (seg.p1.x - seg.p0.x),
                            seg.p0.y + tE * (seg.p1.y - seg.p0.y),
                            seg.p0.z + tE * (seg.p1.z - seg.p0.z))
                            Triangle3d(t.p0, intersection_point, t.p1))

                    #print ('S is leaving OMEGA')
                    tL = min(tL, t_i)
                    if (tL < tE):
                        print('S is not leaving OMEGA')
                        print('S is leaving OMEGA')
                        intersection_point = Point3d(
                            seg.p0.x + tL * (seg.p1.x - seg.p0.x),
                            seg.p0.y + tL * (seg.p1.y - seg.p0.y),
                            seg.p0.z + tL * (seg.p1.z - seg.p0.z))
                            Triangle3d(t.p0, intersection_point, t.p1))

            print('normal_t = ', N, D)

        #return [solid.triangles[0],Triangle3d(seg.p0.x)]
        return triangle_obtained
Example #8
def main():
  polygon = Polygon3d([Point3d(x, y, z) for x, y, z in [(82369.828, 72182.659, 2543.001), (82372.394, 72178.129, 2542.758), (82377.71, 72169.938, 2542.415), (82381.014, 72163.561, 2542.425), (82383.613, 72159.13, 2542.314), (82386.395, 72154.729, 2542.105), (82388.84, 72150.153, 2542.13), (82393.078, 72140.715, 2541.759), (82394.764, 72135.952, 2541.478), (82396.178, 72130.901, 2541.117), (82397.238, 72125.88, 2540.579), (82396.412, 72121.84, 2540.473), (82393.572, 72117.671, 2540.043), (82390.316, 72113.789, 2539.779), (82386.786, 72109.922, 2539.73), (82382.201, 72107.695, 2539.91), (82377.656, 72104.957, 2539.593), (82373.125, 72102.197, 2539.514), (82369.272, 72098.901, 2539.373), (82364.919, 72095.949, 2539.313), (82360.274, 72093.544, 2539.256), (82355.67, 72090.941, 2539.09), (82351.024, 72088.91, 2539.052), (82346.553, 72086.26, 2538.897), (82340.765, 72081.55, 2538.492), (82336.421, 72078.906, 2538.275), (82332.389, 72075.677, 2538.08), (82328.749, 72071.917, 2537.946), (82325.232, 72067.99, 2537.863), (82321.724, 72064.288, 2537.865), (82318.032, 72060.64, 2537.995), (82314.75, 72056.624, 2538.017), (82310.962, 72053.089, 2537.922), (82307.38, 72049.586, 2537.804), (82303.823, 72045.841, 2537.735), (82300.126, 72041.951, 2537.747), (82296.32, 72038.292, 2537.723), (82292.355, 72034.778, 2537.566), (82288.594, 72031.263, 2537.352), (82284.654, 72027.722, 2537.029), (82281.074, 72024.148, 2536.822), (82277.508, 72020.384, 2536.627), (82273.735, 72016.843, 2536.457), (82269.93, 72013.2, 2536.385), (82266.065, 72009.778, 2536.227), (82262.37, 72006.324, 2536.185), (82258.884, 72002.69, 2536.148), (82255.453, 71998.997, 2536.099), (82251.876, 71995.41, 2535.969), (82248.024, 71991.789, 2535.847), (82244.074, 71988.548, 2535.651), (82240.137, 71985.019, 2535.465), (82236.765, 71981.315, 2535.263), (82236.335, 71980.402, 2535.275), (82234.357, 71979.281, 2535.125), (82230.418, 71975.802, 2534.927), (82227.031, 71971.862, 2534.841), (82223.439, 71968.257, 2534.823), (82219.499, 71964.906, 2534.659), (82215.936, 71961.306, 2534.475), (82212.413, 71957.5, 2534.274), (82208.833, 71953.711, 2534.234), (82205.363, 71950.077, 2534.043), (82201.612, 71946.528, 2533.885), (82197.352, 71943.452, 2533.742), (82192.79, 71940.75, 2533.574), (82189.011, 71937.374, 2533.426), (82185.075, 71933.809, 2533.357), (82181.333, 71930.441, 2533.241), (82177.676, 71926.617, 2533.18), (82174.124, 71922.848, 2533.026), (82170.492, 71919.195, 2532.803), (82166.973, 71915.632, 2532.674), (82163.657, 71911.859, 2532.499), (82160.215, 71908.068, 2532.296), (82156.525, 71904.293, 2532.099), (82152.663, 71901.065, 2532.049), (82148.795, 71897.547, 2532.011), (82145.085, 71893.926, 2531.817), (82141.571, 71890.289, 2531.74), (82138.226, 71886.362, 2531.62), (82134.64, 71882.58, 2531.433), (82130.95, 71878.869, 2531.401), (82127.11, 71875.365, 2531.312), (82123.844, 71871.409, 2531.3), (82120.335, 71867.672, 2531.21), (82116.797, 71864.1, 2531.059), (82113.125, 71860.705, 2530.866), (82109.467, 71857.295, 2530.64), (82105.652, 71853.936, 2530.401), (82101.636, 71850.499, 2530.271), (82097.961, 71846.75, 2530.148), (82094.565, 71842.904, 2529.938), (82091.122, 71839.215, 2529.794), (82087.025, 71835.936, 2529.671), (82082.911, 71832.916, 2529.595), (82079.009, 71829.706, 2529.554), (82075.205, 71826.423, 2529.308), (82072.017, 71822.489, 2528.915), (82068.843, 71818.269, 2528.727), (82065.404, 71814.373, 2528.693), (82062.137, 71807.216, 2529.544), (82059.046, 71803.125, 2528.435), (82056.724, 71798.606, 2528.604), (82055.39, 71793.711, 2528.411), (82052.458, 71789.376, 2528.275), (82049.912, 71784.877, 2527.995), (82046.315, 71782.778, 2528.062), (82043.679, 71787.036, 2528.12), (82041.465, 71791.685, 2528.189), (82039.339, 71796.55, 2528.374), (82037.178, 71801.243, 2528.63), (82035.386, 71805.992, 2528.85), (82033.205, 71810.572, 2528.905), (82030.552, 71815.172, 2528.842), (82029.088, 71817.474, 2528.914), (82027.326, 71820.863, 2529.009), (82024.764, 71825.185, 2529.161), (82022.508, 71829.965, 2529.268), (82019.987, 71834.504, 2529.344), (82017.926, 71839.16, 2529.625), (82015.264, 71843.456, 2529.666), (82013.051, 71847.986, 2529.894), (82010.367, 71852.53, 2530.145), (82007.997, 71857.104, 2530.749), (82007.857, 71862.179, 2531.416), (82011.547, 71865.559, 2532.317), (82016.381, 71867.204, 2530.533), (82020.954, 71869.406, 2530.005), (82024.554, 71872.888, 2530.271), (82028.313, 71876.533, 2530.357), (82031.942, 71880.174, 2530.483), (82034.937, 71884.316, 2530.521), (82038.175, 71888.407, 2530.616), (82041.439, 71892.513, 2530.814), (82044.708, 71896.332, 2530.865), (82047.987, 71900.339, 2530.984), (82051.051, 71904.322, 2531.082), (82054.452, 71908.248, 2531.247), (82058.01, 71912.027, 2531.44), (82061.753, 71915.643, 2531.579), (82065.435, 71919.149, 2531.786), (82069.29, 71922.813, 2532.002), (82072.604, 71926.697, 2532.211), (82076.147, 71930.318, 2532.316), (82079.715, 71933.891, 2532.391), (82083.675, 71937.071, 2532.603), (82087.691, 71940.146, 2532.792), (82091.754, 71943.615, 2532.896), (82095.738, 71946.935, 2533.097), (82099.564, 71950.395, 2533.223), (82103.675, 71953.476, 2533.309), (82107.673, 71956.838, 2533.389), (82111.221, 71960.595, 2533.576), (82114.852, 71964.167, 2533.824), (82119.066, 71967.379, 2533.907), (82122.879, 71970.782, 2534.154), (82126.464, 71974.574, 2534.36), (82130.17, 71978.053, 2534.449), (82133.801, 71981.511, 2534.423), (82137.261, 71985.478, 2534.288), (82140.724, 71989.099, 2534.28), (82144.481, 71992.44, 2534.371), (82148.223, 71995.87, 2534.564), (82152.173, 71999.402, 2534.689), (82155.887, 72003.23, 2534.901), (82159.599, 72006.773, 2535.036), (82163.261, 72010.358, 2535.191), (82166.875, 72014.097, 2535.307), (82170.592, 72017.768, 2535.358), (82174.405, 72021.328, 2535.511), (82178.331, 72024.631, 2535.77), (82182.378, 72027.743, 2535.929), (82186.495, 72030.95, 2536.091), (82190.523, 72034.082, 2536.416), (82194.542, 72037.129, 2536.637), (82198.427, 72040.321, 2536.782), (82202.606, 72043.482, 2536.784), (82206.456, 72046.887, 2537.011), (82210.715, 72049.871, 2537.062), (82214.595, 72053.161, 2537.2), (82218.348, 72056.569, 2537.324), (82221.829, 72059.528, 2537.357), (82221.91, 72059.541, 2537.363), (82225.889, 72062.811, 2537.561), (82229.69, 72066.265, 2537.596), (82232.92, 72070.169, 2537.718), (82236.148, 72074.034, 2537.836), (82239.923, 72077.457, 2537.95), (82243.638, 72081.161, 2538.06), (82247.411, 72084.887, 2538.212), (82251.438, 72088.357, 2538.371), (82255.584, 72091.547, 2538.551), (82259.459, 72095.081, 2538.731), (82263.217, 72098.845, 2538.923), (82266.798, 72102.5, 2539.065), (82270.475, 72106.0, 2539.229), (82274.165, 72109.499, 2539.311), (82277.882, 72112.951, 2539.411), (82281.465, 72116.681, 2539.469), (82284.749, 72120.499, 2539.536), (82287.954, 72124.405, 2539.677), (82291.744, 72127.806, 2539.899), (82295.753, 72131.145, 2540.021), (82299.376, 72134.669, 2540.016), (82305.692, 72141.673, 2540.717), (82309.467, 72144.98, 2540.995), (82313.32, 72148.536, 2541.071), (82316.38, 72152.524, 2540.944), (82320.642, 72155.454, 2541.016), (82324.569, 72158.789, 2541.067), (82328.502, 72162.236, 2541.373), (82332.72, 72164.992, 2541.52), (82337.296, 72167.244, 2541.611), (82341.459, 72170.258, 2541.807), (82345.834, 72173.021, 2542.01), (82350.134, 72175.757, 2542.174), (82354.611, 72178.522, 2542.338), (82358.778, 72181.405, 2542.468), (82363.033, 72184.075, 2542.634)]])
  advanceBottom = Curve3d([Point3d(x, y, z) for x, y, z in [(82041.198, 71877.897, 2530.732), (82042.544, 71873.069, 2530.565), (82043.888, 71868.055, 2530.45), (82046.268, 71863.635, 2530.39), (82048.76, 71859.247, 2530.339), (82051.924, 71855.153, 2530.253), (82055.489, 71851.327, 2530.292), (82059.436, 71848.056, 2530.155), (82063.586, 71845.105, 2529.952), (82068.117, 71842.832, 2529.949), (82072.69, 71840.604, 2529.902), (82077.572, 71839.088, 2529.923), (82082.54, 71840.274, 2529.971)]])
  advanceTop = Curve3d([Point3d(x, y, z) for x, y, z in [(82074.096, 71830.142, 2535.588), (82074.63, 71832.07, 2535.588), (82069.141, 71831.559, 2535.702), (82069.786, 71833.454, 2535.702), (82064.402, 71833.439, 2535.705), (82065.162, 71835.29, 2535.705), (82059.645, 71835.459, 2535.64), (82060.594, 71837.229, 2535.64), (82055.23, 71838.369, 2535.629), (82056.364, 71840.017, 2535.629), (82051.127, 71841.317, 2535.618), (82052.413, 71842.856, 2535.618), (82047.417, 71844.905, 2535.8), (82048.904, 71846.249, 2535.8), (82044.215, 71848.97, 2535.841), (82045.777, 71850.22, 2535.841), (82041.01, 71852.918, 2535.91), (82042.649, 71854.072, 2535.91), (82038.399, 71857.229, 2535.933), (82040.153, 71858.195, 2535.933), (82036.148, 71861.747, 2536.066), (82037.946, 71862.624, 2536.066), (82033.921, 71866.418, 2536.173), (82035.8, 71867.125, 2536.173)]])
  headBottom = Curve3d([Point3d(x, y, z) for x, y, z in [(82017.222, 71859.594, 2529.976), (82018.919, 71854.719, 2529.917), (82021.159, 71850.186, 2529.721), (82023.539, 71845.549, 2529.647), (82026.3, 71841.342, 2529.736), (82029.341, 71837.069, 2529.539), (82032.389, 71832.957, 2529.357), (82035.815, 71829.249, 2529.197), (82038.71, 71825.037, 2529.172), (82041.766, 71820.909, 2529.243), (82045.926, 71817.936, 2529.091), (82049.073, 71813.767, 2528.658), (82052.587, 71810.142, 2528.306)]])
  headTop = Curve3d([Point3d(x, y, z) for x, y, z in [(82027.093, 71863.713, 2536.132), (82025.195, 71863.081, 2536.132), (82028.829, 71858.898, 2536.154), (82027.029, 71857.992, 2536.154), (82031.696, 71854.586, 2536.092), (82029.973, 71853.565, 2536.092), (82034.074, 71850.049, 2536.033), (82032.384, 71848.965, 2536.033), (82037.134, 71846.087, 2536.023), (82035.494, 71844.939, 2536.023), (82039.9, 71841.705, 2535.814), (82038.315, 71840.47, 2535.814), (82043.361, 71838.07, 2535.831), (82041.975, 71836.625, 2535.831), (82047.172, 71834.727, 2535.739), (82045.927, 71833.159, 2535.739), (82051.313, 71831.756, 2535.774), (82050.137, 71830.138, 2535.774), (82055.514, 71828.659, 2535.746), (82054.489, 71826.93, 2535.746), (82060.237, 71826.469, 2535.624), (82059.471, 71824.62, 2535.624), (82065.077, 71824.695, 2535.722), (82064.417, 71822.807, 2535.722)]])

  left_curve = headBottom
  right_curve = advanceBottom
  left_crown = headTop
  right_crown = advanceTop

#   for p in polygon0:
#     polygon.points.append(Point3d(p[0],p[1],p[2]))
#   for p in curve0:
#     right_curve.points.append(Point3d(p[0],p[1],p[2]))
#   '''
#   Generar la segunda curva que intersecta la cancha.
#   '''
#   for p in right_curve.points:
#     left_curve.points.append(Point3d(p.x,p.y+30,p.z+1))
#   '''
#   Generar las coronas.
#   '''
#   for p in left_curve.points:
#     left_crown.points.append(Point3d(p.x,p.y,p.z+50))
#   for p in right_curve.points:
#     right_crown.points.append(Point3d(p.x,p.y,p.z+50))

  Intersectar un poligono con varios rectangulos para obtener los rectangulos de interseccion.
  polygon_rect = Polygon3d.getPolygons3DFromDXF('poligono.dxf')
  rectangles = Rectangle2D.getRectangles2DFromCSV('modelo.csv', 'xcentre', 'ycentre', 'zcentre', 'xlength', 'ylength', 'zlength', 'poly')
  polygons = polygon_rect.getIntersectionRectangles(rectangles)

  Intersectar un solido con varios cubos para obtener los cubos de interseccion.
  #solid = ReadDXFFile.getTriangle_s("FY12_lito_BRXH.dxf")
  solid = ReadDXFFile.getTriangle_s("solido.dxf")
  cubes = Cube3d.getCubes3DFromCSV('modelo.csv', 'xcentre', 'ycentre', 'zcentre', 'xlength', 'ylength', 'zlength', 'poly')
  #init = time.time()
  #print (str('time ='),time.time()-init)
  Generar el solido de interseccion y calcular su volumen.
  intersection_solid, volume_solid , sub_solids, heights= \

#   print intersection_solid.triangles
  print ('volume_solid =',volume_solid)

  Graficar los dos subpoligonos.
  fig = plt.figure()
  ax = Axes3D(fig)
  xmin = float_info.max; xmax = float_info.min
  ymin = float_info.max; ymax = float_info.min
  zmin = float_info.max; zmax = float_info.min
  verts = []
  for t in intersection_solid.triangles:
#     verts.append()
    ax.add_collection3d(Poly3DCollection([[t.p0.values, t.p1.values, t.p2.values]]))
    for p in [t.p0, t.p1, t.p2]:
        xmin = xmin if xmin < p.x else p.x
        xmax = xmax if xmax > p.x else p.x
        ymin = ymin if ymin < p.y else p.y
        ymax = ymax if ymax > p.y else p.y
        zmin = zmin if zmin < p.z else p.z
        zmax = zmax if zmax > p.z else p.z
  print (xmin, xmax)
  print (ymin, ymax)
  print (zmin, zmax)
#       print , t.p1, t.p2
  ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
  ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
  ax.set_zlim(zmin, zmax)
#   x = [0,1,1]
#   y = [0,0,1]
#   z = [0,1,0]
#   verts = [zip(x, y,z)]
Example #9
    def get_points_intersect(self, bounds, list_segments, octet):
        seg_xy = Segment2D(Point2D(self.p0.x, self.p0.y),
                           Point2D(self.p1.x, self.p1.y))
        seg_yz = Segment2D(Point2D(self.p0.y, self.p0.z),
                           Point2D(self.p1.y, self.p1.z))
        seg_xz = Segment2D(Point2D(self.p0.x, self.p0.z),
                           Point2D(self.p1.x, self.p1.z))
        new_points = []
        points_faces_cube = []
        state1, p1 = list_segments[0].solve1(seg_xy)
        state2, p2 = list_segments[1].solve2(seg_xy)
        state3, p3 = list_segments[2].solve1(seg_yz)
        state4, p4 = list_segments[3].solve2(seg_yz)
        state5, p5 = list_segments[4].solve1(seg_xz)
        state6, p6 = list_segments[5].solve2(seg_xz)
        #print ('state123 = ',state1,state2,state3)
        #print ('state456 = ',state4,state5,state6)
        if (state1 == True and state4 == True):
            p = Point3d(p1.x, p4.x, p4.y)
            #print ('pststststts',p.x,p.y,p.z)
            new_points = p.check_point3d(new_points)
            if (octet in [0, 1, 4, 5]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 2])
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 3])
            if (p.x == bounds[0]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 0])
            if (p.x == bounds[1]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 1])
            if (p.y == bounds[2]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 2])
            if (p.y == bounds[3]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 3])
            if (p.z == bounds[4]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 4])
            if (p.z == bounds[5]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 5])
        if (state2 == True and state6 == True):
            p = Point3d(p2.x, p2.y, p6.y)
            #print ('pststststts',p.x,p.y,p.z)
            new_points = p.check_point3d(new_points)
            if (octet in [0, 2, 4, 6]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 0])
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 1])
            if (p.x == bounds[0]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 0])
            if (p.x == bounds[1]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 1])
            if (p.y == bounds[2]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 2])
            if (p.y == bounds[3]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 3])
            if (p.z == bounds[4]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 4])
            if (p.z == bounds[5]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 5])
        if (state3 == True and state5 == True):
            p = Point3d(p5.x, p3.x, p3.y)
            #print ('pststststts',p.x,p.y,p.z)
            new_points = p.check_point3d(new_points)
            if (octet < 4):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 4])
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 5])
            if (p.x == bounds[0]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 0])
            if (p.x == bounds[1]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 1])
            if (p.y == bounds[2]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 2])
            if (p.y == bounds[3]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 3])
            if (p.z == bounds[4]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 4])
            if (p.z == bounds[5]):
                points_faces_cube.append([p, 5])

        if (len(new_points) == 2):
            dist = []
            dist.append(Segment3d(self.p0, new_points[0]).checkdistance())
            dist.append(Segment3d(self.p0, new_points[1]).checkdistance())
            if (dist[0] > dist[1]):
        return new_points, points_faces_cube
 def findBySetOfPoint3dId(self, setOfPoint3dId):
     columns = ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'NEXT']
     where = 'SET_OF_POINT_3D=%s' % setOfPoint3dId
     points = self.findByColumnsWithRowid(columns, where)
     points = sorted(points, reverse=True, key=lambda (x, y, z, nextid, rowid):nextid)
     return [Point3d(x, y, z, rowid) for x, y, z, nextid, rowid in points]