Example #1
def check_SO(x):
    ''' Checks that the given value is a rotation matrix of arbitrary size. '''
    determinant = np.linalg.det(x * 1.0)  # XXX: voodoo
    # lapack_lite.LapackError:
    # Parameter a has non-native byte order in lapack_lite.dgetrf
    assert_allclose(determinant, 1.0)
Example #2
def SE2_from_SE3(pose, check_exact=True, z_atol=1e-6):
        Projects a pose in SE3 to SE2.

        If check_exact is True, it will check that z = 0 and axis ~= [0,0,1].
    rotation, translation = rotation_translation_from_pose(pose)
    axis, angle = axis_angle_from_rotation(rotation)
    if check_exact:
        sit = '\n pose %s' % pose
        sit += '\n axis: %s' % axis
        sit += '\n angle: %s' % angle

        err_msg = ('I expect that z=0 when projecting to SE2 '
        err_msg += sit

        assert_allclose(translation[2], 0, atol=z_atol, err_msg=err_msg)
        # normalize angle z
        axis2 = axis * np.sign(axis[2])
        err_msg = ('I expect that the rotation is around [0,0,1] '
                   'when projecting to SE2 (check_exact=True).')
        err_msg += sit

        assert_allclose(axis2, [0, 0, 1],
                        atol=GeometryConstants.rtol_SE2_from_SE3,  # XXX

    angle = angle * np.sign(axis[2])
    return SE2_from_translation_angle(translation[0:2], angle)
Example #3
def check_SO(x):
    ''' Checks that the given value is a rotation matrix of arbitrary size. '''
    determinant = np.linalg.det(x * 1.0)  # XXX: voodoo
    # lapack_lite.LapackError:
    # Parameter a has non-native byte order in lapack_lite.dgetrf
    assert_allclose(determinant, 1.0)
    def distance(self, y0, y1):
            Compare Y1(s) with best matching pixel in Y2(s_n) 
            where s_s \in (the neighbourhood of s)

        Y1 = y0.resize(self.size).get_values()
        Y2 = y1.resize(self.size).get_values()
        Y2_unrolled = self.fs.image2unrolledneighbors(Y2)
        Y1_repeated = self.fs.image2repeated(Y1)
        assert_allclose(Y2_unrolled.shape, Y1_repeated.shape) 
        diff1 = np.abs(Y2_unrolled - Y1_repeated)
        myres = np.mean(np.min(diff1, axis=1))
        if False:
            # old method, equivalent
            neighbor_indices_flat = self.fs.neighbor_indices_flat
            nchannels = Y1.shape[2]
            nsensel = Y1[:, :, 0].size 
            best = np.zeros((nsensel, Y1.shape[2])) 
            for c in range(nchannels):
                y1_flat = Y1[:, :, c].astype(np.int16).flat 
                y2_flat = Y2[:, :, c].astype(np.int16).flat 
                for k in range(nsensel):
                    a = y1_flat[k].astype(np.float)
                    b = y2_flat[neighbor_indices_flat[k]]
                    diff = np.abs(a - b) 
                    best[k, c] = np.min(diff) 
            res = np.mean(best)#/self.maxval_distance_neighborhood_bestmatch
            assert_allclose(res, myres)
        return myres
Example #5
def SE2_from_SE3(pose, check_exact=True, z_atol=1e-6):
        Projects a pose in SE3 to SE2.

        If check_exact is True, it will check that z = 0 and axis ~= [0,0,1].
    rotation, translation = rotation_translation_from_pose(pose)
    axis, angle = axis_angle_from_rotation(rotation)
    if check_exact:
        sit = '\n pose %s' % pose
        sit += '\n axis: %s' % axis
        sit += '\n angle: %s' % angle

        err_msg = ('I expect that z=0 when projecting to SE2 '
        err_msg += sit

        assert_allclose(translation[2], 0, atol=z_atol, err_msg=err_msg)
        # normalize angle z
        axis2 = axis * np.sign(axis[2])
        err_msg = ('I expect that the rotation is around [0,0,1] '
                   'when projecting to SE2 (check_exact=True).')
        err_msg += sit

            [0, 0, 1],
            atol=GeometryConstants.rtol_SE2_from_SE3,  # XXX

    angle = angle * np.sign(axis[2])
    return SE2_from_translation_angle(translation[0:2], angle)
Example #6
def check_orthogonal(x):
    ''' Check that the argument is an orthogonal matrix. '''
    N = x.shape[0]
    I = np.eye(N)
    rtol = 10E-10  # XXX:
    atol = 10E-7  # XXX:
    assert_allclose(I, np.dot(x, x.T), rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
    assert_allclose(I, np.dot(x.T, x), rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
Example #7
def check_orthogonal(x):
    ''' Check that the argument is an orthogonal matrix. '''
    N = x.shape[0]
    I = np.eye(N)
    rtol = 10E-10  # XXX:
    atol = 10E-7  # XXX:
    assert_allclose(I, np.dot(x, x.T), rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
    assert_allclose(I, np.dot(x.T, x), rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
Example #8
def se2_from_se3(vel, check_exact=True, z_atol=1e-6):
    # TODO: testing this
    M, v, Z, zero = extract_pieces(vel)  # @UnusedVariable
    M1 = M[:2, :2]
    v1 = v[:2]
    if check_exact:
        assert_allclose(v[2], 0, atol=z_atol)

    return combine_pieces(M1, v1, Z[:2], zero)
Example #9
    def belongs(self, x):
        if x.shape != self.shape:
            raise ValueError('Expected shape %r, not %r.' %
                             (self.shape, x.shape))

        # TODO: make contract
        assert np.all(np.isreal(x)), "Expected real vector"
        proj = self.project(x)
        assert_allclose(proj, x, atol=1e-8)  # XXX: tol
Example #10
def se2_from_se3(vel, check_exact=True, z_atol=1e-6):
    # TODO: testing this
    M, v, Z, zero = extract_pieces(vel)  # @UnusedVariable
    M1 = M[:2, :2]
    v1 = v[:2]
    if check_exact:
        assert_allclose(v[2], 0, atol=z_atol)

    return combine_pieces(M1, v1, Z[:2], zero)
    def belongs(self, x):
        if x.shape != self.shape:
            raise ValueError('Expected shape %r, not %r.' %
                             (self.shape, x.shape))

        # TODO: make contract
        assert np.all(np.isreal(x)), "Expected real vector"
        proj = self.project(x)
        assert_allclose(proj, x, atol=1e-8)  # XXX: tol
 def belongs(self, x):
     # TODO: more checks
     if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
         msg = 'Expected a numpy array (%s)' % describe_type(x)
         raise ValueError(msg)
     if not x.shape == (self.n, self.n):
         msg = ('Expected shape %dx%d instead of (%s)' %
                (self.n, self.n, x.shape))
         raise ValueError(msg)
     R, t, zero, one = extract_pieces(x)  # @UnusedVariable
     assert_allclose(zero, 0, err_msg='I expect the lower row to be 0.')
     assert_allclose(one, 1)
Example #13
def double_center(P):
    n = P.shape[0]

    grand_mean = P.mean()
    row_mean = np.zeros(n)
    col_mean = np.zeros(n)
    for i in range(n):
        row_mean[i] = P[i, :].mean()
        col_mean[i] = P[:, i].mean()

    R = row_mean.reshape(n, 1).repeat(n, axis=1)
    assert R.shape == (n, n)
    C = col_mean.reshape(1, n).repeat(n, axis=0)
    assert C.shape == (n, n)

    B2 = -0.5 * (P - R - C + grand_mean)

    if False:
        B = np.zeros(P.shape)
        for i, j in itertools.product(range(n), range(n)):
            B[i, j] = -0.5 * (P[i, j] - col_mean[j] - row_mean[i] + grand_mean)
        assert_allclose(B2, B)

    return B2
Example #14
def double_center(P):
    n = P.shape[0]

    grand_mean = P.mean()
    row_mean = np.zeros(n)
    col_mean = np.zeros(n)
    for i in range(n):
        row_mean[i] = P[i, :].mean()
        col_mean[i] = P[:, i].mean()

    R = row_mean.reshape(n, 1).repeat(n, axis=1)
    assert R.shape == (n, n)
    C = col_mean.reshape(1, n).repeat(n, axis=0)
    assert C.shape == (n, n)

    B2 = -0.5 * (P - R - C + grand_mean)

    if False:
        B = np.zeros(P.shape)
        for i, j in itertools.product(range(n), range(n)):
            B[i, j] = -0.5 * (P[i, j] - col_mean[j] - row_mean[i] + grand_mean)
        assert_allclose(B2, B)

    return B2
Example #15
def check_se(M):
    ''' Checks that the input is in the special euclidean Lie algebra. '''
    omega, v, Z, zero = extract_pieces(M)  # @UnusedVariable
    assert_allclose(Z, 0, err_msg='I expect the lower-right to be 0.')
    assert_allclose(zero, 0, err_msg='I expect the bottom component to be 0.')
Example #16
def check_se(M):
    ''' Checks that the input is in the special euclidean Lie algebra. '''
    omega, v, Z, zero = extract_pieces(M)  # @UnusedVariable
    assert_allclose(Z, 0, err_msg='I expect the lower-right to be 0.')
    assert_allclose(zero, 0, err_msg='I expect the bottom component to be 0.')
Example #17
 def belongs(self, x):
     # TODO: explicit
     R, t, zero, one = extract_pieces(x)  # @UnusedVariable
     assert_allclose(R, np.eye(self.n - 1))
     assert_allclose(zero, 0, err_msg='I expect the lower row to be 0.')
     assert_allclose(one, 1, err_msg='Bottom-right must be 1.')
Example #18
def check_SE(M):
    ''' Checks that the argument is in the special euclidean group. '''
    R, t, zero, one = extract_pieces(M)  # @UnusedVariable
    assert_allclose(one, 1, err_msg='I expect the lower-right to be 1')
    assert_allclose(zero, 0, err_msg='I expect the bottom component to be 0.')
Example #19
 def belongs(self, x):
     # TODO: explicit
     R, t, zero, one = extract_pieces(x)  # @UnusedVariable
     assert_allclose(R, np.eye(self.n - 1))
     assert_allclose(zero, 0, err_msg='I expect the lower row to be 0.')
     assert_allclose(one, 1, err_msg='Bottom-right must be 1.')
Example #20
def check_SE(M):
    ''' Checks that the argument is in the special euclidean group. '''
    R, t, zero, one = extract_pieces(M)  # @UnusedVariable
    assert_allclose(one, 1, err_msg='I expect the lower-right to be 1')
    assert_allclose(zero, 0, err_msg='I expect the bottom component to be 0.')