def E_adhesion(vertices, edges, Lambda, L):
    e = 0.
    for edge in edges:
        i1 = edge[0]
        i2 = edge[1]
        v1 = vertices[i1]
        vertex2 = vertices[i2]
        v2 = v1 + periodic_diff(vertex2, v1, L)
        dist = euclidean_distance(v1[0], v1[1], v2[0], v2[1])
        e += Lambda * dist
    return e
Example #2
def E_adhesion(vertices, edges, Lambda , L):
	e = 0.
	for edge in edges:
		i1 = edge[0]
		i2 = edge[1]
		v1 = vertices[i1]
		vertex2 = vertices[i2]
		v2 = v1 + periodic_diff(vertex2, v1, L)
		dist = euclidean_distance(v1[0], v1[1], v2[0], v2[1])
		e += Lambda * dist
	return e
Example #3
def bresenham_fov(origin, target, radius, blocks=None):
    Generate a list of points between origin and target that are visible,
    using the Bresenham Algorithm.

    Both origin and target must be a tuple with (point_x, point_y) coordinates.
    blocks is a function that receives a tuple with (point_x, point_y) coordinates,
    and returns True if that coordinate blocks vision. False otherwise.

    Returns a list of points starting at the origin and going until the first
    coordinate that blocks vision.

    Implementation based on:

    visible_points = []

    point_x, point_y = origin[0], origin[1]
    w, h = target[0] - point_x, target[1] - point_y

    longest = max(abs(w), abs(h))
    shortest = min(abs(w), abs(h))

    # get the sign (-1, 0, 1) of a value
    sign = lambda x: 0 if x == 0 else 1 if x > 0 else -1

    dx1 = sign(w)
    dy1 = sign(h)
    dx2 = 0 if (w == 0 or abs(h) > abs(w)) else (1 if w > 0 else -1)
    dy2 = 0 if (h == 0 or abs(w) > abs(h)) else (1 if h > 0 else -1)

    numerator = longest >> 1
    for _ in xrange(0, longest + 1):
        point = (point_x, point_y)


        if ((blocks and blocks(point)) or
                euclidean_distance(origin, point) >= radius):
            return visible_points

        numerator += shortest
        if numerator >= longest:
            numerator -= longest
            point_x += dx1
            point_y += dy1
            point_x += dx2
            point_y += dy2

    return visible_points
Example #4
file1.write(txt)                # Write a string in a text file
file1.close()                   # Closes the file associated (it is mandatory)

file2 = open(filename, 'r')     # Open a text file for input operations. The file must exist.
content =          # Assign all the text from the file in a string variable
file2.close()                   # Closes the file associated (it is mandatory)



# To be completed


p1 = geometry.Point(2, -1)
p2 = geometry.Point(-2, 2)

euc_dist = geometry.euclidean_distance(p1, p2)


Example #5
    def calculate_forces(self):
        The force calculations have been joined into a single function for performance reasons.
        forces = {"separation": (0, 0), "alignment": (0, 0), "cohesion": (0, 0), "avoidance": (0, 0), "flight": (0, 0)}

        self.fleeing = False
        flight_x, flight_y = 0.0, 0.0
        for predator in self.predators:
            self.fleeing = True
            distance = self.distance(predator)
            if distance < PREDATOR_RADIUS:
                dead = self.die()
                if dead:
                    return forces

            factor = 1 - distance /

            rel_x, rel_y = self.relative_coordinates(predator.x, predator.y)

            flight_x -= factor * rel_x
            flight_y -= factor * rel_y

        forces["flight"] = (flight_x, flight_y)

        self.avoiding = False
        avoidance_x, avoidance_y = 0.0, 0.0
        for obstacle in
            distance = self.shortest_distance(obstacle.x, obstacle.y)
            if distance < (BOID_RADIUS + + OBSTACLE_RADIUS):
                if distance < OBSTACLE_RADIUS:
                    dead = self.die()
                    if dead:
                        return forces

                normalized_vx, normalized_vy = self.normalized_velocity

                intersection = False
                for n in xrange(1, int(distance)):
                    future_x = self.x + n * normalized_vx
                    future_y = self.y + n * normalized_vy

                    d = euclidean_distance((future_x, future_y), obstacle.position)

                    if d < (obstacle.r + BOID_RADIUS):
                        intersection = True

                if intersection:
                    self.avoiding = True
                    factor = 1 - (distance - obstacle.r) /
                    future_x = self.x + distance * normalized_vx
                    future_y = self.y + distance * normalized_vy

                    v1 = self.relative_coordinates(*obstacle.position)
                    v2 = self.relative_coordinates(future_x, future_y)
                    a = angle(v1, v2)
                    if a < 0:
                        factor *= -1

                    avoidance_x += factor * -normalized_vy
                    avoidance_y += factor * normalized_vx

        forces["avoidance"] = (avoidance_x, avoidance_y)

        if len(self.neighbours) == 0:
            return forces

        sum_x, sum_y = 0.0, 0.0
        sum_vx, sum_vy = 0.0, 0.0

        sep_x, sep_y = 0.0, 0.0

        for boid in self.neighbours:
            distance =[self, boid]
            factor = 1 - distance /
            nvx, nvy = boid.normalized_velocity
            sum_vx += nvx
            sum_vy += nvy

            sum_x += boid.x
            sum_y += boid.y

            rel_x, rel_y = normalize_vector(*self.relative_coordinates(boid.x, boid.y))
            sep_x -= factor * rel_x
            sep_y -= factor * rel_y

        forces["separation"] = (sep_x, sep_y)

        forces["alignment"] = normalize_vector(sum_vx, sum_vy)

        avg_x = sum_x / len(self.neighbours)
        avg_y = sum_y / len(self.neighbours)
        forces["cohesion"] = normalize_vector(*self.relative_coordinates(avg_x, avg_y))

        return forces
Example #6
 def shortest_distance(self, x, y):
     The magnitude of the relative coordinate vector.
     return euclidean_distance((0, 0), self.relative_coordinates(x, y))
Example #7
 def velocity_magnitude(self):
     return euclidean_distance((0, 0), self.velocity)
Example #8
    def calculate_forces(self):
        The force calculations have been joined into a single function for performance reasons.
        forces = {
            'separation': (0, 0),
            'alignment': (0, 0),
            'cohesion': (0, 0),
            'avoidance': (0, 0),
            'flight': (0, 0)

        self.fleeing = False
        flight_x, flight_y = 0.0, 0.0
        for predator in self.predators:
            self.fleeing = True
            distance = self.distance(predator)
            if distance < PREDATOR_RADIUS:
                dead = self.die()
                if dead:
                    return forces

            factor = 1 - distance /

            rel_x, rel_y = self.relative_coordinates(predator.x, predator.y)

            flight_x -= factor * rel_x
            flight_y -= factor * rel_y

        forces['flight'] = (flight_x, flight_y)

        self.avoiding = False
        avoidance_x, avoidance_y = 0.0, 0.0
        for obstacle in
            distance = self.shortest_distance(obstacle.x, obstacle.y)
            if distance < (BOID_RADIUS + +
                if distance < OBSTACLE_RADIUS:
                    dead = self.die()
                    if dead:
                        return forces

                normalized_vx, normalized_vy = self.normalized_velocity

                intersection = False
                for n in xrange(1, int(distance)):
                    future_x = self.x + n * normalized_vx
                    future_y = self.y + n * normalized_vy

                    d = euclidean_distance((future_x, future_y),

                    if d < (obstacle.r + BOID_RADIUS):
                        intersection = True

                if intersection:
                    self.avoiding = True
                    factor = 1 - (distance -
                                  obstacle.r) /
                    future_x = self.x + distance * normalized_vx
                    future_y = self.y + distance * normalized_vy

                    v1 = self.relative_coordinates(*obstacle.position)
                    v2 = self.relative_coordinates(future_x, future_y)
                    a = angle(v1, v2)
                    if a < 0:
                        factor *= -1

                    avoidance_x += factor * -normalized_vy
                    avoidance_y += factor * normalized_vx

        forces['avoidance'] = (avoidance_x, avoidance_y)

        if len(self.neighbours) == 0:
            return forces

        sum_x, sum_y = 0.0, 0.0
        sum_vx, sum_vy = 0.0, 0.0

        sep_x, sep_y = 0.0, 0.0

        for boid in self.neighbours:
            distance =[self, boid]
            factor = 1 - distance /
            nvx, nvy = boid.normalized_velocity
            sum_vx += nvx
            sum_vy += nvy

            sum_x += boid.x
            sum_y += boid.y

            rel_x, rel_y = normalize_vector(
                *self.relative_coordinates(boid.x, boid.y))
            sep_x -= factor * rel_x
            sep_y -= factor * rel_y

        forces['separation'] = (sep_x, sep_y)

        forces['alignment'] = normalize_vector(sum_vx, sum_vy)

        avg_x = sum_x / len(self.neighbours)
        avg_y = sum_y / len(self.neighbours)
        forces['cohesion'] = normalize_vector(
            *self.relative_coordinates(avg_x, avg_y))

        return forces
Example #9
 def shortest_distance(self, x, y):
     The magnitude of the relative coordinate vector.
     return euclidean_distance((0, 0), self.relative_coordinates(x, y))
Example #10
 def velocity_magnitude(self):
     return euclidean_distance((0, 0), self.velocity)