Example #1
 def check_overlap(self, bounds, inner_walls, trees, xagents, crush_damage):
     # keep within bounds
     while bounds.contains(self.area) == False:
         self.x -= self.dx
         self.y -= self.dy
         do = np.radians(np.random.randint(360))
         self.o = geometry.force_angle(self.o + do)
         self.damage += crush_damage
     # no damage from trees
     for tx in trees:
         if self.area.intersects(tx.area):
             self.x -= self.dx
             self.y -= self.dy
     # no damage from other agents
     for xa in xagents:
         if self.area.intersects(xa.area):
             self.x -= self.dx
             self.y -= self.dy
     # check for overlappings with objects
     # other_world_objects = inner_walls+xagents
     for iw in inner_walls:
         if self.area.intersects(iw.area):
             self.x -= self.dx
             self.y -= self.dy
             do = np.radians(np.random.randint(360))
             self.o = geometry.force_angle(self.o + do)
             self.damage += crush_damage
Example #2
 def define_angles(self):
     ir_angles = []
     # front sensors
     for i in range(1,4):
         ir_angles.extend([geom.force_angle(self.do_front*i), geom.force_angle(-self.do_front*i)])
     # rear sensors
     ir_angles.extend([geom.force_angle(np.pi+self.do_rear), geom.force_angle(np.pi-self.do_rear)])
     return ir_angles
Example #3
 def read_irs(self, x, y, o, r, objects):
     # data
     vis_sensors_domain = []
     ir_reading = []
     # for each sensor
     for ir_angle in self.ir_angles:
         ir_val = 0
         min_dist = self.ray_length
         # location and orientation according to agent
         ir_o = geometry.force_angle(o + ir_angle)
         ir_x = x + r * np.cos(ir_o)
         ir_y = y + r * np.sin(ir_o)
         # define visual domain
         arc_start = ir_o + self.beam_angles[0]
         arc_end = ir_o + self.beam_angles[1]
         # to be sure the angle is counter-clockwise
         if arc_start > arc_end:
             arc_end += np.radians(360)
         # get arc angle points and force angles
         arc_points = np.linspace(arc_start, arc_end, self.s_points)
         arc_angles = np.array(
             [geometry.force_angle(oi) for oi in arc_points])
         # get the arc coordinates and create polygon
         arc_x = ir_x + self.ray_length * np.cos(arc_angles)
         arc_y = ir_y + self.ray_length * np.sin(arc_angles)
         vis_coords = [(ir_x, ir_y)]
         [vis_coords.append((xi, yi)) for xi, yi in zip(arc_x, arc_y)]
         vis_domain = Polygon(vis_coords)
         # check for intersections
         for w in objects["walls"]:
             wall = LineString([(w.xmin, w.ymin), (w.xmax, w.ymax)])
             if vis_domain.intersects(wall):
                 dist = Point(ir_x,
                 if dist < min_dist:
                     min_dist = dist
         round_objects = objects["trees"] + objects["agents"]
         for obj in round_objects:
             obj_loc = Point(obj.x, obj.y)
             obj_space = obj_loc.buffer(obj.r)
             if vis_domain.intersects(obj_space):
                 dist = Point(ir_x, ir_y).distance(
                 if dist < min_dist:
                     min_dist = dist
         # get ir value
         if min_dist < self.ray_length:
             # IR reading for a given distance from empirical fitting data
             # gaussian 3371*e^(-(d/8.5)^2) fits well [0, 3500]
             k = -1 * ((dist / 8.5)**2)
             ir_val = (3371 * np.exp(k)) / 3500
     return ir_reading
Example #4
 def define_sensors_area(self, x, y, o, r):
     self.vs_sensors = []
     self.vs_xy = []
     for n in range(self.vs_n):
         # list of angles of sensors defined in genotype
         vso = geometry.force_angle(o + self.vs_loc[n])
         # sensor location
         vsx = x + r * np.cos(vso)
         vsy = y + r * np.sin(vso)
         self.vs_xy.append([vsx, vsy])
         # define arc (sensor angle +- sensor angle range)
         arc_start = vso - self.vs_theta / 2
         arc_end = vso + self.vs_theta / 2
         # check for counter-clockwise
         if arc_start > arc_end:
             arc_end += np.radians(360)
         # define sensor area
         arc_points = np.linspace(arc_start, arc_end, self.s_points)
         arc_angles = np.array(
             [geometry.force_angle(oi) for oi in arc_points])
         arc_xs = vsx + self.vs_range * np.cos(arc_angles)
         arc_ys = vsy + self.vs_range * np.sin(arc_angles)
         area_coords = [(vsx, vsy)]
         [area_coords.append((xi, yi)) for xi, yi in zip(arc_xs, arc_ys)]
         # define sensor polygon
         sensor_domain = Polygon(area_coords)
     # olfactory sensor location
     self.olf_sensors = []
     self.olf_xy = []
     # basically the same, but by separate is clearer
     for n in range(self.olf_n):
         # list of angles of sensors defined in genotype
         olfo = geometry.force_angle(o + self.olf_loc[n])
         # sensor location
         olfx = x + r * np.cos(olfo)
         olfy = y + r * np.sin(olfo)
         self.olf_xy.append([olfx, olfy])
         # define arc
         arc_start = olfo - self.olf_theta / 2
         arc_end = olfo + self.olf_theta / 2
         if arc_start > arc_end:
             arc_end += np.radians(360)
         arc_points = np.linspace(arc_start, arc_end, self.s_points)
         arc_angles = np.array(
             [geometry.force_angle(oi) for oi in arc_points])
         arc_xs = olfx + self.olf_range * np.cos(arc_angles)
         arc_ys = olfy + self.olf_range * np.sin(arc_angles)
         area_coords = [(olfx, olfy)]
         [area_coords.append((xi, yi)) for xi, yi in zip(arc_xs, arc_ys)]
Example #5
 def __init__(self, s_points=10\
 , ir_angle=60, ray_length=40, beam_spread=120\
 , olf_angle=120, olf_range=20\
 , aud_angle=90, aud_range=50):
     # init
     self.s_points = s_points
     self.ir_angles = [
     self.ray_length = ray_length
     self.beam_angles = [
         geometry.force_angle(np.radians(-beam_spread / 2)),
         geometry.force_angle(np.radians(beam_spread / 2))
     self.olf_angles = [
         geometry.force_angle(np.radians((-olf_angle / 2))),
         geometry.force_angle(np.radians((olf_angle / 2)))
     self.olf_range = olf_range
     self.aud_angles = [
     self.aud_range = aud_range
     # internal
     self.sensory_domain = {}
     self.sensory_domain["vis"] = []
     self.sensory_domain["olf"] = []
     self.sensory_domain["aud"] = []
Example #6
 def move_fx(self):
     # noise as in Shibuya et al.
     vl = (self.lm*self.speed)*self.dt * np.random.uniform(0.9,1.1)
     vr = (self.rm*self.speed)*self.dt * np.random.uniform(0.9,1.1)
     vel = (vr+vl)/2
     # change
     self.dx = vel*np.cos(self.o)
     self.dy = vel*np.sin(self.o)
     self.do = geom.force_angle((vr-vl)/self.wsep)
     # new location
     self.x += self.dx
     self.y += self.dy
     self.o = geom.force_angle(self.o+self.do)
 def update_sensors(self):
     # update information from ir sensors
     self.ir_sensors = []
     for sensor in self.irs:
         sx = self.x + sensor[0][0]
         sy = self.y + sensor[0][1]
         so = geometry.force_angle(self.orientation + sensor[1])
         ll_ray = geometry.force_angle(so + sensor[2][0])
         rr_ray = geometry.force_angle(so + sensor[2][-1])
         # [[rel_x, rel_y], rel_angle, left_most_ray, right_most_ray]
         self.ir_sensors.append([[sx, sy],
Example #8
    def feed(self, objects):
        # "mouth" location
        fx = self.x + self.r * np.cos(self.o)
        fy = self.y + self.r * np.sin(self.o)
        # feeding area: arc
        arc_start = self.o - np.radians(self.feeding_angle / 2)
        arc_end = self.o + np.radians(self.feeding_angle / 2)
        # force counter-clockwise
        if arc_start > arc_end:
            arc_end += np.radians(360)
        # get arc angle points and force angles
        arc_points = np.linspace(arc_start, arc_end, self.genotype.s_points)
        arc_angles = np.array([geometry.force_angle(oi) for oi in arc_points])
        # get the arc coordinates and create polygon
        arc_x = fx + self.olf_range * np.cos(arc_angles)
        arc_y = fy + self.olf_range * np.sin(arc_angles)
        feeding_coords = [(fx, fy)]
        [feeding_coords.append((xi, yi)) for xi, yi in zip(arc_x, arc_y)]
        feeding_area = Polygon(feeding_coords)
        # check for trees to feed
        feeding = False
        trees = objects["trees"]
        for tree in trees:
            if feeding_area.intersects(tree):
                feeding = True
                feed_rate = self.feed_rate * (1 /
                                              np.exp(dist / self.feed_range))

        self.feeding_states.append([feeding_area, feeding])
Example #9
 def read_olf(self, x, y, o, r, objects):
     # sensor location-orientation
     olf_x = x + r * np.cos(o)
     olf_y = y + r * np.sin(o)
     olf_val = 0
     # define sensor domain (polygon)
     arc_start = o + self.olf_angles[0]
     arc_end = o + self.olf_angles[1]
     # to be sure the angle is counter-clockwise
     if arc_start > arc_end:
         arc_end += np.radians(360)
     # get arc angle points and force angles
     arc_points = np.linspace(arc_start, arc_end, self.s_points)
     arc_angles = np.array([geometry.force_angle(oi) for oi in arc_points])
     # get the arc coordinates and create polygon
     arc_x = olf_x + self.olf_range * np.cos(arc_angles)
     arc_y = olf_y + self.olf_range * np.sin(arc_angles)
     olf_coords = [(olf_x, olf_y)]
     [olf_coords.append((xi, yi)) for xi, yi in zip(arc_x, arc_y)]
     olf_domain = Polygon(olf_coords)
     # check for each tree
     min_dist = self.olf_range
     trees = objects["trees"]
     for tx in trees:
         tree_loc = Point(tx.x, tx.y)
         tree_space = tree_loc.buffer(tx.r)
         if olf_domain.intersects(tree_space):
             dist = Point(olf_x, olf_y).distance(
             if dist <= min_dist:
                 olf_val = (1 / np.exp(min_dist / self.olf_range))**2
     return olf_val
Example #10
 def collision_fx(self):
     # if they were to collide, they don't move (Quinn's thesis)
     self.x -= self.dx
     self.y -= self.dy
     # but the angle changes in a fraction of the original spin
     self.o = geom.force_angle(self.o-self.do+(self.do*np.random.uniform(0,1)))
Example #11
 def __init__(self,time,network,alpha,dt=0.1,data_dt=1):
     # basics
     self.network = network
     self.time = time
     self.alpha = alpha
     self.dt = dt
     self.data_dt = data_dt
     # parameters as in Shibuya et al.
     self.agsR = 2.9
     self.di = 1.25
     self.cmax = 10
     self.dmax = 40
     self.dist = 0
     self.max_dist = 0
     self.cols = 0
     self.cp = 1
     self.ft = 0
     # data for visualization
     # data for transfer entropy
     self.states = []
     # self.i_given_ij = Counter()
     self.te_frame = 50
     # allocate agents (Shibuya et al)
     self.agents = []
     y0 = np.sqrt((2*(self.di+self.agsR))**2 - (self.di+self.agsR)**2)
     o0 = geom.force_angle(np.radians(300)+self.alpha)
     x1 = -(self.agsR+self.di)
     o1 = geom.force_angle(np.radians(60)+self.alpha)
     x2 = self.agsR+self.di
     o2 = geom.force_angle(np.radians(180)+self.alpha)
     # initial allocations data
     self.triangle = Polygon([[ag.x,ag.y] for ag in self.agents])
     self.xy0 = self.triangle.centroid
     self.ags_dist = [agent.body.distance(self.xy0) for agent in self.agents]
Example #12
 def ray_end(self, ir_x, ir_y, angle, rel_angle):
     # end of ray given standard lenght and particular angle
     # angle1: angle of sensor
     # angle2: angle of ray relative to sensor mid
     # anticlockwise is negative
     ray_angle = geometry.force_angle(angle + rel_angle)
     ray_x = ir_x + self.ray_length * np.cos(ray_angle)
     ray_y = ir_y + self.ray_length * np.sin(ray_angle)
     ray_end = np.array([ray_x, ray_y])
     return ray_end
Example #13
 def move_fx(self):
     # compute changes in location (force movement if 0)
     lw = self.lm * self.max_speed + np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
     rw = self.rm * self.max_speed + np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
     vel = (lw + rw) / 2
     # update dx, dy, do
     self.dx = vel * np.cos(self.o)
     self.dy = vel * np.sin(self.o)
     do = np.radians((lw - rw) / self.wheels_sep)
     # update x, y, o and body area
     self.x += self.dx
     self.y += self.dy
     self.o = geometry.force_angle(self.o + do)
Example #14
 def define_irs(self,x,y,o):
     # update position of active sensors
     self.irs = []
     for irx,ir_angle in zip(self.irx,self.ir_angles):
         ir = None
         if irx==True:
             # IRs: shapely linear objects
             oir = geom.force_angle(o+ir_angle)
             sx = x + self.r*np.cos(oir)
             sy = y + self.r*np.sin(oir)
             rx = sx + self.srange*np.cos(oir)
             ry = sy + self.srange*np.sin(oir)
             ir = LineString([(sx,sy),(rx,ry)])
Example #15
 def move(self, lw, rw, objects):
     # compute dx, dy, do
     lw = lw * self.max_speed
     rw = rw * self.max_speed
     vel = (lw + rw) / 2
     dx = vel * np.cos(self.o)
     dy = vel * np.sin(self.o)
     do = np.radians((lw - rw) / self.wheels_sep)
     # update
     self.x += dx
     self.y += dy
     self.o = geometry.force_angle(self.o + do)
     self.energy -= 1
     self.bouncing_fx(dx, dy, objects)
Example #16
    def move(self):
        # new x,y and orientation
        ls, rs = self.robot_speed()
        vel = (ls + rs) / 2
        dx = vel * np.cos(self.orientation)
        dy = vel * np.sin(self.orientation)
        do = np.radians((ls - rs) / self.wheel_sep)
        # update, but keep x and y within limits
        self.x += dx
        if self.x > world.xmax:
            self.x = world.xmax - self.radius * 2
        if self.x < 0:
            self.x = self.radius * 2
        self.y += dy
        if self.y > world.ymax:
            self.y = world.ymax - self.radius * 2
        if self.y < 0:
            self.y = self.radius * 2
        # update
        self.position = np.array([self.x, self.y])
        self.orientation += do
        self.orientation = geometry.force_angle(self.orientation)

        # what to do after collisions?
        if self.wall_collision() == True:
            self.notes = "collision"
            self.energy -= 10
            # face opposite direction
            self.orientation = geometry.force_angle(self.orientation + np.pi)
        # update sensors parameters
        # irs[i]: [ir_rel_pos, ir_rel_angles[n], ir_rel_rays]
        for i in range(len(self.irs)):
            rel_x = self.radius * np.cos(self.orientation + self.irs[i][1])
            rel_y = self.radius * np.sin(self.orientation + self.irs[i][1])
            self.irs[i][0] = [rel_x, rel_y]
Example #17
 def define_feeding_area(self):
     # define feeding area
     fx = self.x + self.r * np.cos(self.o)
     fy = self.y + self.r * np.sin(self.o)
     arc_start = self.o - np.radians(self.f_theta / 2)
     arc_end = self.o + np.radians(self.f_theta / 2)
     # force counter-clockwise
     if arc_start > arc_end:
         arc_end += np.radians(360)
     # get arc angle points
     arc_points = np.linspace(arc_start, arc_end, 100)
     arc_angles = np.array([geometry.force_angle(oi) for oi in arc_points])
     # get arc coordinates and create polygon
     arc_x = fx + self.f_range * np.cos(arc_angles)
     arc_y = fy + self.f_range * np.sin(arc_angles)
     f_coords = [(fx, fy)]
     [f_coords.append((xi, yi)) for xi, yi in zip(arc_x, arc_y)]
     self.f_area = Polygon(f_coords)
Example #18
 def read_aud(self, x, y, o, r, objects):
     aud_vals = []
     for aud_angle in self.aud_angles:
         ao = geometry.force_angle(o + aud_angle)
         ax = x + r * np.cos(ao)
         ay = y + r * np.sin(ao)
         min_dist = self.aud_range
         aud_val = 0
         # agents = [ag for ag in objects if type(ag)==agent.Agent]
         agents = objects["agents"]
         for ag in agents:
             dist = np.linalg.norm(
                 np.array([ag.x, ag.y]) - np.array([ax, ay]))
             if dist <= min_dist:
                 # the com output from agent weighted by the distance
                 aud_val = ag.com * (1 /
                                     np.exp(min_dist / self.aud_range))**2
     return aud_vals
Example #19
 def allocate_irs(self):
     # sensor only on the top half of the body uniformily distributed
     if self.n_irs == 2:
         ir_rel_angles = [np.radians(315), np.radians(45)]
         angle_sep = 180 / (self.n_irs + 1)
         ir_rel_angles = [
             geometry.force_angle(np.radians(-90 + angle_sep * i))
             for i in range(1, self.n_irs + 1)
     for n in range(self.n_irs):
         # relative position for each sensor
         ir_rel_x = self.radius * np.cos(ir_rel_angles[n])
         ir_rel_y = self.radius * np.sin(ir_rel_angles[n])
         ir_rel_pos = np.array([ir_rel_x, ir_rel_y])
         # define ray relative angles for beams
         rays_sep = self.ray_spread / (self.n_rays - 1)
         # negative for counterclockwise
         ir_rel_rays = [(-self.ray_spread / 2) + rays_sep * n
                        for n in range(self.n_rays)]
         # everything relative to location/orientation
         self.irs.append([ir_rel_pos, ir_rel_angles[n], ir_rel_rays])
Example #20
    def animate(i):
        # time
        time.set_text("time: " + str(i))
        # for each agent in the list of animated objects
        for enum, agent_obj in enumerate(agent_objs):
            # location data
            o = np.degrees(agents[enum].positions[i][2])
            x = agents[enum].positions[i][0]
            y = agents[enum].positions[i][1]
            # agent body (circle)
            agent_obj.center = (x, y)

            # agent orientation (line from center)
            ox = x + agents[enum].r * np.cos(np.radians(o))
            oy = y + agents[enum].r * np.sin(np.radians(o))
            o_lines[enum].set_data([x, ox], [y, oy])

            # olf domain (wedge)
            olf_x = x + agents[enum].r * np.cos(np.radians(o))
            olf_y = y + agents[enum].r * np.sin(np.radians(o))
            olf_o1 = geometry.force_angle_degrees(
                np.degrees(agents[enum].sensors.olf_angles[0]) + o)
            olf_o2 = geometry.force_angle_degrees(
                np.degrees(agents[enum].sensors.olf_angles[1]) + o)
            olf_domain[enum].center = (olf_x, olf_y)
            olf_domain[enum].theta1 = olf_o1
            olf_domain[enum].theta2 = olf_o2
            # olf signals
            olf_val = agents[enum].states[i][2]
            print("time: {}, location: {},{}, agent: {}, olf_val: {}".format(
                i, round(x, 2), round(y, 2), enum, olf_val))
            if olf_val > 0:
                # olf_domain[enum].set_visible(True)
                # olf_domain[enum].set_visible(False)

            # aud domain (circles)
            for n in range(len(aud_domain[enum])):
                #aud_o = o + agents[enum].ps[5][n]
                aud_o = o + agents[enum].sensors.aud_angles[n]
                aud_x = x + agents[enum].r * np.cos(aud_o)
                aud_y = y + agents[enum].r * np.sin(aud_o)
                aud_domain[enum][n].center = (aud_x, aud_y)
                # auditory signal
                aud_val = agents[enum].states[i][3 + n]
                # if aud_val > 0:
                #     aud_domain[enum][n].set_visible(True)
                # else:
                #     aud_domain[enum][n].set_visible(False)

            # vis domain (wedges)
            for n in range(len(vis_domain[enum])):
                # vis_or = agent_or + agent.sensor_or[n], ps[1]: ir_angles: [rad(-60), rad(60)]
                vis_o = geometry.force_angle(agents[enum].positions[i][2] +
                # sensor location
                vis_x = x + agents[enum].r * np.cos(vis_o)
                vis_y = y + agents[enum].r * np.sin(vis_o)
                # beam_spread, start and end angles of beam
                vis_sp = agents[enum].genotype.beam_spread / 2
                vis_o1 = geometry.force_angle_degrees(
                    np.degrees(vis_o) - vis_sp)
                vis_o2 = geometry.force_angle_degrees(
                    np.degrees(vis_o) + vis_sp)
                vis_domain[enum][n].center = (vis_x, vis_y)
                vis_domain[enum][n].theta1 = vis_o1
                vis_domain[enum][n].theta2 = vis_o2
                # visual signals
                vis_val = agents[enum].states[i][n]
                # print("time: {}, location: {},{}, agent: {}, sensor: {}, vis_val: {}".format(i,round(x,2),round(y,2),enum,n,vis_val))
                if vis_val > 0:
                    # vis_domain[enum][n].set_visible(True)
                    # vis_domain[enum][n].set_visible(False)

            # feeding (circle)
            if agents[enum].feeding_states[i] == True:
                feed.center = (x, y)

            # check energy values (circle)
            energy = agents[enum].states[i][5]
            if 0 < energy <= 200:
                agent_obj.fill = False
            if energy <= 0:
                agent_obj.fill = False
                aud_domain[enum][0].set_visible = False
                aud_domain[enum][1].set_visible = False
            all_aud = [aud for audx in aud_domain for aud in audx]
            all_vis = [vis for visx in vis_domain for vis in visx]

        return time, tuple(agent_objs) + tuple(o_lines) + tuple(
            olf_domain) + tuple(all_aud) + tuple(all_vis) + tuple(feed_domain)
Example #21
    def animate(i):
        # current robots locations
        x = [robot_loc[0] for robot_loc in simlocations[i]]
        y = [robot_loc[1] for robot_loc in simlocations[i]]
        o = [
            for robot_or in orientations[i]
        # allocate robot
        for enum, robot in enumerate(robots):
            robot.center = (x[enum], y[enum])
            if notes[i][enum] == "collision":
        # current food sensors locations
        for enum, fsensor in enumerate(fsensors):
            fsensor.center = (x[enum], y[enum])
            if fs_vals[i][0] != None:
        # for enum, fs_arc in enumerate(fs_arcs):
        #     fs_arc.center = (x[enum], y[enum])
        #     fs_arc.angle = np.degrees(o[enum])
        #     fs_arc.theta1 = -fs_angle/2
        #     fs_arc.theta2 = fs_angle/2
        #     if fs_vals[i][0] != None:
        #         fs_arc.set_color("red")
        #     else:
        #         fs_arc.set_color("blue")
        # past locations: more than one you can't see anything
        if past == True and n_robots == 1:
            if len(xlocs) < len(simlocations) - 1:
                past_locations.set_data(xlocs, ylocs)
        # sensors list, added proyection for main orientation
        sx = [[x[n], x[n] + 10 * np.cos(o[n])] for n in range(len(x))]
        sy = [[y[n], y[n] + 10 * np.sin(o[n])] for n in range(len(y))]
        irs = [None]
        # ir beams proyections
        for robot_i in range(n_robots):
            for ir_sensor in ir_data[i][robot_i]:
                # data for each sensor for each robot
                rs_x, rs_y = ir_sensor[0]
                so = np.radians(ir_sensor[1])
                sleft = np.radians(ir_sensor[2])
                sright = np.radians(ir_sensor[3])
                ir_val = ir_sensor[4]
                # center ray of beam
                re_x = rs_x + ir_range * np.cos(so)
                re_y = rs_y + ir_range * np.sin(so)
                # left most ray from left most beam
                re_xl = rs_x + ir_range * np.cos(sleft)
                re_yl = rs_y + ir_range * np.sin(sleft)
                # right most ray from right most beam
                re_xr = rs_x + ir_range * np.cos(sright)
                re_yr = rs_y + ir_range * np.sin(sright)
                # ir_rays
                sx.append([rs_x, re_xl])
                sy.append([rs_y, re_yl])
                sx.append([rs_x, re_xr])
                sy.append([rs_y, re_yr])
                # ir value for sensor
                irs.extend([ir_val, ir_val])
        # plot ir_rays
        for enum, ray in enumerate(rays):
            ray.set_data(sx[enum], sy[enum])
            if irs[enum]:

        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        return (past_locations, ) + tuple(robots) + tuple(rays) + tuple(
            fsensors)  #+tuple(fs_arcs)
Example #22
 def read_ir(self):
     # basically 3 options for left & right most rays of beam:
     # a) don't sense anything: None
     # b) sense the same wall: full_ir_val()
     # c) sense different things: for all rays: hits/n_rays * irval(av_dist)
     self.ir_reading = []
     for ir_sensor in self.irs:
         rel_pos = ir_sensor[0]
         rel_angle = ir_sensor[1]
         rel_rays = ir_sensor[2]
         # angle of mid ray from sensor, clockwise from due north
         ir_angle = geometry.force_angle(self.orientation + rel_angle)
         # position of sensors
         # sens_x = self.x + self.radius*np.cos(sensor_angle)
         # sens_y = self.y + self.radius*np.sin(sensor_angle)
         ir_x = self.x + rel_pos[0]
         ir_y = self.y + rel_pos[1]
         ir_pos = np.array([ir_x, ir_y])
         # bounding rays relative to a central ir beam
         sp_left = rel_rays[0]
         sp_right = rel_rays[-1]
         # position of ray start
         # px = sens_x
         # py = sens_y
         if self.ray_hit(ir_pos, ir_angle,
                         sp_left) == False and self.ray_hit(
                             ir_pos, ir_angle, sp_right) == False:
             # beam misses everything
             # check right and left rays
             left_ray_end = self.ray_end(ir_x, ir_y, ir_angle, sp_left)
             right_ray_end = self.ray_end(ir_x, ir_y, ir_angle, sp_right)
             l_hit, l_wall, l_dist = self.ray_hit_nearest(
                 ir_pos, left_ray_end)
             r_hit, r_wall, r_dist = self.ray_hit_nearest(
                 ir_pos, right_ray_end)
             # if both hit same wall as nearest object
             if l_hit == True and r_hit == True and l_wall == r_wall:
                 val = self.full_ir_val(ir_pos, ir_angle, l_wall)
             # if not, complicated...
             # find wich rays do hit (proportion that do * fullval)
                 # try to compute average distance
                 n_hits = 0
                 av_dist = 0
                 # loop through the all the beam's rays
                 for ray_angle in rel_rays:
                     i_ray_end = self.ray_end(ir_x, ir_y, ir_angle,
                     ray_hit = self.ray_hit_nearest(ir_pos, i_ray_end)
                     if ray_hit:
                         n_hits += 1
                         av_dist += ray_hit[2]
                 # average value of min distance
                 av_dist /= n_hits
                 # proportional to n rays that hit (proportion of the beam)
                 val = (n_hits / self.n_rays) * self.ir_val(av_dist)
                 # ir noise: random gaussian loc=0, sigma=1 * ir_noise
                 ir_noise = np.random.normal() * self.ir_noise
                 val += ir_noise
             # it can only be positive
             val = 0 if val < 0 else val
             self.notes = "detection"