Example #1
 def update_custom_object(self, sdk_obj):
     if not sdk_obj.pose.is_comparable(self.robot.pose):
         print('Should never get here:', sdk_obj.pose, self.robot.pose)
     id = 'CustomMarkerObj-' + str(sdk_obj.object_type.name[-2:])
     if not sdk_obj.is_unique:
         id += '-' + str(sdk_obj.object_id)
     if id in self.objects:
         wmobject = self.objects[id]
         wmobject.sdk_obj = sdk_obj  # In case created marker before seeing it
         type = sdk_obj.object_type
         if type in custom_objs.custom_marker_types:
             wmobject = CustomMarkerObj(sdk_obj, id)
         elif type in custom_objs.custom_cube_types:
             wmobject = CustomCubeObj(sdk_obj, id)
         else:  # if we don't know what else to do with it, treat as a custom marker
             wmobject = CustomMarkerObj(sdk_obj, id)
         self.objects[id] = wmobject
     wmobject.pose_confidence = +1
     self.update_coords_from_sdk(wmobject, sdk_obj)
     if isinstance(wmobject, CustomMarkerObj):
         wmobject.orientation, wmobject.rotation, _, _ = \
           get_orientation_state(sdk_obj.pose.rotation.q0_q1_q2_q3, isPlanar=True)
     elif isinstance(wmobject, CustomCubeObj):
         wmobject.orientation, _, _, wmobject.rotation = \
           get_orientation_state(sdk_obj.pose.rotation.q0_q1_q2_q3, isPlanar=False)
Example #2
 def __init__(self, sdk_obj, id=None, x=0, y=0, z=0, theta=0, rotation=0):
     # 'theta' is orientation relative to North in particle filter reference frame
     # 'rotation' is orientation relative to "up" in the camera image
     if id is None:
         custom_type = sdk_obj.object_type.name[-2:]
         id = 'CustomMarkerObj-' + str(custom_type)
     super().__init__(id, x, y, z)
     self.theta = wrap_angle(theta)
     self.sdk_obj = sdk_obj
     self.marker_number = int(id[-2:])
     self.size = self.custom_marker_size
     if self.sdk_obj:
         self.orientation, self.rotation, _, _ = \
           get_orientation_state(self.sdk_obj.pose.rotation.q0_q1_q2_q3, True)
         self.rotation = wrap_angle(rotation)
         if abs(self.rotation) < 0.1:
             self.orientation = geometry.ORIENTATION_UPRIGHT
         elif abs(self.rotation - pi / 2) < 0.1:
             self.orientation = geometry.ORIENTATION_LEFT
         elif abs(self.rotation + pi / 2) < 0.1:
             self.orientation = geometry.ORIENTATION_RIGHT
         elif abs(wrap_angle(self.rotation + pi)) < 0.1:
             self.orientation = geometry.ORIENTATION_INVERTED
             self.orientation = geometry.ORIENTATION_TILTED
Example #3
 def __init__(self, sdk_obj, id=None, x=0, y=0, z=0, theta=0):
     if id is None:
         id = 'Charger'
     super().__init__(id, x, y, z)
     self.sdk_obj = sdk_obj
     if sdk_obj:
         self.sdk_obj.wm_obj = self
         self.update_from_sdk = True
     self.orientation = geometry.ORIENTATION_UPRIGHT
     self.theta = theta
     self.size = self.charger_size
     if self.sdk_obj and self.sdk_obj.pose:
         self.orientation, _, _, self.theta = get_orientation_state(
Example #4
 def update_cube(self, cube):
     cube_id = 'Cube-' + str(cube.cube_id)
     if cube_id in self.objects:
         foreign_id = "LightCubeForeignObj-" + str(cube.cube_id)
         if foreign_id in self.objects:
             # remove foreign cube when local cube seen
             del self.objects[foreign_id]
         wmobject = self.objects[cube_id]
         wmobject.sdk_obj = cube  # In case created before seen
         if self.robot.carrying is wmobject:
             if cube.is_visible:  # we thought we were carrying it, but we're wrong
                 self.robot.carrying = None
                 return self.update_cube(cube)
             else:  # we do appear to be carrying it
     elif cube.pose is None:  # not in contact with cube
         return None
         # Cube is not in the worldmap, so add it.
         wmobject = LightCubeObj(cube)
         self.objects[cube_id] = wmobject
     if cube.is_visible:
         wmobject.update_from_sdk = True  # In case we've just dropped it; now we see it
         wmobject.pose_confidence = +1
     elif (cube.pose is None):
         return wmobject
     elif wmobject.update_from_sdk and not cube.pose.is_comparable(
             self.robot.pose):  # Robot picked up or cube moved
         if (self.robot.fetching and self.robot.fetching.sdk_obj is cube) or \
            (self.robot.carrying and self.robot.carrying.sdk_obj is cube):
             wmobject.pose_confidence = -1
         return wmobject
     else:  # Robot re-localized so cube came back
         pass  # skip for now due to SDK bug
         # wmobject.update_from_sdk = True
         wmobject.pose_confidence = max(0, wmobject.pose_confidence)
     if wmobject.update_from_sdk:  # True unless if we've dropped it and haven't seen it yet
         self.update_coords_from_sdk(wmobject, cube)
         wmobject.orientation, _, _, wmobject.theta = get_orientation_state(
     return wmobject
Example #5
 def update_charger(self):
     charger = self.robot.world.charger
     if charger is None: return
     charger_id = 'Charger'
     wmobject = self.objects.get(charger_id, None)
     if wmobject is None:
         wmobject = ChargerObj(charger)
         self.objects[charger_id] = wmobject
     wmobject.sdk_obj = charger  # In case we created charger before seeing it
     if self.robot.is_on_charger:
         wmobject.update_from_sdk = False
         theta = wrap_angle(self.robot.world.particle_filter.pose[2] + pi)
         charger_offset = np.array([[-30], [0], [0], [1]])
         offset = geometry.aboutZ(theta).dot(charger_offset)
         wmobject.x = self.robot.world.particle_filter.pose[0] + offset[0,
         wmobject.y = self.robot.world.particle_filter.pose[1] + offset[1,
         wmobject.theta = theta
         wmobject.pose_confidence = +1
     elif charger.is_visible:
         wmobject.update_from_sdk = True
         wmobject.pose_confidence = +1
     elif ((charger.pose is None)
           or not charger.pose.is_comparable(self.robot.pose)):
         wmobject.update_from_sdk = False
         wmobject.pose_confidence = -1
     else:  # Robot re-localized so charger pose came back
         pass  # skip for now due to SDK bug
         # wmobject.update_from_sdk = True
         # wmobject.pose_confidence = max(0, wmobject.pose_confidence)
     if wmobject.update_from_sdk:  # True unless pose isn't comparable
         self.update_coords_from_sdk(wmobject, charger)
         wmobject.orientation, _, _, wmobject.theta = get_orientation_state(
     return wmobject