def window_map(scene, az, el, dk, cf, pperd=0.5, fov=np.pi): w = int(np.sqrt(pperd * conv)) # Pixels over the whole sphere winsamps = 10 wr = cf["winrad"] R = cf["aptoffr"] k1 = k2 = np.arange(-wr * 1.5, wr * 1.5, wr / winsamps) K1, K2 = np.meshgrid(k1, k2) K1 = np.reshape(K1, (np.size(K1), 1)) K2 = np.reshape(K2, (np.size(K2), 1)) r = np.sqrt(K1**2 + (R - K2)**2) th = np.arctan2(K1, R - K2) gsfrac = np.zeros((len(r), 1)) for i in range(0, len(K1)): if np.sqrt(K1[i]**2 + K2[i]**2) <= wr: cf2 = cf.copy() cf2["drumangle"] = cf2["drumangle"] + th[i] cf2["aptoffr"] = r[i] fbpos, fbdir, fbort = mountxform(ORG, Z, X, az, el, dk, cf2) O, D, xp, yp = camera(fbpos, fbdir, fbort, w, w, proj="sphere2", fov=fov) color = rt.raytrace(O, D, scene, O, trace="hit") gsfrac[i] = get_hit_frac(color, clrs["fbm"], pperd) gsfrac[np.sqrt(K1**2 + K2**2) > wr] = np.nan gsfrac =, gsfrac) c = np.reshape(gsfrac, (len(k1), len(k2))) # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4)) fig = plt.figure() plt.subplot() plt.pcolormesh(k1, k2, c) # , vmin=0)#, vmax=0.0025) plt.xlim([-1 * wr * 1.1, wr * 1.1]) plt.ylim([-1 * wr * 1.1, wr * 1.1]) plt.xlabel("Window X (m)") plt.ylabel("Window Y (m)") cbar = plt.colorbar()'GS subtend fraction', rotation=270)
def do_test(cf): # This is a test of the raytracer. The scene is only made up of our spherical camera and # a single unit sphere. Because it is easy to predict the solid angle of a sphere at a known # distance, we can verify that our camera can effectively return the solid angle to an arbitrary # accuracy and precision, independent of where the sphere is on the sky. spr = 1. # Sphere radius scene = [0] plt.figure(1) # Check for systematics due to pixel aliasing # Should do this at a distance that is larger than the things you care about. # in our case, a ground shield that is ~10 meters away if True: sppos, spdir, sport = mountxform(rt.vec3(0, 0, 20.), Z, X, 0., np.pi / 2., 0., cf) scene[0] = rt.Sphere(sppos, spr, rgb(5, 0., 0.), mirror=0.02) ang = 2 * np.arcsin( spr / sppos.dist()) # angular diameter of the sphere. sphcov = (1 - np.cos( ang / 2)) / 2 # Fractional area: solid angle divided by 4pi res = np.logspace(0, 2) r = np.zeros([ len(res), ]) for i in range(0, len(res)): pperd = res[i] # pipxels per sq-deg w = int(np.sqrt(pperd * conv)) # Pixels over the whole sphere O, D, xp, yp = camera(rt.vec3(0, 0, 0), spdir, sport, w, w, proj="sphere2") color = rt.raytrace(O, D, scene, hitmap=True) cd = color.dist() ind = (cd == 5.) r[i] = (np.size(np.where(ind)) / (w**2)) / sphcov - 1 plt.subplot(211) plt.semilogx(res, r, '.') plt.title("Sphere at distance of 30m") plt.xlabel("Pixels per sq-deg") plt.ylabel("Fractional residuals") plt.ylim([-0.01, 0.01]) plt.grid() # Look at accuracy over distance when you've optimized the resolution. if True: pperd = 7 # pipxels per sq-deg w = int(np.sqrt(pperd * conv)) # Pixels over the whole sphere dist = np.logspace(0, 1.5) r = np.zeros([ len(dist), ]) for i in range(0, len(dist)): sppos, spdir, sport = mountxform(rt.vec3(0, 0, dist[i]), Z, X, 0., np.pi / 2., 0., cf) scene[0] = rt.Sphere(sppos, spr, rgb(5, 0., 0.), mirror=0.02) ang = 2 * np.arcsin( spr / sppos.dist()) # angular diameter of the sphere. sphcov = (1 - np.cos( ang / 2)) / 2 # Fractional area: solid angle divided by 4pi O, D, xp, yp = camera(rt.vec3(0, 0, 0), spdir, sport, w, w, proj="sphere2") color = rt.raytrace(O, D, scene, hitmap=True) cd = color.dist() ind = (cd == 5.) r[i] = (np.size(np.where(ind)) / (w**2)) / sphcov - 1 plt.subplot(212) plt.semilogx(dist, r) plt.title("Camera at {0} px/sq-deg resolution".format(pperd)) plt.xlabel("Distance to sphere (m)") plt.ylabel("Fractional residuals") plt.ylim([-0.01, 0.01]) plt.grid() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=1.2) # Check for spatial systematics if True: az = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, np.pi / 2) el = np.arange(0, np.pi / 2, np.pi / 20) dk = np.arange(0, 1) # range(0,2*np.pi,np.pi/2) rat = np.zeros([len(az), len(el)]) pperd = 7 # pipxels per sq-deg w = int(np.sqrt(pperd * conv)) # Pixels over the whole sphere ext = [min(az), max(az), min(el), max(el)] ext = [i * 180 / np.pi for i in ext] cf["eloffz"] = 1.0 for i in range(0, len(az)): for j in range(0, len(el)): for k in range(0, len(dk)): sppos, spdir, sport = mountxform(rt.vec3(0, 0, 0.0), Z, X, az[i], el[j], dk[k], cf) scene[0] = rt.Sphere(sppos, spr, rgb(5, 0., 0.), mirror=0.02) ang = 2 * np.arcsin( spr / sppos.dist()) # angular diameter of the sphere. sphcov = ( 1 - np.cos(ang / 2) ) / 2 # Fractional area: solid angle divided by 4pi O, D, xp, yp = camera(rt.vec3(0, 0, 0), spdir, sport, w, w, proj="sphere2") color = rt.raytrace(O, D, scene, hitmap=True) cd = color.dist() ind = (cd == 5.) rat[i, j] = ((np.size(np.where(ind)) / (w**2)) / sphcov) - 1 plt.figure(2) plt.subplot(111) plt.imshow(rat, extent=ext) cbar = plt.colorbar()'Fractional Residuals', rotation=270) plt.title("Camera at {0} px/sq-deg resolution, sphere ".format(pperd)) plt.ylabel("Elevation (o)") plt.xlabel("Azimuth (o)")
cf2 = cf.copy() fbpos, fbdir, fbort = mountxform(ORG, Z, X, az, el, dk, cf2) fov = np.pi O, D, xp, yp = camera(fbpos, fbdir, fbort, w, w, proj="sphere2", fov=fov, PLOT=False) if args.showtemp == False: color = rt.raytrace(O, D, scene, O, trace="hit", clrstop=clrs["gnd"]) show_hit_map(xp, yp, color.sum(), filename, pperd) else: color = rt.raytrace(O, D, scene, O, trace="temp") if np.size(clrs["gnd"]) > 1: scene[0].diffuse.x = scene[0].diffuse.x * 0 + clrs["gnd"][1] if dowall: scene[1].diffuse.x = scene[0].diffuse.x * 0 + clrs["gnd"][ 1] / mgs / 2 color = color - rt.raytrace(O, D, scene, O, trace="temp") show_temp_map(xp, yp, color.sum(), filename, log=True) else: show_temp_map(xp, yp, color.sum(), filename)
wr = cf["winrad"] # window radius R = cf["aptoffr"] # window center distance k1 = k2 = np.arange(-wr, wr, 2 * wr / winsamps) + wr / winsamps K1, K2 = np.meshgrid(k1, k2) K1 = np.reshape(K1, (np.size(K1), 1)) K2 = np.reshape(K2, (np.size(K2), 1)) winhit = np.zeros((len(K1), 1)) V3 = rt.make_array(fbpos, np.ones(np.shape(K1))) V1 = rt.make_array(fbort, K1) V2 = rt.make_array(fbort2, K2) Oray = V3 + V1 + V2 Dray = rt.make_array(D, np.ones(np.shape(K1))) # Do a raytrace, return the color ID of the first this we hit. color = rt.raytrace(Oray, Dray, scene, Oray, trace="hit") ind = color.sum() == mirrcf["color"] * np.ones( np.shape(color.sum())) winhit[ind] = 1 ind = (np.sqrt(K1**2 + K2**2) < wr) hitfrac[j] = np.nansum(winhit[ind]) / np.size(winhit[ind]) # Plot the fractional coupling with the mirror. if False: c = np.reshape(hitfrac, (len(x), len(y))) pixconv = 150 plt.figure(1, figsize=(1000 / pixconv, 834 / pixconv)) plt.subplot() plt.pcolormesh(-1 * y * 180 / np.pi, -1 * x * 180 / np.pi, c,