Example #1
def group_param_rot_spec(robo, symo, j, lam, antRj):
    """Internal function. Groups inertia parameters according to the
    special rule for a rotational joint.

    robo is the output paramete
    chainj = robo.chain(j)
    r1, r2, orthog = Transform.find_r12(robo, chainj, antRj, j)
    kRj, all_paral = Transform.kRj(robo, antRj, r1, chainj)
    Kj = robo.get_inert_param(j)
    to_replace = {0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7}
    if Transform.z_paral(kRj):
        Kj[0] = 0   # XX
        Kj[1] = 0   # XY
        Kj[2] = 0   # XZ
        Kj[4] = 0   # YZ
        to_replace -= {0, 1, 2, 4}
    joint_axis = antRj[chainj[-1]].col(2)
    if all_paral and robo.G.norm() == sympy.Abs(joint_axis.dot(robo.G)):
        Kj[6] = 0   # MX
        Kj[7] = 0   # MY
        to_replace -= {6, 7}
    if j == r1 or(j == r2 and orthog):
        Kj[5] += robo.IA[j]   # ZZ
        robo.IA[j] = 0
    for i in to_replace:
        Kj[i] = symo.replace(Kj[i], inert_names[i], j)
    robo.put_inert_param(Kj, j)
    def test_transform(self):
        transform = Transform()


        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.matrix('1.,3.,3.,1.; 1. 1. 3. 3. ; 1. 1. 1. 1. '), self.polygon.matrix_of_vertices))
Example #3
def group_param_prism_spec(robo, symo, j, antRj, antPj):
    """Internal function. Groups inertia parameters according to the
    special rule for a prismatic joint.

    robo is the output paramete
    chainj = robo.chain(j)
    r1, r2, orthog = Transform.find_r12(robo, chainj, antRj, j)
    Kj = robo.get_inert_param(j)
    kRj, all_paral = Transform.kRj(robo, antRj, r1, chainj)
    to_replace = {6, 7, 8, 9}
    if r1 < j and j < r2:
        if Transform.z_paral(kRj):
            Kj[8] = 0   # MZ
            for i in (6, 7):
                Kj[i] = symo.replace(Kj[i], inert_names[i], j)
            robo.MS[robo.ant[j]] += antRj[j]*Matrix([Kj[6], Kj[7], 0])
            robo.JJ[2, 2] -= Kj[6]*antPj[j][0] + Kj[7]*antPj[j][1]
            Kj[6] = 0   # MX
            Kj[7] = 0   # MY
            to_replace -= {6, 7, 8}
            jar1 = kRj.row(2)
            if jar1[2] != 0:
                Kj[6] -= jar1[0]/jar1[2]*Kj[8]
                Kj[7] -= jar1[1]/jar1[2]*Kj[8]
                Kj[8] = 0   # MZ
                to_replace -= {8}
            elif jar1[0]*jar1[1] != 0:
                Kj[6] -= jar1[0]/jar1[1]*Kj[7]
                Kj[7] = 0   # MY
                to_replace -= {7}
            elif jar1[0] != 0:
                Kj[7] = 0   # MY
                to_replace -= {7}
                Kj[6] = 0   # MX
                to_replace -= {6}
    elif j < r1:
        Kj[6] = 0   # MX
        Kj[7] = 0   # MY
        Kj[8] = 0   # MZ
        to_replace -= {6, 7, 8}
    #TOD: rewrite
    dotGa = Transform.sna(antRj[j])[2].dot(robo.G)
    if dotGa == ZERO:
        revol_align = robo.ant[robo.ant[j]] == 0 and robo.ant[j] == ZERO
        if robo.ant[j] == 0 or revol_align:
            Kj[9] += robo.IA[j]
            robo.IA[j] = 0
    for i in to_replace:
        Kj[i] = symo.replace(Kj[i], inert_names[i], j)
    robo.put_inert_param(Kj, j)
def draw_docking_station(ax, goal_object='station'):

    :param ax:
    :param goal_object
    obj_tform = Transform.scale(20) @ Transform.translate(-0.85, 0)

    if goal_object == 'station':
        obj_points = Point.from_list([(0, 1, 1), (2, 1, 1), (2, 0.5, 1),
                                      (0.5, 0.5, 1), (0.5, -0.5, 1),
                                      (2, -0.5, 1), (2, -1, 1), (0, -1, 1)])

        obj_points = obj_points.transformed(obj_tform).to_euclidean().T

                        facecolor=colors.to_rgba([0, 0.5, 0.5], alpha=0.5),
                        edgecolor=[0, 0.5, 0.5],
    elif goal_object == 'coloured_station':
        face_colours = [[0.839, 0.153, 0.157], [1.000, 0.895, 0.201],
                        [0.173, 0.627, 0.173]]

        obj_points = Point.from_list([(0, 1, 1), (0, 0.5, 1), (2, 0.5, 1),
                                      (2, 1, 1), (0, -1, 1), (0, -0.5, 1),
                                      (2, -0.5, 1), (2, -1, 1), (0, 0.5, 1),
                                      (0, -0.5, 1), (0.5, -0.5, 1),
                                      (0.5, 0.5, 1)])

        obj_points = obj_points.transformed(obj_tform).to_euclidean().T

        arm1_points = obj_points[:4]
        arm2_points = obj_points[4:8]
        back_points = obj_points[8:]

                        facecolor=colors.to_rgba(face_colours[1], alpha=0.5),
                        facecolor=colors.to_rgba(face_colours[0], alpha=0.5),
                        facecolor=colors.to_rgba(face_colours[2], alpha=0.5),

        raise ValueError("Invalid value for goal_object")
Example #5
 def __init__(self, a=1.0, b=1.0, c=0.0, d=0.0, e=0.0, f=-1.0, color=None):
     Shape.__init__(self, color)
     self.a = a
     self.b = b
     self.c = c
     self.d = d
     self.e = e
     self.f = f
     t = Transform(2 * a, c, 0, c, 2 * b, 0)
     self.center = t.inverse() * Vector(-d, -e)
     l1, l0 = quadratic(1, 2 * (-a - b), 4 * a * b - c * c)
     v = t.eigv()
     axes = [v[0] * ((l0 / 2) ** -0.5), v[1] * ((l1 / 2) ** -0.5)]
     self.bound = Vector.union(self.center - axes[0] - axes[1],
                               self.center - axes[0] + axes[1],
                               self.center + axes[0] - axes[1],
                               self.center + axes[0] + axes[1])
        def update(self, position, angle):
            tform = Transform.pose_transform(position, angle)
            points = self._points.transformed(tform).to_euclidean().T

            self.circle.center = points[0]
            self.arrow.xy = points[1:]

            if show_range:
                self.range_circle.center = points[0]
class TestTransform(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.transform = Transform()
        self.translation = [1.,1.,1.]

    def test_translation(self):

        reference = np.matrix('1., 0., 1.; 0., 1., 1.; 0., 0., 1.')
        tested = self.transform.matrix

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(reference, tested))

    def test_rotation(self):

        reference = np.matrix('0., -1., 0.; 1., 0., 0.; 0., 0., 1.')

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(reference, self.transform.matrix))
Example #8
 def __init__(self, a=1.0, b=1.0, c=0.0, d=0.0, e=0.0, f=-1.0, color=None):
     Shape.__init__(self, color)
     if c * c - 4 * a * b >= 0:
         raise Exception("Not an ellipse")
     self.a = a
     self.b = b
     self.c = c
     self.d = d
     self.e = e
     self.f = f
     self.gradient = Transform(2 * a, c, d, c, 2 * b, e)
     self.center = self.gradient.inverse() * Vector(0, 0)
     y1, y2 = quadratic(b - c * c / 4 * a, e - c * d / 2 * a,
                        f - d * d / 4 * a)
     x1, x2 = quadratic(a - c * c / 4 * b, d - c * e / 2 * b,
                        f - e * e / 4 * b)
     self.bound = AABox.from_vectors(Vector(-(d + c * y1) / 2 * a, y1),
                                     Vector(-(d + c * y2) / 2 * a, y2),
                                     Vector(x1, -(e + c * x1) / 2 * b),
                                     Vector(x2, -(e + c * x2) / 2 * b))
     if not self.contains(self.center):
         raise Exception("Internal error, center not inside ellipse")
Example #9
    def init_positions(cls,
        :param marxbot
        :param d_object
        :param marxbot_rel_pose: initial pose of the marxbot, relative to the goal pose, expressed as r, theta and
                                 angle, that is position in polar coordinates and orientation
        :param min_distance: the minimum distance between the marXbot and any object, that correspond to the radius
                             of the marXbot, is 8.5 cm.
        # The goal pose of the marXbot, defined with respect to the docking station reference frame, has the same y-axis
        # of the docking station and the x-axis translated of the radius of the d_object plus a small arbitrary distance.
        # The goal angle of the marXbot is 180 degree (π).
        increment = d_object.radius + min_distance
        x_goal = d_object.position[0] + increment
        y_goal = d_object.position[1] + 0
        marxbot.goal_position = (x_goal, y_goal)
        marxbot.goal_angle = np.pi

        # Transform the initial pose, relative to the goal, from polar to cartesian coordinates
        r, theta, angle = marxbot_rel_pose
        point_G = Point.from_polar(r, theta)

        # Transform the cartesian coordinates from the goal to the world reference frame
        trasform_D_G = Transform.translate(increment, 0)
        trasform_W_D = Transform.pose_transform(d_object.position,
        point_W = trasform_W_D @ trasform_D_G @ point_G

        marxbot.initial_position = tuple(Point.to_euclidean(point_W))
        marxbot.position = marxbot.initial_position

        marxbot.initial_angle = angle
        marxbot.angle = marxbot.initial_angle

        marxbot.goal_reached = False
Example #10
def _jac(robo, symo, n, i, j, chain=None, forced=False, trig_subs=False):
    Computes jacobian of frame n (with origin On in Oj) projected to frame i
#    symo.write_geom_param(robo, 'Jacobian')
    # TODO: Check projection frames, rewrite DGM call for higher efficiency
    M = []
    if chain is None:
        chain = robo.chain(n)
#    chain_ext = chain + [robo.ant[min(chain)]]
#    if not i in chain_ext:
#        i = min(chain_ext)
#    if not j in chain_ext:
#        j = max(chain_ext)
    kTj_dict = dgm(robo, symo, chain[0], j, key='left', trig_subs=trig_subs)
    kTj_tmp = dgm(robo, symo, chain[-1], j, key='left', trig_subs=trig_subs)
    iTk_dict = dgm(robo, symo, i, chain[0], key='right', trig_subs=trig_subs)
    iTk_tmp = dgm(robo, symo, i, chain[-1], key='right', trig_subs=trig_subs)
    for k in chain:
        kTj = kTj_dict[k, j]
        iTk = iTk_dict[i, k]
        isk, ink, iak = Transform.sna(iTk)
        sigm = robo.sigma[k]
        if sigm == 1:
            dvdq = iak
            J_col = dvdq.col_join(Matrix([0, 0, 0]))
        elif sigm == 0:
            dvdq = kTj[0, 3]*ink-kTj[1, 3]*isk
            J_col = dvdq.col_join(iak)
            J_col = Matrix([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    Jac = Matrix(M).T
    Jac = Jac.applyfunc(symo.simp)
    iRj = Transform.R(iTk_dict[i, j])
    jTn = dgm(robo, symo, j, n, fast_form=False, trig_subs=trig_subs)
    jPn = Transform.P(jTn)
    L = -hat(iRj*jPn)
    if forced:
        symo.mat_replace(Jac, 'J', '', forced)
        L = symo.mat_replace(L, 'L', '', forced)
    return Jac, L
Example #11
 def __init__(self, a=1.0, b=1.0, c=0.0, d=0.0, e=0.0, f=-1.0, color=None):
     Shape.__init__(self, color)
     if c*c - 4*a*b >= 0:
         raise Exception("Not an ellipse")
     self.a = a
     self.b = b
     self.c = c
     self.d = d
     self.e = e
     self.f = f
     self.gradient = Transform(2*a, c, d, c, 2*b, e)
     self.center = self.gradient.inverse() * Vector(0, 0)
     y1, y2 = quadratic(b-c*c/4*a, e-c*d/2*a, f-d*d/4*a)
     x1, x2 = quadratic(a-c*c/4*b, d-c*e/2*b, f-e*e/4*b)
     self.bound = AABox.from_vectors(Vector(-(d + c*y1)/2*a, y1),
                                     Vector(-(d + c*y2)/2*a, y2),
                                     Vector(x1, -(e + c*x1)/2*b),
                                     Vector(x2, -(e + c*x2)/2*b))
     if not self.contains(self.center):
         raise Exception("Internal error, center not inside ellipse")
Example #12
class Ellipse(Shape):
    def __init__(self, a=1.0, b=1.0, c=0.0, d=0.0, e=0.0, f=-1.0, color=None):
        Shape.__init__(self, color)
        if c * c - 4 * a * b >= 0:
            raise Exception("Not an ellipse")
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.c = c
        self.d = d
        self.e = e
        self.f = f
        self.gradient = Transform(2 * a, c, d, c, 2 * b, e)
        self.center = self.gradient.inverse() * Vector(0, 0)
        y1, y2 = quadratic(b - c * c / 4 * a, e - c * d / 2 * a,
                           f - d * d / 4 * a)
        x1, x2 = quadratic(a - c * c / 4 * b, d - c * e / 2 * b,
                           f - e * e / 4 * b)
        self.bound = AABox.from_vectors(Vector(-(d + c * y1) / 2 * a, y1),
                                        Vector(-(d + c * y2) / 2 * a, y2),
                                        Vector(x1, -(e + c * x1) / 2 * b),
                                        Vector(x2, -(e + c * x2) / 2 * b))
        if not self.contains(self.center):
            raise Exception("Internal error, center not inside ellipse")

    def value(self, p):
        return self.a*p.x*p.x + self.b*p.y*p.y + self.c*p.x*p.y \
               + self.d*p.x + self.e*p.y + self.f

    def contains(self, p):
        return self.value(p) < 0

    def transform(self, transform):
        i = transform.inverse()
        ((m00, m01, m02), (m10, m11, m12), _) = i.m
        aa = self.a * m00 * m00 + self.b * m10 * m10 + self.c * m00 * m10
        bb = self.a * m01 * m01 + self.b * m11 * m11 + self.c * m01 * m11
        cc = 2*self.a*m00*m01 + 2*self.b*m10*m11 \
             + self.c*(m00*m11 + m01*m10)
        dd = 2*self.a*m00*m02 + 2*self.b*m10*m12 \
             + self.c*(m00*m12 + m02*m10) + self.d*m00 + self.e*m10
        ee = 2*self.a*m01*m02 + 2*self.b*m11*m12 \
             + self.c*(m01*m12 + m02*m11) + self.d*m01 + self.e*m11
        ff = self.a*m02*m02 + self.b*m12*m12 + self.c*m02*m12 \
             + self.d*m02 + self.e*m12 + self.f
        return Ellipse(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, color=self.color)

    def intersections(self, c, p):
        # returns the two intersections of the line through c and p
        # and the ellipse. Defining a line as a function of a single
        # parameter u, x(u) = c.x + u * (p.x - c.x), (and same for y)
        # this simply solves the quadratic equation f(x(u), y(u)) = 0
        pc = p - c
        u2 = self.a * pc.x**2 + self.b * pc.y**2 + self.c * pc.x * pc.y
        u1 = 2*self.a*c.x*pc.x + 2*self.b*c.y*pc.y \
             + self.c*c.y*pc.x +   self.c*c.x*pc.y + self.d*pc.x \
             + self.e*pc.y
        u0 = self.a*c.x**2 + self.b*c.y**2 + self.c*c.x*c.y \
             + self.d*c.x + self.e*c.y + self.f
            sols = quadratic(u2, u1, u0)
        except ValueError:
            raise Exception("Internal error, solutions be real numbers")
        return c + pc * sols[0], c + pc * sols[1]

    def signed_distance_bound(self, p):
        v = self.value(p)
        if v == 0:
            return 0
        elif v < 0:
            # if inside the ellipse, create an inscribed quadrilateral
            # that contains the given point and use the minimum distance
            # from the point to the quadrilateral as a bound. Since
            # the quadrilateral lies entirely inside the ellipse, the
            # distance from the point to the ellipse must be smaller.
            v0, v2 = self.intersections(p, p + Vector(1, 0))
            v1, v3 = self.intersections(p, p + Vector(0, 1))
            return abs(ConvexPoly([v0, v1, v2, v3]).signed_distance_bound(p))
            c = self.center
            crossings = self.intersections(c, p)
            # the surface point we want is the one closest to p
            if (p - crossings[0]).length() < (p - crossings[1]).length():
                surface_pt = crossings[0]
                surface_pt = crossings[1]
            # n is the normal at surface_pt
            n = self.gradient * surface_pt
            n = n * (1.0 / n.length())
            # returns the length of the projection of p - surface_pt
            # along the normal
            return -abs(n.dot(p - surface_pt))
Example #13
class Ellipse(Shape):
    def __init__(self, a=1.0, b=1.0, c=0.0, d=0.0, e=0.0, f=-1.0, color=None):
        Shape.__init__(self, color)
        if c*c - 4*a*b >= 0:
            raise Exception("Not an ellipse")
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.c = c
        self.d = d
        self.e = e
        self.f = f
        self.gradient = Transform(2*a, c, d, c, 2*b, e)
        self.center = self.gradient.inverse() * Vector(0, 0)
        y1, y2 = quadratic(b-c*c/4*a, e-c*d/2*a, f-d*d/4*a)
        x1, x2 = quadratic(a-c*c/4*b, d-c*e/2*b, f-e*e/4*b)
        self.bound = AABox.from_vectors(Vector(-(d + c*y1)/2*a, y1),
                                        Vector(-(d + c*y2)/2*a, y2),
                                        Vector(x1, -(e + c*x1)/2*b),
                                        Vector(x2, -(e + c*x2)/2*b))
        if not self.contains(self.center):
            raise Exception("Internal error, center not inside ellipse")
    def value(self, p):
        return self.a*p.x*p.x + self.b*p.y*p.y + self.c*p.x*p.y \
               + self.d*p.x + self.e*p.y + self.f
    def contains(self, p):
        return self.value(p) < 0
    def transform(self, transform):
        i = transform.inverse()
        ((m00, m01, m02), (m10, m11, m12),_) = i.m
        aa = self.a*m00*m00 + self.b*m10*m10 + self.c*m00*m10
        bb = self.a*m01*m01 + self.b*m11*m11 + self.c*m01*m11
        cc = 2*self.a*m00*m01 + 2*self.b*m10*m11 \
             + self.c*(m00*m11 + m01*m10)
        dd = 2*self.a*m00*m02 + 2*self.b*m10*m12 \
             + self.c*(m00*m12 + m02*m10) + self.d*m00 + self.e*m10
        ee = 2*self.a*m01*m02 + 2*self.b*m11*m12 \
             + self.c*(m01*m12 + m02*m11) + self.d*m01 + self.e*m11
        ff = self.a*m02*m02 + self.b*m12*m12 + self.c*m02*m12 \
             + self.d*m02 + self.e*m12 + self.f
        return Ellipse(aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff, color=self.color)
    def intersections(self, c, p):
        # returns the two intersections of the line through c and p
        # and the ellipse. Defining a line as a function of a single
        # parameter u, x(u) = c.x + u * (p.x - c.x), (and same for y)
        # this simply solves the quadratic equation f(x(u), y(u)) = 0
        pc = p - c
        u2 = self.a*pc.x**2 + self.b*pc.y**2 + self.c*pc.x*pc.y
        u1 = 2*self.a*c.x*pc.x + 2*self.b*c.y*pc.y \
             + self.c*c.y*pc.x +   self.c*c.x*pc.y + self.d*pc.x \
             + self.e*pc.y
        u0 = self.a*c.x**2 + self.b*c.y**2 + self.c*c.x*c.y \
             + self.d*c.x + self.e*c.y + self.f
            sols = quadratic(u2, u1, u0)
        except ValueError:
            raise Exception("Internal error, solutions be real numbers")
        return c+pc*sols[0], c+pc*sols[1]
    def signed_distance_bound(self, p):
        v = self.value(p)
        if v == 0:
            return 0
        elif v < 0:
            # if inside the ellipse, create an inscribed quadrilateral
            # that contains the given point and use the minimum distance
            # from the point to the quadrilateral as a bound. Since
            # the quadrilateral lies entirely inside the ellipse, the
            # distance from the point to the ellipse must be smaller.
            v0, v2 = self.intersections(p, p + Vector(1, 0))
            v1, v3 = self.intersections(p, p + Vector(0, 1))
            return abs(ConvexPoly([v0,v1,v2,v3]).signed_distance_bound(p))
            c = self.center
            crossings = self.intersections(c, p)
            # the surface point we want is the one closest to p
            if (p - crossings[0]).length() < (p - crossings[1]).length():
                surface_pt = crossings[0]
                surface_pt = crossings[1]
            # n is the normal at surface_pt
            n = self.gradient * surface_pt
            n = n * (1.0 / n.length())
            # returns the length of the projection of p - surface_pt
            # along the normal
            return -abs(n.dot(p - surface_pt))
Example #14
def f(translation, rotation):
    t = Transform()

    return area_of_intersection(t)
 def setUp(self):
     self.transform = Transform()
     self.translation = [1.,1.,1.]