def fill_pose(self, det_names, det_poses, det_confidences): msg = PoseArray() msg.header.frame_id = '/head_rgbd_sensor_rgb_frame' msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) for idx in range(len(det_names)): item = Pose() item.position.x = det_poses[idx][0] item.position.y = det_poses[idx][1] item.position.z = det_poses[idx][2] item.orientation.w = det_poses[idx][3] item.orientation.x = det_poses[idx][4] item.orientation.y = det_poses[idx][5] item.orientation.z = det_poses[idx][6] msg.poses.append(item) self.pose_pub.publish(msg) msg = get_posesResponse() for idx in range(len(det_names)): item = PoseWithConfidence() = det_names[idx] item.confidence = det_confidences[idx] item.pose = Pose() det_pose = det_poses[idx] item.pose.position.x = det_pose[0] item.pose.position.y = det_pose[1] item.pose.position.z = det_pose[2] item.pose.orientation.w = det_pose[3] item.pose.orientation.x = det_pose[4] item.pose.orientation.y = det_pose[5] item.pose.orientation.z = det_pose[6] msg.poses.append(item) return msg
def person_callback(self, msg): a = PeopleTracker() a.header = msg.header a.min_distance = np.inf a.min_distance_angle = 0 for t in msg.tracks: b = np.uint8(t.track_id) a.uuids.append(str(b)) person = Pose() person.position = t.pose.pose.position person.orientation = t.pose.pose.orientation a.poses.append(person) v = Vector3() v.x = t.twist.twist.linear.x v.y = t.twist.twist.linear.y v.z = t.twist.twist.linear.z a.velocities.append(v) person = PoseStamped() person.header = msg.header #person.header.frame_id = self.target_frame person.pose = t.pose.pose if msg.header.frame_id != self.target_frame: try: ti = self.listener.getLatestCommonTime( self.target_frame, msg.header.frame_id) msg.header.stamp = ti transformed_person = self.listener.transformPose( self.target_frame, person) except (tf.Exception, tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException) as ex: rospy.logerr("[" + rospy.get_name() + "]: " + "Can't transform, reason: " + str(ex)) return None x1 = transformed_person.pose.position.x y1 = transformed_person.pose.position.y z1 = transformed_person.pose.position.z dis = round( math.sqrt(math.pow(x1, 2) + math.pow(y1, 2) + math.pow(z1, 2)), 3) a.distances.append(dis) #ang = math.atan2(math.sqrt(math.pow(x1,2)+math.pow(y1,2)),z1) ang = math.atan2(y1, x1) a.angles.append(ang) if dis < a.min_distance: a.min_distance = dis a.min_distance_angle = ang
def person_callback(self, msg): a = PeopleTracker() #print("msg tracks: ") #print(msg.tracks) #for t in msg.header: # for s in a.header: # s.seq = t.seq # s.stamp = t.stamp # s.frame_id = t.frame_id # print("Frame ID: ") # print(s.frame_id) a.header = msg.header print("header: ") print(a.header) for t in msg.tracks: b = np.uint8(t.track_id) a.uuids.append(str(b)) #= b#'track_%08d' %(t.track_id) print("track_id: ") print(t.track_id) print("uuids: ") print(a.uuids) print("poses: ") #print(t.pose) person = Pose() #person.header = a.header person.position = t.pose.pose.position person.orientation = t.pose.pose.orientation a.poses.append(person) # = t.pose print(a.poses) #for t1 in t.pose: # for s in a.poses: # for t2 in t1.pose: # for t3 in t2.position: # for s1 in s.position: # s1.x = t3.x # s1.y = t3.y # s1.z = t3.z # for t3 in t2.orientation: # for s1 in s.orientation: # s1.x = t3.x # s1.y = t3.y # s1.z = t3.z # s1.w = t3.w v = Vector3() v.x = t.twist.twist.linear.x v.y = t.twist.twist.linear.y v.z = t.twist.twist.linear.z a.velocities.append(v) # = t.twist print("velocities: ") print(a.velocities) #for s in a.velocities: # for t1 in t.twist: # for t2 in t1.linear: # s.x = t2.x # s.y = t2.y # s.z = t2.z person = PoseStamped() person.header = msg.header print(type(t.pose.pose)) person.pose = t.pose.pose print("person pose: ") print(type(person)) #print(person.pose) if msg.header.frame_id != self.target_frame: try: ti = self.listener.getLatestCommonTime( self.target_frame, msg.header.frame_id) msg.header.stamp = ti transformed_person = self.listener.transformPose( self.target_frame, person) except (tf.Exception, tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException) as ex: return None x1 = transformed_person.pose.position.x y1 = transformed_person.pose.position.y z1 = transformed_person.pose.position.z print("x: ") print(x1) print("y: ") print(y1) print("z: ") print(z1) dis = [ math.sqrt(math.pow(x1, 2) + math.pow(y1, 2) + math.pow(z1, 2)) ] # = math.sqrt(math.pow(x,2)+math.pow(y,2)+math.pow(z,2)) a.distances.append(dis[0]) print("distances: ") print(a.distances) ang = [ math.atan2(math.sqrt(math.pow(x1, 2) + math.pow(y1, 2)), z1) ] # = math.atan2(math.sqrt(math.pow(x,2)+math.pow(y,2)),z) a.angles.append(ang[0]) print("angles: ") print(a.angles) #print("I just published") #break #a.distances.append(math.sqrt(math.pow(x,2)+math.pow(y,2)+math.pow(z,2))) #a.angles.append(math.atan2(math.sqrt(math.pow(x,2)+math.pow(y,2)),z)) a.min_distance = min(a.distances) print("min distance: ") print(a.min_distance) i = 0 for d in a.distances: if d == a.min_distance: break else: i = i + 1 a.min_distance_angle = a.angles[i] print("min distance angle: ") print(a.min_distance_angle) print("I am publishing People Tracker object a.")
gc.importRobot('fetch_gripper') pose = Pose() pose.orientation.w = 1.0 gc.importGraspableBody( "/home/vlad/Downloads/ycb_meshes/spam_12oz/meshes/spam_12oz.ply", pose) graspit_grasps = gc.planGrasps(graspable_body_id=0) # add Spam to MoveIt import geometry_msgs.msg import world_manager from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose, Point, Quaternion pose = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped() pose.header.frame_id = '/base_link' pose.pose = Pose(Point(0.042, 0.384, 0.826), Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)) world_manager.world_manager_client.add_mesh( 'spam', '/home/vlad/Downloads/spam_12oz.dae', pose) ### Using MoveIt to move arm -- this works by itsels, without using CURPP. The arm moves to this location. import rospy from moveit_msgs.msg import MoveItErrorCodes from moveit_python import MoveGroupInterface, PlanningSceneInterface from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, Pose, Point, Quaternion rospy.init_node("hi") move_group_arm = MoveGroupInterface("arm_with_torso", "base_link") # This is the wrist link not the gripper itself gripper_frame = 'wrist_roll_link'