Example #1
def callbacallback(twist_msg):
    m3 = twist_msg.linear.x
    m0 = twist_msg.linear.y
    m1 = twist_msg.linear.z
    m2 = twist_msg.angular.z
    # PWM
    M = np.array([m0, m1, m2, m3])

    # Motor saturation
    M[M > pwm_max] = pwm_max
    # M[M<=pwm_min] = 0  # Real robot does not generage forces with less than this

    # pwm to forces (in grams)
    MF = np.power((M / pwm_max - c1) / c2, 2) - c3
    # forces in kilograms
    MF /= 1000
    MF[MF < 0] = 0.

    # compute forces
    [fx, fy, mz] = np.dot(A, MF)

    # publish twist
    msg = Wrench()
    force = Vector3()
    torque = Vector3()
    force.x = fx
    force.y = fy
    torque.z = mz

    msg.force = force
    msg.torque = torque
Example #2
 def point_callback(self, msg):
     x = msg.x
     y = msg.y
     z = msg.z
     curr_point = np.array([x,y,z]) #cm
     p_err = (curr_point - self.ref_point)*(1/np.power(10, 2)) #m
     if self.prev_err is None:
         self.prev_err = p_err
     d_err = (p_err - self.prev_err) #m
     if (np.greater(p_err, (self.ref_point - self.ref_error)).all() and
         np.less(p_err, (self.ref_point + self.ref_error)).all() and 
         not has_reached_point
         self.ref_point = curr_point
         self.has_reached_point = True
         force = self.Kp*p_err + self.Kd*d_err
         force_vector = Vector3()
         force_vector.x = force[0]
         force_vector.y = force[1]
         force_vector.z = force[2]
         wrench_msg = Wrench()
         wrench_msg.force = force_vector
     self.prev_err = p_err
def publishWrench(data, hand):
    wr = data.estimated_external_wrench
    wrench_msg = Wrench()
    wrench_msg.force = Vector3(wr.x, wr.y, wr.z)
    wrench_msg.torque = Vector3(wr.c, wr.b, wr.a)

    wrench_stamped_msg = WrenchStamped()
    wrench_stamped_msg.wrench = wrench_msg
    wrench_stamped_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0)
    wrench_stamped_msg.header.frame_id = hand_to_frame[hand]

Example #4
def to_wrench(array):
  Converts a numpy array into a C{geometry_msgs/Wrench} ROS message.
  @type  array: np.array
  @param array: The wrench as numpy array
  @rtype: geometry_msgs/Wrench
  @return: The resulting ROS message
  msg = Wrench()
  msg.force = to_vector3(array[:3])
  msg.torque = to_vector3(array[3:])
  return msg
Example #5
def to_wrench(array):
  Converts a numpy array into a C{geometry_msgs/Wrench} ROS message.
  @type  array: np.array
  @param array: The wrench as numpy array
  @rtype: geometry_msgs/Wrench
  @return: The resulting ROS message
    msg = Wrench()
    msg.force = to_vector3(array[:3])
    msg.torque = to_vector3(array[3:])
    return msg
Example #6
def get_thruster_manager_message(fx=1, fy=1, fz=1, tx=1, ty=1, tz=1):
    force = Vector3()
    force.x = fx
    force.y = fy
    force.z = fz
    torque = Vector3()
    torque.x = tx
    torque.y = ty
    torque.z = tz
    msg = Wrench()
    msg.force = force
    msg.torque = torque
    return msg
Example #7
 def set_torque(self, nx, ny, nz):
     Set the Torque for of this object in parent frame. If a previous Wrench command had been
     set, the force from that command will be used
     :param nx:
     :param ny:
     :param nz:
     _wrench_cmd = Wrench()
     _wrench_cmd.force = self.get_force_command()
     _wrench_cmd.torque.x = nx
     _wrench_cmd.torque.y = ny
     _wrench_cmd.torque.z = nz
Example #8
def to_wrench(array):
  Convert a numpy array into a `geometry_msgs/Wrench` ROS message.

  array: array_like
    The wrench :math:`[f_x, f_y, f_z, t_x, t_y, t_z]` as numpy array

  msg: geometry_msgs/Wrench
    The resulting ROS message
    msg = Wrench()
    msg.force = to_vector3(array[:3])
    msg.torque = to_vector3(array[3:])
    return msg
 def multi_dof_joint_state(cls, msg, obj):
     obj.header = decode.header(msg, obj.header, "")
     obj.joint_names = msg["joint_names"]
     for i in msg['_length_trans']:
         trans = Transform()
         trans.translation = decode.translation(msg, trans.translation, i)
         trans.rotation = decode.rotation(msg, trans.rotation, i)
     for i in msg['_length_twist']:
         tw = Twist()
         tw.linear = decode.linear(msg, tw.linear, i)
         tw.angular = decode.angular(msg, tw.angular, i)
     for i in msg['_length_twist']:
         wr = Wrench()
         wr.force = decode.force(msg, wr.force, i)
         wr.torque = decode.torque(msg, wr.torque, i)
Example #10
    def show_gazebo_models(self):
            # model_coordinates = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/get_model_state', GetModelState)
            # resp_coordinates = model_coordinates('my_robot','left_front_wheel')
            # print(resp_coordinates)

            apply_wrench = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/apply_body_wrench', ApplyBodyWrench)

            wrench = Wrench()
            wrench.force = Vector3(50,50,50)
            wrench.torque = Vector3(50,50,50)
            rate = rospy.Rate(100)

            success = apply_wrench(
                Point(0, 0, 0),

        except rospy.ServiceException as e:
            rospy.loginfo("Get Model State service call failed:  {0}".format(e))
        apply_wrench = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/apply_body_wrench',
    except rospy.ServiceException as e:
        print('Service call failed, error=', e)

    ns = rospy.get_namespace().replace('/', '')

    body_name = '%s/base_link' % ns

    if starting_time >= 0:
        rate = rospy.Rate(100)
        while rospy.get_time() < starting_time:

    wrench = Wrench()
    wrench.force = Vector3(*force)
    wrench.torque = Vector3(*torque)
    success = apply_wrench(body_name, 'world', Point(0, 0, 0), wrench,
                           rospy.Time().now(), rospy.Duration(duration))

    if success:
        print('Body wrench perturbation applied!')
        print('\tFrame: ', body_name)
        print('\tDuration [s]: ', duration)
        print('\tForce [N]: ', force)
        print('\tTorque [Nm]: ', torque)
        apply_wrench = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/apply_body_wrench', ApplyBodyWrench)
    except rospy.ServiceException as e:
        print('Service call failed, error=', e)

    ns = rospy.get_namespace().replace('/', '')

    body_name = '%s/base_link' % ns

    if starting_time >= 0:
        rate = rospy.Rate(100)
        while rospy.get_time() < starting_time:

    wrench = Wrench()
    wrench.force = Vector3(*force)
    wrench.torque = Vector3(*torque)
    success = apply_wrench(
        Point(0, 0, 0),

    if success:
        print('Body wrench perturbation applied!')
        print('\tFrame: ', body_name)
        print('\tDuration [s]: ', duration)
        print('\tForce [N]: ', force)
        print('\tTorque [Nm]: ', torque)
Example #13
    def navigate(self, x, y):
        wrench = Wrench()
        #rate set to 100 to send messages to skibot at a specific interval
        rate = rospy.Rate(100)
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            wrench.force = Vector3()
            wrench.torque = Vector3()
            wrench.force.x = 0
            wrench.torque.z = 0
            #Check if pose is None because pose_callback may not have been called yet
            if self.pose != None:
                self.x_error = x - self.pose.x
                self.y_error = y - self.pose.y
            # If the absolute combined error is greater than acceptable apply force to skibot
            if np.abs(self.x_error) + np.abs(self.y_error) > 0.01:
                #Calculates the goalAngle using a tan inverse function built into numpy
                goalAngle = np.arctan2((y - self.pose.y),
                                       (x - self.pose.x)) * 180 / np.pi
                #Calculate the error between current theta and goalAngle
                self.angle_error = (goalAngle -
                                    (self.pose.theta * 180 / np.pi)) % 360
                if self.angle_error >= 180:
                    self.angle_error -= 360
                #The calculated angle is off by 45 degrees to this math corrects this and accounts for negative/positive flip
                if self.angle_error < -135:
                    self.angle_error = 180 - (
                        (180 + (self.angle_error - 45) + 1) * -1)
                if self.angle_error < -135:
                    self.angle_error = 180 - (
                        (180 + (self.angle_error - 45) + 1) * -1)

                if self.angle_error > 0.5 and self.pose != None:
                    if self.pose.theta_velocity < 1:
                        #Apply torque based on angle error
                        wrench.torque.z = self.angle_error * 0.05
                if self.angle_error < -0.5 and self.pose != None:
                    if self.pose.theta_velocity > -1:
                        #Apply torque based on angle error
                        wrench.torque.z = self.angle_error * 0.05

                # if the current total velocity is less than the total error
                if np.abs(self.pose.x_velocity) + np.abs(
                        self.pose.y_velocity) < (np.abs(self.x_error) +
                    #force is determined by the total absolute error and current absolute velocity
                    wrench.force.x = ((np.abs(self.x_error) +
                                       np.abs(self.y_error))) - np.abs(
                                           self.pose.x_velocity) + np.abs(
                # if the current total velocity is greater than the total error
                if np.abs(self.pose.x_velocity) + np.abs(
                        self.pose.y_velocity) > (np.abs(self.x_error) +
                    #force is determined by the total absolute error and current absolute velocity
                    wrench.force.x = -0.3 * np.abs(
                        self.pose.x_velocity) + np.abs(
                            self.pose.y_velocity) - (
                                (np.abs(self.x_error) + np.abs(self.y_error)))

                #clips the acceleration force to ensure movement even when there is minimal error
                if wrench.force.x < 0:
                    wrench.force.x = np.clip(wrench.force.x, -.5, -.35)
                if wrench.force.x > 0:
                    wrench.force.x = np.clip(wrench.force.x, .35, .5)
                countdown = 0
                #on the target so begin to countdown
                self.countdown += 1
            if self.countdown > 1500:
                self.countdown = 0
                #if the countdown has passed 1500 then the service is completed
                return True