def get_cleanup_pose(self, robot_pose):
        pose = Pose2D()
        pose.x = robot_pose.x
        pose.y = robot_pose.y

        poly_pt, dp = closest_point_on_zone(robot_pose, self.cleanup_zones)

        if robot_pose.x == poly_pt.x:
            pose.x = poly_pt.x
            if robot_pose.y < poly_pt.y:
                pose.y = poly_pt.y + self.goal_standoff_dist
                pose.y = poly_pt.y - self.goal_standoff_dist
            m = (robot_pose.y - poly_pt.y) / (robot_pose.x - poly_pt.x)
            standoff_x = (self.goal_standoff_dist / dp *
                          abs(robot_pose.x - poly_pt.x))

            if robot_pose.x < poly_pt.x:
                pose.x = poly_pt.x + standoff_x
                pose.x = poly_pt.x - standoff_x

            pose.y = m*pose.x - m*poly_pt.x + poly_pt.y

        #pose.theta = atan2(pose.y - poly_pt.y, poly_pt.x - pose.x)

        return pose
    def get_object_visit_pose(self, pt):
        Method returns a pose such that the object pose given will be between
        the returned pose and the closest point on the cleanup polygon
        pose = Pose2D()
        pose.x = pt.x
        pose.y = pt.y

        poly_pt, dp = closest_point_on_zone(pt, self.cleanup_zones)

        if pt.x == poly_pt.x:
            pose.x = pt.x
            if pt.y < poly_pt.y:
                pose.y = pt.y - self.standoff_dist
                pose.y = pt.y + self.standoff_dist
            m = (pt.y - poly_pt.y) / (pt.x - poly_pt.x)
            standoff_x = self.standoff_dist / dp * abs(pt.x - poly_pt.x)

            if pt.x < poly_pt.x:
                pose.x = pt.x - standoff_x
                pose.x = pt.x + standoff_x

            pose.y = m*pose.x - m*pt.x + pt.y

        pose.theta = atan2(pose.y - poly_pt.y, poly_pt.x - pose.x)

        return pose