Example #1
    def test_ensure_workspace_exists(self):
        ws_name = 'nonexistent-workspace'
        ws_namespace_uri = 'http://nonamespace.com'

        # Ensure that the workspace doesn't exist
        ws1 = gs_catalog.get_workspace(ws_name)
        if ws1 is not None:

        ensure_workspace_exists(gs_catalog, ws_name, ws_namespace_uri)
        # Check that the workspace now exists
        ws2 = gs_catalog.get_workspace(ws_name)
        self.assertNotEqual(ws2, None)

        # Run again to ensure a preexisting workspace doesn't throw any exceptions
        ensure_workspace_exists(gs_catalog, ws_name, ws_namespace_uri)

    def test_ensure_workspace_exists(self):
        ws_name = 'nonexistent-workspace'
        ws_namespace_uri = 'http://nonamespace.com'

        # Ensure that the workspace doesn't exist
        ws1 = gs_catalog.get_workspace(ws_name)
        if ws1 is not None:

        ensure_workspace_exists(gs_catalog, ws_name, ws_namespace_uri)
        # Check that the workspace now exists
        ws2 = gs_catalog.get_workspace(ws_name)
        self.assertNotEqual(ws2, None)

        # Run again to ensure a preexisting workspace doesn't throw any exceptions
        ensure_workspace_exists(gs_catalog, ws_name, ws_namespace_uri)

Example #3
def get_geoserver_cascading_workspace(create=True):
    """Return the geoserver workspace used for cascaded services
    The workspace can be created it if needed.
    name = getattr(settings, "CASCADE_WORKSPACE", "cascaded-services")
    workspace = catalog.get_workspace(name)
    if workspace is None and create:
        uri = f"http://www.geonode.org/{name}"
        workspace = catalog.create_workspace(name, uri)
    return workspace