Example #1
    author_contact, __ = Contact.objects.get_or_create(user=user,
                                           defaults={"name": user.username })

    logger.debug('Creating poc and author records for %s', poc_contact)

    saved_layer.poc = poc_contact
    saved_layer.metadata_author = author_contact


    # Step 11. Set default permissions on the newly created layer
    # FIXME: Do this as part of the post_save hook
    logger.info('>>> Step 11. Setting default permissions for [%s]', name)
    if permissions is not None:
        from geonode.maps.views import set_layer_permissions
        set_layer_permissions(saved_layer, permissions)

    # Step 12. Insert the payment options
    logger.info('>>> Step 12. Setting payment options [%s]', name)
    if permissions is not None:
        payment_options = [n for (n, p) in permissions['payment_options']]
        if payment_options is not None:
            from anzsm.payment.utils import setPaymentOptions
            setPaymentOptions(saved_layer, permissions)    
    # Step 13. Verify the layer was saved correctly and clean up if needed
    logger.info('>>> Step 13. Verifying the layer [%s] was created correctly' % name)

    # Verify the object was saved to the Django database
Example #2
    author_contact, __ = Contact.objects.get_or_create(user=user,
                                           defaults={"name": user.username })

    logger.debug('Creating poc and author records for %s', poc_contact)

    saved_layer.poc = poc_contact
    saved_layer.metadata_author = author_contact


    # Step 11. Set default permissions on the newly created layer
    # FIXME: Do this as part of the post_save hook
    logger.info('>>> Step 11. Setting default permissions for [%s]', name)
    if permissions is not None:
        from geonode.maps.views import set_layer_permissions
        set_layer_permissions(saved_layer, permissions, True)

    # Step 12. Verify the layer was saved correctly and clean up if needed
    logger.info('>>> Step 12. Verifying the layer [%s] was created '
                'correctly' % name)

    # Verify the object was saved to the Django database
    except Layer.DoesNotExist, e:
        msg = ((_('There was a problem saving the layer ') + '%s ' +
               _('Error is: ') + '%s') % (name, str(e)))
        logger.debug('Attempting to clean up after failed save for layer '
                     '[%s]', name)
        # Since the layer creation was not successful, we need to clean up
Example #3
    author_contact, __ = Contact.objects.get_or_create(user=user,
                                           defaults={"name": user.username })

    logger.debug('Creating poc and author records for %s', poc_contact)

    saved_layer.poc = poc_contact
    saved_layer.metadata_author = author_contact


    # Step 11. Set default permissions on the newly created layer
    # FIXME: Do this as part of the post_save hook
    logger.info('>>> Step 11. Setting default permissions for [%s]', name)
    if permissions is not None:
        from geonode.maps.views import set_layer_permissions
        set_layer_permissions(saved_layer, permissions)

    # Step 12. Verify the layer was saved correctly and clean up if needed
    logger.info('>>> Step 12. Verifying the layer [%s] was created '
                'correctly' % name)

    # Verify the object was saved to the Django database
    except Layer.DoesNotExist, e:
        msg = ('There was a problem saving the layer %s to GeoNetwork/Django. '
               'Error is: %s' % (layer, str(e)))
        logger.debug('Attempting to clean up after failed save for layer '
                     '[%s]', name)
        # Since the layer creation was not successful, we need to clean up
    def test_metadata_search(self):

        # Test Empty Search [returns all results, should match len(Layer.objects.all())+5]
        # +5 is for the 5 'default' records in GeoNetwork
        test_url = "%sdata/search/api/?q=%s&start=%d&limit=%d" % (settings.SITEURL, "", 0, 10)
        results = json.loads(get_web_page(test_url))
        self.assertEquals(int(results["total"]), Layer.objects.count())

        # Test n0ch@nc3 Search (returns no results)
        test_url = "%sdata/search/api/?q=%s&start=%d&limit=%d" % (settings.SITEURL, "n0ch@nc3", 0, 10)
        results = json.loads(get_web_page(test_url))
        self.assertEquals(int(results["total"]), 0)

        # Test Keyword Search (various search terms)
        test_url = "%sdata/search/api/?q=%s&start=%d&limit=%d" % (settings.SITEURL, "NIC", 0, 10)
        results = json.loads(get_web_page(test_url))
        # self.assertEquals(int(results["total"]), 3)

        # This Section should be greatly expanded upon after uploading several
        # Test layers. Issues found with GeoNetwork search should be 'documented'
        # here with a Test Case

        # Test BBOX Search (various bbox)

        # - Test with an empty query string and Global BBOX and validate that total is correct
        test_url = "%sdata/search/api/?q=%s&start=%d&limit=%d&bbox=%s" % (
        results = json.loads(get_web_page(test_url))
        self.assertEquals(int(results["total"]), Layer.objects.count())

        # - Test with a specific query string and a bbox that is disjoint from its results
        # test_url = "%sdata/search/api/?q=%s&start=%d&limit=%d&bbox=%s"  % (settings.SITEURL, "NIC", 0, 10, "0,-90,180,90")
        # results = json.loads(get_web_page(test_url))
        # self.assertEquals(int(results["total"]), 0)

        # - Many more Tests required

        # Test start/limit params (do in unit test?)

        # Test complex/compound Search

        # Test Permissions applied to search from ACLs

        # TODO Write a method to accept a perm_spec and query params and test that query results are returned respecting the perm_spec

        # - Test with Anonymous User
        perm_spec = {"anonymous": "_none", "authenticated": "_none", "users": [["admin", "layer_readwrite"]]}
        for layer in Layer.objects.all():
            set_layer_permissions(layer, perm_spec)

        test_url = "%sdata/search/api/?q=%s&start=%d&limit=%d" % (settings.SITEURL, "", 0, 10)

        results = json.loads(get_web_page(test_url))

        for layer in results["rows"]:
            if layer["_local"] == False:
                # Ignore non-local layers
                self.assertEquals(layer["_permissions"]["view"], False)
                self.assertEquals(layer["_permissions"]["change"], False)
                self.assertEquals(layer["_permissions"]["delete"], False)
                self.assertEquals(layer["_permissions"]["change_permissions"], False)

        # - Test with Authenticated User
        results = json.loads(get_web_page(test_url, username="******", password="******", login_url=LOGIN_URL))

        for layer in results["rows"]:
            if layer["_local"] == False:
                # Ignore non-local layers
                self.assertEquals(layer["_permissions"]["view"], True)
                self.assertEquals(layer["_permissions"]["change"], True)
                self.assertEquals(layer["_permissions"]["delete"], True)
                self.assertEquals(layer["_permissions"]["change_permissions"], True)
Example #5
    author_contact, __ = Contact.objects.get_or_create(user=user,
                                           defaults={"name": user.username })

    logger.debug('Creating poc and author records for %s', poc_contact)

    saved_layer.poc = poc_contact
    saved_layer.metadata_author = author_contact


    # Step 11. Set default permissions on the newly created layer
    # FIXME: Do this as part of the post_save hook
    logger.info('>>> Step 11. Setting default permissions for [%s]', name)
    if permissions is not None:
        from geonode.maps.views import set_layer_permissions
        set_layer_permissions(saved_layer, permissions, True)

    # Step 12. Verify the layer was saved correctly and clean up if needed
    logger.info('>>> Step 12. Verifying the layer [%s] was created '
                'correctly' % name)

    # Verify the object was saved to the Django database
    except Layer.DoesNotExist, e:
        msg = ((_('There was a problem saving the layer ') + '%s ' +
               _('Error is: ') + '%s') % (name, str(e)))
        logger.debug('Attempting to clean up after failed save for layer '
                     '[%s]', name)
        # Since the layer creation was not successful, we need to clean up