Example #1
 def run(self, ips, imgs, para=None):
     prj = None
     if para['wkt'] != '':
         with open(para['wkt']) as f:
             prj = f.read()
     crs = gutil.makecrs(prj or para['crs'])
     table = gmt.build_index(imgs).to_crs(crs)
     box = gutil.shp2box(table, para['scale']
                         or (para['width'], para['height']), para['mar'])
     chans = ['Channel %s' % i for i in range(ips.get_nchannels())]
     chans = [chans.index(i) for i in para['chans']]
     order = {'nearest': 0, 'linear': 1}[para['order']]
     rst = gmt.match_multi(imgs, box, chans, step=para['step'], order=order)
     IPy.show_img([rst], ips.title + '-merge')
Example #2
 def run(self, tps, snap, data, para=None):
     prj = None
     if para['wkt'] != '':
         with open(para['wkt']) as f:
             prj = f.read()
     crs = gutil.makecrs(prj or para['crs'])
     table = data.to_crs(crs)
     box = gutil.shp2box(table, para['scale']
                         or (para['width'], para['height']), para['mar'])
     chans = list(data['channels'][0])
     chans = [chans.index(i) for i in para['chans']]
     order = {'nearest': 0, 'linear': 1}[para['order']]
     rst = gmt.match_idx(data, box, chans, step=para['step'], order=order)
     IPy.show_img([rst], tps.title + '-merge')
Example #3
def match_idx(idx, out, chan='all', step=10, order=1):
    if chan == 'all': chan = list(range(len(idx['channels'][0])))
    if isinstance(chan, int): chan = [chan]
    if isinstance(out, tuple): shape, crs, mat = out
    else: shape, crs, mat = out.shape, out.crs, out.mat
    idx = idx.to_crs(gutil.makecrs(crs).to_proj4())
    box = gutil.box2shp(shape, crs, mat)[0]
    for i in idx.index:
        if box.intersects(idx.loc[i]['geometry']):
            raster = gio.read_raster(idx.loc[i]['path'], chan)
            if isinstance(out, tuple):
                out = gnp.frombox(*out, len(chan), raster.dtype)
            print('merge ...', idx.loc[i]['path'], end=' ')
            match_one(raster, out, chan, step, order)
    return out
Example #4
 def run(self, tps, snap, data, para=None):
     if not isinstance(data, gpd.GeoDataFrame):
         return IPy.alert('geo table needed!')
     IPy.show_log(tps.title, gutil.makecrs(data.crs).to_wkt())