Example #1
def test_overlay(dfs, how, use_sindex, expected_features):
    Basic overlay test with small dummy example dataframes (from docs).
    Results obtained using QGIS 2.16 (Vector -> Geoprocessing Tools ->
    Intersection / Union / ...), saved to GeoJSON and pasted here
    df1, df2 = dfs
    result = overlay(df1, df2, how=how, use_sindex=use_sindex)

    # construction of result
    if how == 'identity':
        expected = pd.concat([
        ], ignore_index=True)
        expected = GeoDataFrame.from_features(expected_features[how])

    # TODO needed adaptations to result
    # if how == 'union':
    #     result = result.drop(['idx1', 'idx2'], axis=1).sort_values(['col1', 'col2']).reset_index(drop=True)
    # elif how in ('intersection', 'identity'):
    #     result = result.drop(['idx1', 'idx2'], axis=1)

    assert_geodataframe_equal(result, expected)

    # for difference also reversed
    if how == 'difference':
        result = overlay(df2, df1, how=how, use_sindex=use_sindex)
        expected = GeoDataFrame.from_features(
        assert_geodataframe_equal(result, expected)
Example #2
def test_to_file_int64(tmpdir, df_points):
    tempfilename = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "int64.shp")
    geometry = df_points.geometry
    df = GeoDataFrame(geometry=geometry)
    df["data"] = pd.array([1, np.nan] * 5, dtype=pd.Int64Dtype())
    df_read = GeoDataFrame.from_file(tempfilename)
    assert_geodataframe_equal(df_read, df, check_dtype=False, check_like=True)
Example #3
def test_clip_points(point_gdf, single_rectangle_gdf):
    """Test clipping a points GDF with a generic polygon geometry."""
    clip_pts = clip(point_gdf, single_rectangle_gdf)
    pts = np.array([[2, 2], [3, 4], [9, 8]])
    exp = GeoDataFrame([Point(xy) for xy in pts],
    assert_geodataframe_equal(clip_pts, exp)
 def test_tz_cols(self, example_positionfixes):
     """Test if columns get casted to datetimes."""
     pfs = example_positionfixes.copy()
     pfs["tracked_at"] = [
         "1971-01-01 04:00:00", "1971-01-01 05:00:00", "1971-01-02 07:00:00"
     pfs = _trackintel_model(pfs, tz_cols=["tracked_at"], tz="UTC")
     assert_geodataframe_equal(pfs, example_positionfixes)
 def test_two_users(self, example_osna):
     """Test if two users are handled correctly."""
     two_user = example_osna.append(example_osna)
     two_user.iloc[len(example_osna):, 0] = 1  # second user gets id 1
     result = osna_method(two_user)
     two_user.loc[two_user["location_id"] == 0, "activity_label"] = "home"
     two_user.loc[two_user["location_id"] == 1, "activity_label"] = "work"
     assert_geodataframe_equal(result, two_user)
 def test_default(self, example_osna):
     """Test with no changes to test data."""
     osna = osna_method(example_osna)
     example_osna.loc[example_osna["location_id"] == 0,
                      "activity_label"] = "home"
     example_osna.loc[example_osna["location_id"] == 1,
                      "activity_label"] = "work"
     assert_geodataframe_equal(example_osna, osna)
Example #7
def test_transform2(epsg4326, epsg26918):
    df = df_epsg26918()
    lonlat = df.to_crs(**epsg4326)
    utm = lonlat.to_crs(**epsg26918)
    # can't check for CRS equality, as the formats differ although representing
    # the same CRS
    assert_geodataframe_equal(df, utm, check_less_precise=True,
Example #8
def test_empty_intersection(dfs):
    df1, df2 = dfs
    polys3 = GeoSeries([Polygon([(-1, -1), (-3, -1), (-3, -3), (-1, -3)]),
                        Polygon([(-3, -3), (-5, -3), (-5, -5), (-3, -5)])])
    df3 = GeoDataFrame({'geometry': polys3, 'col3': [1, 2]})
    expected = GeoDataFrame([], columns=['col1', 'col3', 'geometry'])
    result = overlay(df1, df3)
    assert_geodataframe_equal(result, expected, check_like=True)
Example #9
def test_overlay_nybb(how):
    polydf = read_file(geopandas.datasets.get_path('nybb'))

    # construct circles dataframe
    N = 10
    b = [int(x) for x in polydf.total_bounds]
    polydf2 = GeoDataFrame(
            [{'geometry': Point(x, y).buffer(10000), 'value1': x + y,
              'value2': x - y}
             for x, y in zip(range(b[0], b[2], int((b[2]-b[0])/N)),
                             range(b[1], b[3], int((b[3]-b[1])/N)))],

    result = overlay(polydf, polydf2, how=how)

    cols = ['BoroCode', 'BoroName', 'Shape_Leng', 'Shape_Area',
            'value1', 'value2']
    if how == 'difference':
        cols = cols[:-2]

    # expected result

    if how == 'identity':
        # read union one, further down below we take the appropriate subset
        expected = read_file(os.path.join(
            DATA, 'nybb_qgis', 'qgis-union.shp'))
        expected = read_file(os.path.join(
            DATA, 'nybb_qgis', 'qgis-{0}.shp'.format(how)))

    # The result of QGIS for 'union' contains incorrect geometries:
    # 24 is a full original circle overlapping with unioned geometries, and
    # 27 is a completely duplicated row)
    if how == 'union':
        expected = expected.drop([24, 27])
        expected.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
    # Eliminate observations without geometries (issue from QGIS)
    expected = expected[expected.is_valid]
    expected.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)

    if how == 'identity':
        expected = expected[expected.BoroCode.notnull()].copy()

    # Order GeoDataFrames
    expected = expected.sort_values(cols).reset_index(drop=True)

    # TODO needed adaptations to result
    result = result.sort_values(cols).reset_index(drop=True)

    if how in ('union', 'identity'):
        # concat < 0.23 sorts, so changes the order of the columns
        # but at least we ensure 'geometry' is the last column
        assert result.columns[-1] == 'geometry'
        assert len(result.columns) == len(expected.columns)
        result = result.reindex(columns=expected.columns)

    assert_geodataframe_equal(result, expected, check_crs=False,
Example #10
def test_overlay_nybb(how):
    polydf = read_file(geopandas.datasets.get_path('nybb'))

    # construct circles dataframe
    N = 10
    b = [int(x) for x in polydf.total_bounds]
    polydf2 = GeoDataFrame(
            [{'geometry': Point(x, y).buffer(10000), 'value1': x + y,
              'value2': x - y}
             for x, y in zip(range(b[0], b[2], int((b[2]-b[0])/N)),
                             range(b[1], b[3], int((b[3]-b[1])/N)))],

    result = overlay(polydf, polydf2, how=how)

    cols = ['BoroCode', 'BoroName', 'Shape_Leng', 'Shape_Area',
            'value1', 'value2']
    if how == 'difference':
        cols = cols[:-2]

    # expected result

    if how == 'identity':
        # read union one, further down below we take the appropriate subset
        expected = read_file(os.path.join(
            DATA, 'nybb_qgis', 'qgis-union.shp'))
        expected = read_file(os.path.join(
            DATA, 'nybb_qgis', 'qgis-{0}.shp'.format(how)))

    # The result of QGIS for 'union' contains incorrect geometries:
    # 24 is a full original circle overlapping with unioned geometries, and
    # 27 is a completely duplicated row)
    if how == 'union':
        expected = expected.drop([24, 27])
        expected.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
    # Eliminate observations without geometries (issue from QGIS)
    expected = expected[expected.is_valid]
    expected.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)

    if how == 'identity':
        expected = expected[expected.BoroCode.notnull()].copy()

    # Order GeoDataFrames
    expected = expected.sort_values(cols).reset_index(drop=True)

    # TODO needed adaptations to result
    result = result.sort_values(cols).reset_index(drop=True)

    if how in ('union', 'identity'):
        # concat < 0.23 sorts, so changes the order of the columns
        # but at least we ensure 'geometry' is the last column
        assert result.columns[-1] == 'geometry'
        assert len(result.columns) == len(expected.columns)
        result = result.reindex(columns=expected.columns)

    assert_geodataframe_equal(result, expected, check_crs=False,
Example #11
def test_round_trip_current(tmpdir, current_pickle_data):
    data = current_pickle_data

    for name, value in data.items():
        path = str(tmpdir / "{}.pickle".format(name))
        result = pd.read_pickle(path)
        assert_geodataframe_equal(result, value)
        assert isinstance(result.has_sindex, bool)
Example #12
 def test_split_out_name(self):
     gpd_default = self.world.rename_geometry("geom").dissolve("continent")
     ddf = dask_geopandas.from_geopandas(self.world.rename_geometry("geom"),
     dd_split = ddf.dissolve("continent", split_out=4)
     assert dd_split.npartitions == 4
Example #13
def test_no_intersection():
    # overlapping bounds but non-overlapping geometries
    gs = GeoSeries([Point(x, x).buffer(0.1) for x in range(3)])
    gdf1 = GeoDataFrame({"foo": ["a", "b", "c"]}, geometry=gs)
    gdf2 = GeoDataFrame({"bar": ["1", "3", "5"]}, geometry=gs.translate(1))

    expected = GeoDataFrame(columns=["foo", "bar", "geometry"])
    result = overlay(gdf1, gdf2, how="intersection")
    assert_geodataframe_equal(result, expected, check_index_type=False)
 def test_setting_geometry(self, example_positionfixes):
     """Test the setting of the geometry."""
     # create pfs as dataframe
     pfs = pd.DataFrame(example_positionfixes[["user_id", "tracked_at"]],
     pfs["geom"] = example_positionfixes.geometry
     # check if geom column gets assigned to geometry
     pfs = _trackintel_model(pfs, geom_col="geom")
     assert_geodataframe_equal(example_positionfixes, pfs)
Example #15
def test_clip_with_polygon(single_rectangle_gdf):
    """Test clip when using a shapely object"""
    polygon = Polygon([(0, 0), (5, 12), (10, 0), (0, 0)])
    clipped = clip(single_rectangle_gdf, polygon)
    exp_poly = polygon.intersection(
        Polygon([(0, 0), (0, 10), (10, 10), (10, 0), (0, 0)]))
    exp = GeoDataFrame([1], geometry=[exp_poly], crs="EPSG:3857")
    exp["attr2"] = "site-boundary"
    assert_geodataframe_equal(clipped, exp)
 def test_extent_col(self, example_locations):
     """Test function with optional geom-column "extent"."""
     locs = example_locations.copy()
     del locs["extent"]
     coords = [[8.45, 47.6], [8.45, 47.4], [8.55, 47.4], [8.55, 47.6],
               [8.45, 47.6]]
     locs["extent_wrongname"] = Polygon(coords)
     locs = read_locations_gpd(locs, extent="extent_wrongname")
     assert_geodataframe_equal(locs, example_locations)
 def test_prior_activity_label(self, example_osna):
     """Test that prior activity_label column does not corrupt output."""
     example_osna["activity_label"] = np.arange(len(example_osna))
     result = osna_method(example_osna)
     del example_osna["activity_label"]
     example_osna.loc[example_osna["location_id"] == 0,
                      "activity_label"] = "home"
     example_osna.loc[example_osna["location_id"] == 1,
                      "activity_label"] = "work"
     assert_geodataframe_equal(example_osna, result)
Example #18
 def test_custom_labels(self, example_freq):
     """Test method with custom label of a different length"""
     custom_label = "doing_nothing"
     freq = freq_method(example_freq, "doing_nothing")
     example_freq["activity_label"] = None
     example_freq.loc[example_freq["location_id"] == 0,
                      "activity_label"] = custom_label
     assert freq["activity_label"].count(
     ) == example_freq["activity_label"].count()
     assert_geodataframe_equal(example_freq, freq)
Example #19
    def test_default(self):
        expected = self.world.set_index(
            _hilbert_distance(self.world, self.world.total_bounds,
                              level=16), ).sort_index()

        ddf = self.ddf.spatial_shuffle()
        assert ddf.npartitions == self.ddf.npartitions
        assert isinstance(ddf.spatial_partitions, geopandas.GeoSeries)

        assert_geodataframe_equal(ddf.compute(), expected)
Example #20
def test_to_crs_geo_column_name():
    # Test to_crs() with different geometry column name (GH#339)
    df = df_epsg26918()
    df = df.rename(columns={'geometry': 'geom'})
    df.set_geometry('geom', inplace=True)
    lonlat = df.to_crs(epsg=4326)
    utm = lonlat.to_crs(epsg=26918)
    assert lonlat.geometry.name == 'geom'
    assert utm.geometry.name == 'geom'
    assert_geodataframe_equal(df, utm, check_less_precise=True)
Example #21
def test_to_crs_geo_column_name():
    # Test to_crs() with different geometry column name (GH#339)
    df = df_epsg26918()
    df = df.rename(columns={"geometry": "geom"})
    df.set_geometry("geom", inplace=True)
    lonlat = df.to_crs(epsg=4326)
    utm = lonlat.to_crs(epsg=26918)
    assert lonlat.geometry.name == "geom"
    assert utm.geometry.name == "geom"
    assert_geodataframe_equal(df, utm, check_less_precise=True)
Example #22
def test_non_overlapping_geoms():
    """Test that a bounding box returns error if the extents don't overlap"""
    unit_box = Polygon([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0)])
    unit_gdf = GeoDataFrame([1], geometry=[unit_box], crs="EPSG:4326")
    non_overlapping_gdf = unit_gdf.copy()
    non_overlapping_gdf = non_overlapping_gdf.geometry.apply(
        lambda x: shapely.affinity.translate(x, xoff=20))
    out = clip(unit_gdf, non_overlapping_gdf)
        out, GeoDataFrame(columns=unit_gdf.columns, crs=unit_gdf.crs))
Example #23
 def test_transformation(self):
     """Check if data gets transformed."""
     file = os.path.join("tests", "data", "positionfixes.csv")
     pfs = ti.read_positionfixes_csv(file,
     pfs_2056 = pfs.to_crs("EPSG:2056")
     _, pfs_4326 = check_gdf_crs(pfs_2056, transform=True)
     assert_geodataframe_equal(pfs, pfs_4326, check_less_precise=True)
Example #24
def test_empty_intersection(dfs):
    df1, df2 = dfs
    polys3 = GeoSeries([
        Polygon([(-1, -1), (-3, -1), (-3, -3), (-1, -3)]),
        Polygon([(-3, -3), (-5, -3), (-5, -5), (-3, -5)]),
    df3 = GeoDataFrame({"geometry": polys3, "col3": [1, 2]})
    expected = GeoDataFrame([], columns=["col1", "col3", "geometry"])
    result = overlay(df1, df3)
    assert_geodataframe_equal(result, expected, check_dtype=False)
Example #25
    def test_pfs_without_sp(self, geolife_pfs_sp_long):
        """Delete pfs that belong to staypoints and see if they are detected."""
        pfs, sp = geolife_pfs_sp_long

        _, tpls_case1 = pfs.as_positionfixes.generate_triplegs(sp, method="between_staypoints")
        # only keep pfs where staypoint id is nan
        pfs_no_sp = pfs[pd.isna(pfs["staypoint_id"])].drop(columns="staypoint_id")
        _, tpls_case2 = pfs_no_sp.as_positionfixes.generate_triplegs(sp, method="between_staypoints")

        assert_geodataframe_equal(tpls_case1, tpls_case2)
Example #26
    def test_overlay(self, dfs, how):
        Basic test for availability of the GeoDataFrame method. Other
        overlay tests are located in tests/test_overlay.py
        df1, df2 = dfs

        expected = geopandas.overlay(df1, df2, how=how)
        result = df1.overlay(df2, how=how)
        assert_geodataframe_equal(result, expected)
Example #27
def test_transform2(epsg4326, epsg26918):
    df = df_epsg26918()
    lonlat = df.to_crs(**epsg4326)
    utm = lonlat.to_crs(**epsg26918)
    # can't check for CRS equality, as the formats differ although representing
    # the same CRS
Example #28
def test_h3_to_parent_aggregate(h3_geodataframe_with_values):
    result = h3_geodataframe_with_values.h3.h3_to_parent_aggregate(8)
    # TODO: Why does Pandas not preserve the order of groups here?
    index = pd.Index(["881f1d4811fffff", "881f1d4817fffff"], name="h3_08")
    geometry = [Polygon(h3.h3_to_geo_boundary(h, True)) for h in index]
    expected = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
        {"val": [5, 3]}, geometry=geometry, index=index, crs="epsg:4326"

    assert_geodataframe_equal(expected, result)
Example #29
    def test_Tessellation(self):
        tes = mm.Tessellation(self.df_buildings, "uID", self.limit, segment=2)
        tessellation = tes.tessellation
        assert len(tessellation) == len(self.df_tessellation)
        bands = mm.Tessellation(self.df_streets,
                                mm.buffered_limit(self.df_streets, 50),
        assert len(bands) == len(self.df_streets)

        #  test_enclosed_tessellation
        enc1 = mm.Tessellation(self.df_buildings,
        assert len(enc1) == 155
        assert isinstance(enc1, gpd.GeoDataFrame)

        enc1_loop = mm.Tessellation(self.df_buildings,
        assert len(enc1) == 155
        assert isinstance(enc1, gpd.GeoDataFrame)

        assert len(enc1_loop) == 155
        assert isinstance(enc1_loop, gpd.GeoDataFrame)

        assert_geodataframe_equal(enc1, enc1_loop)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

        enc1_loop = mm.Tessellation(self.df_buildings,
        assert len(enc1) == 155
        assert isinstance(enc1, gpd.GeoDataFrame)

        # erroneous geometry
        df = self.df_buildings
        b = df.total_bounds
        x = np.mean([b[0], b[2]])
        y = np.mean([b[1], b[3]])

        df.loc[144] = [145, Polygon([(x, y), (x, y + 1), (x + 1, y)])]
        df.loc[145] = [146, MultiPoint([(x, y), (x + 1, y)]).buffer(0.55)]
        df.loc[146] = [147, affinity.rotate(df.geometry.iloc[0], 12)]

        tess = mm.Tessellation(df, "uID", self.limit)
        assert tess.collapsed == {145}
        assert len(tess.multipolygons) == 3
Example #30
def test_overlay_overlap(how):
    Overlay test with overlapping geometries in both dataframes.
    Test files are created with::

        import geopandas
        from geopandas import GeoSeries, GeoDataFrame
        from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, LineString

        s1 = GeoSeries([Point(0, 0), Point(1.5, 0)]).buffer(1, resolution=2)
        s2 = GeoSeries([Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2)]).buffer(1, resolution=2)

        df1 = GeoDataFrame({'geometry': s1, 'col1':[1,2]})
        df2 = GeoDataFrame({'geometry': s2, 'col2':[1, 2]})

        ax = df1.plot(alpha=0.5)
        df2.plot(alpha=0.5, ax=ax, color='C1')


    and then overlay results are obtained from using  QGIS 2.16
    (Vector -> Geoprocessing Tools -> Intersection / Union / ...),
    saved to GeoJSON.
    df1 = read_file(os.path.join(DATA, "overlap", "df1_overlap.geojson"))
    df2 = read_file(os.path.join(DATA, "overlap", "df2_overlap.geojson"))

    result = overlay(df1, df2, how=how)

    if how == "identity":
        raise pytest.skip()

    expected = read_file(
        os.path.join(DATA, "overlap",

    if how == "union":
        # the QGIS result has the last row duplicated, so removing this
        expected = expected.iloc[:-1]

    # TODO needed adaptations to result
    result = result.reset_index(drop=True)
    if how == "union":
        result = result.sort_values(["col1", "col2"]).reset_index(drop=True)

Example #31
def test_transform2(epsg4326, epsg26918):
    # with PROJ >= 7, the transformation using EPSG code vs proj4 string is
    # slightly different due to use of grid files or not -> turn off network
    # to not use grid files at all for this test
    os.environ["PROJ_NETWORK"] = "OFF"
    df = df_epsg26918()
    lonlat = df.to_crs(**epsg4326)
    utm = lonlat.to_crs(**epsg26918)
    # can't check for CRS equality, as the formats differ although representing
    # the same CRS
    assert_geodataframe_equal(df, utm, check_less_precise=True, check_crs=False)
Example #32
    def test_transformation(self):
        """Check if data gets transformed."""

        file = os.path.join('tests', 'data', 'positionfixes.csv')
        pfs = ti.read_positionfixes_csv(file,
        pfs_2056 = pfs.to_crs("EPSG:2056")
        pfs_4326 = ti.visualization.util.transform_gdf_to_wgs84(pfs_2056)
        assert_geodataframe_equal(pfs, pfs_4326, check_less_precise=True)
Example #33
    def test_parallel_computing(self):
        """The result obtained with parallel computing should be identical."""
        pfs, _ = ti.io.dataset_reader.read_geolife(os.path.join("tests", "data", "geolife_long"))
        # without parallel computing code
        pfs_ori, sp_ori = pfs.as_positionfixes.generate_staypoints(n_jobs=1)
        # using two cores
        pfs_para, sp_para = pfs.as_positionfixes.generate_staypoints(n_jobs=2)

        # the result of parallel computing should be identical
        assert_geodataframe_equal(pfs_ori, pfs_para)
        assert_geodataframe_equal(sp_ori, sp_para)
Example #34
def deep_eq(fst_obj, snd_obj):
    """Compares whether fst_obj and snd_obj are deeply equal.

    In case when both fst_obj and snd_obj are of type np.ndarray or either np.memmap, they are compared using
    np.array_equal(fst_obj, snd_obj). Otherwise, when they are lists or tuples, they are compared for length and then
    deep_eq is applied component-wise. When they are dict, they are compared for key set equality, and then deep_eq is
    applied value-wise. For all other data types that are not list, tuple, dict, or np.ndarray, the method falls back
    to the __eq__ method.

    Because np.ndarray is not a hashable object, it is impossible to form a set of numpy arrays, hence deep_eq works

    :param fst_obj: First object compared
    :param snd_obj: Second object compared
    :return: `True` if objects are deeply equal, `False` otherwise
    # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
    if not isinstance(fst_obj, type(snd_obj)):
        return False

    if isinstance(fst_obj, np.ndarray):
        if fst_obj.dtype != snd_obj.dtype:
            return False
        fst_nan_mask = np.isnan(fst_obj)
        snd_nan_mask = np.isnan(snd_obj)
        return np.array_equal(fst_obj[~fst_nan_mask], snd_obj[~snd_nan_mask]) and \
            np.array_equal(fst_nan_mask, snd_nan_mask)

    if isinstance(fst_obj, gpd.GeoDataFrame):
            assert_geodataframe_equal(fst_obj, snd_obj)
            return True
        except AssertionError:
            return False

    if isinstance(fst_obj, (list, tuple)):
        if len(fst_obj) != len(snd_obj):
            return False

        for element_fst, element_snd in zip(fst_obj, snd_obj):
            if not deep_eq(element_fst, element_snd):
                return False
        return True

    if isinstance(fst_obj, dict):
        if fst_obj.keys() != snd_obj.keys():
            return False

        for key in fst_obj:
            if not deep_eq(fst_obj[key], snd_obj[key]):
                return False
        return True

    return fst_obj == snd_obj
Example #35
def test_correct_index(dfs):
    # GH883 - case where the index was not properly reset
    df1, df2 = dfs
    polys3 = GeoSeries([Polygon([(1, 1), (3, 1), (3, 3), (1, 3)]),
                        Polygon([(-1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 3), (-1, 3)]),
                        Polygon([(3, 3), (5, 3), (5, 5), (3, 5)])])
    df3 = GeoDataFrame({'geometry': polys3, 'col3': [1, 2, 3]})
    i1 = Polygon([(1, 1), (1, 3), (3, 3), (3, 1), (1, 1)])
    i2 = Polygon([(3, 3), (3, 5), (5, 5), (5, 3), (3, 3)])
    expected = GeoDataFrame([[1, 1, i1], [3, 2, i2]],
                            columns=['col3', 'col2', 'geometry'])
    result = overlay(df3, df2)
    assert_geodataframe_equal(result, expected)
Example #36
def test_overlay_overlap(how):
    Overlay test with overlapping geometries in both dataframes.
    Test files are created with::

        import geopandas
        from geopandas import GeoSeries, GeoDataFrame
        from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, LineString

        s1 = GeoSeries([Point(0, 0), Point(1.5, 0)]).buffer(1, resolution=2)
        s2 = GeoSeries([Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2)]).buffer(1, resolution=2)

        df1 = GeoDataFrame({'geometry': s1, 'col1':[1,2]})
        df2 = GeoDataFrame({'geometry': s2, 'col2':[1, 2]})

        ax = df1.plot(alpha=0.5)
        df2.plot(alpha=0.5, ax=ax, color='C1')


    and then overlay results are obtained from using  QGIS 2.16
    (Vector -> Geoprocessing Tools -> Intersection / Union / ...),
    saved to GeoJSON.
    df1 = read_file(os.path.join(DATA, 'overlap', 'df1_overlap.geojson'))
    df2 = read_file(os.path.join(DATA, 'overlap', 'df2_overlap.geojson'))

    result = overlay(df1, df2, how=how)

    if how == 'identity':
        raise pytest.skip()

    expected = read_file(os.path.join(
        DATA, 'overlap', 'df1_df2_overlap-{0}.geojson'.format(how)))

    if how == 'union':
        # the QGIS result has the last row duplicated, so removing this
        expected = expected.iloc[:-1]

    # TODO needed adaptations to result
    result = result.reset_index(drop=True)
    if how == 'union':
        result = result.sort_values(['col1', 'col2']).reset_index(drop=True)

    assert_geodataframe_equal(result, expected, check_column_type=False,
Example #37
def test_geodataframe():
    assert_geodataframe_equal(df1, df2)

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        assert_geodataframe_equal(df1, df2, check_less_precise=True)

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        assert_geodataframe_equal(df1, df2[['geometry', 'col1']])

    assert_geodataframe_equal(df1, df2[['geometry', 'col1']], check_like=True)

    df3 = df2.copy()
    df3.loc[0, 'col1'] = 10
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        assert_geodataframe_equal(df1, df3)
Example #38
def test_overlay(dfs_index, how, use_sindex):
    Basic overlay test with small dummy example dataframes (from docs).
    Results obtained using QGIS 2.16 (Vector -> Geoprocessing Tools ->
    Intersection / Union / ...), saved to GeoJSON
    df1, df2 = dfs_index
    result = overlay(df1, df2, how=how, use_sindex=use_sindex)

    # construction of result

    def _read(name):
        expected = read_file(
            os.path.join(DATA, 'polys', 'df1_df2-{0}.geojson'.format(name)))
        expected.crs = None
        return expected

    if how == 'identity':
        expected_intersection = _read('intersection')
        expected_difference = _read('difference')
        expected = pd.concat([
        ], ignore_index=True, sort=False)
        expected['col1'] = expected['col1'].astype(float)
        expected = _read(how)

    # TODO needed adaptations to result
    if how == 'union':
        result = result.sort_values(['col1', 'col2']).reset_index(drop=True)
    elif how == 'difference':
        result = result.reset_index(drop=True)

    assert_geodataframe_equal(result, expected, check_column_type=False)

    # for difference also reversed
    if how == 'difference':
        result = overlay(df2, df1, how=how, use_sindex=use_sindex)
        result = result.reset_index(drop=True)
        expected = _read('difference-inverse')
        assert_geodataframe_equal(result, expected, check_column_type=False)
Example #39
def test_geometry_not_named_geometry(dfs, how, other_geometry):
    # Issue #306
    # Add points and flip names
    df1, df2 = dfs
    df3 = df1.copy()
    df3 = df3.rename(columns={'geometry': 'polygons'})
    df3 = df3.set_geometry('polygons')
    if other_geometry:
        df3['geometry'] = df1.centroid.geometry
    assert df3.geometry.name == 'polygons'

    res1 = overlay(df1, df2, how=how)
    res2 = overlay(df3, df2, how=how)

    assert df3.geometry.name == 'polygons'

    if how == 'difference':
        # in case of 'difference', column names of left frame are preserved
        assert res2.geometry.name == 'polygons'
        if other_geometry:
            assert 'geometry' in res2.columns
            assert_geoseries_equal(res2['geometry'], df3['geometry'],
            res2 = res2.drop(['geometry'], axis=1)
        res2 = res2.rename(columns={'polygons': 'geometry'})
        res2 = res2.set_geometry('geometry')

    # TODO if existing column is overwritten -> geometry not last column
    if other_geometry and how == 'intersection':
        res2 = res2.reindex(columns=res1.columns)
    assert_geodataframe_equal(res1, res2)

    df4 = df2.copy()
    df4 = df4.rename(columns={'geometry': 'geom'})
    df4 = df4.set_geometry('geom')
    if other_geometry:
        df4['geometry'] = df2.centroid.geometry
    assert df4.geometry.name == 'geom'

    res1 = overlay(df1, df2, how=how)
    res2 = overlay(df1, df4, how=how)
    assert_geodataframe_equal(res1, res2)
Example #40
    def test_align(self):
        df = self.df2

        res1, res2 = df.align(df)
        assert_geodataframe_equal(res1, df)
        assert_geodataframe_equal(res2, df)

        res1, res2 = df.align(df.copy())
        assert_geodataframe_equal(res1, df)
        assert_geodataframe_equal(res2, df)

        # assert crs is / is not preserved on mixed dataframes
        df_nocrs = df.copy()
        df_nocrs.crs = None
        res1, res2 = df.align(df_nocrs)
        assert_geodataframe_equal(res1, df)
        assert res1.crs is not None
        assert_geodataframe_equal(res2, df_nocrs)
        assert res2.crs is None

        # mixed GeoDataFrame / DataFrame
        df_nogeom = pd.DataFrame(df.drop('geometry', axis=1))
        res1, res2 = df.align(df_nogeom, axis=0)
        assert_geodataframe_equal(res1, df)
        assert type(res2) == pd.DataFrame
        assert_frame_equal(res2, df_nogeom)

        # same as above but now with actual alignment
        df1 = df.iloc[1:].copy()
        df2 = df.iloc[:-1].copy()

        exp1 = df.copy()
        exp1.iloc[0] = np.nan
        exp2 = df.copy()
        exp2.iloc[-1] = np.nan
        res1, res2 = df1.align(df2)
        assert_geodataframe_equal(res1, exp1)
        assert_geodataframe_equal(res2, exp2)

        df2_nocrs = df2.copy()
        df2_nocrs.crs = None
        exp2_nocrs = exp2.copy()
        exp2_nocrs.crs = None
        res1, res2 = df1.align(df2_nocrs)
        assert_geodataframe_equal(res1, exp1)
        assert res1.crs is not None
        assert_geodataframe_equal(res2, exp2_nocrs)
        assert res2.crs is None

        df2_nogeom = pd.DataFrame(df2.drop('geometry', axis=1))
        exp2_nogeom = pd.DataFrame(exp2.drop('geometry', axis=1))
        res1, res2 = df1.align(df2_nogeom, axis=0)
        assert_geodataframe_equal(res1, exp1)
        assert type(res2) == pd.DataFrame
        assert_frame_equal(res2, exp2_nogeom)
Example #41
def test_no_crs():
    df1 = GeoDataFrame({'col1': [1, 2], 'geometry': s1}, crs=None)
    df2 = GeoDataFrame({'col1': [1, 2], 'geometry': s1}, crs={})
    assert_geodataframe_equal(df1, df2)
Example #42
def test_to_crs_transform():
    df = df_epsg26918()
    lonlat = df.to_crs(epsg=4326)
    utm = lonlat.to_crs(epsg=26918)
    assert_geodataframe_equal(df, utm, check_less_precise=True)
Example #43
def test_to_crs_inplace():
    df = df_epsg26918()
    lonlat = df.to_crs(epsg=4326)
    df.to_crs(epsg=4326, inplace=True)
    assert_geodataframe_equal(df, lonlat, check_less_precise=True)