Example #1
 def test_distance_to_polygon(self):
     """Test calculating distance to point."""
     home_coordinates = [-31.0, 150.0]
     mock_polygon = Polygon([
         Point(-30.0, 151.0),
         Point(-30.0, 151.5),
         Point(-30.5, 151.5),
         Point(-30.5, 151.0),
         Point(-30.0, 151.0)
     distance = GeoRssDistanceHelper.\
         distance_to_geometry(home_coordinates, mock_polygon)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(distance, 110.6, 1)
Example #2
 def test_extract_coordinates_from_polygon(self):
     """Test extracting coordinates from polygon."""
     mock_polygon = Polygon([
         Point(-30.0, 151.0),
         Point(-30.0, 151.5),
         Point(-30.5, 151.5),
         Point(-30.5, 151.0),
         Point(-30.0, 151.0)
     latitude, longitude = GeoRssDistanceHelper.\
     self.assertAlmostEqual(latitude, -30.2, 1)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(longitude, 151.2, 1)
Example #3
 def test_polygon(self):
     """Test polygon."""
     polygon = Polygon([
         Point(-30.1, 150.1),
         Point(-30.2, 150.2),
         Point(-30.4, 150.4),
         Point(-30.8, 150.8),
         Point(-30.1, 150.1)
     assert len(polygon.points) == 5
     assert polygon.centroid.latitude == -30.32
     assert polygon.centroid.longitude == 150.32
     assert repr(polygon) == "<Polygon(centroid=" \
                             "<Point(latitude=-30.32, longitude=150.32)>)>"
Example #4
 def test_distance_to_point(self):
     """Test calculating distance to point."""
     home_coordinates = [-31.0, 150.0]
     mock_point = Point(-30.0, 151.0)
     distance = GeoRssDistanceHelper.\
         distance_to_geometry(home_coordinates, mock_point)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(distance, 146.8, 1)
Example #5
 def test_extract_coordinates_from_point(self):
     """Test extracting coordinates from point."""
     mock_point = Point(-30.0, 151.0)
     latitude, longitude = GeoRssDistanceHelper.\
     assert latitude == -30.0
     assert longitude == 151.0
Example #6
 def _create_polygon(coordinates):
     """Create a polygon from the provided coordinates."""
     if coordinates:
         if len(coordinates) % 2 != 0:
             # Not even number of coordinates - chop last entry.
             coordinates = coordinates[0:len(coordinates) - 1]
         points = []
         for i in range(0, len(coordinates), 2):
             points.append(Point(coordinates[i], coordinates[i + 1]))
         return Polygon(points)
     return None
Example #7
 def geometry(self) -> Optional[Geometry]:
     """Return the geometry of this feed item."""
     # <georss:point>-0.5 119.8</georss:point>
     point = self._attribute([XML_TAG_GEORSS_POINT])
     if point:
         return Point(point[0], point[1])
     # GML
     where = self._attribute([XML_TAG_GEORSS_WHERE])
     if where:
         # Point:
         # <georss:where>
         #   <gml:Point>
         #     <gml:pos>44.11 -66.23</gml:pos>
         #   </gml:Point>
         # </georss:where>
         pos = self._attribute_in_structure(
             where, [XML_TAG_GML_POINT, XML_TAG_GML_POS])
         if pos:
             return Point(pos[0], pos[1])
         # Polygon:
         # <georss:where>
         #   <gml:Polygon>
         #     <gml:exterior>
         #       <gml:LinearRing>
         #         <gml:posList>
         #           -71.106216 42.366661
         #           -71.105576 42.367104
         #           -71.104378 42.367134
         #           -71.103729 42.366249
         #           -71.098793 42.363331
         #           -71.101028 42.362541
         #           -71.106865 42.366123
         #           -71.106216 42.366661
         #         </gml:posList>
         #       </gml:LinearRing>
         #     </gml:exterior>
         #   </gml:Polygon>
         # </georss:where>
         pos_list = self._attribute_in_structure(where, [
         if pos_list:
             return self._create_polygon(pos_list)
     # <geo:Point xmlns:geo="http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#">
     #   <geo:lat>38.3728</geo:lat>
     #   <geo:long>15.7213</geo:long>
     # </geo:Point>
     point = self._attribute([XML_TAG_GEO_POINT])
     if point:
         lat = point.get(XML_TAG_GEO_LAT)
         long = point.get(XML_TAG_GEO_LONG)
         if long and lat:
             return Point(lat, long)
     # <geo:long>119.948006</geo:long>
     # <geo:lat>-23.126413</geo:lat>
     lat = self._attribute([XML_TAG_GEO_LAT])
     long = self._attribute([XML_TAG_GEO_LONG])
     if long and lat:
         return Point(lat, long)
     # <georss:polygon>
     #   -34.937663524 148.597260613
     #   -34.9377026399999 148.597169138
     #   -34.9377002169999 148.59708737
     #   -34.9376945989999 148.59705595
     #   -34.9376863529999 148.596955098
     #   -34.937663524 148.597260613
     # </georss:polygon>
     polygon = self._attribute([XML_TAG_GEORSS_POLYGON])
     if polygon:
         # For now, only supporting the first polygon.
         if isinstance(polygon, list) and isinstance(polygon[0], list):
             polygon = polygon[0]
         return self._create_polygon(polygon)
     # None of the above
     return None
Example #8
 def test_point(self):
     """Test point."""
     point = Point(-37.1234, 149.2345)
     assert point.latitude == -37.1234
     assert point.longitude == 149.2345
     assert repr(point) == "<Point(latitude=-37.1234, longitude=149.2345)>"