Example #1
 def test_rectangle_area(self):
     rectangle = Rectangle.enclosing(make_coordinates(5))
     self.assertTrue(rectangle.area() > 0)
     sw = Coordinates(-21, -61)
     ne = Coordinates(21, 61)
     large_rectangle = Rectangle(sw, ne)
     self.assertTrue(large_rectangle.area() > rectangle.area())
Example #2
    def _best_axis_bisection(self,
                             axis: Collection,
                             mapping=None) -> Tuple[List, List, float]:
        """Heuristic for determining a good split for the node.

        This method is meant to be used by the actual splitting algorithm, as
        several 'axes' must be considered for the choice of a good split.
        An axis consists in the elements of the node sorted in a certain way,
        regarding their geographical position.
        mapping = mapping or self.coords_of
        min_split_size = ceil(0.4 * self.capacity)
        best_self, best_other = None, None
        best_sum = float('inf')
        # Iterate over all possible ways of bisecting the axis that respect
        # the 'min_split_size' condition. Choose the one that will give
        # the lowest area sum.
        for i in range(min_split_size, self.capacity - min_split_size + 1):
            candidate_self = axis[:i]
            self_coords = [mapping(x) for x in candidate_self]
            candidate_other = axis[i:]
            other_coords = [mapping(x) for x in candidate_other]
            self_area = Rectangle.enclosing(self_coords).area()
            other_area = Rectangle.enclosing(other_coords).area()
            candidate_sum = self_area + other_area
            if candidate_sum < best_sum:
                best_self, best_other = candidate_self, candidate_other
                best_sum = candidate_sum
        return best_self, best_other, best_sum
Example #3
 def test_rectangle_contains(self):
     points = make_coordinates(5)
     rectangle = Rectangle.enclosing(points)
     self.assertTrue(all(rectangle.contains(p) for p in points))
     self.assertFalse(rectangle.contains(Coordinates(80, 120)))
Example #4
 def _calculate_bounds(self) -> Rectangle:
     south = west = float('inf')
     north = east = float('-inf')
     for x in self.children:
         north = max(north, x.bounds.ne.lat)
         east = max(east, x.bounds.ne.lng)
         south = min(south, x.bounds.sw.lat)
         west = min(west, x.bounds.sw.lng)
     return Rectangle(Coordinates(south, west), Coordinates(north, east))
Example #5
    def _update_bounds(self):
        """Update the bounding box for this node and its ancestors."""
        if self._get_load() == 0:
            self.bounds = Rectangle(Coordinates(0, 0), Coordinates(0, 0))
        self.bounds = self._calculate_bounds()

        if not self._is_root():
Example #6
 def get_area_increase(self, candidate) -> float:
     """Calculate the increase in area for this node if the passed candidate is inserted.
     if self.contains(candidate):
         return 0
     new_point = self.coords_of(candidate)
     new_sw = Coordinates(min(self.bounds.sw.lat, new_point.lat),
                          min(self.bounds.sw.lng, new_point.lng))
     new_ne = Coordinates(max(self.bounds.ne.lat, new_point.lat),
                          max(self.bounds.ne.lng, new_point.lng))
     new_area = Rectangle(new_sw, new_ne).area()
     curr_area = self.bounds.area()
     return new_area - curr_area
Example #7
    def test_rectangle_distance(self):
        interior = make_coordinates(5)
        rect = Rectangle.enclosing(interior)
        point = make_coordinates(1)[0]
        self.assertTrue(all(rect.distance_to_point(p) == 0 for p in interior))

        # Compare distances in 'km' because of rounding and approximation errors.
            rect.distance_to_point(point) // 1000,
            rect.sw.distance_to(point) // 1000)
            rect.distance_to_point(point) // 1000,
            rect.ne.distance_to(point) // 1000)
Example #8
 def _calculate_bounds(self) -> Rectangle:
     return Rectangle.enclosing([self.coords_of(x) for x in self.elements])
Example #9
 def test_rectangle_enclosing(self):
     sw = Coordinates(0, 0)
     ne = Coordinates(1, 1)
     rectangle = Rectangle.enclosing([sw, ne])
     self.assertEqual(sw, rectangle.sw)
     self.assertEqual(ne, rectangle.ne)