Example #1
    def test_5_to_1(self):
        """test the 5km to 1km interpolation facility
        #gfilename = "testdata/MOD03_A12097_174256_2012097175435.hdf"
        gfilename = "/san1/test/data/modis/MOD03_A12097_174256_2012097175435.hdf"
        #filename = "testdata/MOD021km_A12097_174256_2012097175435.hdf"
        filename = "/san1/test/data/modis/MOD021km_A12097_174256_2012097175435.hdf"
        from pyhdf.SD import SD
        from pyhdf.error import HDF4Error

            gdata = SD(gfilename)
            data = SD(filename)
        except HDF4Error:
            print "Failed reading both eos-hdf files %s and %s" % (gfilename, filename)
        glats = gdata.select("Latitude")[:]
        glons = gdata.select("Longitude")[:]
        lats = data.select("Latitude")[:]
        lons = data.select("Longitude")[:]
        tlons, tlats = modis5kmto1km(lons, lats)

        self.assert_(np.allclose(tlons, glons, atol=0.05))
        self.assert_(np.allclose(tlats, glats, atol=0.05))
Example #2
def get_lat_lon_modis(satscene, options):
    """Read lat and lon.
    filename_tmpl = satscene.time_slot.strftime(options["geofile"])
    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(options["dir"], filename_tmpl))

    if len(file_list) == 0:
        # Try in the same directory as the data
        data_dir = os.path.split(options["filename"])[0]
        file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, filename_tmpl))

    if len(file_list) > 1:
        logger.warning("More than 1 geolocation file matching!")
        filename = max(file_list, key=lambda x: os.stat(x).st_mtime)
        coarse_resolution = 1000
    elif len(file_list) == 0:
        logger.warning("No geolocation file matching " + filename_tmpl
                       + " in " + options["dir"])
        logger.debug("Using 5km geolocation and interpolating")
        filename = options["filename"]
        coarse_resolution = 5000
        filename = file_list[0]
        coarse_resolution = 1000

    logger.debug("Loading geolocation file: " + str(filename)
                 + " at resolution " + str(coarse_resolution))

    resolution = options["resolution"]

    data = SD(str(filename))
    lat = data.select("Latitude")
    fill_value = lat.attributes()["_FillValue"]
    lat = np.ma.masked_equal(lat.get(), fill_value)
    lon = data.select("Longitude")
    fill_value = lon.attributes()["_FillValue"]
    lon = np.ma.masked_equal(lon.get(), fill_value)

    if resolution == coarse_resolution:
        return lat, lon

    cores = options["cores"]

    from geotiepoints import modis5kmto1km, modis1kmto500m, modis1kmto250m
    logger.debug("Interpolating from " + str(coarse_resolution)
                 + " to " + str(resolution))
    if coarse_resolution == 5000:
        lon, lat = modis5kmto1km(lon, lat)
    if resolution == 500:
        lon, lat = modis1kmto500m(lon, lat, cores)
    if resolution == 250:
        lon, lat = modis1kmto250m(lon, lat, cores)

    return lat, lon
Example #3
def get_lat_lon_modis(satscene, options):
    """Read lat and lon.
    filename_tmpl = satscene.time_slot.strftime(options["geofile"])
    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(options["dir"], filename_tmpl))

    if len(file_list) == 0:
        # Try in the same directory as the data
        data_dir = os.path.split(options["filename"])[0]
        file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, filename_tmpl))

    if len(file_list) > 1:
        logger.warning("More than 1 geolocation file matching!")
        filename = max(file_list, key=lambda x: os.stat(x).st_mtime)
        coarse_resolution = 1000
    elif len(file_list) == 0:
        logger.warning("No geolocation file matching " + filename_tmpl
                       + " in " + options["dir"])
        logger.debug("Using 5km geolocation and interpolating")
        filename = options["filename"]
        coarse_resolution = 5000
        filename = file_list[0]
        coarse_resolution = 1000

    logger.debug("Loading geolocation file: " + str(filename)
                 + " at resolution " + str(coarse_resolution))

    resolution = options["resolution"]

    data = SD(str(filename))
    lat = data.select("Latitude")
    fill_value = lat.attributes()["_FillValue"]
    lat = np.ma.masked_equal(lat.get(), fill_value)
    lon = data.select("Longitude")
    fill_value = lon.attributes()["_FillValue"]
    lon = np.ma.masked_equal(lon.get(), fill_value)

    if resolution == coarse_resolution:
        return lat, lon

    cores = options["cores"]

    from geotiepoints import modis5kmto1km, modis1kmto500m, modis1kmto250m
    logger.debug("Interpolating from " + str(coarse_resolution)
                 + " to " + str(resolution))
    if coarse_resolution == 5000:
        lon, lat = modis5kmto1km(lon, lat)
    if resolution == 500:
        lon, lat = modis1kmto500m(lon, lat, cores)
    if resolution == 250:
        lon, lat = modis1kmto250m(lon, lat, cores)

    return lat, lon
Example #4
    def test_5_to_1(self):
        """test the 5km to 1km interpolation facility

        with h5py.File(FILENAME_FULL) as h5f:
            glons = h5f['longitude'][:] / 1000.
            glats = h5f['latitude'][:] / 1000.

        with h5py.File(FILENAME_5KM) as h5f:
            lons = h5f['longitude'][:] / 1000.
            lats = h5f['latitude'][:] / 1000.

        tlons, tlats = modis5kmto1km(lons, lats)

        self.assert_(np.allclose(tlons, glons, atol=0.05))
        self.assert_(np.allclose(tlats, glats, atol=0.05))
    def test_5_to_1(self):
        """test the 5km to 1km interpolation facility

        with h5py.File(FILENAME_FULL) as h5f:
            glons = h5f['longitude'][:] / 1000.
            glats = h5f['latitude'][:] / 1000.

        with h5py.File(FILENAME_5KM) as h5f:
            lons = h5f['longitude'][:] / 1000.
            lats = h5f['latitude'][:] / 1000.

        tlons, tlats = modis5kmto1km(lons, lats)

        self.assert_(np.allclose(tlons, glons, atol=0.05))
        self.assert_(np.allclose(tlats, glats, atol=0.05))
Example #6
    def _create_coord_list(self, filenames, variable=None):
        import datetime as dt
        from cis.time_util import convert_time_since_to_std_time, cis_standard_time_unit
        from cis.utils import concatenate
        from cf_units import Unit
        from geotiepoints import modis5kmto1km

        variables = ['Latitude', 'Longitude', 'View_time']
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))

        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variables)

        apply_interpolation = False
        if variable is not None:
            scale = self.__get_data_scale(filenames[0], variable)
            apply_interpolation = True if scale is "1km" else False

        lat_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Latitude'], _get_MODIS_SDS_data)
        lat_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(sdata['Latitude'], "SD")

        lon_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Longitude'], _get_MODIS_SDS_data)
        lon_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(sdata['Longitude'], "SD")

        if apply_interpolation:
            lon_data, lat_data = modis5kmto1km(lon_data, lat_data)

        lat_coord = Coord(lat_data, lat_metadata, 'Y')
        lon_coord = Coord(lon_data, lon_metadata, 'X')

        time = sdata['View_time']
        time_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(time, "SD")
        # Ensure the standard name is set
        time_metadata.standard_name = 'time'
        time_metadata.units = cis_standard_time_unit

        t_arrays = []
        for f, d in zip(filenames, time):
            time_start = self._get_start_date(f)
            t_data = _get_MODIS_SDS_data(
                d) / 24.0  # Convert hours since to days since
            t_offset = time_start - dt.datetime(1600, 1,
                                                1)  # Convert to CIS time
            t_arrays.append(t_data + t_offset.days)

        time_coord = Coord(concatenate(t_arrays), time_metadata, "T")

        return CoordList([lat_coord, lon_coord, time_coord])
Example #7
    def _create_coord_list(self, filenames, variable=None):
        import datetime as dt
        from cis.time_util import convert_time_since_to_std_time, cis_standard_time_unit
        from cis.utils import concatenate
        from cf_units import Unit
        from geotiepoints import modis5kmto1km

        variables = ['Latitude', 'Longitude', 'View_time']
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))

        sdata, vdata = hdf.read(filenames, variables)

        apply_interpolation = False
        if variable is not None:
            scale = self.__get_data_scale(filenames[0], variable)
            apply_interpolation = True if scale is "1km" else False

        lat_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Latitude'], _get_MODIS_SDS_data)
        lat_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(sdata['Latitude'], "SD")

        lon_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Longitude'], _get_MODIS_SDS_data)
        lon_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(sdata['Longitude'], "SD")

        if apply_interpolation:
            lon_data, lat_data = modis5kmto1km(lon_data, lat_data)

        lat_coord = Coord(lat_data, lat_metadata, 'Y')
        lon_coord = Coord(lon_data, lon_metadata, 'X')

        time = sdata['View_time']
        time_metadata = hdf.read_metadata(time, "SD")
        # Ensure the standard name is set
        time_metadata.standard_name = 'time'
        time_metadata.units = cis_standard_time_unit

        t_arrays = []
        for f, d in zip(filenames, time):
            time_start = self._get_start_date(f)
            t_data = _get_MODIS_SDS_data(d) / 24.0  # Convert hours since to days since
            t_offset = time_start - dt.datetime(1600, 1, 1)  # Convert to CIS time
            t_arrays.append(t_data + t_offset.days)

        time_coord = Coord(concatenate(t_arrays), time_metadata, "T")

        return CoordList([lat_coord, lon_coord, time_coord])
Example #8
    def get_lonlat(self, resolution, cores=1):
        """Read lat and lon.
        if resolution in self.areas:
            return self.areas[resolution]
        logger.debug("generating lon, lat at %d", resolution)
        if self.geofile is not None:
            coarse_resolution = 1000
            filename = self.geofile
            coarse_resolution = 5000
            logger.info("Using 5km geolocation and interpolating")
            filename = (self.datafiles.get(1000) or
                        self.datafiles.get(500) or

        logger.debug("Loading geolocation from file: " + str(filename)
                     + " at resolution " + str(coarse_resolution))

        data = SD(str(filename))
        lat = data.select("Latitude")
        fill_value = lat.attributes()["_FillValue"]
        lat = np.ma.masked_equal(lat.get(), fill_value)
        lon = data.select("Longitude")
        fill_value = lon.attributes()["_FillValue"]
        lon = np.ma.masked_equal(lon.get(), fill_value)

        if resolution == coarse_resolution:
            self.areas[resolution] = lon, lat
            return lon, lat

        from geotiepoints import modis5kmto1km, modis1kmto500m, modis1kmto250m
        logger.debug("Interpolating from " + str(coarse_resolution)
                     + " to " + str(resolution))
        if coarse_resolution == 5000:
            lon, lat = modis5kmto1km(lon, lat)
        if resolution == 500:
            lon, lat = modis1kmto500m(lon, lat, cores)
        if resolution == 250:
            lon, lat = modis1kmto250m(lon, lat, cores)

        self.areas[resolution] = lon, lat
        return lon, lat
Example #9
    def get_lonlat(self, resolution, time_slot, cores=1):
        """Read lat and lon.
        if (resolution, time_slot) in self.areas:
            return self.areas[resolution, time_slot]
        logger.debug("generating lon, lat at %d", resolution)
        if self.geofile is not None:
            coarse_resolution = 1000
            filename = self.geofile
            coarse_resolution = 5000
            logger.info("Using 5km geolocation and interpolating")
            filename = (self.datafiles.get(1000) or
                        self.datafiles.get(500) or

        logger.debug("Loading geolocation from file: " + str(filename)
                     + " at resolution " + str(coarse_resolution))

        data = SD(str(filename))
        lat = data.select("Latitude")
        fill_value = lat.attributes()["_FillValue"]
        lat = np.ma.masked_equal(lat.get(), fill_value)
        lon = data.select("Longitude")
        fill_value = lon.attributes()["_FillValue"]
        lon = np.ma.masked_equal(lon.get(), fill_value)

        if resolution == coarse_resolution:
            self.areas[resolution] = lon, lat
            return lon, lat

        from geotiepoints import modis5kmto1km, modis1kmto500m, modis1kmto250m
        logger.debug("Interpolating from " + str(coarse_resolution)
                     + " to " + str(resolution))
        if coarse_resolution == 5000:
            lon, lat = modis5kmto1km(lon, lat)
        if resolution == 500:
            lon, lat = modis1kmto500m(lon, lat, cores)
        if resolution == 250:
            lon, lat = modis1kmto250m(lon, lat, cores)

        self.areas[resolution, time_slot] = lon, lat
        return lon, lat
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


import h5py
import numpy as np
from geotiepoints import modis5kmto1km

FILENAME_FULL = 'testdata/test_5_to_1_geoloc_full.h5'
FILENAME_5KM = 'testdata/test_5_to_1_geoloc_5km.h5'

with h5py.File(FILENAME_FULL) as h5f:
    glons = h5f['longitude'][:] / 1000.
    glats = h5f['latitude'][:] / 1000.

with h5py.File(FILENAME_5KM) as h5f:
    lons = h5f['longitude'][:] / 1000.
    lats = h5f['latitude'][:] / 1000.

tlons, tlats = modis5kmto1km(lons, lats)

print np.allclose(tlons, glons, atol=0.05)
print np.allclose(tlats, glats, atol=0.05)
Example #11
def get_modis_1km_rgb(filename, verbose=False):
    """ get RGB reflectance from MxD021KM file.

    filename : str
        MxD021KM file.

    rgb : 3D numpy array
        R, G, and B channel TOA reflectance
        (without solar zenith angel correction.)


    varname_list = [\
            'EV_250_Aggr1km_RefSB', \
            'EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB', \
            'EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB', \

    ind_list = [0, 1, 0]

    if verbose:
        print(' - get_modis_1km_rgb: reading ' + filename)

    # open dataset
    fid = Dataset(filename, 'r')

    # get RGB
    rgb = []
    for i in range(len(varname_list)):

        varname = varname_list[i]
        ind = ind_list[i]

        var = fid.variables[varname]

        scale_factor = var.reflectance_scales[ind]
        offset = var.reflectance_offsets[ind]

        var = var
        var = var[ind, :, :]
        var = (var - offset) * scale_factor

        var[var < 0.0] = 0.0
        var[var > 1.0] = 1.0

        if i == 0:
            rgb = np.zeros((var.shape[0], var.shape[1], 3))

        rgb[:, :, i] = var

    # get latitude and lonitude
    lat = fid.variables['Latitude'][:]
    lon = fid.variables['Longitude'][:]
    lon, lat = modis5kmto1km(lon, lat)

    # close dataset

    return lat, lon, rgb

# %% {"scrolled": true}
lat_5km = the_file.select('Latitude') # select sds
lon_5km = the_file.select('Longitude') # select sds

# %% [markdown]
# ## get the coase 5km lat/lons

# %%
import geotiepoints
lons_1km, lats_1km = geotiepoints.modis5kmto1km(lon_5km, lat_5km)

# %% [markdown]
# ## Interpolate to 1 km using geotiepoints
# Use https://python-geotiepoints.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

# %%

# %% [markdown]
# ## open one of the datasets (EV_1KM_Emissive) and get its shape and data type

# %%
longwave_data = the_file.select('EV_1KM_Emissive') # select sds
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import h5py
import numpy as np
from geotiepoints import modis5kmto1km

FILENAME_FULL = 'testdata/test_5_to_1_geoloc_full.h5'
FILENAME_5KM = 'testdata/test_5_to_1_geoloc_5km.h5'

with h5py.File(FILENAME_FULL) as h5f:
    glons = h5f['longitude'][:] / 1000.
    glats = h5f['latitude'][:] / 1000.

with h5py.File(FILENAME_5KM) as h5f:
    lons = h5f['longitude'][:] / 1000.
    lats = h5f['latitude'][:] / 1000.

tlons, tlats = modis5kmto1km(lons, lats)

print np.allclose(tlons, glons, atol=0.05)
print np.allclose(tlats, glats, atol=0.05)